Showing posts with label Powerful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Powerful. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Rob Delaney Pens Powerful Essay on Late Son"s Cancer Battle

Early this year, Rob Delaney’s young son tragically died. His 2-year-old son fought and lost a battle against a fatal brain tumor.

Now, eight months later, the still-grieving comedian has released the first excerpts of his book, which he had been writing when it looked like his son was going to make it.

This is heavy, powerful stuff, and very much worth reading.

On Medium, Rob Delaney shares pieces of the book that he has written about his late son.

“I may wish Henry wasn’t in the hospital and it may make me f–king sick that my kids haven’t lived under the same roof for over a year,” Delaney writes in one excerpt.

“But I’m always, always happy to enter the hospital every morning and see him,” Delaney says. “It’s exciting every day to walk into his room and see him and see him see me.”

“The surgery to remove his tumor left him with Bell’s palsy on the left side of his face, so it’s slack and droops,” he describes. “His left eye is turned inward too, due to nerve damage.”

“But the right side of his face is incredibly expressive, and that side brightens right up when I walk into the room,” he writes.

“There’s no doubt about what kind of mood he’s in, ever,” Denaley continues.

“It’s particularly precious when he’s angry because seeing the contrast between a toddler’s naked rage in one half of his face and an utterly placid chubby chipmunk cheek and wandering eye in the other,” Delaney explains.

He goes on to say that it “is shocking in a way that makes me and my wife and whatever combination of nurses and/or doctors are in the room laugh every time.”

“And when he smiles, forget about it,” Delaney beams. “A regular baby’s smile is wonderful enough.”

In contrast, he writes: “When a sick baby with partial facial paralysis smiles, it’s golden. Especially if it’s my baby.”

Delaney also speaks of the earliest signs of his son’s illness, which began normally enough — with Henry vomiting in 2016. Babies do that sometimes.

What made it worse was that he continued to do so.

“Henry was losing weight,” Delaney writes. “Every time he vomited I would freak out. I would feed him so gently, so slowly, and assume I’d done something wrong when he vomited.”

Delaney blamed himself over the medical mystery. “Why, if I’d been able to feed Henry’s ravenous, feral older brothers, couldn’t I feed him?”

“My baby was getting smaller,” Delaney writes. “And that is a f–ked up thing to see.”

“I would often start crying whenever he threw up,” Delaney admits. “I would try not to cry in front of his older brothers and fail.”

“And they’d ask why,” Delaney continues. “And I would say it was because I was scared.”

It was only after a friend suggesting seeing his child’s pediatrician that Henry, still a baby, was given an MRI.

The doctor already suspected that a mass might be forcing Henry to vomit uncontrollably, but did not say the word “tumor” until Rob Delaney said it first.

Henry ended up having drastic brain surgery — the one that resulted in his aforementioned lazy eye and partial facial paralysis. But it was not enough.

Delaney shares that he wrote about these experiences before his family got the worst news of their lives.

“The above was part of a book proposal I put together before Henry’s tumor came back and we learned that he would die,” Delaney explains.

Understandably, “I stopped writing when we saw the new, bad MRI.”

“My wife and his brothers and I just wanted to be with him around the clock and make sure his final months were happy,” Delaney writes. “And they were.”

He adds that he’s putting his writings out there for his intended audience — other parents of very sick children.


Thursday, September 6, 2018

Ex-Judge Says Kim Kardashian West is Very Powerful in Trump"s White House

Kim Kardashian West seems to have a powerful pull over President Trump’s administration, and she’s using it for good … according to an ex-judge very connected to her cause. We spoke to former Tennessee judge Kevin Sharp Wednesday in D.C.…


Friday, August 17, 2018

Ariana Grande: See Her Powerful Tribute to the Late, Great Aretha Franklin

Ariana Grande was scheduled to go on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon on Thursday night to promote the debut of her incredible new album, Sweetener.

But whatever plans they had made for her were scrapped when the legendary Aretha Franklin died at 76.

Instead, Ariana and The Roots collaborated on a powerful, evocative tribute to the late Queen of Soul. Hear it for yourself:

Ariana grande aretha franklin tribute

In the moving tribute video that we have included, Ariana Grande covers "You Make Me Feel Like A Natural Woman" with The Roots providing the instrumentals.

