Showing posts with label Jessica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jessica. Show all posts

Friday, January 11, 2019

Jessica Simpson Pregnancy is Swell

There’s trouble afoot … 
Jessica Simpson is beggin’ for help after suffering an extreme case of edema during her pregnancy … one that’s caused her left leg to take on more water than the Titanic. 
The 38-year-old reached out to fans for tips on Thursday night &...
Jessica Simpson Pregnancy is Swell

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Jessica Alba Let Off with Warning After Cop Pulls Her Over for Cell Phone

Jessica Alba’s morning got off to a rough start but she still had reason to smile … she got off with just a warning after getting pulled over by cops. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … Jessica was pulled over Wednesday morning in Bev…


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Jessica Simpson: Check Out My Baby Bump!!!

Jessica Simpson once sang that her boots were made for walking.

And that may still be true.

But fans at the moment are focused on something else as it relates to the singer: her stomach… and how it’s made for growing more and more each day.

Not because the singer is pigging out or anything, no.

But because she’s pregnant!!!!

Indeed, Simpson and husband Eric Johnson took social media followes by surprise on Tuesday when they announced that Simpson has a third bun in her beautiful oven.

Another baby is on the way!

Jessica shared this exciting news in fun fashion, too, posting to Instagram a pair of photos.

Both of them feature her two children; both of them feature a bunch of balloons; and both of them helped the artist reveal the gender of her upcoming child.

“This little baby girl will make us a family of five. We couldn’t be happier to announce this precious blessing of life,” wrote Simpson as confirmation of the life inside her womb.

balloons and kids

Following this reveal, the ex-wife of Nick Lachey and former MTV reality star provided supporters with their very first look at her baby bump.

Standing out in a beautiful sunlit garden, surrounded by vibrant green and flowers, Simpson has her hands on her midsection in a flowing, Bohemian dress in the following image.

“My Baby Love,” she wrote as a simple caption.

Within just 20 minutes of the snapshot going live, it has received over 46,000 Likes, with nearly every comment an expression of excitement and congratulations from Simpson’s fans.

Check it out here:

Not really a singer or an active celebrity in any sense these days, Simpson’s main focus for years has been on her kids.

“The fact that people think I’m doing a pretty good job [as a mother] is the best compliment,” she said while being honored at the 40th Annual Outstanding Mother Awards in May.

She has a six-year old and a five-year old at home already and is clearly a very hands-on parent.

“When I’m a mother, I want to actually be a mother,” she said at this same ceremony. “I don’t want a nanny doing everything for me.”

Simpson and Johnon, a former NFL tight end, welcomed a daughter named Maxwell in May of 2012.

Wasting little time in procreating, they then welcomed a son named Ace in June of 2013.

“The most rewarding part of being a mother is really just watching my kids grow,” she told Entertainment Tonight this spring, adding at the time:

“It’s like, how much knowledge they have about life is just so meaningful to me, and how much heart they put into everything they do. There’s just nothing like the innocence of a child.”

So very true.

We send our best wishes to Jessicsa Simpson on a happy and healthy pregnancy.


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Jessica Vogel, Former Hell"s Kitchen Star, Dies at 34

Very sad news today out of the world of reality television:

Jessica Vogel, a former contestant on the Fox hit Hell’s Kitchen, died on Monday in New Jersey.

She was 34 years old.

This very sad piece of news was confirmed by, which spoke to Vogel’s fiance, John Michael Keyser.

He told the website that the chef’s “heart gave out” while she was being treated at a local hospital for colitis, which is an illness that causes inflammation in the digestive tract.

“We were planning to open a restaurant together,” Keyser told this outlet. “My heart is breaking.”

Vogel attended culinary school at Johnson & Wales in Denver.

She began her cooking career by working in the kitchen of Kevin’s Thyme in Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey, prior to becoming a pastry chef at Grange in Westwood and Christine Nunn’s Picnic on the Square in Ridgewood.

While working at a creperie and bakery in California, Vogel auditioned for Hell’s Kitchen, making her debut on the series in March of 2014.

