Showing posts with label McCarthy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label McCarthy. Show all posts

Monday, December 3, 2018

Troy Aikman Claps Back At Reporter ... Doubles Down On Mike McCarthy Defense

Breaking News
Troy Aikman just went off on a reporter accusing him of being “cliche” for defending Mike McCarthy … clapping back at the guy and saying, “Is that cliche enough for ya?!”
The legendary QB stood up for the ex-Packers head man after he was canned...
Troy Aikman Claps Back At Reporter ... Doubles Down On Mike McCarthy Defense

Troy Aikman Claps Back At Reporter ... Doubles Down On Mike McCarthy Defense

Breaking News
Troy Aikman just went off on a reporter accusing him of being “cliche” for defending Mike McCarthy … clapping back at the guy and saying, “Is that cliche enough for ya?!”
The legendary QB stood up for the ex-Packers head man after he was canned...
Troy Aikman Claps Back At Reporter ... Doubles Down On Mike McCarthy Defense

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Melissa McCarthy Hosts Saturday Night Live: Watch Sean Spicer Make Out with Donald Trump!

Melissa McCarthy is just the best. Really, just an amazingly funny, top-notch human being.

We"ve seen it in interviews, we"ve seen it in her movies, and most recently we"ve been seeing it in her appearances on Saturday Night Live.

For the past few months now, Melissa has been making guest appearances on Satuday Night Live to do her incredible impersonation of Sean Spicer, White House press secretary.

But last night, she hosted the show. And that means that her Spicer skit was out of this world.

At the beginning of the skit, Sarah Huckabee Sanders is filling in for Spicer while he — wait for it — hides in the bushes outside.

It"s already beautiful.

He"s asked questions about the Comey firing and the Russia investigation, which, as you can imagine, he doesn"t handle with much patience.

"Let me just put this whole Russian thing to bed, once and for all," he finally yells. "Trump is innocent. How do we know? Because he told us so. Period."

It"s easy to forget that this is satire, isn"t it?

Finally, reporters ask Spicer about rumors that Trump plans on firing him and hiring Sarah in his place. And poor Spicey … he doesn"t handle it well.

And that"s how we came to have footage of Melissa McCarthy dressed as Sean Spicer, roaming the streets of New York City on the White House podium, looking for Trump.

When the president is finally found at a golf course in New Jersey, the conversation gets heated fast.

Spicer says that he doesn"t think he can do the job anymore, and Trump tries to convince him to stay, finally asking him to kiss him.

"I can"t," Spicer objects, "I have a wife, I took vows."

But Trump — good ol" Trump — tells him "I"m famous, it"s OK."

And so Melissa as Spicer and Alec Baldwin as Trump make out. Hard.

Watch it all go down in the clip below:

Melissa mccarthy hosts saturday night live watch sean spicer mak

Melissa McCarthy Brings Sean Spicer Back to SNL to Make Out with President Trump (VIDEO)

Sean Spicer came back in a big way on ‘Saturday Night Live’ — taking the podium to explain why Trump fired James Comey … and to lock lips with his boss. Melissa McCarthy returned for her 5th SNL hosting gig, and ripped off one…


Sunday, April 16, 2017

Melissa McCarthy Ridicules Jews as Sean Spicer on SNL (VIDEO)

Melissa McCarthy cranked up her Sean Spicer tone-deafness to 10 on Saturday Night Live … and went after Jewish people and Passover.  McCarthy performed her Spicey in an Easty Bunny suit, lampooning Sean for his comments last week…


Melissa McCarthy Returns to Saturday Night Live as Sean Spicer: Watch!

Melissa McCarthy is a pretty big star, with countless opportunities to do big movies, high-paying TV gigs … but still, she manages to find time every once in a while to stop by Saturday Night Live.

For the past couple of months, Melissa has been coming on the show to do just the loveliest impression of White House press secretary Sean Spicer.

And this week, considering the mess that the real Sean Spicer got himself into, we were extra glad to see her.

In case you missed it, Spicer has made some questionable comments about Hitler — about how he never used chemical weapons like Syria.

