Showing posts with label Cattrall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cattrall. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Kim Cattrall vs Sarah Jessica Parker: Andy Cohen Says It"s Not a Catfight

What began as a missing person"s case has ended in tragedy. Kim Cattrall"s brother has died at 55

When Kim"s former costar, Sarah Jessica Parker, reached out with her condolences, Kim Cattrall shot her down. 

As you can hear below, no one is more flabbergasted at this than Andy Cohen, who has waded into this feud to defend Sarah Jessica Parker.

Kim cattrall

After Sex and the City actress Kim Cattrall"s missing brother"s body was discovered, she shared the crushing news on Instagram.

Among the flurry of sympathetic responses was a comment from Sarah Jessica Parker.

"Dearest Kim, my love and condolensces to you and yours and Godspeed to your beloved brother. xx"

Kim"s reply was … intense.

"I don’t need your love or support at this tragic time @sarahjessicaparker."

The message, a full post on Instagram, continued, and Kim Cattrall made herself every clear.

"Let me make this VERY clear. (If I haven’t already) You are not my family. You are not my friend."

That"s … extremely harsh.

"So I’m writing to tell you one last time to stop exploiting our tragedy in order to restore your ‘nice girl’ persona."

While Kim Cattrall is certainly grieving, the level of enmity here is palpable. And it"s also nothing new.

This is where Andy Cohen comes in, speaking on his SiriusXM channel, Radio Andy.

"I thought it was fake. I was like, ‘There’s no way Kim Cattrall has posted this on her Instagram.’ This is a women who is in the middle of grieving the loss of her brother, which is tragic and sad."

It is a crushing loss. But Kim really did post that on Instagram.

"She accused SJP of exploiting a tragedy … She follows Kim on Instagram, Kim posted about her brother dying, and she expressed her condolences on the post … She posted it in a comment!"

Posting it in a comment, which is quickly buried under other comments and doesn"t draw people to your own page, is generally seen as more respectful if you"re walking on eggshells and don"t want to be accused of exploiting a situation.

Andy Cohen goes on and continues to express his bewilderment.

"I would not call that ‘exploiting a tragedy.’ What was she supposed to do? Say something bad? I mean, I don’t understand."

Most people are lucky enough to not understand what Kim Cattrall is going through, but that doesn"t necessarily excuse an entire post dedicated to blasting a former friend over condolences.

"I also don’t like it that people are characterizing this as a catfight."

The way that Andy sees things, it takes two to tango, this thing — whatever it is — seems to be very one-sided.

"There’s only one person fighting here … I even kind of, admittedly, didn’t try to stir it up on Watch What Happens Live when Sarah was on, but I was like, ‘What do you think?’ Sarah only said the nicest things about her … It’s a catfight of one from where I see it."

Admittedly, we"re inclined to feel the same way as Andy does — rudeness and hostility on this level is shocking.

At the same time, if someone"s made it clear that they don"t want you in any way to be part of your life, it"s good to respect that, even if you find it hurtful or unfair.

Even so — one wonders what sorts of things people would say about Sarah Jessica Parker if it became known that she had said nothing about Kim"s loss. It"s a no-win situation.

Listen to the rest of Andy"s comments and decide for yourself if you agree with his characterizations.

Kim cattrall vs sarah jessica parker andy cohen says its not a c

Chris Noth Is Bigger Person in Sarah Jessica Parker and Kim Cattrall Fight

Kim Cattrall and Sarah Jessica Parker might want to follow their old co-star Chris Noth’s lead when it comes to the next step in their bitter feud. We got Chris — who played SJP’s “Sex and the City” BF — Monday night in…


Saturday, February 10, 2018

Kim Cattrall Sends VERY Clear Message to Sarah Jessica Parker

Kim Cattrall was known on Sex and the City for portraying a character who always spoke her mind.

And it’s now evident that that the role of Samantha Jones was a bit of type-casting, considering the simple and direct share Cattrall just hurled in the direction of a former co-star.

