Showing posts with label Delivers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Delivers. Show all posts

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Honey Boo Boo Delivers Crushing Blow During Wrestling Match

Honey Boo Boo delivered a finishing blow to a wrestler Saturday during a match at the Georgia State Fair. It was James Storm vs. Robbie E and it got super intense outside the ring. After being egged on, Boo Boo is cajoled into striking Robbie E ……


Saturday, August 11, 2018

Actress Erika Christensen Gives Birth at Home and Husband Delivers Baby

Actress Erika Christensen gave birth to her second child … but this time around there were no doctors … just her hubby. Little Polly was born at home Friday, because there was simply no time to get to the hospital.  Erika’s husband Cole…


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Alexis Bellino Delivers Tearful Divorce Confession: I"m NOT Okay!

Former Real Housewife Alexis Bellino is finally getting divorced from Jim Bellino. She even shaded her ex in an Independence Day post.

But not everything is happy in divorce-land.

In a tearful confession, Alexis makes it clear to her followers that she is riding an emotional rollercoaster.

Accompanying a view of her tearful face, Alexis Bellino makes a confession to fans.

“My best friend thinks I need to document my life right now,” admits in the lengthy captions of her post.

Sometimes, keeping a record is smart. At the very least, her followes want to know how she’s doing.

Alexis continues, saying: “My life truly is a range of emotions that I have never experienced.”

When things really change, that’s when you can experience negative emotions that you haven’t really felt since adolescence.

Alexis describes her mood: “I am always exhausted, never hungry, happy one minute, sad the next, excited the next, devastated the next, numb always, and then repeat.”

“I don’t know who else has been through this,” Alexis admits.

She might find that she’s not nearly as alone as she thinks.

“But I try to be strong every minute,” Alexis says, before confessing: “And that isn’t the REAL.”

Sometimes, you put on a brave face. But that’s your face — not your heart.

“I’m broken. I’m sad,” Alexis says. “Sometimes I zone off like in this video.”

A lot of what she describes sounds like situational depression. A lot of it just sounds like having a rough time because you’re getting divorced.

Alexis writes: “I don’t think anyone can go through a divorce and not feel all of the above emotions.”

She might be surprised. There are some people who feel nothing but hate when they get divorced. Others feel nothing but relief.

“All I know is that God is with me through this,” Alexis writes. “HE is getting me through this.”

If you’re a person of faith, falling back on your religious beliefs to see you through can be a great source of comfort in times of turmoil.

By the end of her post, it appears that Alexis has grown more confident.

“I will get through this storm,” Alexis writes. “This season, this extremely painful time, and I will be stronger on the other side.”

At the very least, she is writing affirming words. That’s a good start.

“It’s so difficult going through the rain to get to the rainbow,” Alexis writes.

Obviously, she is speaking in metaphor. Literal rainbows and rain do not quite work like that.

At the end, Alexis writes: “At least my bestie knows how to make laugh when I’m about to cry…”

That’s bordering on Taylor Swift lyrics. We’re here for that.

In addition to the usual emotional difficulty of divorce, Alexis was dealing with other concerns.

For one, she was moving in to a new house. That is one of the biggest stressors in the world. (So is divorce!)

Another is that her kids were visiting her ex. Visitation can be difficult.

Also, it sounds like she’s been stressing about finances. Divorce is often necessary, but rarely fun.


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

WWE"s Mojo Rawley Delivers Epic Chest Slap to Bar Idiot

WWE superstar Mojo Rawley reached back like a pimp and slapped the ever-loving crap out of a dumbass in a duck mask in a New Orleans bar … and TMZ Sports has the video.  It all went down early Monday morning on Bourbon Street after…


Friday, January 26, 2018

Janet Jackson Delivers Emotional Speech About Missy Elliott

Janet Jackson and Missy Elliott united onstage Thursday night, but this time it wasn’t for a performance. Janet presented the “Work It” singer with the Visionary Award at the Essence 9th Annual Black Women in Music award show in NYC, and it was a…


Monday, January 8, 2018

Oprah Winfrey Delivers the Speech Everyone is Talking About

Oprah Winfrey inspired two things at the 2018 Golden Globe Awards on Sunday night:

  1. An entire nation.

  2. Talk that she will run for President in 2020.

The latter point may be mere conjecture and a complete fantasy.