He also referred to concentration camps as "Holocaust centers." Yes, for real.

His statements were obviously horrible and wrong and really just inexcusable, but we"re glad Melissa was able to make light of them.

And in an Easter bunny costume, no less!

In the skit, Spicer makes a statement to apologize for the Hitler comments.

"Everybody shut up so I can apologize," he screams. "Yes, you all got your wish this week, didn"t you, huh? Spicy finally made a mistake."

As for the "Holocaust centers" statement, Spicer says that "duh," he knows that"s not what they"re really called. They"re called concentration clubs!

After clearing the air about the his earlier speech, he tries to make things right by telling the story of Passover, and … well, it doesn"t go well.

Watch Melissa be smiply amazing in the clip below:

Melissa mccarthy returns to saturday night live as sean spicer w

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Sean Spicer, White House: Pissed Over Melissa McCarthy Impression

Following the latest episode of Saturday Night Live, Donald Trump remained unusually quiet on Twitter.

He didn’t lambaste Alec Baldwin for making him look like a Steve Bannon puppet who lacks critical information about the world and who cannot control his emotions.

Nor did the President make any untrue statements about the show’s ratings since he took office.

Does this mean Trump was happy with Baldwin’s impression for a change? Or that he missed the Kristen-Stewart hosted installment?

Nope and nope.

According to Politico, it actually means the Commander-in-Chief was angrier and more embarrassed by the show than ever before.

Specifically, Trump, Sean Spicer and other White House officials were taken aback by Melissa McCarthy’s hilarious, spot-on impression of the Press Secretary.

As the third full skit of the night, McCarthy came out on stage – looking eerily similar to Spicer – and played the spokesman as a belligerent, gum-chewing, water gun-toting blowhard who simply hates every member of the press.

When asked about the impression by Extra, Spicer tried to laugh it off.

He said McCarthy “needs to slow down on the gum chewing” because there were “way too many pieces in there,” adding that the actress “could dial [it] back” next time.

We somehow doubt that will happen.

But Politico says this impersonation is not being taken lightly inside the White House.

The issue is less how McCarthy made Spicer look like an egomaniacal control freak and more that she made him look “weak,” simply because she’s a woman.

“Trump doesn’t like his people to look weak,” a top Trump donor tells the site.

Politico explains that the “unflattering send-up by a female comedian was not considered helpful for Spicer’s longevity in the grueling, high-profile job.”

Spicer had already been under fire for the way he dressed (from Trump) and for the way he treats the media as an enemy combatant (from the public).

He doesn’t appear to be long for this job, which probably makes him lucky.

In a phone interview on Monday afternoon, Spicer tried to act all cool and distant.

“I would much rather have the focus be on the president’s agenda and the success he’s having,” he told reporters, adding:

“That’s all I’m saying on it.”

When pressed about what his own feelings regarding the skit, however, he demurred.

“It doesn’t really matter what I think,” he replied.

Trump, of course, has laid into Saturday Night Live after nearly every episode this season.

He says the show is terrible, mean-spirited, biased and unpopular.

The President and Baldwin have gone back and forth often on Twitter, with the leader of the free world somehow unaware of how small and petty and pathetic this makes him seem.

Check out the McCarthy impression below. Pretty amazing, huh?


Monday, February 6, 2017

Melissa McCarthy Delivers Perfect Sean Spicer Impression on SNL

If you"ve been following the news in recent weeks, you"re no doubt familiar with the enraged human coronary event that is Donald Trump"s press secretary, Sean Spicer.

It"s hard to see what"s funny about a man trampling the liberties of our nation"s journalists, all while chewing and swallowing several packs of Orbit gum a day, but fortunately, Melissa McCarthy was able to find the humor in the situation on this week"s SNL.

Proving once again that she"s a national treasure, McCarthy made a surprise appearance on SNL this week, lampooning Spicer"s Al-Pacino-mid-coke-binge demeanor.

"Before we begin, I know that myself and the press have gotten off to a rocky start," said McCarthy-as-Spicer, mimicking the tone of Spicer"s tense press briefings.