She finished her run on the popular program in 12th place.

During this stint, Jessica impressed Gordon Ramsay with her rosemary-crusted venison loin with roasted potatoes and Brussels sprouts.

“Venison is one of the most difficult proteins to cook and you absolutely nailed it,” the notoriously hard-to-please celebrity chef told Vogel at the time.

“When she set her mind on something there was no way to stop her,” reads Vogel’s obituary on, adding:

“Jessica was fearless when it came to work, never backing down from a challenge.”

Vogel’s family said in this obituary that Jessica had battled issues with alcohol and drugs over the years.

“She recently committed to living a better life and had graduated from an inpatient rehabilitation program with hopes of regaining control of her life,” they said.

“Unfortunately, the damage done over the years was too great and she died, like she lived, a fighter.”

Vogel also appeared on the Food Network show Cutthroat Kitchen with Alton Brown in 2016 — appears to have written about her experience with alcoholism in a now-deleted 2017 Medium post.

“I’m weeks away from 34 years old and got told I drink too much and have cirrhosis,” she wrote.

“Did it stop me from pouring shots of alcohol? Nope. Did my lifestyle of sex, drugs and foie gras come to a born again Christian revelation? F-ck that noise.

“Life is a blaze of glory. I don’t know if you want an adventure tale, but I’m here and ready to tell. My name is Jess and I’ve lived to tell about it. To be continued…”

Fair Lawn-based chef Christine Nunn, who occasionally writes for The Record and, said she knew Vogel well.

“She knew more about the Bergen County dining scene than just about anyone,” Nunn told the latter website.

“She was really a talented chef who never reached her potential. It’s a shame.”

Vogel is survived by her parents, Donna Bruchmann and Mark Vogel, and her sister, Caitlin Johnstone.

May she rest in peace.


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Jessica Simpson: Mom-Shaming Fans FREAK OUT Over Son"s Broken Arm

Wagging a judgmental finger at famous mothers is a favorite activities among internet trolls, and Jessica Simpson seems to be one of their favorite targets as of late.

Jessica has been mom-shamed repeatedly and for a wide variety of alleged offenses.

Haters have criticized Simpson for allowing her daughter to wear makeup.

They’ve whined that she’s too busy taking selfies to properly care for her kids.

But mostly, they’ve lambasted Jessica for allowing her husband to be too rough while playing with 4-year-old son Ace.

The latest outrage stems from the video below that Jessica posted on Instagram earlier this week.

She captioned the clip:

“A broken bone doesn’t hold this kiddo down #waterproofcast #ACEKNUTE”

This being the internet in 2018, fans proceeded to immediately lose their freakin’ minds.

“Why do u do that wow! So ridiculous!” wrote one hyper-articulate follower.

“Love you, Jess, but why throw a kid with a cast on? Even in water,” commented another, while a third described the stunt as “the most ridiculous thing to be doing as a parent.”

But don’t worry, Jess has her defenders, too.

And man, are they hoping she’ll call them up and ask to be besties.

“Your son obviously has great air sense (athletic body control while executing inverted aerial maneuvers). The fact that his arm is in a protective cast is not an issue at all,” wrote one such sycophant.

“His arm is not used in executing the maneuver other than being a balancing device. Your critics are probably not very experienced in this maneuver,” the aqua-batics expert continued.

“And he executed it with fins on??! He’s got talent and obviously as the parent you know his talent and lack of risk!!”

It’s one of those comments that reminds you that whether you’re talking politics or literally any other topic under the sun, there is no room for centrism on the internet.

Either your’re calling CPS on Jessica or praising her son’s “inverted aerial maneuvers.”

So we’re gonna do something truly subversive and fall somewhere in the middle on this:

The stunt was fine and probably perfectly safe, but we can see how it might shock fans who have never seen something similar.

Now can we all get back to talking about how drunk Jessica is all the time?