But Ariana also sat down with Fallon and spoke about her experience with the legendary Aretha, including having met her.

"I met her a few times," Ariana admits. "We sang at the White House and she was so sweet and she was so cute, and I was like, ‘How are you a real person?’"

Ariana, Aretha, and Obama under one roof must have been a powerful experience for others there.

"It’s an honor to have met her," Ariana says with all due reverence.

Ariana grande purple hair

Ariana also revealed to Fallon that she had been called by Aretha, out of the blue.

"She called me one time, one time only," Ariana shares. "And she goes ‘Hi, it’s Aretha,’ and I’m like, ‘Franklin?!""

Literally imagine that happening to you. (Pretend that it"s in a world where anyone picks up the phone for a number that they don"t recognize)

Ariana explains that Aretha had asked if she would be willing to listen to some music by her "nephew or her grandson."

She describes her reaction: "I was like, “Oh my god, I’d be honored to listen. Thank you for thinking of me. Just text me the MP3 or something.’"

Aretha franklin picture

Aretha was already in her 70s at this point, so texting her the MP3 wasn"t really in the cards.

Ariana explains: "And she was like, ‘Well, I don’t know how to do that so I’m just gonna send it to you.’"

When Ariana said this, my first thought was well an email is fine, but that"s not what Aretha meant.

"And then," Ariana reveals. "Like, four months later I got a package with a CD."

"But it was nice," Ariana says. "It was great."

Ariana grande the creation of woman

Aretha passed away at 76 from pancreatic cancer.

Gwendolyn Quinn was her longtime publicist, and she released a formal statement.

"In one of the darkest moments of our lives," Quinn says. "We are not able to find the appropriate words to express the pain in our heart. We have lost the matriarch and rock of our family."

Aretha is a legend, mourned by millions — but none knew and loved her so well as her family.

The statement continues: "The love she had for her children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and cousins knew no bounds."

Aretha franklin at 2016 white house correspondents dinner

Quinn and the family thanked fans for their kindness during this difficult time.

"We have been deeply touched by the incredible outpouring of love and support we have received from close friends, supporters, and fans all around the world," the statement continues.

"Thank you for your compassion and prayers," the family says. "We have felt your love for Aretha and it brings us comfort to know that her legacy will live on."

Her voice touched so many.

"As we grieve," the family asks. "We ask that you respect our privacy during this difficult time."

Of course.

Ariana grande see her powerful tribute to the late great aretha

Friday, July 6, 2018

Tyler Baltierra Details Mental Illness in Powerful New Poem

Teen Mom OG star Tyler Baltierra struggles with his mental health, and has to defend himself and explain to fans that his mental illness doesn’t make him a bad parent.

He’s absolutely right. He has coping mechanisms, and one of those is expressing himself through poetry.

In a powerful and evocative new poem, he explains what it’s like to endure the fog of depression and anxiety on a daily basis.

On Instagram, Tyler Baltierra shared a somewhat freeform poem that, at first, might resemble prose.

“Living with this depression & anxiety causes hurt.” Tyler’s poem begins. “Its brain is like an alien stuck in a foreign body.”

A lot of people can feel that way. Particularly those who endure a chronic battle with an illness.

“That body just keeps getting up,” Tyler continues. “it keeps putting on these clothes & it goes about the day doing whatever is required.”

It sounds like he is describing an empty routine that feels devoid of meaning.

“But It barely eats,” Tyler laments. “It’s always weak & it’s always tired.”

Many feel betrayed by their flesh prisons, and Tyler is no exception.

“But I’m so confused,” Tyler writes. “I just don’t get it, because if it’s so weak & it’s so tired, then why can’t it sleep when it’s time for its mind to retire.”

Insomnia is a special kind of torment that adds insult to injury for those enduring the chronic fatigue that can accompany depression.

“It’s like its mind is this tire that keeps spinning in circles & it gets lost every time it takes a spin while driving on that thin of a wire.”

By this point, you have no doubt noted that retire and wire rhyme with some earlier words. There’s a lot of that going on.

