Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Wendy Williams: COLLAPSED on Live Television. What Happened?!

It"s a rare thing for a live television show to have to cut to commercial without warning. It"s rarer still for it to be because of the show"s host.

But no one could have foreseen that Wendy Williams would suddenly collapse on live television.

Wendy Williams claims that she"s now okay, but … as you"ll see in the video below, this was a scary incident.

Wendy williams collapses 1

Not even 50 Cent would wish this upon Wendy Williams. Probably.

In the video that you will see below, Wendy Williams is giving her normal Halloween broadcast.

Dressed as the Statue of Liberty, the often controversial talk show host is talking about her annual Halloween costume contest that the show does every year.

Her voice is a little shaky and her eyes seem strikingly wide … but, no shade, that"s not especially unusual for Wendy Williams.

But then it all goes horribly wrong.

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Wendy Williams certainly means to say "our first guest."

Instead, she says "our first caress." And no, we don"t think that it was a Freudian slip brought about by lustful thoughts about one of the cameramen or whatever.

(That would be salacious and wonderful but a lot less scary)

See how wide her eyes looked — how frightened she looks in that above photo?

That"s right after she says the word "caress."

Either she wasn"t able to speak anymore, even to call for help, or she was too distracted and horrified by whatever was happening to her mind and body in that moment.

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Visibly horrified, Wendy Williams stumbles backwards, her feet shuffling just a few steps.

One trembling hand reaches feebly for her head — to indicate that something was wrong with her head, or perhaps trying to tug off her hat or wig?

We don"t know. Maybe not even Wendy can say for sure.

Then she collapses.

Wendy Williams" crew rush forward while screams can be heard from the shocked audience.

And the camera cuts.

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Wendy Williams comes back after the break to say that she had simply overheated in her costume and passed out as a result.

At first, many thought that this was a stroke. Honestly … strokes can take a lot of forms, and not everyone is convinced that this was a simple fainting spell.

The scrambled words and the suddenness of it all … well, that"s alarming.

It is Halloween. Maybe a bunch of ghosts didn"t think that Wendy Williams" apologies that she inevitably makes after blaming victims are truly heartfelt.

She was also dressed as the Statue of Liberty, making this into an involuntary political statement about the Trump Administration.

Whatever happens, though, we hope that Wendy Williams is okay.

We respect her decision to go back on the air (gotta capitalize on those ratings, folks!), but we hope that she spends some serious time with medical professionals later today.

Wendy williams collapsed on live television what happened