"When I say ‘rocky start’, I mean it in the sense of Rocky the movie because I came out here to punch you. In the face."

Spicer/McCarthy went on to inform reporters that would Trump announced Neil Gorsuch as his Supreme Court nominee, he received a 15 minute standing ovation, "every man had an erection, and every woman was ovulating."

In keeping with the Trump administration"s tradition of regularly commenting on a late night sketch comedy show, Spicer offered his two cents on McCarthy"s impression, advising the actress to "dial back" with her mannerism.

He also cautioned that McCarthy “needs to slow down on the gum chewing; way too many pieces in there.”

Hey, if there"s anyone who understands the dangers of excessive gum consumption, it"s Sean Spicer.

Check out McCarthy"s impression in the clip below:

Melissa mccarthy delivers perfect sean spicer impression on snl

Sunday, February 5, 2017

SNL"s Most Hilarious Skit Ever as Melissa McCarthy Plays Sean Spicer (VIDEO)

Turns out “Saturday Night Live” was the big winner in the Presidential election, because it’s now off-the-charts hilarious with Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer at a White House press briefing. No need to write it … you gotta watch the video. But…


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Jenny McCarthy on Mariah Carey: What a Track Wreck!

We can now confirm two things that Jenny McCarthy is against:

1. Vaccinations.

2. Mariah Carey.

The former View co-host, who has helped anchor New Year’s Eve coverage on various programs for seven years, used her SiriusXM show on Tuesday to lay into the legendary singer.

McCarthy called Carey out for what most viewers agree was the single worst New Year’s Eve performance in the history of December 31.

Actually on hand in Times Square for the embarrassing event, McCarthy took listened behind the scenes a bit as she relayed her reaction to Mariah’s nationally-televised fail.

“Mouths are hanging open. Everyone is shocked. We only gave you a shortened version of that. We had to go through another song of her walking around,” McCarthy said on air today.

She added:

“It was so bad, and then for a moment I said, ‘Take a step back, Jenny, and try to find some empathy right now.’ And I did. All of a sudden I felt really bad for her, because it was that bad. It was a complete train wreck.”

Did you catch the performance?

It featured Carey having problems with her audio.

She was on stage, messing around with her ear piece, clearly confused and unsure what to do.

“We’re missing some of the vocals, but it is what it is … I’m gonna let the audience sing. We didn’t have a sound check for this New Year’s baby,” Carey told the crowd.

It was evident that Carey planned to lip-sync, but technical issues got in the way and she was unable to recover; i.e. simply go ahead and actually sing her own songs.

Watch footage from the humiliating “performance” below:

Shortly after this non-concert aired on ABC, Carey took to Twitter and shrugged it off.

“Sh-t happens,” she wrote.

But as the video got passed around the Internet in subsequent days and the embarrassment grew, Carey’s team went into crisis mode.

Sources in Carey’s camp actually told TMZ and Billboard that the artist was “sabotaged” and that “production set her up to fail.”

Why would producers do this? To garner ratings for the network’s New Year’s Eve special.

So the argument goes, that is.

But Dick Clark Productions wasn’t going to just sit around and let its good name be sullied.

The company responded to accusations of wrongdoing with the following statement:

As the premier producer of live television events for nearly 50 years, we pride ourselves on our reputation and long-standing relationships with artists.

To suggest that DCP, as producer of music shows including the American Music Awards, Billboard Music Awards, New Year’s Rockin’ Eve and Academy of Country Music Awards, would ever intentionally compromise the success of any artist is defamatory, outrageous and frankly absurd…

We want to be clear that we have the utmost respect for Ms. Carey as an artist and acknowledge her tremendous accomplishments in the industry.

McCarthy, meanwhile, said she stopped sympathizing with Carey once her team accused Dick Clark Productions of somehow setting her up to fail.

“I do understand our egos, of course, want to blame everyone but itself for mistakes, but I literally had a visceral reaction to her saying that Dick Clark Productions did this on purpose and for ratings,” McCarthy said, continuing:

“If Dick Clark were alive today, I guarantee he would be on air right now fighting back. He’s not, so I’m going to.