“But even though it lacks the ability to see what is required,” Tyler says. “That doesn’t mean It’s not allowed to desire the love & compassion every other human being desires.”

“It feels like it’s a conspire to not have known this information prior,” Tyler writes.

He means a conspiracy, but he’s using poetic license to play with the word.

“Because now all these thoughts in its brain caused by all these demons inside won’t stop talking with such an evil tone that’s dire…”

To be clear, he’s not talking about delusions of demons. He’s talking about the horror of intrusive thoughts.

(On their own, intrustive thoughts are supposed to be prompts to do things that we don’t want to do, so that our horrified internal reactions reinforce our resistance to those impulses. Mental illness can make that much worse)

Tyler writes: “& that tone distracts it from ever being able to see the positivity in this life it could actually acquire.”

That’s depression for you.

Tyler Baltierra ends his poem with the tag: “#PoetryIsMyBrainsFreedom.”

The Teen Mom OG star has opened up about his mental health struggles in the past.

Recently, he shared a heartbreaking poem that he wrote while battling suicidal ideation after getting the news of his father, Butch Baltierra, once again going to jail.

A person’s parent’s screw-ups, as a parent or as a human being, can haunt their children well into adulthood.

Tyler has explained that he shares all of this, not only because expressing himself through poetry is therapeutic, but because he hopes to help people.

Sometimes, the most powerful thing that you can do for someone is to make them understand that they are truly not alone.

The comments under Tyler’s poem were filled with expressions of support and sympathy.

A number of followers mentioned that they very personally understood his experiences.

Others recommended CBD oil, which they say can alleviate anxiety and depression like marijuana without producing the high.

It is always heartwarming to see people come together with solutions that worked for them, but not every solution is universal.


Monday, May 21, 2018

Ariana Grande: Watch Her Powerful Performance From the BMAs

As you will see in the video that we"ve included, the spectacular Ariana Grande put on a gorgeous performance at the 2018 Billboard Music Awards.

It was a bittersweet performance, just two days before the 1-year anniversary of the Manchester Arena Bombing.

"No Tears Left To Cry" is Ariana"s first single since last year"s devastating terrorist attack with an explosive device.

Ultimately, 22 lives were lost to the terrorist"s bomb. And over 500 innocents were injured.

Even those who evaded physical harm, who fled or were ushered out — Ariana"s own mother, Joan Grande, reportedly urged dozens of audience-goers to come with her to safety in case there were multiple devices — were victims of the device.

And so were the families and loved ones of those who died. Terrorism exacts an appalling toll.

This kind of deadly tragedy transforms lives for the worst.

But Ariana has been outspoken and adamant that she not allow that kind of creeping evil to snuff out joy or hope, and she will continue to tour.

Ariana"s performance itself, as you can see for yourself in the video that we have included, was a tasteful blend of optimism and art with somber reminders of the May 22 bombing.

At one point, she is lifted up into the air by a rising pillar, but her skillful backup dancers use their umbrella props to give the appearance that she is resting solely on their umbrellas.

(We haven"t enjoyed a performance featuring umbrellas this much since Tom Holland"s lip sync performance in 2017; well done, Ariana)

The bee, which is the symbol of Manchester, even makes an appearance during the show.

Ariana really knows how to illustrate how to move forward even as you grieve.

Ariana seemed to dedicate a lot of time in 2017 to self-care. She was also in a relationship that year, but Ariana and Mac Miller are over.

Very appropriate, under the circumstances. She had to recover, just like everyone else. Perhaps more so, as she may have felt a misplaced sense of guilt.

In contrast, she was something of a social media ghost during the first few months of 2018.

Then, Ariana began to tweet with upside-down letters, hinting that new music would soon be coming.

That music came in the form of "No Tears Left To Cry," a beautiful and powerful stand-alone single that continues to receive acclaim.

(We should note that, technically, it"s only a stand-alone single for now — it may be part of an EP or a full length album later down the road)

Ariana was a natural choice to begin the 2018 Billboard Music Awards.

Janet Jackson won the ICON Award and generally owned at the awards show.