In a very straightforward Instagram message shared on Saturday morning, for ex-HBO star addressed Sarah Jessica Parker, the former lead on the series that made both women very rich and very famous.

“My Mom asked me today “When will that @sarahjessicaparker, that hypocrite, leave you alone?” opened Cattrall on social media.

She then set her sights specifically on Parker and wrote:

“Your continuous reaching out is a painful reminder of how cruel you really were then and now. Let me make this VERY clear. (If I haven’t already):

You are not my family. You are not my friend.

“So I’m writing to tell you one last time to stop exploiting our tragedy in order to restore your ‘nice girl’ persona.”

The bold up above is our own because thought these words required emphasis.

cattrall message

There had long been rumored tension between Cattrall and Parker, dating back to when the actress co-starred on Sex and the City the TV show.

They put aside their differences for many seasons, however, and then also through a pair of movies.

But everything blew up publicly last fall after Parker told Extra that a script had been penned for Sex and the City 3 and that everyone was on board to film…

… except for Cattrall.

She referred to this hold out as “disappointing.”

Cattrall then took exception to Parker taking her beef public, considering Kim says she was never, ever open to shooting another movie.

She held no bitter feeling. She even encouraged producers to find another actress for Samantha.

She had simply moved on — and here was Parker, taking her to task for simply making a personal and professional decision.

“At this very moment it’s quite extraordinary to get any kind of negative press about something that I’ve been saying for almost a year of ‘no’ that I’m demanding or a diva,” Cattrall told Piers Morgan in an interview last October, adding of Parker in particular:

“And this is really where I take to task the people from Sex and the City and specifically Sarah Jessica Parker, in that I think she could have been nicer.”

So it was obvious at that time that the stars weren’t very close.

But then Cattrall’s brother went missing and was eventually found dead.

In response to the tragedy, Parker wrote the following on Instagram:

Dearest Kim, my love and condolences to you and yours and Godspeed to your beloved brother. Xx.

sjp note

This appears to be the basis for Cattrall’s latest message.

She feels as though Parker wasn’t being sincere, pretending as if she and Cattrall were good friends when, in reality, they are anything but.

Wrote Cattrall shortly after she learned of her brother’s death:

“It is with great sadness that myself and my family announce the unexpected passing of our son and brother, Chris Cattrall.

“At this time we ask for privacy but we want to thank you all on social media for your outpouring of love and support in this trying time.”

Did Parker mean well with her Instagram reply to this confirmation?

Or was she exploiting the sad situation for PR sake, to make it look like she’s a caring individual when, according to Cattrall, there’s no relationship of any kind about which Parker should care.

It’s clear on which side of this debate Cattrall falls.

And it’s also now VERY clear that there will no Sex and the City 3, not with Cattrall as Jones at least.


Kim Cattrall Attacks Sarah Jessica Parker, "You Are Not My Friend"

One thing in in this crazy world is clear … Kim Cattrall hates Sarah Jessica Parker’s guts. Kim just went on the attack against her “Sex and the City” co-star … this after Parker went on social media and TV to offer condolences to her after the…


Monday, February 5, 2018

Kim Cattrall: Brother Christopher Cattrall Dead at 55

Even though Kim Cattrall is done with Sex and the City, her role as the infamous Samantha won her countless fans all over the world.

It was to those same fans that Kim turned for help over the weekend, when her brother, Chris Cattrall, went missing.

Sadly, Kim Cattrall has now had the grim task of sharing that her brother has passed away at 55.

Over the weekend, beloved Sex and the City star Kim Cattrall shared this heartfelt plea:

“MISSING! This is my brother Christopher Cattrall or Chris as we call him. He has been missing since Tuesday, January the 30th from his home in Lacombe, Alberta Canada.”

It sounds like she and her family had hoped that police in Alberta could find her brother quietly without her having to embarrass him publicly. But she had reason to be worried.