“The truth of the matter is Mariah didn’t do a sound check. … She did whatever you would call, like, a dance move rehearsal holding her gold microphone, and she stood off to the side of the stage while she had a stand-in do a sound check.”

Husband Donnie Wahlberg was in the studio with McCarthy and agreed.

Having often performed live with New Kids on the Block, he chimed in with this take:

“The buck stops with the artist. If you’re gonna be a boss or you’re gonna be a diva, then you know, again, it’s your name, your face and your legacy on the line.

“So you leave something to someone else, you have no one to blame but yourself. The music track, missing a vocal, that’s on her. No rehearsal, that’s on her.”


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Ahman Green -- I Wanna Help Coach The Packers ... I"ve Called Mike McCarthy (Video)

Good news for the struggling Packers … ex-Pro Bowl running back Ahman Green says he wants to help get Green Bay get back to their winning ways … as a COACH. TMZ Sports spoke with Green — who played 8 seasons in the frozen tundra — and he…


Saturday, July 16, 2016

Tara Reid & Jenny McCarthy Clash Over Boobs, Sharknado

Well, okay then.

That sure escalated quickly.

One day after Teresa Giudice peaced out of an interview with Access Hollywood Live, Tara Reid arrived to the set of Jenny McCarthy"s SiriusXM radio show…

… and then left very early herself after getting into it with the host. 

Reid was apparently under the impression that the Q&A would focus solely on her upcoming role in Sharknado 4.

But the chat kicked off with McCarthy complimenting the 40-year-old actress for her appearances on the WE tv reality series, Marriage Boot Camp.

"I f–king love you on that show, but are you glad you did it?" she asked.

The question seemed to have struck a nerve with Reid.

"It"s not worth the time to talk about," she replied, following that up after McCarthy posed another question about Marriage Boot Camp with:

"Please let"s not talk about this show. We"re all here about Sharknado."

Okay, McCarthy agreed… did Reid after get into shape for her ongoing role in the franchise?

"It"s not like you really need to get into shape. It"s Sharknado. They"re fake sharks," she said.

McCarthy then attempted to clarify her question, explaining how Reid might have felt inclined to hit the gym to get into "muscle shape."

Aside from weekly yoga, Reid said she did "nothing crazy, nothing strenuous."

"People talked about your surgeries before. Are you still going through surgeries or are you past them?" McCarthy proceeded to ask, referring to Reid"s penchant for plastic surgery.

"No, I haven"t had any surgery for awhile, Jenny," Reid answered.

So, nothing else is planned on that front, Tara?

"I think I"ve made that clear about 100 times," Tara shot back. "Maybe you only read the bad things, but I"ve made that really clear for so many years."

It got worse from there, as Reid sarcastically wished McCarthy luck upon getting up and leaving.

"Good luck to you, too, and I"m so excited about Sharknado and I hope you stay married," McCarthy responded. "I hope your knees get a little wobblier than they already are."

"I hope your tits get even nicer, because they"re amazing. The same guy who did mine, right?" Reid quipped in response. "I"ll always use your advice. You"re the best. Bye."

Listen to snippets of the awkward segment below and then choose a side: Team Jenny or Team Tara?

(UPDATE: A rep for Tara Reid tells E! News:

"Tara is a positive person who is against women tearing each other down. She was bullied on Jenny"s and felt ambushed when she came into the show with a positive spirit and in a happy mood. It was very unfortunate how Jenny shifted the conversation for her personal gain when the whole focus should be on Sharknado 4.")

Tara reid clashes on air with jenny mccarthy storms out of inter

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Melissa McCarthy Has a Message for Body Shamers

Melissa McCarthy recently showed off a 50-pound weight loss, but truth be told, she doesn’t really want to talk about it.

“If that is the most interesting thing about me, I need to go have a lavender farm in Minnesota and give this up,” she told Refinery29.

“There are so many more intriguing things about women than their butt or their this or their that. It can’t be the first question every time, or a question at all.”

Regrettably, women today are still being scrutinized for their weight, and today, the actress took to Instagram to vent her frustration.

