Thursday, October 12, 2017

James Van Der Beek Details Sexual Harassment by "Older, Powerful Men"

James Van Der Beek is here with a very important message to women around Hollywood:

You are not alone.

On the heels of the ongoing Harvey Weinstein saga – the veteran movie producer is accused of sexually harassing, like, every woman whose path he came across – Van Der Beek took to Twitter on Wednesday and revealing something very personal.

The actor strongly condemned Weinstein’s behavior… applauded the women who have shared their stories… and said he, too, has a sexual harassment tale to unfortunately pass along.

“For anyone judging the women who stayed silent, read this for perspective. Also for anyone brushing off harassment as “boys being boys…” the former Dawson’s Creek star said to open his series of Tweets.

He added:

“What Weinstein is being accused of is criminal. What he’s admitted to is unacceptable – in any industry. I applaud everybody speaking out.”

Van Der Beek is right, of course.

But he went on to detail just why he’s saying this and just why he can relate to these victims:

Because he’s add his private parts groped by Hollywood executives over the years.

“I’ve had my ass grabbed by older, powerful men, I’ve had them corner me in inappropriate sexual conversations when I was much younger…” the actor Tweeted.

As you can see above, he went on to say the following:

“I understand the unwarranted shame, powerlessness & inability to blow the whistle. There’s a power dynamic that feels impossible to overcome.”

Van Der Beek’s admission comes a day after Terry Crews also outlined an instance in which he was molested by a higher-up in Hollywood.

Ever since the explosive New York Times and New Yorker reports alleging Weinstein’s years and years of sexual misconduct, a multitude of actresses have come forward to share their stories about the producer.

These women included Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Rose McGowan, Mira Sorvino, Asia Argento, Cara Delevigne, Lea Seydoux, Rosanna Arquette, Judith Godrèche, Tomi-Ann Roberts, Katherine Kendall and Dawn Dunning.

The scandal has engulfed many men, as well.

Not just Crews and Van Der Beek, who are earning praise for their thoughtful responses and candid confessions.

But also stars such as Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, who are accused of covering up for Weinstein’s inexcusable behavior.

In Affleck’s case, his own past of inappropriate touching has been brought to light.

This is a very ugly time in Hollywood.

But perhaps all this light being shed on the topic of sexual misconduct can start to put an end to it going forward.