But the former is simply a fact.

The 63-year-old icon and received the Cecil B. DeMille Award at last night"s ceremony, an honorary award bestowed by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association for outstanding contributions to the world of entertainment.

It"s safe to say Oprah has made a lot of those, isn"t it?

She accepted the trophy on a night whose major focus was on the #MeToo Movement and the topic of sexual misconduct in Hollywood.

“It is not lost on me that, at this moment, there is some little girl watching as I become the first Black woman to be given [this] award,” Winfrey said early on, adding:

“It is an honor and it is a privilege to share the evening with all of them.”

The crowd gave her the first of many rousing ovations after these words.

At one point, Oprah referenced Recy Taylor, an African-American woman who never received justice after being abducted and gang-raped by six white men in Alabama.

She died 10 days ago.

“I want all the girls watching to know a new day is on the horizon,” she continued.

“And when that new day finally dawns, it will be because of a lot of magnificent women, many of whom are right here in this room tonight, and some pretty phenomenal men, fighting hard to make sure they are the leaders to take us to the time where nobody has to say ‘me too’ again.”

Emphasizing the theme of female empowerment, Winfrey also said:

“This year, we became the story. But it’s not just a story affecting the entertainment industry, it’s one that transcends any culture, or workplace…

"For too long, women have not been heard or believed if they dare speak the truth to the power of those men — but their time is up. Their time is up!"

Cue the standing ovation after this line.

And then cue chatter over Oprah running for President in two years.

We aren"t about to speculate on that.

But we will encourage you to watch her speech below. It"s incredible…

Oprah winfrey delivers the golden globes speech everyone is talk

Oprah Delivers Powerful Golden Globes #MeToo Speech for Cecil B. DeMille Award

You know it’s a movement when Oprah rocks the house with an historically powerful speech about #MeToo at the Golden Globe Awards … which it is, ‘cause she did. Oprah delivered one hell of an acceptance speech after receiving the Cecil B. DeMille…


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Prince William Delivers Prince George"s Christmas List to Santa

Prince William’s now reduced to running errands for the other future King of England, although it’s a very important one — delivering Prince George’s Christmas list to Jolly Ol’ St. Nick! Wills hit up Santa Thursday in Helsinki, Finland…


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Imagine Dragons" Dan Reynolds Delivers Powerful Anti-Terror Message

Imagine Dragons’ lead singer Dan Reynolds delivered a strong message of anti-terror in the aftermath of the mass shooting in Las Vegas … their hometown. The band performed Wednesday night in Chicago, and Dan paused to tell the crowd their tour…


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Taylor Swift Delivers NSFW Toast, Gets Booed at Friend"s Wedding

After reaching previously unimaginable heights of popularity following the release of her 1989 album, Taylor Swift has found herself in a bit of a slump as of late.

Part of the problem is that her two latest singles “Look What You Made Me Do” and the confusingly titled “…Ready For It?” have met with less than enthusiastic responses from fans and critics.

Now, Taylor is facing yet another PR headache, but this one has nothing to do with her celebrity feuds or the quality of her music.

That’s Swifty attending the wedding of her best friend, Abigail Anderson.

Fans know Abigail as the subject of Taylor’s song “Fifteen,” as well as the singer’s frequent defender in high-profile beefs.

Obviously, Taylor was Abigail’s maid of honor, and she did her best not to upstage the bride.

Unfortunately, no matter where Taylor Swift goes, she’s still Taylor Swift.

So throngs of fans gathered to catch a glimpse of the singer, and as you can see in the clip above, they were royally pissed when she was hidden from public view.

It was an unfortunate scene, but the silver lining is that there’s also a teachable moment here.

As a celebrity gossip site, we here at THG are no strangers to obsessing over celebrities.

It’s kind of our thing.

That said, it’s important to bear in mind that even the biggest names in show business are entitled to moments of privacy.

And the civilians in their lives definitely have the right to step away from the public eye whenever they choose.

Here’s a good rule of thumb:

If a celeb is engaged in the type of event that would earn a mention in the local paper for a non-famous plebe such as yourself (think births, weddings, funerals), then don’t show up to creepily try to share the moment with them.

It’s not remotely cool.

Of course, Abigail’s wedding wasn’t completely spoiled by overzealous stans.

Check out the clip below for a few raunchy seconds from Taylor’s maid of honor toast.