She posted an image of a sign stuck to a mirror that reads, “WARNING: Reflections in this mirror may be distorted by socially constructed ideas of ‘beauty."”

Melissa McCarthy

Well said. 

In the caption, she included her own poignant message:

“We have to stop categorizing and judging women based on their bodies. We are teaching young girls to strive for unattainable perfection instead of feeling healthy and happy in their own skin. ‘Imagine we are linked not ranked.’ Gloria Steinem”

Looks like she’s ready to start a conversation, or more likely, end the one that’s been going on for far too long. 

The star is tired of women being valued solely for their bodies when they have so much more to offer.

“We’re always being ranked and when we come together, you know, women are amazing together,” she said in a recent interview.

“Women are friends. Women are not really competing with each other. I think everyone wants to make it seem that way with who wore it better, whose butt is better, whose glasses are crazier. I’ve never had any of those conversations in my life.”

For the record, we are fans of everything Melissa has to offer, whether she’s cracking us up in film and TV, designing a fashion line or demonstrating her newfound skill: straight up killing it in a lip sync battle.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Melissa McCarthy Wins Lip Sync Battle Forever and Ever

Sorry, Emma Stone.

We really thought you had put on the greatest lip sync performance of all-time two years ago. We thought that maybe it was even the best.

But Melissa McCarthy came along on Monday night and totally raised the game.

The beloved actress took on Jimmy Fallon in a two-round competition, first bringing the crowd to its feet with her energetic rendition of DMX"s "Gonna Give It to Ya."

She rocked a baseball cap, she bounded around the stage, she acted more ghetto than we thought she possibly could.

But that was nothing when compared to McCarthy"s second performance.

First, she lip synched to the "Colors of the Wind," the theme song from Disney"s animated hit Pocahontas. Which is awesome enough on its own for being so random.

But she then used a wind machine to make leaves fly into her face, while wearing goggles and also dealing with wayward stuffed animals.

It was an epic use of absurd props, that"s for sure.

By the end, McCarthy was fighting off all types of green foliage and fake birds and still mouthing the lyrics to this former Vanessa Williams track. Pretty amazing, really. And totally hilarious.

Watch the performance below and then compare it to the best Lip Sync Battle examples in history.

Melissa mccarthy wins lip sync battle forever and ever

Friday, March 18, 2016

Melissa McCarthy Reveals NEW Dress Size, Credits Boring Life

Melissa McCarthy has been looking pretty freaking incredible lately, but she’s mostly kept mum about her weight loss – until now.

While she’s been constantly working in films and designing a fashion line, the actress recently revealed her new dress size.

“I am a size 14,” she said during a press conference for her new movie The Boss.

The star reportedly lost 50 pounds, but remained somewhat coy by telling Extra there was really no “trick” to her transformation.

“No trick, nothing to tell, just super boring life,” she joked. “You bring it real down, you don’t do anything fun and you go to bed at 7:30 — that’s the trick.”

We suspect she hasn’t discussed her recent slim down because she wants to focus on more important things, like the launch of her new clothing line Melissa McCarthy Seven7, which she says is “going great.”

However, please don’t refer to it as “plus size,” a term McCarthy despises.

“Every time someone says, ‘You make a plus-size line,’ I just correct them: ‘I make clothes for women,"” she told E! News.

McCarthy also finds it tiresome and sad that women are constantly being “ranked” against one another when it comes to bodies and appearance.

“We’re always being ranked and when we come together, you know, women are amazing together,” she said.  

“Women are friends. Women are not really competing with each other. I think everyone wants to make it seem that way with who wore it better, whose butt is better, whose glasses are crazier. I’ve never had any of those conversations in my life.”

Melissa McCarthy Seven7 features dresses, knits and separates in sizes 2-26W.

Regardless of what she’s wearing or what size she is, we adore Melissa all the same.

Jenny McCarthy: Pregnant With Donnie Wahlberg"s Baby?!

These days Jenny McCarthy is as well-known for her controversial views on child-rearing as she is for…whetver else it is that she does.