That’s much more entertaining.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Jessica Eason Arrested "For Being a Crackhead," David Eason Claims

The feud between Jenelle Evans and Jessica Eason — the sister of Jenelle’s troglodyte husband, David Eason — has been both very entertaining and very, very sad.

It’s entertaining because both parties are pretty much equally awful, so it’s a joy every time one of them makes life slightly more miserable for the other.

But it’s sad because both Jenelle and Jessica have young children at home, and having moms who can’t seem to stay out of jail can’t be good for these kids’ psyches.

We don’t need to tell you that Jenelle has been arrested more times than the entire roster of the 1986 Mets.

But you might not have known that Jessica is giving Jenelle a run for her money in the rap sheet department.

Yes, like her deplorable older brother, Jessica Eason gets arrested with about the same frequency that most people fill their gas tanks.

Usually, the charges are drug-related, but like Jenelle, she likes to mix things up with an assault here and there.

Jessica’s latest brush with the law came when she arrived in court to address a prior arrest.

It seems she was searched upon her arrival, which was a problem, as Jessica plum forgot she had drugs in her pocket.

Jessica was cuffed and thrown in jail on charges of felony possession of a Schedule II controlled substance.

The folks at Starcasm point out that Schedule II narcotics include “opium, opium extracts – fluid and powder, codeine, hydrocodone, morphine, methadone, methamphetamine, Ritalin, and Adderall.”

Jessica spent the weekend behind bars but was released Monday morning on $ 5,000 bond.

The 38-year-old has been keeping a relatively low profile ever since.

Remarkably, Jenelle hasn’t addressed the arrest either, so you can be sure she’s currently composing the roast of the century.

But David is still unemployed, and he appears to have all the time in the world on his hands, so it wasn’t long before he took to Facebook to sound off:

“For all you HATERS who listen to Jess’ bullsh-t, here she is in county jail on charges of being a crackhead,” he wrote.

“This is why she makes up lies and slander about me because nobody will help her support her drug habit. I don’t associate with drug addicts no matter if they’re family or not, they can never be trusted!”

Compassionate stuff.

Jess still hasn’t posted one of the big public statements she’s known for, but she did address the arrest by replying to a tweet about David’s remarks:

“I had adderall in my pocket instead of in it’s original container,” she wrote.

“I have to show proof in court today. That’s it!! Unlike him and his nasty bitch of a wife! Im not defending him anymore. That’s it! Grow up David!”

Classy stuff with this family, as always.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of the many ways in which Jenelle and David are just the worst.


Jason Bateman Apologizes for Totally Disrespecting Jessica Walter

Arrested Development may truly be the funniest show in television history.

But there was nothing funny about Jason Bateman’s behavior during a recent interview with his co-stars.

Talking with the New York Times, the topic of Jeffrey Tambor’s on-set behavior was raised in a discussion that included Tambor himself, Bateman, Jessica Walter, Will Arnett and Alia Shawkat.

(Tambor quit the show Transparent amidst allegations of sexual misconduct and has admitted in the past to at least one tirade aimed at Walter during the filming of Arrested Development.)

“Not to belittle it or excuse it or anything, but in the entertainment industry it is incredibly common to have people who are, in quotes, ‘difficult.’ … And what you learn is context,” Batemn said, in an attempt to defend Tambor.

He continued:

“You learn about character and you learn about work habits, work ethics, and you start to understand. Because it’s a very amorphous process, this sort of [expletive] that we do, you know, making up fake life.

“It’s a weird thing, and it is a breeding ground for atypical behavior and certain people have certain processes.”

This was already a tough start, with Bateman labeling Tambor’s inappropriate remarks to Walter as merely “atypical” and simply a part of the acting process.

But making matters so much worse?

Walter was right next to him!

And he was interrupting her while she was fighting back tears in relation to what transpired with Tambor, according to the Times.

“That doesn’t mean it’s acceptable,” Shawkat jumped and said. “And the point is that things are changing, and people need to respect each other differently.”

