Showing posts with label Pens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pens. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Rob Delaney Pens Powerful Essay on Late Son"s Cancer Battle

Early this year, Rob Delaney’s young son tragically died. His 2-year-old son fought and lost a battle against a fatal brain tumor.

Now, eight months later, the still-grieving comedian has released the first excerpts of his book, which he had been writing when it looked like his son was going to make it.

This is heavy, powerful stuff, and very much worth reading.

On Medium, Rob Delaney shares pieces of the book that he has written about his late son.

“I may wish Henry wasn’t in the hospital and it may make me f–king sick that my kids haven’t lived under the same roof for over a year,” Delaney writes in one excerpt.

“But I’m always, always happy to enter the hospital every morning and see him,” Delaney says. “It’s exciting every day to walk into his room and see him and see him see me.”

“The surgery to remove his tumor left him with Bell’s palsy on the left side of his face, so it’s slack and droops,” he describes. “His left eye is turned inward too, due to nerve damage.”

“But the right side of his face is incredibly expressive, and that side brightens right up when I walk into the room,” he writes.

“There’s no doubt about what kind of mood he’s in, ever,” Denaley continues.

“It’s particularly precious when he’s angry because seeing the contrast between a toddler’s naked rage in one half of his face and an utterly placid chubby chipmunk cheek and wandering eye in the other,” Delaney explains.

He goes on to say that it “is shocking in a way that makes me and my wife and whatever combination of nurses and/or doctors are in the room laugh every time.”

“And when he smiles, forget about it,” Delaney beams. “A regular baby’s smile is wonderful enough.”

In contrast, he writes: “When a sick baby with partial facial paralysis smiles, it’s golden. Especially if it’s my baby.”

Delaney also speaks of the earliest signs of his son’s illness, which began normally enough — with Henry vomiting in 2016. Babies do that sometimes.

What made it worse was that he continued to do so.

“Henry was losing weight,” Delaney writes. “Every time he vomited I would freak out. I would feed him so gently, so slowly, and assume I’d done something wrong when he vomited.”

Delaney blamed himself over the medical mystery. “Why, if I’d been able to feed Henry’s ravenous, feral older brothers, couldn’t I feed him?”

“My baby was getting smaller,” Delaney writes. “And that is a f–ked up thing to see.”

“I would often start crying whenever he threw up,” Delaney admits. “I would try not to cry in front of his older brothers and fail.”

“And they’d ask why,” Delaney continues. “And I would say it was because I was scared.”

It was only after a friend suggesting seeing his child’s pediatrician that Henry, still a baby, was given an MRI.

The doctor already suspected that a mass might be forcing Henry to vomit uncontrollably, but did not say the word “tumor” until Rob Delaney said it first.

Henry ended up having drastic brain surgery — the one that resulted in his aforementioned lazy eye and partial facial paralysis. But it was not enough.

Delaney shares that he wrote about these experiences before his family got the worst news of their lives.

“The above was part of a book proposal I put together before Henry’s tumor came back and we learned that he would die,” Delaney explains.

Understandably, “I stopped writing when we saw the new, bad MRI.”

“My wife and his brothers and I just wanted to be with him around the clock and make sure his final months were happy,” Delaney writes. “And they were.”

He adds that he’s putting his writings out there for his intended audience — other parents of very sick children.


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Tyler Baltierra Pens Candid, Heartfelt, Awe-Inspiring Tribute to Catelynn Lowell

Tyler Baltierra recently shared the story of his epic weight loss.

And it’s very impressive, don’t get us wrong.

But the Teen Mom OG veteran has impressed us even more with a tribute to wife Catelynn that makes it clear: He never, ever, ever wants to lose her.

With rumors of a divorce constantly swirling around Tyler and Catelynn, the former took to Instagram this week and poured his svelte heart out for all to see and swoon over.

“Life is really simple if you think about it,” wrote Tyler to kick off a lengthy caption, which he attached to the photo above, prior to adding in far more detail:

“If you love something … fight for it. Sacrifice for it. Love it so much that it makes you want to love yourself in a way you never knew you were even capable of loving.

Continued Baltierra, who fans were convinced as recently last month was going to leave Catelynn:

“It’s been 13 years together & that’s not because of luck or us not arguing or not getting upset with one another …

“That’s because everyday, we choose to love each other unconditionally, with all the flaws & all the baggage our past lives has given us.”