It"s what she deserves.

Ed Sheeran won Top Artist. … Okay.

Top New Arist went to Khalid.

The Billboard Chart Achievement Award went to Camila Cabello.

Top Male Artist went to Ed Sheeran.

Top Female Artist went to Taylor Swift, which makes sense — she had the best-selling album of 2017.

Top Duo/Group went to Imagine Dragons.

Top Billboard 200 Artist went to Drake.

Top Hot 100 Artist went to Ed Sheeran. These awards are based upon streaming and sales, so don"t blame Billboard that his name keeps popping up.

Top Social Artist went to BTS.

Top R&B Artist went to Bruno Mars.

Top Rap Artist went to Kendrick Lamar.

Top Country Artist went to Chris Stapleton.

Top Rock Artist went to Imagine Dragons, so Sheeran wasn"t the only name that kept cropping up.

Top Billboard 200 Album was Damn by Kendrick Lamar.

As we mentioned, the Top Selling Album was Reputation by Taylor Swift.

The Top Hot 100 Song was "Despacito" by Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber.

"Despacito" was also the top selling song. That makes sense — it was arguably 2017"s "song of the summer."

Ariana grande watch her powerful performance from the bmas

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Selena Gomez Shares a Bikini Video and a Powerful Message

Fans weep, either with grief or relief, at the news that Selena and Justin have broken up.

Selena is also processing it … by donning a bikini and adventuring Down Under on a yacht. She won"t let her surgical scars hold her back from living her life.

Check out her inspiring message below, along with the video that she shared with fans.

Selena gomez yacht pics 01

Selena Gomez uploaded a fun video of herself and her companions on a yacht.

She wrote a caption for this video.

"The beauty myth," she begins. "An obsession with physical perfection."

There is actually a non-fiction book by Naomi Wolf titled The Beauty Myth, but this is not the book that has a cameo in the video below.

Selena then says that this obsession "traps modern woman in an endless cycle of hopelessness, self consciousness, and self-hatred as she tries to fulfill society’s impossible definition of flawless beauty."

Some might deride Selena, who is famously beautiful, for this statement, but, as we"ll explain, she has every right to make this statement.

"I chose to take care of myself because I want to, not to prove anything to anyone."

Selena gomez yacht pics 02

In the video itself, Selena Gomez and her companions are taking it easy on a yacht off of the coast of Australia.

Before you salivate at your screen wishing that you could quantum leap into Selena or one of her companions and live a similar life of luxury, remember that Selena"s been in the entertainment industry since she was a child.

Also, she very nearly died last year. She"s earned her lifestyle and she"s also earned the right to have some fun.

As for why she chose Australia — viewers can see that she"s in Sydney Harbor during at least parts of the video — we can only guess.

Maybe Selena figured that if Lupus can"t kill her, then Australia"s notoriously scary fauna can"t, either.

Selena gomez yacht pics 03

it is widely believed that Selena"s message about body image and her appearance on video in a bikini is not a coincidence.

And no, it"s not because she"s trying to land a replacement now that the Biebs is destroyed, devastated, and broken by their breakup.

She was recently spotted out and about in a bikini, with her scars on display.

Fans know this, so she"s speaking from the heart to make sure that they understand that she"s not ashamed of her scars, but she is conscious of them.

They"re new, and they"re a reminder of how close she came to losing her life.

So … please don"t ask why she might feel that body image issues and beauty standards are sometimes unfair, folks.

Selena gomez yacht pics 04

Overall, the video is cute and fun.

It has everything:

– A grainy filter so that it looks like how Lana Del Rey probably sees the world

– Reenactments of that one scene from Titanic



-The Sydney Opera House

-Selena herself

And you can see all of that in the video below.

Selena gomez yacht pics 05

The song playing during the video is "Dream Tonite," by Alvvays.

(The song title has been reported elsewhere with a different spelling)

It"s nice of Selena to plug someone else"s music, even if she"s just doing it because it makes for a great, peaceful soundtrack.

We hope that she enjoys her time in Australia!

Selena gomez shares a bikini video and a powerful message

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Jane Seymour: A Powerful Producer Once Lured Me to His Home

Jane Seymour, always beautiful and always charming, has done a new interview.