Maintaing her composure as best she could, Walter finally got a chance to speak:

“[In] almost 60 years of working, I’ve never had anybody yell at me like that on a set and it’s hard to deal with, but I’m over it now,” she said, acknowledging that Tambor has apologized and she has chosen to let it go.

But Bateman wasn’t finished somehow.

He repeated his sentiment, saying:

“What we do for a living is not normal, and therefore the process is not normal sometimes, and to expect it to be normal is to not understand what happens on set.

“Again, not to excuse it, but to be surprised by people having a wobbly route to their goal, their process – it’s very rarely predictable.”

As you might expect, Bateman has been SLAMMED for these comments; for not just trying to mansplain away Tambor’s behavior…but to do it in front of his victim.

bate backlash

Faced with this very deserved backlash, Bateman issued a mea culpa this morning that reads as follows:

Based on listening to the NYT interview and hearing people’s thoughts online, I realize that I was wrong here.

I sound like I’m condoning yelling at work. I do not. It sounds like I’m excusing Jeffery. I do not. It sounds like I’m insensitive to Jessica. I am not.

In fact, I’m horrified that I wasn’t more aware of how this incident affected her.

I’m incredibly embarrassed and deeply sorry to have done that to Jessica,” Bateman continued via Twitter. “This is a big learning moment for me.

I shouldn’t have tried so hard to mansplain, or fix a fight, or make everything okay.

I should’ve focused more on what the most important part of it all is – there’s never any excuse for abuse, in any form, from any gender. And, the victim’s voice needs to be heard and respected. Period.

I didn’t say that and instead said a bunch of other stuff and not very well. I deeply, and sincerely, apologize.

This is, thankfully, a very good and thorough apology.

But come on, men!

This really isn’t very hard.

We need to do better.


Sunday, May 6, 2018

"Amazing Race" Winners Cody & Jessica Want Evel Dick to Get an Invite

“The Amazing Race” winners Cody Nickson and Jessica Graf — who met and became a couple on “Big Brother” — have another bright idea for CBS … invite “Big Brother’s” most polarizing contestants ever to the race. Cody and Jessica — who tell us…


Monday, April 30, 2018

Jessica Alba: Husband Pens Moving Birthday Tribute

Jessica Alba is kind, beautiful, and incredibly talented. A lot of people love her, and with good reason.

But few know her so well or love her so much as her husband, Cash Warren.

Over the weekend, he penned a beautiful birthday message to her that will make you believe in love again.

April 28 was Jessica Alba’s birthday, and this stunning actress turned 37 years old.

Cash wrote a touching tribute to his wife as she snuggled with the couple’s daughters.

(They have three children; Jessica Alba gave birth to their third child on New Year’s Eve, 2017)

“I wrote this last night :)”

Posting to Instagram, his heartwarming message has an endearingly earnest emoticon before it truly begins.

“My love – It’s the eve of your birthday, you’re sleeping, our daughters are next to you in our bed, and I couldn’t think of a better time to write you a short note.”

That is such a sweet image.

“I say it every year, but I’ll never get used to how quickly time flies.”

It must be extra hard to process, since his wife looks at least a decade younger than she is.

“We can turn tiny moments into landmark events or we can accept that landmark events are simply fleeting moments.” 

That is so poetic.

“Either way, I’m slowly realizing there’s no real way to keep tabs on life….sadly.”

Clearly, he wishes that he could record and relive every single moment of their beautiful lives.

“The specific memories fade but somehow we’re able to hold on to the feelings those memories create.”

He’s talking about implicit memories in comparison with explicit memories, and also about lasting impressions. But, you know, more romantically.

“And those feelings shape who we are and who we’ll become.”

That’s very true.

Cash thanks his beautiful wife Jessica for her evocative qualities.

“If I could thank you for one thing on your birthday, I’d thank you for giving me all the feelings.”

Fortunately, he can thank her for many things on her birthday.

Just … not until she wakes up.

“Today marks the first day of your next year of life.”

It sure does.

“And I promise to continue to cherish our tiny moments and our landmark events…”

That is so sweet!