“His keys, cell phone,& wallet left on the table and his front door unlocked. This is not like Chris. He he would never leave his unlocked home without those items nor his 7 beloved dogs.”

After that alarming description, Kim provides a physical description to match the photo.

“Chris is 55 years old, 6 feet tall, 200 pounds, blue eyes, short brown hair, goatee, average build & usually wearing a waist length hooded winter coat with black gloves, blue jeans and calf high black winter boots.”

Of course, if he didn’t have his wallet, phone, or keys with him, it’s hard to tell what he might be wearing or not wearing.

“If you’ve seen Chris contact Blackfalds RCMP at 403 885 3300 He’s a one of a kind brother. Help us bring him home safe. Please spread the world. Many thanks for reading this. Kim.”

Fans rushed to spread the news.

Unfortunately, desperate searches for loved ones often end in tragedy.

On Sunday night, Kim posted this grim update:

“It is with great sadness that myself and my family announce the unexpected passing of our son and brother, Chris Cattrall.”

Oh, that is several kinds of heartbreaking.

If you’ve ever lost a sibling, you know how devastating that can be. Quite frankly, even if you haven’t, you can probably imagine what she must be going through.

What her entire family must be going through.

Kim Cattrall’s difficult message continues:

“At this time we ask for privacy.”

Of course. Naturally, everyone has questions … but she and her family will share what they know when they can. In the mean time, nobody needs to be photographed crying in their living room.

She also thanks fans.

“We want to thank you all on social media for your outpouring of love and support in this trying time.”

Royal Canadian Mounted Police spokesperson Corporal Chris Warren did confim that Chris Cattrall was found, deceased, on his property on Sunday.

Naturally, they’re still investigating, but it doesn’t sound like they suspect foul play.

The truth may be mundane or embarrassing, but no matter what the police find to be the cause of death, this is a tragic story.

Our hearts go out to Kim Cattall and her family in this trying time.


Sunday, February 4, 2018

Kim Cattrall Pleads for Help in Finding Missing Brother

Kim Cattrall is begging for help in locating her brother, who went missing Tuesday. Kim posted a desperate plea on social media for anyone having information about Christopher Cattrall, who disappeared from his home in Alberta, Canada. The…


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Kim Cattrall: I"m Done with Sex and the City! Sheesh!

Kim Cattrall has no real interest in being in the news these days.

The actress has said for several months that she doesn’t want to appear on a third Sex and the City movie and she doesn’t quite understand how this became a big deal.

As previously reported, Cattrall definitely doesn’t understand why some have labeled her a diva for choosing to end her association with the franchise.

She’s not under contract. She filmed many seasons of the television show and two (poorly reviewed) films and now she simply wants to move on with her life.

In an earlier interview, Cattrall blamed Sarah Jessica Parker for smearing her name, saying her ex-scene partner “could have been nicer” after Cattrall bowed out of Sex and the City 3.

Now, speaking to Piers Morgan for a segment on his show Life Stories, Cattrall has confirmed the long-gestating rumors that she and her fellow Sex and the City stars weren’t especially close.

But that was never a bad thing, she explains.

“We’ve never been friends,” Cattrall told Morgan last night, adding:

“We’ve been colleagues and in some ways it’s a very healthy place to be because then you have a clear line between your professional life and relationship and your personal.”

Parker went public last month with her disappointment over the fact that Sex and the City 3 won’t be made despite it having a “beautiful, funny, heartbreaking, joyful, very relatable script and story.”

This was a not-very-subtle-shot at Cattrall… who didn’t appreciate the passive aggressive diss.

“This is really where I take to task the people from Sex and the City and specifically Sarah Jessica Parker, is that I think she could have been nicer,” Cattrall told Morgan.

“I really think she could have been nicer. I don’t know what her issue is.”

Cattrall simply says she has made “an empowered decision in my life to end one chapter and start another,” which sounds perfectly fair and reasonable.