In it, she talks about feeling sexier than ever despite her age, she talks about fending off the flirtations of confident men who are half her age, and her career.

She also shares her harrowing #MeToo story from early in her career.

Taking to Instagram, the gorgeous Jane Seymour couldn’t wait to deliver great news.

“I’m THRILLED to finally share this with you!”

She’s pregnant — we’re kidding! It’s an interview, which is much better for a 67-year-old.

“I was recently photographed and interviewed in my home by Playboy.”

And here’s what she discussed:

“I open up about my career, my family, feeling better-than-ever at 67 and so much more!”

And that interview is now available. Here are some of the highlights:

“I feel much sexier now than I ever did when I was younger.”

She is 67 years old and gorgeous, but it seems that part of that sexiness is simply a state of mind.

In her youth, she was worried over what it meant.

“Then I was like, ‘Oh gosh, I’m supposed to be sexy. What is that?!”

Age, she feels, has liberated her.

“There’s an enormous freedom in having lived as long as I have.”

Loving yourself can be a real key to happiness.

“Like my father used to say, I’m comfortable in my own skin.”

As a beautiful woman, she still finds herself on the receiving end of flirtations from much younger men, characterized as “confident thirtysomethings.”

“I said, ‘Oh darn, in another life.’ I find that very flattering.”

Not everyone’s a cougar. But then, not everyone could land a man half her age with minimal effort.

“I mean, usually you’re invisible by this age!”

But she doesn’t feel in any way insecure about her looks or sex appeal.

“I”m not trying to prove anything to anyone.”

In fact, she doesn’t sound insecure about anything.

“When you’re younger, its all about ‘look at me.’ I’m not trying to get anyone to look at me.

Unfortunately, Jane Seymour has her own harrowing #MeToo story to share, starting with a powerful producer who invited her to his home when she was young and new and needed the work.

She says that he told her: “I’ve persuaded everyone that you are the perfect person to play this role. It wasn’t easy. Now it’s your turn.”

At this point, though no one else was at the house despite her expectations, Jane said that she still believed that this was a professional meeting.

“I said, ‘Yeah, I’m gonna do the screen test.’”

Then her naivete was shattered.

But he apparently said to her: “No, no, now it’s your turn. I’ve done this for you.”

That’s when things got physical.

She says that he then put his hand “in the wrong place.” She then crossed her legs and scooted away from him.

Despite being so terrified that she was shaking, she recalls asking him to call her a cab.

“He put me in a car and said, ‘If anyone knows you ever came here, if you ever tell anyone, ever, I’ll guarantee you never work again anywhere on the planet.’”

She believed him.

“And he had that power. I got in the cab and cried, terrified.”

She did get away at that time and went on to launch a powerful career.

Her fame has had its ups and downs over the years, but every pitfall in her life has been followed by a triumphant rise.

“People say, ‘You’re like a phoenix.’ No, I just had a strong role model in my mother.”

She imparts some advice on readers.

“Everyone will have challenges. Your natural instinct is to close up your heart and let it eat you up. Do something to help someone.”

She says that it will make you into a better person.

“It will heal you. You’ll be like a magnet when you do that. Light to firefly.”


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

SpaceX Set to Launch Powerful Falcon Heavy Rocket (LIVE STREAM)

Elon Musk is crossing his fingers (and probably his toes, too) as SpaceX sets to launch the powerful Falcon Heavy rocket … and TMZ will be streaming live. SpaceX will TRY to launch the most powerful rocket in nearly half a century Tuesday…


Monday, January 29, 2018

Kesha Gives Powerful Grammys Performance After Janelle Monae"s Time"s Up Intro

Kesha just rocked the Grammys with an incredibly moving performance after Janelle Monae introduced her and shouted out the Time’s Up movement, too. The pop star took the stage Sunday in what was a highly anticipated performance and possibly the…


Monday, January 8, 2018

Golden Globes: 13 Most Memorable (and Powerful) Moments

Two moving movies and one HBO television show won big at the 2018 Golden Globes.