And he isn’t done yet.

(Here we see Jessica holding her youngest baby, Hayes)

Cash finishes the message with an adorable statement.

“Cheers to you and another 365 days of having all the feels!”

(Note that “all of the feels” is a common expression on social media for expressing being overwhelmed with emotion, often by entertainment media like television or video games)

Finally, he signs his message.

“Happy Birthday my babe!! – me”

That is so cute, so genuine, and so sweet.

That kind of love is exactly the kind of praise and adoration that Jessica deserves in her life.

She is an actress, a businesswoman, a model, and an activist. She’s also a wife and a mother.

More than that, she’s a good person who has had her low moments in life.

It is wonderful to see a happily married couple, when Hollywood marriages too often seem rushed and then doomed to fall apart.

Jessica Alba deserves the world.


Friday, April 27, 2018

Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson Floating Around the Bahamas

Jessica Simpson’s husband, Eric Johnson, is getting an eyeful of his lady during a pretty hot beach vacay in the Bahamas. The couple’s chilling with some friends, and looks like this trip’s just for the adults … no kiddos were spotted while…


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Sarah Jessica Parker Sued for Allegedly Flaking on Jewelry Deal

Sarah Jessica Parker made a multi-million dollar deal to launch a new line of jewelry, but hasn’t come close to holding up her end of the bargain … according to a new suit. Jewelry designer Kat Florence claims she and SJP teamed up in October 2015…


Friday, April 20, 2018

Logic Files for Divorce from Wife Jessica

Logic just filed for divorce from his wife Jessica Andrea after just more than two years of marriage. Logic submitted the docs Thursday in Los Angeles. The couple did not have any children together. The rapper married Jessica in October 2015 when…


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Jessica Willis: My Father Toby Willis Molested Me Since I Was 3 Years Old

In 2016, The Willis Clan star Toby Willis was arrested for child-rape. It was immediately suspected that the deeply religious father of 12 homeschooled children had raped his own child.

Jessica Willis, his oldest child, is speaking out about her father, who is thankfully serving a lengthy sentence in prison for the horrors that he perpetrated upon his family.

Jessica, now 26 and married, is opening up for the first time about her father’s sexual and physical abuse.

In a heartbreaking post to her website, Jessica Willis details her father’s abuse.

“As far back as I can remember, I was sexually abused by my father.”

She’s not exaggerating, either.

“I figure I was around three years old in some of the earliest memories.”


“Initially, I had no way to know that anything was wrong. When I did eventually come to realize the fact, I had no way to accurately express what was happening to me.”

This is not uncommon at all in abuse victims. Many survivors also find it difficult to speak because they instinctively fear retaliation.

“There followed immense shame, distrust and hurt throughout my childhood — even in the happy times. Thus ran the two parallel storylines that became my life.”

Like countless children who endure abuse, she felt that what was happening was wrong, but did not fully question it.

That changed when she was 9 and her mother asked her some questions about how her father acted, to which she responded by nodding her head.

After that, she heard her mother raise her voice to her father for the first time.

“I didn’t understand that my father simply denied any wrongdoing and became more secretive and dangerous from then on.”

Pro-tip: if you suspect that your spouse is molesting or otherwise abusing your child, go to the police, not to your spouse.

Things did not get better for Jessica from that point on.

The Willis Clan - Then

Over time, her father tightened his grip on his growing family.

“Suffice  it to say my father controlled the family in every single area of life.”

Even when they became reality stars, they were no safer than before.

“Underneath the outward foundations of family, religion and homeschooling with an emphasis in the arts, there was a constant current of manipulation, domination, fear, and favor.”

Like countless children who grow up under those circumstances, she could not conceive that her life could be different or better.

“There was very little room inside the bubble of my world to imagine that there was any alternative.”

Like countless abuse survivors, reflecting upon her childhood fills her with disgust.

“Looking back now, it’s almost impossible to face the fact of what my life once used to be.”