She also says producers should totally hire another actress to play Jones in a new movie. Why not?!?

Elsewhere, meanwhile, Cattrall has made headlines for detailing the grueling Sex and the City schedule from back in the day that actually prevented her from having kids.

The actress and then-husband Mark Levinson considered undergoing IVF treatment shortly after she was cast as Samantha Jones in the long-running comedy.


“That was my early 40s, and I had just started filming Sex and the City, the chances of getting pregnant with these procedures … everybody was talking about it,” Cattrall told Morgan, adding:

“But I thought to myself, ‘Wow … I have 19-hour days on this series."”

She’s not complaining, per se. She’s grateful for the role of a lifetime. She’s just explaining.

“I have weekends where I finish at Saturday morning, my Monday morning would start at 4:45, and would go to one or two in the morning,” she said.

“How could I possibly continue to do that [and have a child], especially in my early 40s?”

That’s a fair question.

And it’s the sort of dilemma that unfortunately faces women in workplaces across America.

In conclusion, however, Cattrall adored her time as a Sex and the City cast member – but she’s moved on.

And she’s encouraging the franchise to do the same.

“It’s a great part and I played it past the finish line, and then some, and I loved it,” Cattrall said.

“And another actress should play it. Maybe they could make it an African-American Samantha Jones, or a Hispanic Samantha Jones.”


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Kim Cattrall Drags Sarah Jessica Parker Over Sex and the City 3

Ding! Ding! Ding!

It is totally on between Kim Cattrall and Sarah Jessica Parker.

For real this time.

Throughout the filming of Sex and the City the HBO television show and then Sex and the City, the two mediocre movies, there had always been chatter that these two actresses did not get along very well.

Which is fine.

Not all co-stars need to be best friends forever.

But the claws have now officially come out in the wake of Parker telling Extra that plans for a third film in the franchise have officially been scrapped.

“We had this beautiful, funny, heartbreaking, joyful, very relatable script and story,” she told the entertainment news outlet, adding:

“It’s not just disappointing that we don’t get to tell the story and have that experience, but more so for that audience that has been so vocal in wanting another movie.”

(Note: Have they, really?!? Sex and the City 2 has a score of 16% on Rotten Tomatoes.)

Amidst talk that Cattrall was the one to squash the follow-up flick due to various production demands, the veteran actress sat down with Piers Morgan on the program “Life Stories” to address any and all diva-related chatter.

Her general response?

I’ve never been on board for Sex and the City 3… and Parker sort of sucks!

“At this very moment it’s quite extraordinary to get any kind of negative press about something that I’ve been saying for almost a year of ‘no’ that I’m demanding or a diva,” Cattrall told Morgan, adding:

“And this is really where I take to task the people from Sex and the City and specifically Sarah Jessica Parker, in that I think she could have been nicer.”

So there you have it.

After all this time, that’s the first admission from either Cattrall or Parker that they aren’t exactly on each other’s Christmas lists.

“I really think she could have been nicer,” Cattrall reiterated in her interview. “I don’t know what her issue is. I never have.” 

Cattrall went on to explain that she was approached in December about the possibility of Sex and the City 3… and that it simply never appealed to her.

“This isn’t about more money, this is not about more scenes, it’s not about any of those things,” she said.

“This is about a clear decision, an empowered decision in my life to end one chapter and start another. I’m 61. It’s now.”

Fair enough, right?

And it’s not as if Cattrall is even against a third movie. Go ahead and make it without me, she happily tells the cast and crew!

“I want them to make the movie, if that’s what they want to do,” she said.

“It’s a great part. I played it past the finish line and then some and I loved it, and another actress should play it. Maybe they could make it an African-American Samantha Jones or a Hispanic Samantha Jones?’

“I’ve moved on. This is what my 60s are about. They’re about me making decisions for me, not my career. For me.

“And that feels frickin’ fantastic.”