It sounds like she’s telling a story about Abigail and her new husband boning in a public bathroom.

Abby’s grandmother is probably still trying to shake that one off.


Friday, May 12, 2017

Will Ferrell Delivers Hilarious Commencement Speech at USC (VIDEO)

Will Ferrell’s still got it … and he’s got an honorary doctorate from his alma mater now to boot. The famous funnyman stayed classy for most of his commencement speech to USC’s class of 2017 on Friday that included a perfect blend of…


Friday, April 14, 2017

Joe Jonas Delivers "Da Good Good" to GF Sophie Turner (PHOTO + GALLERY)

Joe Jonas is all good to the power of 2! Joe and gf Sophie Turner were strolling through SoHo Thursday in NYC and it’s pretty damn clear Joe’s delivering the goods. Sophie seems satisfied. It’s literally written all over her — “Joe…


Monday, February 6, 2017

Melissa McCarthy Delivers Perfect Sean Spicer Impression on SNL

If you"ve been following the news in recent weeks, you"re no doubt familiar with the enraged human coronary event that is Donald Trump"s press secretary, Sean Spicer.

It"s hard to see what"s funny about a man trampling the liberties of our nation"s journalists, all while chewing and swallowing several packs of Orbit gum a day, but fortunately, Melissa McCarthy was able to find the humor in the situation on this week"s SNL.

Proving once again that she"s a national treasure, McCarthy made a surprise appearance on SNL this week, lampooning Spicer"s Al-Pacino-mid-coke-binge demeanor.

"Before we begin, I know that myself and the press have gotten off to a rocky start," said McCarthy-as-Spicer, mimicking the tone of Spicer"s tense press briefings.

"When I say ‘rocky start’, I mean it in the sense of Rocky the movie because I came out here to punch you. In the face."

Spicer/McCarthy went on to inform reporters that would Trump announced Neil Gorsuch as his Supreme Court nominee, he received a 15 minute standing ovation, "every man had an erection, and every woman was ovulating."

In keeping with the Trump administration"s tradition of regularly commenting on a late night sketch comedy show, Spicer offered his two cents on McCarthy"s impression, advising the actress to "dial back" with her mannerism.

He also cautioned that McCarthy “needs to slow down on the gum chewing; way too many pieces in there.”

Hey, if there"s anyone who understands the dangers of excessive gum consumption, it"s Sean Spicer.

Check out McCarthy"s impression in the clip below:

Melissa mccarthy delivers perfect sean spicer impression on snl

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Kris Jenner Delivers Hot Meals for Over 100 Homeless People on Christmas (PHOTOS)

Kris Jenner brought a little Calabasas flavor to Skid Row with her own kind of meals-on-wheels. Kris surprised the good folks at Red Eye — a community outreach program that benefits the inner-city youth — by calling the organization’s…


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Sarah Silverman Delivers Line of the DNC

In an election that features one side running the former host of Celebrity Apprentice, it"s only fitting that a comedian delivered what may have been the line of the Democratic National Convention on Monday night, right?

To open primetime coverage of the event, Sarah Silverman stood alongside Senator Al Franken.

The two awkwardly riffed for a few moments, often hearing chants of "Bernie! Bernie!" throughout the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia.

These chants emanated from extremely loyal Bernie Sanders supporters.

They were so loyal, in fact, and some felt so strongly that their candidate deserved to be the Democratic nominee over Hillary Clinton, that some vowed to either not vote for Clinton or even vote for Donald Trump.

Which seems like utter insanity for a Democrat to do.

That"s where Silverman came in on Monday.

One of the most outspoken Bernie Sanders supporters during his primary race, the comedian could not handle the madness for another moment.

“Can I say something? To the ‘Bernie or Bust’ people, you’re being ridiculous," she said.

As you can see below, the remark was mostly met with loud cheers.

Soon enough, however, the "Bernie!" chants started up again and Silverman was forced to quip:

“Thank God they can fix this in post."

That"s a pretty great line (the speech aired live, of course).

What do you think of Silverman"s quote? Is it her place to make such a judgment?

Does the Sanders crowd have a right to be upset and voice their opinion?

Or, in the name of party unity, should they suck it up at this point and vote for a candidate who still shares many more values with Sanders than Donald Trump?