But what were the moments everyone is talking about in the aftermath of a unique ceremony that dedicated over three hours of speeches and presentations to victims of sexual harassment?

From a winning monologue to a bold two words uttered by a former Oscar winner, scroll down to find out…

1. The Host with the Most…

The host with the most

… great jokes. Seth Meyers receives strong marks for a monologue that was both funny, relevant and unafraid to call out the major names who have been busted for sexual misconduct.

2. Nicole Kidman Won the First Award of the Night…

Nicole kidman won the first award of the night

… and then said this: “Keith Urban, when my cheek is against yours, everything melts away — and that is love. It’s true. I love you so much.” Total and complete swoon.

3. Natalie Portman Wore Black…

Natalie portman wore black

… but she also used words to speak out against the power imbalance in Hollywood. While introducing the nominated Best Directors with Ron Howard, Portman, the actress tossed in two words a pair of important and pointed words: “And here are the ALL MALE nominees…”

4. Friends Forever?

Friends forever

More like icon forever. Jennifer Aniston was all of us in presenting on stage with her idol, Carol Burnett. Their bit included the veteran comedian mistaking the actress for Will & Grace star Debra Messing… and Aniston finally getting the chance to tug her idol’s ear.

5. Sterling K. Brown Makes History

Sterling k brown makes history

Brown earned the trophy for best actor in a television series in a drama, becoming the first black man to do so. He then said on stage: “[Series creator] Dan Fogelman throughout the majority of my career I’ve benefited from color blind casting. Like, ‘Hey let’s throw a brother in this role.’ It’s really cool, but then Dan, you wrote a role for a black man that could only be played by a black man. So what I really appreciate about this thing is I’m being seen for who I am and being appreciated for who I am, and it makes it that much more difficult to dismiss me and anyone who looks like me. So thank you, Dan.”

6. Tonya Harding for None of the Wins

Tonya harding for none of the wins

Allison Janney won for her role in I, Tonya, a movie that paints the former figure skater as a victim. The winner then gave Harding, who was in attendance, a shout-out. Isn’t this still the same person who has admitted she knew ahead of time of a planned attack against Nancy Kerrigan?!? Perhaps she doesn’t deserve such honor and recognition.

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Oprah Delivers Powerful Golden Globes #MeToo Speech for Cecil B. DeMille Award

You know it’s a movement when Oprah rocks the house with an historically powerful speech about #MeToo at the Golden Globe Awards … which it is, ‘cause she did. Oprah delivered one hell of an acceptance speech after receiving the Cecil B. DeMille…


Monday, November 13, 2017

Weinstein Scandal: Which Powerful Men Are Accused of Sexual Misconduct?

Following accusations of sexual harassment and rape, Harvey Weinstein has lost his job and his family. Given that the LAPD is investigating him, he may even lose his freedom.

What began as a scandal over one mega-producer"s alleged sexual misconduct has taken on a powerful life of its own.

Countless women — and men — came forward and shared their #MeToo stories, talking about incidents in childhood or adulthood in which they were sexually harassed or assaulted. In many cases, these individuals had held onto stories, afraid or ashamed to share them, for years or even decades.

The average #MeToo story comes from everyday people and often don"t name the people who wronged them. Many don"t even know the men"s names.

However, a number of celebrities and non-celebrities alike have come forward and their #MeToo stories are naming the names of powerful men.

Directors, producers, and actors who have for years used social pressure, Hollywood culture, wealth, and celebrity status to remain above reproach are suddenly being called out so loudly that even they cannot ignore it.

It"s not fun to wonder if someone you once admired might be next, but surely we would all rather know the truth than to live in blissful ignorance.

Some of these powerful men have admitted to having done wrong. Others are fiercely denying the allegations against them, even when it"s their word against dozens — or more.

It seems that more accused sexual predators are named every day, so here"s a running list of the powerful figures who have been called out for alleged sexual misconduct.

1. Harvey Weinstein

Harvey weinstein snapshot

We of course could not make this list without including the titular figure in the Weinstein scandal. This mega-producer has lost his job and his wife over accusations of sexual harassment and sexual assault. Multiple famous actresses have shared their Weinstein stories. He’s also under investigation by the LAPD. His public downfall has encouraged countless others to come forward.