When you are living through trauma like this, your mind conjures up coping mechanisms that “help” you to adapt to the unspeakable.

“Many things were normal for me that  should have never been met with anything other than outrage.”

“The abuse  developed and ebbed at various intervals over the years and into puberty.”

Over time, he seemed to lose some interest in sexually abusing her.

“The most graphic sexual abuse faded off for me when I was around seventeen years old but many inappropriate actions and attentions continued.”

She came to the grim realization that she was not his only victim.

“I feel like I truly knew that certain other members of my family were being sexually abused and I felt they knew this about me too. Conversations were had, tears were cried and we questioned how to ‘deal’  with the ‘situation."”

The Willis Clan - Now

She was almost 23 before something happened that caused the coping mechanisms that she had developed begin to break down.

“I came into my hotel room that night to find  my mother and some of my sisters sitting on the bed crying with that look on their face I had seen so many times before.”

Sometimes, it takes one event to shatter the denial.

“The coldest, blackest pit opened up in my stomach because no words needed to be said for me to know something had happened.”

Some survivors are haunted by needless guilt and the feeling that they failed to protect their younger siblings from suffering as they suffered. It is never their fault.

“How was I here again? I could not stay in denial about my past because it obviously wasn’t staying in the past even though at times I had tried so hard to forgive and forget.”

Part of what makes PTSD so difficult is the P — for post. Everything that you’ve been denying just to survive comes back to you. Even if you aren’t yet safe.

“Things were not over. They had never been over. Sexual abuse was still happening.”

Eventually, she wrote 14 pages of details of what her father had done to her. She showed it to her mother, who was outraged.

“I had taken my first step towards speaking out, but I had shared my story with another victim trapped in the same prison as me.”

Sadly, many children who are abused find that the only people who know are also victims.

“My father lashed  out at both of us with whatever threats necessary to maintain his control and began consistently threatening my mom with the lives of the entire family.”

Her father fits the profile of a potential family-annihilator very specifically. When they fear losing control, they can turn turn a house of horrors into a house of hostages.

“My father sought to stamp out my rebellion and became increasingly violent towards me even in front of the family.”

It was this abuse, from assaulting her in front of the family on a tour bus to beating her with a belt, that made her realize that his threats of violence if she tried to leave were no longer effective.

Just before her 24th birthday, she finally made her escape.

“Around  4 months after I left, another friend stepped forward to save the rest  of my family. He reported my father for suspicion of sexual abuse and  the official investigation started. The case was given to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.”

And yes, she helped.

“When they contacted me, I went in and ended up speaking with them the whole rest of that day.”

She had an entire lifetime’s worth of unspeakable trauma to share. And that was just about what had happened to her.

“I was able to give them a long and confident testimony which was eventually used to create the arrest warrant.”

Her father was, of course, arrested.

Given the limits of the US legal system, he was sentenced to 40 years, and he will be required to serve all of that time.

Jessica is now married to the man who first helped her to come to terms with what had happened to her.

She ends her post with a message of affirmation and hope.

“If you too are a survivor, you are not alone.”


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Chrissy Metz says No Way Jessica Simpson"s Hating on Mandy Moore

Chrissy Metz scoffs at the idea Jessica Simpson is jealous of Mandy Moore’s success. We got the “This Is Us” star out in NYC Monday and wanted to get her take on a recent report that Jessica’s raging with envy at Mandy’s…


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Jessica Simpson Shows Off Lips, Gets Destroyed on Instagram

Jessica Simpson thought she was sharing a harmless selfie.

She thought she was encouraging fans to work out

She thought she was giving them a look at her workout.

"#ShowMeYourSteps," the former singer wrote as a caption to the first photo listed below, adding: "#Niners #GucciGlasses #JSTheWarmUp."

But the Internet can be a cruel place.

And, as you can see below, social media followers aren"t focused on Simpson"s calorie burning, but rather on a certain body part that stands out in this initial photo…

1. Hello, Lips!

Jessica simpson lips selfie

Jessica Simpson is receiving a lot of flak for this selfie. Followers are aghast over her very plump lips.