Watch Silverman deliver her line below and then watch the reaction of those in attendance:

Sarah silverman delivers line of the democratic convention

Monday, May 2, 2016

Kirk Cameron Delivers God"s Message, Gives Crap Marriage Advice

Oh good.  Kirk Cameron is pushing his fanatical beliefs on us. Again.

For some reason, people find the Growing Pain star’s “advice” useful.

I find it a little insane.

This time,the Christian Evangelist is spreading the word on what makes a solid union as part of his national marriage tour (a real thing, I assure you). 

Cameron gave The Christian Post excellent sound bites that are sure to be taken to heart by all who read the word of Mike Seaver.

So, who wants to improve their relationship?

“Wives are to honor and respect and follow their husband’s lead, not to tell their husband how he ought to be a better husband,” Cameron explained.

“When each person gets their part right, regardless of how their spouse is treating them, there is hope for real change in their marriage.” 

“A lot of people don’t know that marriage comes with instructions.

“And, we find them right there in God’s word.”

The Christian Post clarifies Cameron’s statements by suggesting he may be referring to a Bible passage: 

“Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.”  Colossians 3:18-19

The actor’s younger sister, Candace Cameron-Bure also subscribes to the same belief that wives are to submit to their husbands.

“The definition I’m using with the word ‘submissive’ is the biblical definition of that,” Cameron-Bure wrote in her 2014 book, Balancing It All: My Story of Juggling Priorities and Purpose.

“So, it is meekness, it is not weakness. It is strength under control, it is bridled strength.

“And that’s what I choose to have in my marriage.”

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

My Silent Bravery Covers Nelly"s "Ride Wit Me," Delivers Major Early-2000s Nostalgia

If the current state of the world has you longing for a simpler time when Y2K was our biggest security concern and rappers wore blinged-out Band-Aids under their eyes for some reason, have we got a treat for you.

There"s a good chance you"re already familiar with the Boston-based band My Silent Bravery.

After all, the band has recently toured with Emerson Hart, Meiko, Tyler Hilton, Kate Voegele, Lee DeWyze, and Aaron Carter, just to name a few.

But for those of you still in need of an introduction, we welcome you to check out their fantastic new cover of the 2001 Nelly classic "Ride Wit Me."

The song is a fun, funny rendition of one of this century"s most beloved club bangers.

As a bonus, some of our younger readers might walk away with an understanding of the aughts" most heavily-bandaged rappers.

You can thanks us by caring for us in our old age.

Anyway, Matt Wade and MSB"s version is every bit as catchy as the original, but please be warned that after watching the video, you may find yourself tempted to shout, "Ay! Must be the mon-ayy!" at debt collectors, people trying to force wrinkled bills into vending machines, or anyone asking why you"ve been at the same crappy job for the past 8 years.

We accept zero responsibility for this phenomenon. Enjoy!


My silent bravery covers nellys ride wit me delivers major early

Monday, November 16, 2015

Madonna Delivers Moving Speech About Paris

Madonna put on a concert in Stockholm, Sweden on Saturday night. 

But those in attendance were not merely treated to a bunch of songs by the iconic artist. They also sat and listened to her deliver a heartfelt speech.

Because the Material Girl simply had to say something about the tragic terrorist attacks that took place in Paris on Friday night.

“It’s been very hard for me to get through this show and not forget what happened last night,” Madonna told the crowd. “So I need to take this moment to acknowledge the tragedy. The tragic killings, assassinations, and the senseless ending of precious life that occurred last night in Paris.”

Madonna, of course, spends a lot of her time in Europe.

Not that one has to in order to appreciate the grave, sad, disturbing nature of over 100 innocent people being killed by members of ISIS, of course.

Why did Madonna not just cancel her show in light of the incident? Because she explained that this would have been a form of surrender, a subtle acknowledgement of victory achieved via terror.

The artist also talked about the need for global tolerance in the face of tragedy.

To “change the world,” she said, we need a significant shift in how folks relate to one another, especially when difference make it challenging to achieve mutual understanding.

The way we change the world is not to elect another President, not to kill a hundred more people, the way we change the world is that we change the way we treat one another on a daily basis in the simplest ways. We must start treating every human being with dignity and respect.

This is the only thing that will change the world.

Check out the way Saturday Night Live paid homage to Paris and then view Madonna"s moving speech here.

Madonna delivers moving speech about paris