2. Brett Ratner

Brett ratner photo

Though not the only X-Men director to have been accused of sexual misconduct, Brett Ratner has been accused of sexual harassment and sexual assaults going back decades, and well-known actresses have spoken out and accused him of some very upsetting things.

3. Louis C.K.

Louis ck snapshot

Years ago, rumors sprouted up about an unnamed big-name comedian who seemed to enjoy masturbating in front of women he worked with. Several of those women came forward and named Louis C.K. … and though he didn’t quite say the word “sorry,” Louis did acknowledge that their stories were true.

4. Ed Westwick

Ed westwick snapshot

Former Gossip Girl star Ed Westwick has been accused by two different actresses with frighteningly similar stories. Both allege that they were at his house and invited to sleep in guest beds, only to awaken to Westwick allegedly sexually assaulting them. Both women say that people they considered friends urged them to keep quiet. It’s heartbreaking.

5. Steven Seagal

Steven seagal smiles

Jenny McCarthy says that Steven Seagal encouraged her to disrobe during a casting call … when she was acting out a courtroom scene. Former actress Lisa Guerrero (who is now a journalist) says that Seagal had her audition at his home while he appeared to be wearing only a robe, and that she’s glad that she brought along someone else. And now Portia de Rossi says that Steven Seagal once “unzipped” in front of her. These are very disturbing allegations.

6. Andy Dick

Andy dick tongue out

Andy Dick was fired from a project over allegations of sexual harassment, including genital groping and … licking people. Andy Dick’s defense, a claim that licking people on the face after kissing them is “his thing,” isn’t helping. If “your thing” is making people uncomfortable, you probably should find a new thing.

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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Imagine Dragons" Dan Reynolds Delivers Powerful Anti-Terror Message

Imagine Dragons’ lead singer Dan Reynolds delivered a strong message of anti-terror in the aftermath of the mass shooting in Las Vegas … their hometown. The band performed Wednesday night in Chicago, and Dan paused to tell the crowd their tour…


Thursday, October 12, 2017

James Van Der Beek Details Sexual Harassment by "Older, Powerful Men"

James Van Der Beek is here with a very important message to women around Hollywood:

You are not alone.

On the heels of the ongoing Harvey Weinstein saga – the veteran movie producer is accused of sexually harassing, like, every woman whose path he came across – Van Der Beek took to Twitter on Wednesday and revealing something very personal.

The actor strongly condemned Weinstein’s behavior… applauded the women who have shared their stories… and said he, too, has a sexual harassment tale to unfortunately pass along.

“For anyone judging the women who stayed silent, read this for perspective. Also for anyone brushing off harassment as “boys being boys…” the former Dawson’s Creek star said to open his series of Tweets.

He added:

“What Weinstein is being accused of is criminal. What he’s admitted to is unacceptable – in any industry. I applaud everybody speaking out.”

Van Der Beek is right, of course.

But he went on to detail just why he’s saying this and just why he can relate to these victims:

Because he’s add his private parts groped by Hollywood executives over the years.

“I’ve had my ass grabbed by older, powerful men, I’ve had them corner me in inappropriate sexual conversations when I was much younger…” the actor Tweeted.

As you can see above, he went on to say the following:

“I understand the unwarranted shame, powerlessness & inability to blow the whistle. There’s a power dynamic that feels impossible to overcome.”

Van Der Beek’s admission comes a day after Terry Crews also outlined an instance in which he was molested by a higher-up in Hollywood.

Ever since the explosive New York Times and New Yorker reports alleging Weinstein’s years and years of sexual misconduct, a multitude of actresses have come forward to share their stories about the producer.

These women included Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Rose McGowan, Mira Sorvino, Asia Argento, Cara Delevigne, Lea Seydoux, Rosanna Arquette, Judith Godrèche, Tomi-Ann Roberts, Katherine Kendall and Dawn Dunning.

The scandal has engulfed many men, as well.

Not just Crews and Van Der Beek, who are earning praise for their thoughtful responses and candid confessions.

But also stars such as Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, who are accused of covering up for Weinstein’s inexcusable behavior.