2. Quack! Quack!

Duck face

The general consensus from critics is that Simpson’s lips make Kylie Jenner’s lips look thin and natural.

3. Let’s Be Frank


There was no beating around the bush here. Various critics came right out with how they feel.

4. This is a New Hashtag

Awful things

#AwfulThings, huh? Again, no beating around the bush here.

5. What… is… Happening?

Mouth question

We all know the answer, don’t we? It rhymes with schastic murgery.

6. Reject the Injections!

Down with injections

Fans are pleading with Jessica. Do you agree that she looked better before?

View Slideshow

Thursday, February 15, 2018

"Amazing Race" Stars Cody and Jessica Engaged After Runyon Canyon Proposal

‘Amazing Race’ couple Cody Nickson and Jessica Graf have been through a lot together — in the public eye — and now they can add getting engaged to the list. We got this video of Cody proposing to Jessica at the top of Runyon Canyon Park’s hiking…


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Kim Cattrall vs Sarah Jessica Parker: Andy Cohen Says It"s Not a Catfight

What began as a missing person"s case has ended in tragedy. Kim Cattrall"s brother has died at 55

When Kim"s former costar, Sarah Jessica Parker, reached out with her condolences, Kim Cattrall shot her down. 

As you can hear below, no one is more flabbergasted at this than Andy Cohen, who has waded into this feud to defend Sarah Jessica Parker.

Kim cattrall

After Sex and the City actress Kim Cattrall"s missing brother"s body was discovered, she shared the crushing news on Instagram.

Among the flurry of sympathetic responses was a comment from Sarah Jessica Parker.

"Dearest Kim, my love and condolensces to you and yours and Godspeed to your beloved brother. xx"

Kim"s reply was … intense.

"I don’t need your love or support at this tragic time @sarahjessicaparker."

The message, a full post on Instagram, continued, and Kim Cattrall made herself every clear.

"Let me make this VERY clear. (If I haven’t already) You are not my family. You are not my friend."

That"s … extremely harsh.

"So I’m writing to tell you one last time to stop exploiting our tragedy in order to restore your ‘nice girl’ persona."

While Kim Cattrall is certainly grieving, the level of enmity here is palpable. And it"s also nothing new.

This is where Andy Cohen comes in, speaking on his SiriusXM channel, Radio Andy.

"I thought it was fake. I was like, ‘There’s no way Kim Cattrall has posted this on her Instagram.’ This is a women who is in the middle of grieving the loss of her brother, which is tragic and sad."

It is a crushing loss. But Kim really did post that on Instagram.

"She accused SJP of exploiting a tragedy … She follows Kim on Instagram, Kim posted about her brother dying, and she expressed her condolences on the post … She posted it in a comment!"

Posting it in a comment, which is quickly buried under other comments and doesn"t draw people to your own page, is generally seen as more respectful if you"re walking on eggshells and don"t want to be accused of exploiting a situation.

Andy Cohen goes on and continues to express his bewilderment.

"I would not call that ‘exploiting a tragedy.’ What was she supposed to do? Say something bad? I mean, I don’t understand."

Most people are lucky enough to not understand what Kim Cattrall is going through, but that doesn"t necessarily excuse an entire post dedicated to blasting a former friend over condolences.

"I also don’t like it that people are characterizing this as a catfight."

The way that Andy sees things, it takes two to tango, this thing — whatever it is — seems to be very one-sided.

"There’s only one person fighting here … I even kind of, admittedly, didn’t try to stir it up on Watch What Happens Live when Sarah was on, but I was like, ‘What do you think?’ Sarah only said the nicest things about her … It’s a catfight of one from where I see it."

Admittedly, we"re inclined to feel the same way as Andy does — rudeness and hostility on this level is shocking.

At the same time, if someone"s made it clear that they don"t want you in any way to be part of your life, it"s good to respect that, even if you find it hurtful or unfair.