We love that perspective.

As they said, it’s not about finding someone who is perfect, right? It’s about finding someone who is perfect for YOU.

For his part, Tyler has always been very open about his struggles with mental health, specifically his bipolar order diagnosis.

Anyway. He wasn’t done here gushing over his wife.

“We choose to listen to one another & be heard by one another,” the MTV personality wrote, adding:

“We choose to confront our issues head on & fix them together. We choose to nurture our spiritual bond together & share lives ups and downs with one another.

“We are lovers in this life, so we can be soulmates in our afterlife.”

Wow. That’s some profound stuff right there, Ty.

Baltierra and Lowell got married in August of 2015.

They are the parents to two kids, one of whom they gave up for adoption back when they were stars on 16 & Pregnant.

Overall, the couple’s ups and downs have been documented at length on Teen Mom OG over the years, most notably Lowell’s miscarriage last year that led her to enter a treatment facility due to sucidal thoughts.

“You Are Beautiful. You Are Worthy,” Tyler wrote to Catelynn in this mini online essay.

“You Are Strong. You Are Safe … & I love you more than this realm will allow me to express in all my desired ways.”

Despite all the negative chatter surrounding her and her husband, Catelynn has always insisted than their relationship was stable.

“Tyler and I are not getting a divorce. Couples go through ups and downs. That’s normal life,” Lowell told Us Weekly in May, concluding at the time:

“We are a solid couple that will work through anything life throws at us.”

As of this writing, Tyler’s tribute to Catelynn has been Liked over 186,000 times. People are clearly affected by his candor.

Which is great and everything.

But we’re guessing there’s only one person out there he cares about reading it and believing every word of it. 


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Prince Jackson Pens Moving Tribute to Late Grandfather Joe Jackson

This week, Joe Jackson passed away after a battle with cancer. The man was American Royalty and created a multi-generational dynasty.

Paris Jackson posted a heartfelt farewell message to her late grandfather, speaking of her cherished memories of him.

And her brother, Prince Jackson, is doing the same. Take a look:

Prince shared an image of him with his grandfather. In his captions, he wrote a tribute to his dearly departed loved one.

“This man is and always will be an example of sheer willpower and dedication,” Prince begins.

That is indisputable, even to Joe’s critics.

Prince continues, writing: “He didn’t choose the path that was the easiest.”

That’s true.

Prince acknowledges that it was a lot of work, “but he choose the path that was best for his family.”

Prince then addresses his late grandfather directly.

“You taught me to take pride in the Jackson name,” Prince writes. “And what it really means.”

It’s a big deal.

Prince continues, saying: “You taught me dedication in the face of adversity.”

There will always be people who want to tear down the Jackson family. That’s sad.

“And most of all,” Prince writes. “You showed me strength and fearlessness.”

Prince continues his moving message honoring his late grandfather.

“There is and never will be someone like you,” Prince says.

Some people really are one-of-a-kind.

“Fly free,” Prince instructs him.

Then he ends his message.

“Until we meet again,” Prince says, adding his grandfather’s nickname: “The Hawk.”

Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a close and loving relationship with their grandparents.

Some people live too far away from them for it to be economically viable for them to spend much time with them.

Some truly unlucky soles have awful grandparents whose parents wisely have little to do with them.

Others tragically lose their grandparents in early childhood.

To know and love your grandparents as Prince and his siblings have isn’t just a joy — it’s a real privilege.

And, let’s be honest: few grandparents can leave such a powerful and lucrative legacy as Joe has left for the Jackson Dynasty.

Joe Jackson was no doubt a complicated man in life, and his battle with cancer and his death does not change that.

But it is certainly every grandchild’s right to mourn the grandparent they knew and loved in peace.

Paris, Prince, and all of their siblings and cousins should be allowed to mourn and grieve without people harassing them directly about their grandfather’s life.

There are, unfortunately, still people who try to provoke a response by bringing up allegations against Michael Jackson to his children.

They’re the children of this family. Let them have their peace.


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Jax Taylor Pens Emotional Tribute to His Late Fater

In December, Jax Taylor’s father died following a cancer battle. Cancer is the actual worst, folks.

Months later, on his late father’s birthday, Jax has taken to social media to share his thoughts on his dearly departed dad.