In Affleck’s case, his own past of inappropriate touching has been brought to light.

This is a very ugly time in Hollywood.

But perhaps all this light being shed on the topic of sexual misconduct can start to put an end to it going forward.


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Charlottesville Car Attack Victim Heather Heyer"s Mother Gives Powerful Speech at Memorial Service

Heather Heyer’s mother says the white supremacists and hate groups responsible for her daughter’s death didn’t shut her up … they made her message that much louder.  Susan Bro gave a powerful speech Wednesday at her daughter’s memorial…


Charlottesville Car Attack Victim Heather Heyer"s Mother Gives Powerful Speech at Memorial Service

Heather Heyer’s mother says the white supremacists and hate groups responsible for her daughter’s death didn’t shut her up … they made her message that much louder.  Susan Bro gave a powerful speech Wednesday at her daughter’s memorial…


Monday, June 5, 2017

Katy Perry Sends Powerful Message in Manchester: Watch!

Katy Perry kept it simple at the One Love Manchester tribute concert on Sunday night.

As previously reported, Ariana Grande and her team organized a fundraising event over the weekend to raise money for the families of victims killed by a terrorist at her concert on May 22.

There were 22 fatalities in all at that initial show in Manchester, along with dozens and dozens of fans who were sent to the hospital with injuries.

In response, Grande issued a couple of powerful statements, while also teaming with such stars as Perry, Chris Martin, Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus for yesterday"s unique show.

Given her chance to pay tribute to all affected by this horrific act, Perry led the audience in a powerful, stripped-down version of "Part of Me," giving her rendition very simple and extremely emotional.

As you can see above and below, the 32-year old artist took to the stage in an all-white outfit and addressed the crowd of 60,000-plus individuals, along with a global audience of millions watching online and on TV at home.

"It’s not easy to always choose love, is it, especially in moments like these, right?” she said, adding:

“It can be the most difficult thing to do. But love conquers fear and love conquers hate. And this love that you choose will give you strength and it’s our greatest power …

"I encourage you to choose love even when it’s difficult. Let no one take that away from you."

Perry then launched into her 2012 hit, turning the pop single into a moving message of empowerment that had her fans singing along at the Emirates Old Trafford Stadium.

It was one of many highlights from the show.

Elsewhere during the evening, Justin Bieber talked about God and hope in delivering a short speech after his two acoustic performances.

And then Grande closed the concert with a version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" that left everyone in tears.

Watch Perry do her part below and let"s all applaud the singers who took time out of their lives to participate in this important, charitable endeavor.

Jobs very well done all around.

Katy perry delivers powerful performance in manchester watch

Monday, February 13, 2017

Beyonce, Baby Bump Put on Powerful Performance at Grammys

As you most likely know by now, Beyonce is pregnant with twins.

But the 2017 Grammy Awards were also pregnant on Sunday night… with possibility!

The entire music world was on edge heading into the ceremony, wondering what Beyonce and her fairly large baby bump would do on stage.

And, as always, the Queen of Everything on the Planet did not disappoint.

First, about an hour into the broadcast, Beyonce was introduced by her mother, Tina Knowles.

Then, viewers were treated to a combination of pre-taped video and technical tricks, including Beyonce asking questions such as:

Do you remember being born? Are you thankful for the hips that cracked? The deep velvet of your mother, and her mother, and her mother?

From there, the artist came out on stage for the first time since making her universe-altering announcing.

She performed “Love Drought” from Lemonade amid a sea of dancers.

The impressive set featured Beyonce dressed like a goddess, complete with a golden sun crown – and, yes, a very clear belly.

The singer then transitioned into the track “Sand Castles,” another ballad off the blockbuster album.

The crowd was on its feet for the duration of the eight-plus minute performance.

Beyonce announced she was pregnant with twins on February 1.

If you recall, she also performed while pregnant at the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards, making her big reveal at the end of the song "Love On Top."

But she was only pregnant with a single baby then. That was literal child"s play!

This was multiple children"s play!

How did Beyonce do? Watch and see for yourself:

Beyonce baby bump put on powerful performance at 2017 grammys