Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Kim Cattrall: I"m Done with Sex and the City! Sheesh!

Kim Cattrall has no real interest in being in the news these days.

The actress has said for several months that she doesn’t want to appear on a third Sex and the City movie and she doesn’t quite understand how this became a big deal.

As previously reported, Cattrall definitely doesn’t understand why some have labeled her a diva for choosing to end her association with the franchise.

She’s not under contract. She filmed many seasons of the television show and two (poorly reviewed) films and now she simply wants to move on with her life.

In an earlier interview, Cattrall blamed Sarah Jessica Parker for smearing her name, saying her ex-scene partner “could have been nicer” after Cattrall bowed out of Sex and the City 3.

Now, speaking to Piers Morgan for a segment on his show Life Stories, Cattrall has confirmed the long-gestating rumors that she and her fellow Sex and the City stars weren’t especially close.

But that was never a bad thing, she explains.

“We’ve never been friends,” Cattrall told Morgan last night, adding:

“We’ve been colleagues and in some ways it’s a very healthy place to be because then you have a clear line between your professional life and relationship and your personal.”

Parker went public last month with her disappointment over the fact that Sex and the City 3 won’t be made despite it having a “beautiful, funny, heartbreaking, joyful, very relatable script and story.”

This was a not-very-subtle-shot at Cattrall… who didn’t appreciate the passive aggressive diss.

“This is really where I take to task the people from Sex and the City and specifically Sarah Jessica Parker, is that I think she could have been nicer,” Cattrall told Morgan.

“I really think she could have been nicer. I don’t know what her issue is.”

Cattrall simply says she has made “an empowered decision in my life to end one chapter and start another,” which sounds perfectly fair and reasonable.

She also says producers should totally hire another actress to play Jones in a new movie. Why not?!?

Elsewhere, meanwhile, Cattrall has made headlines for detailing the grueling Sex and the City schedule from back in the day that actually prevented her from having kids.

The actress and then-husband Mark Levinson considered undergoing IVF treatment shortly after she was cast as Samantha Jones in the long-running comedy.


“That was my early 40s, and I had just started filming Sex and the City, the chances of getting pregnant with these procedures … everybody was talking about it,” Cattrall told Morgan, adding:

“But I thought to myself, ‘Wow … I have 19-hour days on this series."”

She’s not complaining, per se. She’s grateful for the role of a lifetime. She’s just explaining.

“I have weekends where I finish at Saturday morning, my Monday morning would start at 4:45, and would go to one or two in the morning,” she said.

“How could I possibly continue to do that [and have a child], especially in my early 40s?”

That’s a fair question.

And it’s the sort of dilemma that unfortunately faces women in workplaces across America.

In conclusion, however, Cattrall adored her time as a Sex and the City cast member – but she’s moved on.

And she’s encouraging the franchise to do the same.

“It’s a great part and I played it past the finish line, and then some, and I loved it,” Cattrall said.

“And another actress should play it. Maybe they could make it an African-American Samantha Jones, or a Hispanic Samantha Jones.”