Jax was clearly able to be emotionally honest, because you can tell that he wrote this from the heart.

Jax Taylor’s father, Ronald Cauchi, is gone but not forgotten by his son.

On Tuesday, June 12, Jax posted a tribute to his father on Instagram.

“Happy birthday to my angel in the sky,” Jax writes. “I love you so much dad and I miss you more and more each day.”

Losing a loved one can get easier over time, but … not in just a few months.

“Since you have left you have changed me in so many ways,” Jax writes.

Recent stories about Jax have made it sound like he’s really thinking about what sort of person he wants to be.

Jax then adds: “Thank you for being my father.”

There is no good time to lose a loved one.

“My new goal in life,” Jax announces. “Is to be exactly the man you are to your family.”

He makes it clear that he is not the only one who thinks that his father was a good person.

Jax continues: “Jenny and I are still getting messages from your friends on what an incredible man you are…”

He adds elipses there at the end, showing that he is pausing to find the words. This is an emotional message.

“I am so f–king proud to be your son dad,” Jax writes.

That is so sweet.

His father is going to miss on some major life milestones.

“My only wish is that you could see me and Brittany on our wedding day,” Jax laments.”And meet your grandchildren.”

Jax and Brittany Cartwright are actually engaged. Like we said, it seems like he’s really stepping up.

Jax takes comfort in one thing: “But I know you will be with me in spirit and help guide me the rest of my life.”

That is so heartwarming to read.

“I love you dad…” Jax trails off again.

Even in print, sometimes deep and powerful emotions can be difficult to express.

“Until we see each other again, keep the fireball ready and the redwing game on.”

Jax ends his post on a seemingly alarming note.

“I’ll see you soon,” he writes. “Cheers pop.”

Despite his phrasing, we absolutely do not believe that Jax is expressing the expectation that he will die any time soon.

We think that he instead means that, in comparison to the vastness of eternity, the rest of his long and hopefully happy life will seem relatively short.

This is a sweet and tender message and shows how sensitive Jax can be as a person.

Not only was Jax’s father’s birthday this week, but Father’s Day is coming up right around the corner.

You know that this holiday celebration is going to be emotionally challenging for Jax.

Perhaps even surprisingly so. When you are grieving a loved one for that first year, sometimes you don’t always anticipate which days are going to have the strongest emotional impact.

Father’s Day is not one of the subtle ones. We’re sure that he’ll be with family — including his fiancee Brittany — to see him through the day.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Ariana Grande Pens Beautiful Tribute on Manchester Bombing Anniversary

Tuesday was the one year anniversary of the May 22 Manchester Arena bombing that left twenty-three people dead and hundreds wounded.

Ariana Grande had already performed a powerful trubute to the victims and her fellow survivors just two days earlier.

To mark the anniversary, she sent out a much more direct message.

Ariana tweeted from the heart, writing:

“Thinking of you all today and every day.”

Here she included a bee emoji, or beemoji. The bee is the symbol of Manchester.

“I love you with all of me.”

She is so good and so pure.

“And am sending you all of the light and warmth I have to offer on this challenging day”

Ariana Grande tweet 1-year Manchester anniversary

There is no easy or perfect way to address a tragic terrorist bombing that left dozens of children injured or dead.

Some would just put up an image in memory of the fallen and of the shattered lives.

After all, there are situations for which words fail.

Others would pen a miniature essay, hoping that if they say enough, they can somehow live up to the gravity of the anniversary that they are mourning.

But Ariana kept her tweet short and simple. She said what she needed to say.

Besides, she had already said so much in a recent interview.

Last week, Ariana spoke to Time.

“There are so many people who have suffered such loss and pain. The processing part is going to take forever.”

Trauma can last a lifetime.

“Music is supposed to be the safest thing in the world.”

She is so sweet.

“I think that’s why it’s still so heavy on my heart every single day.”

Remember, she’s a fellow survivor of that terrible suicide bomber’s attack.

“I wish there was more that I could fix. You think with time it’ll become easier to talk about. Or you’ll make peace with it.”

We know that it might sound fake, but recovery from trauma is possible. But it takes time.

“But every day I wait for that peace to come and it’s still very painful.”

Earlier this month, Ariana and Mac Miller broke up.

