Showing posts with label Delaney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Delaney. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Rob Delaney Pens Powerful Essay on Late Son"s Cancer Battle

Early this year, Rob Delaney’s young son tragically died. His 2-year-old son fought and lost a battle against a fatal brain tumor.

Now, eight months later, the still-grieving comedian has released the first excerpts of his book, which he had been writing when it looked like his son was going to make it.

This is heavy, powerful stuff, and very much worth reading.

On Medium, Rob Delaney shares pieces of the book that he has written about his late son.

“I may wish Henry wasn’t in the hospital and it may make me f–king sick that my kids haven’t lived under the same roof for over a year,” Delaney writes in one excerpt.

“But I’m always, always happy to enter the hospital every morning and see him,” Delaney says. “It’s exciting every day to walk into his room and see him and see him see me.”

“The surgery to remove his tumor left him with Bell’s palsy on the left side of his face, so it’s slack and droops,” he describes. “His left eye is turned inward too, due to nerve damage.”

“But the right side of his face is incredibly expressive, and that side brightens right up when I walk into the room,” he writes.

“There’s no doubt about what kind of mood he’s in, ever,” Denaley continues.

“It’s particularly precious when he’s angry because seeing the contrast between a toddler’s naked rage in one half of his face and an utterly placid chubby chipmunk cheek and wandering eye in the other,” Delaney explains.

He goes on to say that it “is shocking in a way that makes me and my wife and whatever combination of nurses and/or doctors are in the room laugh every time.”

“And when he smiles, forget about it,” Delaney beams. “A regular baby’s smile is wonderful enough.”

In contrast, he writes: “When a sick baby with partial facial paralysis smiles, it’s golden. Especially if it’s my baby.”

Delaney also speaks of the earliest signs of his son’s illness, which began normally enough — with Henry vomiting in 2016. Babies do that sometimes.

What made it worse was that he continued to do so.

“Henry was losing weight,” Delaney writes. “Every time he vomited I would freak out. I would feed him so gently, so slowly, and assume I’d done something wrong when he vomited.”

Delaney blamed himself over the medical mystery. “Why, if I’d been able to feed Henry’s ravenous, feral older brothers, couldn’t I feed him?”

“My baby was getting smaller,” Delaney writes. “And that is a f–ked up thing to see.”

“I would often start crying whenever he threw up,” Delaney admits. “I would try not to cry in front of his older brothers and fail.”

“And they’d ask why,” Delaney continues. “And I would say it was because I was scared.”

It was only after a friend suggesting seeing his child’s pediatrician that Henry, still a baby, was given an MRI.

The doctor already suspected that a mass might be forcing Henry to vomit uncontrollably, but did not say the word “tumor” until Rob Delaney said it first.

Henry ended up having drastic brain surgery — the one that resulted in his aforementioned lazy eye and partial facial paralysis. But it was not enough.

Delaney shares that he wrote about these experiences before his family got the worst news of their lives.

“The above was part of a book proposal I put together before Henry’s tumor came back and we learned that he would die,” Delaney explains.

Understandably, “I stopped writing when we saw the new, bad MRI.”

“My wife and his brothers and I just wanted to be with him around the clock and make sure his final months were happy,” Delaney writes. “And they were.”

He adds that he’s putting his writings out there for his intended audience — other parents of very sick children.


Friday, February 9, 2018

Rob Delaney Reveals Young Son"s Tragic Death

Rob Delaney is a well-known comedian, most recently recognized for his role as co-creator, writer, and actor on Catastrophe. He’s also known for his humorous political observations on Twitter.

Now, however, Delaney is taking to social media to share grim news of a very personal nature.

His very young son, Henry, has passed away at two-and-a-half years old. Heartbreaking.

On Friday, February 9th, Rob Delaney took to Facebook to share a post that must have been astonishingly difficult to write:

“I have very sad news. My two and a half year year old son Henry has passed away.”

Devastating news.

“Henry had been diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2016, shortly after his first birthday, following persistent vomiting and weight loss.”

Horrible at any age. Unspeakable when it’s happening to a baby.

“He had surgery to remove the tumor and further treatment through the early part of 2017.”

Unfortunately, that did not fully resolve the problem.

“Then the cancer returned last autumn and he died in January.”

“My wife and Henry’s older brothers and I are devastated of course.”

Of course.

“Henry was a joy. He was smart, funny, and mischievous and we had so many wonderful adventures together, particularly after he’d moved home following fifteen months living in hospitals.”

Henry had just started his life anew, it seems.

“His tumor and surgery left him with significant physical disabilities, but he quickly learned sign language and developed his own method of getting from A to B shuffling on his beautiful little bum.”

Children can be amazingly resourceful in the face of overwhelming obstacles.

“His drive to live and to love and to connect was profound.”

“I am astonished by the love-in-action displayed by Henry’s mom and his brothers.”

And he credits them with giving him purpose as he goes on.

“They are why I will endeavor to not go mad with grief.”

This is perhaps a reference to Rob Delaney’s struggle as an alcoholic. He has been sober for 16 years this month.

“I don’t want to miss out on their beautiful lives. I’m greedy for more experiences with them.”

That is such a healthy sentiment.

“The NHS nurses and doctors and the home carers and charity workers who helped our family survive Henry’s illness will be my heroes until the day I die. I am desperately sad right now, but I can say with authority that there is good in this world.”

Rob Delaney is American but currently lives in London. 

“If you’d like to help other families in the UK with very sick children, please make a donation to Rainbow Trust ( or Noah’s Ark ( in Henry’s name or in the name of someone you love.”

Hospice is sad enough, but hospice services for children is … bleak. Such services need all of the resources that they can get.

“Our family would be in much worse shape right now if it weren’t for them. I would also urge you to take concrete and sustained action to support the NHS, however you can. Do not take it for granted.”

The NHS, the UK’s single-payer healthcare system, comes under attack by politicians who — like those who oppose Obamacare in the US — seek to dismantle universal health services.

Rob Delaney ends his heartbreaking post with a plea.

“Finally, I ask that you respect my family’s privacy regarding this matter. I have nothing else to say that I haven’t said here.”

Of course. What could anyone ask beyond what he has shared? Why would anyone want to force him to speak about this?

“Thank you, beautiful Henry, for spending as much time with us as you did. We miss you so much.”

Rest in peace, Henry.


Friday, February 17, 2017

ATL Hawks Rookie Malcolm Delaney Breaks Down Cabo Plans For All-Star Weekend (VIDEO)

What do NBA players do instead of join in the All-Star Weekend festivities? TURN UP IN CABO!! Here’s Atlanta Hawks rookie Malcolm Delaney breaking down his sunny getaway during the NBA’s short break … and he’s got 1 rule — NO…
