Showing posts with label Beek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beek. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

James Van Der Beek Keeps It "Real" with Home Birth Photo

James Van Der Beek appreciates his Instagram followers.

He’s grateful that you enjoy looking at his page and checking out the images.

But he understands in this one special case. He won’t blame you at all if you choose to look away from his account for a few moments.

The former Dawson’s Creek star has shared a photo on social media that is really unlike any celebrity photo you’ve ever seen on these platforms.

The picture features Van Der Beek cradling his newborn daughter Gwendolyn … but when we say newborn, we mean NEWBORN.

The child is still attached to her umbilical cord.

Van Der Beek has taken fans inside his wife’s home birth, giving everyone a very up close and awfully personal view of what it’s like to partake in this sort of miraculous event.

“The category is: Home-Birth Realness,” opens the father of five before in his caption to the following picture, warning the “squeamish” to divert their eyes. 

We’ll emphasize that warning once again prior to publishing the photograph.

Ready? You sure?

Okay, here you go…

Van Der Beek continues in his message, listing everything you see above:

“Messy bed, Plastic sheeting underneath old sheets, Old towel crumpled on the floor, Vomit bag (unused), Inflatable birthing tub (also unused), Shirtless Dad, Boy in Spider-Man pajamas.”

(NOTE: This final item is easily our favorite. We love the idea of this adorable toddler just wandering around while his mother gives birth in his house to his sister.)

Concludes the actor:

“Happy, healthy baby, Happy healthy Mom in her own shower right after giving birth, Water bottle And . . . placenta in a mixing bowl (I warned you).”

It’s true.

He did warn us.

But most followers have reacted in amazement to such a picture, even thanking Van Der Beek for truly keeping it real.

Wrote one impressed individual, with the Instagram handle @kimberlys40:

Wow you are truly an amazing woman! @vanderkimberly and this is the most beautiful picture I have ever seen. Congratulations to the both of you and to your beautiful family.

The Dawson’s Creek alum and his wife, Kimberly Van Der Beek, welcomed their fifth child on Friday, June 15.

He and the wellness blogger are also parents of Olivia, 7, Joshua, 6, Annabel Leah, 4, and Emilia, 2.

James conrirmed the arrival of little Gwendolyn on Sunday via a photo of the family fawning over its latest addition.

“These last few days, as I’ve enjoyed the privilege of making smoothies I know my older kids will like, making my wife red raspberry leaf tea to ease her uterine contractions, spending ‘boy time’ with my son and getting my two year-old down for a nap in the way only I know how… I’ve been sick about something,” he wrote.

He then referenced the VERY controversial White House policy of separating children from their immigrant parents:

“As I write this, kids are being ripped from the arms of their parents. By our government.

“For the kid’s benefit? No – the opposite – as a purposeful display of cruelty to deter would-be illegal border crossers AND legal asylum seekers (its happening to both).

“And it wouldn’t be honest to wax poetic about my new-baby bliss without speaking up against this atrocity.”

Concluded the veteran actor:

A crime against humanity is a crime against us all.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

James Van Der Beek Details Sexual Harassment by "Older, Powerful Men"

James Van Der Beek is here with a very important message to women around Hollywood:

You are not alone.

On the heels of the ongoing Harvey Weinstein saga – the veteran movie producer is accused of sexually harassing, like, every woman whose path he came across – Van Der Beek took to Twitter on Wednesday and revealing something very personal.

The actor strongly condemned Weinstein’s behavior… applauded the women who have shared their stories… and said he, too, has a sexual harassment tale to unfortunately pass along.

“For anyone judging the women who stayed silent, read this for perspective. Also for anyone brushing off harassment as “boys being boys…” the former Dawson’s Creek star said to open his series of Tweets.

He added:

“What Weinstein is being accused of is criminal. What he’s admitted to is unacceptable – in any industry. I applaud everybody speaking out.”

Van Der Beek is right, of course.

But he went on to detail just why he’s saying this and just why he can relate to these victims:

Because he’s add his private parts groped by Hollywood executives over the years.

“I’ve had my ass grabbed by older, powerful men, I’ve had them corner me in inappropriate sexual conversations when I was much younger…” the actor Tweeted.

As you can see above, he went on to say the following:

“I understand the unwarranted shame, powerlessness & inability to blow the whistle. There’s a power dynamic that feels impossible to overcome.”

Van Der Beek’s admission comes a day after Terry Crews also outlined an instance in which he was molested by a higher-up in Hollywood.

Ever since the explosive New York Times and New Yorker reports alleging Weinstein’s years and years of sexual misconduct, a multitude of actresses have come forward to share their stories about the producer.

These women included Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Rose McGowan, Mira Sorvino, Asia Argento, Cara Delevigne, Lea Seydoux, Rosanna Arquette, Judith Godrèche, Tomi-Ann Roberts, Katherine Kendall and Dawn Dunning.

The scandal has engulfed many men, as well.

Not just Crews and Van Der Beek, who are earning praise for their thoughtful responses and candid confessions.

But also stars such as Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, who are accused of covering up for Weinstein’s inexcusable behavior.

In Affleck’s case, his own past of inappropriate touching has been brought to light.

This is a very ugly time in Hollywood.

But perhaps all this light being shed on the topic of sexual misconduct can start to put an end to it going forward.


Saturday, June 18, 2016

James Van Der Beek Mourns Co-Star Ron Lester After Death: Read His Touching Tweet

Earlier today, we received the sad news that Varsity Blues star Ron Lester had died in a Dallas hospital.

He was just 45 years old.

Lester was best known for his turn as the loveable offensive linesman “Billy Bob” in the 90s football film, also starring James Van Der Beek.

Van Der Beek took to Twitter today to honor his late friend.

“Sad day… #RonLester was a sensitive soul with a huge heart,” he wrote. “Everything you loved about Billy Bob was authentically Ron. #RIP bud.”  

“I’ll never forget how committed #RonLester was on every take – even when the camera wasn’t on him… #giving #rare,” he added in a second tweet.

Below is a photo of Lester and Van Der Beek along with Varsity Blues cast mates Scott Caan, Jon Voight, Eliel Swinton and the late Paul Walker.

Lester had been in declining health of late, experiencing problems with his liver, kidneys and heart.

He had been in the hospital for four months before his passing.

Lester’s agent, Dave Bradley, announced that the actor had been taken off life support Friday and died peacefully.

Known in part for his size, Lester had at one point topped more than 500 pounds, but lost 350 after undergoing gastric bypass surgery in 2001.

Lester also had memorable roles in Not Yet Another Teen Movie, Freaks and Geeks and Popular.

He will be missed.