That is not in any way comparable to the trauma of surviving a terrorist attack, but that has to be on her mind, too.

However … she may have a distraction from her last relationship. In the form of her new relationship.

According to People’s report, they have been able to confirm that Ariana is casually dating Pete Davidson.

Pete is part of the cast of Saturday Night Live. In fact, when he joined, he was the youngest person ever cast on SNL.

He is also frequently brought up in internet arguments about which person on SNL is the most attractive, though he, like everyone else, generally loses to Kate McKinnon.

According to the reports, Ariana and Pete’s relationship has “just started.”

And it is said that “it’s very casual.”

The two were even spotted togther at the Billboard Music Awards.

“After Ariana’s performance, they were backstage and he had his arm around her.”


“They seemed very lovey-dovey. He was hanging out with her and her friends with his arm around her. She seemed quite smitten.”

This sounds so cute. Ariana Grande deserves good things.

We hope that she’s finding comfort on this very grim anniversary.


Monday, May 14, 2018

Dwayne Johnson Pens Moving Mother"s Day Tribute to Lauren Hashian

Dwayne Johnson and Lauren Hashian have been together since 2008. Just last month, she gave birth to their second child.

For Mother’s Day, Dwayne honored her with a beautiful and lengthy tribute shared to Instagram.

We know that Dwayne is all about oral sex, but this gift came in the form of sweet words. This is a man of many facets and layers.

Alongside a photo of Lauren with their two young daughters, Dwayne writes:

“Happy Mother’s Day to my main squeeze @laurenhashianofficial, holding my little main squeeze, Jasmine Lia, who’s holding my tiniest main squeeze, Tiana Gia.”

That’s so cute.

“Both our daughter’s middle names are in honor of their great grandmothers, Lia and Giavanna.”

It’s good that he makes it clear that his lady love isn’t the only mother whom he is honoring at the moment.

“I’m in constant respect and grateful awe of all the things this incredible mama accomplishes on a daily basis. Here’s a fun small recap:”

First, he talks about the realities of being a mother to two very young children, one of whom is a newborn.

“Having a two and half year old and a newborn attached and clinging to her 24/7.”

Then, he very realistically addresses what it is like to be a parent to a toddler.

“Managing the wonderfully fun, Terrible 2’s with Jazzy.”

And then, of course, there is feeding Tiana.

“The ‘Hi, I need to eat every 3hrs and preferably from your boob’ (just like daddy;) with Baby Tia.”

To be clear, we don’t think that Dwayne is confessing to a lactation kink. He’s just saying that he had similar feeding habits as a baby. We think.

He continues to extoll her virtues by listing the many responsibilities that she handles.

“Managing multiple family properties.”

Dwayne is a wealthy man.

“Managing an ever growing staff of family employees across the country.”

A lot of people just stay home while someone is away filming. Apparently, Dwayne’s whole family comes with him. Wow.

“Picking up the ENTIRE FAMILY, STAFF AND DOG and moving to multiple locations AROUND THE WORLD, throughout the year because of my filming and production schedule.”

It’s reported that Dwayne takes tens of thousands of pounds worth of gym equipment with him, and that’s just one part of the logistical nightmare that has to be transported.

“All while continuing to build an amazing career as a music and song writer/producer.”

He reminds people that he is familiar with talent, because he is constantly surrounded by it.

“As an artist and businessman myself, I recognize how incredibly hard this part is of her job is.”

He is in awe of her.

“She’s a brilliant visionary storyteller and lyrically gifted – all qualities that are hard to tap into when you’re managing this nonstop life of ours.”

This is so sweet.

“But she does it like a brilliant bad ass.”

“And here’s the best part and the thing I’m most proud of… “

It’s not just what she does, but how she does it.

“Lauren does it all with a big genuine smile and is truly, the kindest and sweetest soul you’ll ever meet.”

A good attitude can be a wondrous thing.

“People tell me all time after they spend time with her, ‘Lauren’s the nicest person I have ever met."”

So he’s not the only one who thinks so.

“I always say, ‘Yes she is and being nice runs in our family… and so does kicking ass, so don’t ever get on her bad side’ Lol.”

“And finally – of all the human beings on this earth she could have as her partner – she chose me.”

He doesn’t give himself a lot of credit.

“One big, brown, bald, tattooed, very lucky SOB.”

