Monday, February 5, 2018

Kim Cattrall: Brother Christopher Cattrall Dead at 55

Even though Kim Cattrall is done with Sex and the City, her role as the infamous Samantha won her countless fans all over the world.

It was to those same fans that Kim turned for help over the weekend, when her brother, Chris Cattrall, went missing.

Sadly, Kim Cattrall has now had the grim task of sharing that her brother has passed away at 55.

Over the weekend, beloved Sex and the City star Kim Cattrall shared this heartfelt plea:

“MISSING! This is my brother Christopher Cattrall or Chris as we call him. He has been missing since Tuesday, January the 30th from his home in Lacombe, Alberta Canada.”

It sounds like she and her family had hoped that police in Alberta could find her brother quietly without her having to embarrass him publicly. But she had reason to be worried.

“His keys, cell phone,& wallet left on the table and his front door unlocked. This is not like Chris. He he would never leave his unlocked home without those items nor his 7 beloved dogs.”

After that alarming description, Kim provides a physical description to match the photo.

“Chris is 55 years old, 6 feet tall, 200 pounds, blue eyes, short brown hair, goatee, average build & usually wearing a waist length hooded winter coat with black gloves, blue jeans and calf high black winter boots.”

Of course, if he didn’t have his wallet, phone, or keys with him, it’s hard to tell what he might be wearing or not wearing.

“If you’ve seen Chris contact Blackfalds RCMP at 403 885 3300 He’s a one of a kind brother. Help us bring him home safe. Please spread the world. Many thanks for reading this. Kim.”

Fans rushed to spread the news.

Unfortunately, desperate searches for loved ones often end in tragedy.

On Sunday night, Kim posted this grim update:

“It is with great sadness that myself and my family announce the unexpected passing of our son and brother, Chris Cattrall.”

Oh, that is several kinds of heartbreaking.

If you’ve ever lost a sibling, you know how devastating that can be. Quite frankly, even if you haven’t, you can probably imagine what she must be going through.

What her entire family must be going through.

Kim Cattrall’s difficult message continues:

“At this time we ask for privacy.”

Of course. Naturally, everyone has questions … but she and her family will share what they know when they can. In the mean time, nobody needs to be photographed crying in their living room.

She also thanks fans.

“We want to thank you all on social media for your outpouring of love and support in this trying time.”

Royal Canadian Mounted Police spokesperson Corporal Chris Warren did confim that Chris Cattrall was found, deceased, on his property on Sunday.

Naturally, they’re still investigating, but it doesn’t sound like they suspect foul play.

The truth may be mundane or embarrassing, but no matter what the police find to be the cause of death, this is a tragic story.

Our hearts go out to Kim Cattall and her family in this trying time.