So naturally, when a photo that suggests Jenny might be pregnant with her second child popped up online today, the Internet lost its collective mind.

As you can see, Donnie Wahlberg is touching his wife’s stomach in this photo, which can only mean one thing – these two are as thirsty for attention as ever!

Some folks are going so far as to call this an unofficial announcement, but we have our doubts that Jenny is really knocked up.

This latest development comes fresh on the heels of reports that Jenny and Donnie are headed for divorce.

We’re not saying she can’t be pregnant because they’re having relationship problems; we’re saying they probably planted the divorce rumors for the same reason that they posed so awkwardly in this photo:

These two have Kardashian-level appetites for attention, but only Jenny McCarthy and Donnie Wahlberg-levels of fame. 

Remember when Jenny wouldn’t stop talking about Charlie Sheen’s HIV

Well, the public stopped caring, so Jenny and Donnie have moved on to phase 47,000 of their never-ending plan to score a reality show that no one will watch.

The whole thing is as dumb as Jenny’s views on vaccinations.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Jenny McCarthy: Still Talking About Charlie Sheen, Still Sounding Dumb

Yesterday, Jenny McCarthy slammed Charlie Sheen for failing to publicly reveal that he’s HIV positive several years ago when he was first diagnosed.

Lots of women are pissed that Sheen never told them about his condition, but that’s because he put them at risk by having sex with them with no prior warning of the risks involved.

McCarthy simply played Sheen’s girlfriend on a few episodes of Two and a Half Men, and while that show has been known to cause physical illness, it’s only because of the atrocious writing.

McCarthy never had sex with Sheen (as far as we know), so she was never in danger of contracting HIV from him. 

That’s why it’s beyond annoying that she’s still going off about how angry she is that she worked with an HIV patient without her knowledge.

Rather than apologizing for her initial remarks, McCarthy went on a Twitter rant last night and inadvertently proved that she’s as dumb about HIV as she is about the non-existent link between autism and vaccines:

“The point I raised about Charlie Sheen on my Sirius radio show, had nothing to do with whether or not I think he put me at risk. I simply took issue with the double standard in the industry.

“Every actress (and actor for that matter) must disclose hundreds of personal health matters before ever being allowed to set foot on a film set.

“Yet an actor who interacts physically with dozens of actresses in intimate scenes, is not required to disclose that he has HIV?

“I am very aware that HIV is not spread through kissing, but I also believe that if an actress has to disclose all of her business before kissing a male costar, the actor should be required to disclose something as major as an HIV infection too.

“His disclosures in his personal life are none of my business, and are for him to reconcile with the people he interacted with privately. I am not one of them.”

No. Just no. We literally don’t know where to begin with this argument.

For one thing, McCarthy literally said, “Ick…it’s scary!” on her Sirius show when talking about Sheen’s HIV, which sounds an awful lot like someone who thought they were at risk of contracting the illness.

But more importantly, the reason that actors and actresses are required to disclose a condition like a cold sore and not HIV is because oral herpes can be transmitted through kissing, whereas HIV cannot.

If she and Charlie were making a porn together, he would be obligated to inform her that he has HIV.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why dozens of porn stars have ample reason to be pissed at Charlie Sheen, while Jenny McCarthy does not. 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Jenny McCarthy to Charlie Sheen: WTH, Dude?!?

Turns out, even women who pretended to have sex with Charlie Sheen are unhappy with the actor right now.

Or at least one woman who pretended to have sex with Charlie Sheen.

We’ve already heard from ex-goddess Bree Olson, who went off on Sheen for not disclosing his HIV diagnosis to her, despite their (semi) long-term relationship.

And now Jenny McCarthy, who played Charlie’s girlfriend on Two and a Half Men for multiple episodes, has given her negative opinion of the actor in light of his HIV reveal.

“Before we do a job, we have to sign a piece of paper that says, ‘Do you have cold sores?’ You have to sign a release saying, ‘Yes, I have cold sores’ and you have to show the medication,” she said on Sirium XM.

“For years I’ve signed this piece of paper.