We hope that she enjoyed her special day. Mothers with newborns don’t really get the day off. Because babies need to nurse.

“Happy Mama’s Day Lauren.”

That was such a heartfelt message.

“Take a bow and Queen it up – you’re an amazing mama and amazing mama’s make this world go around. “


Dwayne Johnson’s mother attempted suicide once when he was young. He knows how lucky children are to have a good and loving mother in their lives.

Also, he’s clearly head-over-heels for Lauren. They’ve been together for about a decade, and now she’s the mother of two of his children.

(He also has a teenage daughter from a previous marriage)

We hope that their entire family enjoyed Mother’s Day, but especially that Lauren did. We hope that she relaxed as much as possible.

It sounds like she’s earned it.


Monday, April 30, 2018

Jessica Alba: Husband Pens Moving Birthday Tribute

Jessica Alba is kind, beautiful, and incredibly talented. A lot of people love her, and with good reason.

But few know her so well or love her so much as her husband, Cash Warren.

Over the weekend, he penned a beautiful birthday message to her that will make you believe in love again.

April 28 was Jessica Alba’s birthday, and this stunning actress turned 37 years old.

Cash wrote a touching tribute to his wife as she snuggled with the couple’s daughters.

(They have three children; Jessica Alba gave birth to their third child on New Year’s Eve, 2017)

“I wrote this last night :)”

Posting to Instagram, his heartwarming message has an endearingly earnest emoticon before it truly begins.

“My love – It’s the eve of your birthday, you’re sleeping, our daughters are next to you in our bed, and I couldn’t think of a better time to write you a short note.”

That is such a sweet image.

“I say it every year, but I’ll never get used to how quickly time flies.”

It must be extra hard to process, since his wife looks at least a decade younger than she is.

“We can turn tiny moments into landmark events or we can accept that landmark events are simply fleeting moments.” 

That is so poetic.

“Either way, I’m slowly realizing there’s no real way to keep tabs on life….sadly.”

Clearly, he wishes that he could record and relive every single moment of their beautiful lives.

“The specific memories fade but somehow we’re able to hold on to the feelings those memories create.”

He’s talking about implicit memories in comparison with explicit memories, and also about lasting impressions. But, you know, more romantically.

“And those feelings shape who we are and who we’ll become.”

That’s very true.

Cash thanks his beautiful wife Jessica for her evocative qualities.

“If I could thank you for one thing on your birthday, I’d thank you for giving me all the feelings.”

Fortunately, he can thank her for many things on her birthday.

Just … not until she wakes up.

“Today marks the first day of your next year of life.”

It sure does.

“And I promise to continue to cherish our tiny moments and our landmark events…”

That is so sweet!

And he isn’t done yet.

(Here we see Jessica holding her youngest baby, Hayes)

Cash finishes the message with an adorable statement.

“Cheers to you and another 365 days of having all the feels!”

(Note that “all of the feels” is a common expression on social media for expressing being overwhelmed with emotion, often by entertainment media like television or video games)

Finally, he signs his message.

“Happy Birthday my babe!! – me”

That is so cute, so genuine, and so sweet.

That kind of love is exactly the kind of praise and adoration that Jessica deserves in her life.

She is an actress, a businesswoman, a model, and an activist. She’s also a wife and a mother.

More than that, she’s a good person who has had her low moments in life.

It is wonderful to see a happily married couple, when Hollywood marriages too often seem rushed and then doomed to fall apart.

Jessica Alba deserves the world.


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Lala Kent Pens Emotional Tribute to Late Father

Lala Kent has taken a break from insulting Jennifer Lawrence and from saying she’s possessed by the ghost of Tupac to get serious for a moment.

Serious and also very sad.

The Vanderpump Rules star and veteran Bravo personality updated her social media fans on Monday with the news that her father has passed away.

“Rest in paradise, my sweet dad. The world seems to be spinning much slower,” the 28-year-old wrote alongside a video shared to Instagram that shows her goofing off with her dad using a rainbow animal filter.

The video also depicts her mom and brother, Easton Burningham.

It’s not clear at the moment just how Kent’s father died.

But Lala was very candid in her caption, revealing to the world just how difficult this loss is to process.

“I’ve never felt so lost. I’ve never felt so sad. My world has crumbled,” she concluded.