Even so — one wonders what sorts of things people would say about Sarah Jessica Parker if it became known that she had said nothing about Kim"s loss. It"s a no-win situation.

Listen to the rest of Andy"s comments and decide for yourself if you agree with his characterizations.

Kim cattrall vs sarah jessica parker andy cohen says its not a c

Chris Noth Is Bigger Person in Sarah Jessica Parker and Kim Cattrall Fight

Kim Cattrall and Sarah Jessica Parker might want to follow their old co-star Chris Noth’s lead when it comes to the next step in their bitter feud. We got Chris — who played SJP’s “Sex and the City” BF — Monday night in…


Saturday, February 10, 2018

Kim Cattrall Sends VERY Clear Message to Sarah Jessica Parker

Kim Cattrall was known on Sex and the City for portraying a character who always spoke her mind.

And it’s now evident that that the role of Samantha Jones was a bit of type-casting, considering the simple and direct share Cattrall just hurled in the direction of a former co-star.

In a very straightforward Instagram message shared on Saturday morning, for ex-HBO star addressed Sarah Jessica Parker, the former lead on the series that made both women very rich and very famous.

“My Mom asked me today “When will that @sarahjessicaparker, that hypocrite, leave you alone?” opened Cattrall on social media.

She then set her sights specifically on Parker and wrote:

“Your continuous reaching out is a painful reminder of how cruel you really were then and now. Let me make this VERY clear. (If I haven’t already):

You are not my family. You are not my friend.

“So I’m writing to tell you one last time to stop exploiting our tragedy in order to restore your ‘nice girl’ persona.”

The bold up above is our own because thought these words required emphasis.

cattrall message

There had long been rumored tension between Cattrall and Parker, dating back to when the actress co-starred on Sex and the City the TV show.

They put aside their differences for many seasons, however, and then also through a pair of movies.

But everything blew up publicly last fall after Parker told Extra that a script had been penned for Sex and the City 3 and that everyone was on board to film…

… except for Cattrall.

She referred to this hold out as “disappointing.”

Cattrall then took exception to Parker taking her beef public, considering Kim says she was never, ever open to shooting another movie.

She held no bitter feeling. She even encouraged producers to find another actress for Samantha.

She had simply moved on — and here was Parker, taking her to task for simply making a personal and professional decision.

“At this very moment it’s quite extraordinary to get any kind of negative press about something that I’ve been saying for almost a year of ‘no’ that I’m demanding or a diva,” Cattrall told Piers Morgan in an interview last October, adding of Parker in particular:

“And this is really where I take to task the people from Sex and the City and specifically Sarah Jessica Parker, in that I think she could have been nicer.”

So it was obvious at that time that the stars weren’t very close.

But then Cattrall’s brother went missing and was eventually found dead.

In response to the tragedy, Parker wrote the following on Instagram:

Dearest Kim, my love and condolences to you and yours and Godspeed to your beloved brother. Xx.

sjp note

This appears to be the basis for Cattrall’s latest message.

She feels as though Parker wasn’t being sincere, pretending as if she and Cattrall were good friends when, in reality, they are anything but.

Wrote Cattrall shortly after she learned of her brother’s death:

“It is with great sadness that myself and my family announce the unexpected passing of our son and brother, Chris Cattrall.

“At this time we ask for privacy but we want to thank you all on social media for your outpouring of love and support in this trying time.”

Did Parker mean well with her Instagram reply to this confirmation?

Or was she exploiting the sad situation for PR sake, to make it look like she’s a caring individual when, according to Cattrall, there’s no relationship of any kind about which Parker should care.

It’s clear on which side of this debate Cattrall falls.

And it’s also now VERY clear that there will no Sex and the City 3, not with Cattrall as Jones at least.


Kim Cattrall Attacks Sarah Jessica Parker, "You Are Not My Friend"

One thing in in this crazy world is clear … Kim Cattrall hates Sarah Jessica Parker’s guts. Kim just went on the attack against her “Sex and the City” co-star … this after Parker went on social media and TV to offer condolences to her after the…