Kent, who is somewhat of a controversial figure due to some of her shenanigans on Vanderpump Rules and some of the comments she makes away from the camera, elicited nothing but sympathy for her post.

This has everything to do with the tragic subject matter, of course, but also with how open Kent has been in the past about her bond with her dad.

“I grew up in a very open home,” she explained to in 2015, adding at the time:

“We talked about literally everything – still do, which sometimes my dad is like, ‘OK, I don’t need to know EVERYTHING!’

“My family is extremely close. I don’t have family in Utah except for immediate family so it is kind of like ‘we all we got!"”

Lala also went into detail in this interview about the relationship between her parents and how it has shaped her own views and opinions on love.

“I take marriage seriously,” she told the website.

And this is why:

“My parents have been together for 35 years, through thick and thin. I haven’t ever been married, but I still hold that title sacred.

“Their marriage isn’t something I have any input on. I just hope everything works out and they stick together through all the ups and downs. I love them together.”

That’s so very sweet of a daughter to say, isn’t it?

Those who watch Vanderpump Rules online or who follow Lala’s life closely are aware that she’s dating Randall Emmett.

The romance seems pretty serious, too.

“I see marriage with him,” Lala told Life & Style a little while back.

“I see kids with him. We are absolutely in no rush. He spoils me beyond belief with materialistic things, but it’s beyond that. He takes care of my heart and soul.”

We’re so glad to hear it.

She likely needs him more now than ever before.

We send our thoughts and prayers to Kent and her family.


Saturday, March 31, 2018

Alyson Stoner Pens Emotional Essay About Her Sexuality, Moves Readers to Tears

Alyson Stoner, a former Disney Channel and movie star, has penned a very personal and extremely powerful essay for Teen Vogue.

Titled “How I Embraced My Sexual Identity,” the piece chronicles Stoner’s journey to bisexuality, although we should note that Stoner never used this term.

In the essay, the 24-year old never puts any sort of label or definition on this path or on her conclusion, simply writing that she realizes she’s now attracted to men and women.

The revelation of her preferences started when Stoner found herself “mesmerized and intimidated” upon attending a dance workshop and meeting her female instructor.

“After I dizzied myself from doing knee spins, she walked toward me to correct my form,” Stoner writes for Teen Vogue, adding:

“My heart raced wildly and my body grew hot. Was I nervous to fail in front of an expert? Was I breathing heavily from being out of shape?

“Her smile was the most electrifying thing I’d ever seen.”

Following this class, Stoner texted her mom, to whom she is very close. This is what the text read at the time:

“I met a woman today, I’m not sure who she is or what I’m feeling, but I think she’s going to be in my life for a very long time.”

Stoner has appeared in movies such as Step Up and Cheaper by the Dozen, along with Disney shows like The Suite Life of Zack and Cody.

As actress-turned-singer got to know the dance instructor better, she struggled with her feelings that weren’t “quite sisterly or platonic.”

She was confused.

“I realized I had never fantasized about a guy this way, nor really ever felt comfortable dating guys,” she explains, elaborating as follows:

“Come to think of it, I stared at women’s bodies more than anything. But wasn’t that just societal conditioning or the unattainable beauty standards that fuel comparison and objectification?

“I refused to entertain other possibilities.”

Still, despite not being sure what was going on, Stoner and this other woman began spending a great deal of time together.

One evening, the pair made dinner and watched Orange is the New Black together and…

“We vented and supported each other. Then cuddled. Then kissed and kissed some more.”

This is when Stoner realized:

“OK, we were in a relationship. I fell in love with a woman.”

It’s unclear at what age this happened, but Stoner admits to attending therapy for years in order to figure herself out.

‘In its purest sense, I felt awakened, more compassionate and like my truest self,” she writes.

“She strengthened and inspired me, creating a space for me to discover myself without judgment. We were an example of true love.”

in camp rock

Stoner had “misconceptions” about the LGBT community, she says, adding that she wondered how this personal revelation would affect her job.

‘Some people in the industry warned me that I’d ruin my career, miss out on possible jobs, and potentially put my life in danger if I ever came out.

‘My dream and all I’d worked tirelessly for since the age of 6 was suddenly at risk by my being . . . true to myself.”

She prayed on it. She battled internally.

But, in the end, she could no longer deny how she felt and what she believes.

“I, Alyson, am attracted to men, women, and people who identify in other ways,” she concludes.

“I can love people of every gender identity and expression. It is the soul that captivates me.

“It is the love we can build and the goodness we can contribute to the world by supporting each other’s best journeys.”

So well said all around.

We salute you, Alyson Stoner.


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Queen Latifah Pens Emotional Tribute to Late Mother

Queen Latifah is sadly in mourning today.

The long-time artist and actress lost her mother, Rita Owens, on Wednesday, following a very long struggle with a heart condition.

In memory of the person to whom she was closest, Queen Latifah has submitted an emotional and heartfelt statement to People Magazine.

“It is with a heavy heart that I share the news my mother, Rita Owens passed away today,” wrote Latifah, adding:

“Anyone that has ever met her knows what a bright light she was on this earth.

“She was gentle, but strong, sweet, but sassy, worldy but pragmatic, a woman of great faith and certainly the love of my life.”

A former Academy Award nominee, Latifah is the executive producer of The Rap Game and many other television programs.

But she’ll always be her mother’s daughter, first and foremost.

“She had struggled with a heart condition for many years and her battle is now over,” Latifah continued.

“I am heartbroken but know she is at peace. Thank you for your kindness, support and respect for our privacy at this time.

“Much Love, Dana Owens (aka Queen Latif‎ah), forever Rita Owens’ daughter.”

Late Wednesday night, the star shared a video of a photograph of her mother with the caption, “143,” which translates to “I love you.”

She also talked about her bond with her mom back in September, while promoting the film Girls Trip in another interview with People.

“I’ve just learned how much you can love a person and just how strong my mother is,” she said at the time. “I’ve come to respect her in ways you can’t even imagine.”

Owens lived with her condition for years due to medication, a defibrillator in her chest and a special diet.

The latter was low in salt and fat, yet heavy on vegetables.

Latifah also said of her mother:

“I watched her come through so many things, ups and downs, hospitalizations – I mean really being in the ICU for that matter – you know, going through tough times and watching her come back and bounce back and still maintain this sense of humor, and love and drive and will.”

She added:

“I just love her so much more, I respect her so much more. She really just gives me hope for life and the world.”

Back in 2015, Latifah said she often stayed at her mother’s home in New Jersey and concluded that her mom’s health helped her put everything in proper perspective:

“Whatever some tabloid printed means nothing, money doesn’t mean anything, work is great – I work so that I can take care of my family – but the family is the most important thing.”

We send our thoughts to Queen Latifah during this difficult time.


Thursday, December 21, 2017

Tristan Thompson Pens Moving Tribute to Pregnant Khloe Kardashian

Khloe Kardashian is pregnant.

This is not breaking news.

It’s been assumed and discussed by multiple reliable outlets for just about two months now.

However, we can now scream it from the rooftops and openly wonder about potential baby names with our friends… because Khloe herself has confirmed the development!

“My greatest dream realized! We are having a baby!” wrote Khloe on Wednesday night, along with a picture of her baby bump and her boyfriend’s hands.

She added:

“I had been waiting and wondering but God had a plan all along. He knew what He was doing. I simply had to trust in Him and be patient.

“I still at times can’t believe that our love created life!”

That is sort of an incredible thing to wrap one’s mind around.

Shortly after Khloe shared this image and penned these meaningful words, Tristan Thompson chimed in with his thoughts.

The Cleveland Cavaliers power forward has been dating Khloe for well over a year now and, although he doesn’t have plans to marry her, he’s clearly smitten.

Very smitten.

So smitten that he left his pregnant girlfriend for Khloe.

But that’s a story for a different day.

This is a time for celebration, as Thompson acknowledged in the Comments section of Kardashian’s Instagram page.

“My love, Thank you for allowing me to be apart [sic] of your journey and entering your life that day at the bel air hotel. One of the best moments of my life,” Thompson wrote.

The father of a child who was born almost exactly a year ago, Tristan concluded his reaction as follows:

“I’m soo happy to be on this journey together with you and creating this angel from the man above.

“Everyday [sic] I give thanks to him for bringing us together.

“I love you soo much and I know our little angel feels the love we share together and will know that mommy and daddy loves them unconditional and forever and ever amen.”

tristan comment

Word of Khloe’s pregnancy hit the Internet on September 26.

Fans have wondered ever since:

  • When is she due?

  • Will she have a boy or girl?

  • How will she make her announcement?

Choosing not to do so on Keeping Up with the Kardashians or on some magazine cover, Khloe instead chose a simple and lucrative option:

The social media photo above, which includes a clear image of her Calvin Klein-sponsored attire.

“I was so nervous to post our announcement but WOWWW I am overwhelmed with the response by you guys!!!” she Tweeted a few hours ago, showering her supporters with gratitude.

“Thank you! Thank you!”

She also added on Instagram as part of her reveal:

Tristan, thank you for loving me the way that you do! Thank you for treating me like a Queen! Thank you for making me feel beautiful at all stages!

Tristan, most of all, Thank you for making me a MOMMY!!! You have made this experience even more magical than I could have envisioned!

I will never forget how wonderful you’ve been to me during this time! Thank you for making me so happy my love!”

As most fans of this family are well aware of, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are expecting a third child (via surrogate) any week now, while Kylie Jenner is also pregnant.

The 20-year old seems less excited about that fact that Khloe does about her expecting state, however.

The latter, after all, has always been open about wanting to start a family and is in a dedicated, long-term relationship.

The former is … well… 20 years old and may not even be dating baby daddy Travis Scott any longer.

But that’s not the point right now.

The point right now is that folks online are PSYCHED for their favorite Kardashian sister, as you can see below:


We share these sentiments.

We’d like to send Khloe and Tristan our best wishes.

We hope she has a relatively easy pregnancy and, of course, a very happy and healthy child.


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Meghan Markle: Controversial Writer Pens Tell-All, Uses Phrase "Markle Sparkle"

In the span of just a few short years, Meghan Markle has gone from Deal or No Deal “briefcase girl” to star of a USA network legal drama to future royalty.

It’s a trajectory that’s sure to inspire both misty-lensed Hallmark Channel romances and 99 cent erotic e-books with titles like The Finger Prince.

We don’t blame the public for being fascinated with Meghan’s story.

We all like to think we’ll be saved from our desperate, mediocre lives when someone with tremendous power and influence recognizes how special we are.

Basically, Meghan is Harry Potter and Harry is Dumbledore and … well, we won’t get into the importance of knowing how to work a wand in both stories, but you get the idea.

The point of that confusing and oddly profane metaphor is that Meghan and Harry’s romance is the stuff of bestsellers.

But it won’t be J.K. Rowling telling the tale.

No, it appears the first to cash in on the international Harkle obsession will be British writer Andrew Morton, a provocateur who’s previously authored biographies on Tom Cruise, Madonna, and Angelina Jolie.

Somehow, not having not been smothered to death by the avalanche of smug that came from researching those three, Morton lived to tell tell the tale of Harry’s mother, Princess Di, in a bestseller titled Diana: Her Story.

Despite the fact that the book was based largely on a secretly recorded conversation between Diana and a friend, Morton was able to secure the late princess’ approval of the project.

In other words, this is a dude who knows where the bodies are buried, and now he’s coming for MegMar:

“I was a fan of Meghan’s long before she met Prince Harry,” British writer Andrew Morton wrote to Fox News.

“She has star quality, what some have called ‘the Markle Sparkle."”

As a man who has the sack to use the phrase “Markle Sparkle” publicly, you can bet that Morton won’t shy away from all the gritty details of Meghan’s 36 years.

Or, he’ll just engage in 400-plus pages of ass-kissing, because the royals have basically made his career.

Based on his comments on the project, we’re guessing it’s the latter:

“Confident, groomed and camera ready, she is a dramatic contrast to the blushing, coy royal brides of recent history,” Morton recently told Fox News

“The warmth and affection Meghan and Harry displayed during their engagement interview years is light years away from the stilted ‘whatever love means’ conversation with Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer in 1981.”

Morton added:

“Meghan is an exciting and genuinely charismatic addition to the royal family – she makes the House of Windsor seem relevant again. Hers is a fascinating story and I can’t wait to tell it.”

Basically, it sounds like dude is a living Instagram filter.

His version of Meghan has a flower crown and shoots out rays of angelic light when she smiles.

So yeah, you may have to wait a bit longer for Markle to get the warts-and-all treatment.

Or you can just go ahead and download The Finger Prince to your Kindle.

We’re not here to judge.