“Now, being on Two and a Half Men myself and being a love interest, you would think that there would be some type of … I don’t want to say, not criminal issue, but what, I don’t even know how to feel about that.”

We understand this must be weird news for McCarthy to hear.

But she knows she didn’t actually sleep with Sheen, right?

“If I have to be upfront about a herpe, how could you not be upfront about HIV?” she asked, concluding:

“Playing his love interest on the show … ugh … that’s not fair and scary.”

Sheen’s manager, Mark Burg, has responded to McCarthy’s rant by saying his client “was infected long after he left Two and a Half Men and long after he worked with Jenny.”

Which is a fair response. As is this: SHEEN DIDN’T ACTUALLY SLEEP WITH MCCARTHY!

The actor did sleep with a porn star named Kacey Jordan, however, who alleges that Sheen actually got her pregnant after he got diagnosed with HIV.

“I have sympathy for him because, you know, he’s sick and it’s awful,” McCarthy said of Sheen, who spent A LOT of money on hookers over the years.

“But he’s going to have some major accountability with many people in his life.”

This is true. But it’s equally true that McCarthy isn’t one of them.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Jenny McCarthy & Donnie Wahlberg: Headed For Divorce Already?!

It’s been just over a year since Jenny McCarthy and Donnie Wahlberg got married, but sources say the couple may already be headed for Splitsville.

No, the decision doesn’t have anything to do with Jenny’s desire to pose nude in Playboy one last time.

Instead, it seems McCarthy is just not content being the ’50s housewife that Donnie is looking for.

“Their marriage is doomed,” a source tells Star magazine. “It’s just a matter of time before they split. Donnie expects Jenny to behave like a wife, cooking and taking care of the family instead of relying on outside help. But she resists his alpha male act.”

Apparently, Jenny thought she would be up for abandoning her career to cater to Donnie’s every whim, but the routine got old after just a few months.

“I want to be dependent and a girl and a wife and domesticated,” Jenny said back in February. “I want to be Mrs. Wahlberg.” 

It turns out, however, that Jenny wasn’t as well-equipped to handle domestic bliss as she thought.

“She’s in danger of driving him out the door,” the insider says. “When she gets a tattoo or dyes her hair on a whim it drives Donnie crazy. He tells her to act like an adult.”

Donnie, she wants to pose for Playboy, dude. We’d sat she’s acting very adult.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Jenny McCarthy Wants to Be the Final Nude Playboy Centerfold

Earlier this week, Playboy announced that it will cease publishing nude photos in response to the fact that there are roughly 400 bajilllion hours of hardcore pornography available for free online. 

Hef and company rightly feel that heavily-airbrushed nudes of barely legal strivers and washed-up TV actresses just don’t carry much appeal in a world where HD videos of people acting out your most depraved fantasies are just a Google search away.

Many feel that the decision signifies the end of an era.

Others believe believe Playboy is joining the 21st Century much too late and has little chance of remaining relevant in a world where PG-13 men’s mags such as GQ, Esquire and Maxim are already coping with plummeting subscription rates.

Still others are eager to seize what may be their last chance to have their middle-aged boobs photoshopped by the best in the biz.

“There was nothing (in my photoshoot) I felt was too embarrassing, or gross, and nothing that I’m not proud of today. So it kind of breaks my heart that it’s the end of that era,” Jenny McCarthy said during her SiriusXM radio show.

“That we have to lose what I would consider very classy nudity in a magazine… In solidarity, I will be wearing my panties at half-mast… and have maybe one more for the road. I would be totally willing just to take it all off one more time, just to say I’ll be in the last one.”

Given that Jenny is one of the magazine’s most iconic centerfolds, a final photoshoot would be an appropriate way to end The Era of the Outdates Spank Mag.

Still, there’s an irony in hearing the woman who describes Mark Wahlberg’s penis in detail to anyone who will listen prattling on about “classy” nudity like she’s Donald Trump on Molly. 

Speaking of TMI, Jenny went into significant detail in describing the state of her pubes on the occasion of her first shoot:

“When I did my test shoot there I had one uni-brow and a giant bush to my knees, and they were like, ‘You’re in! You’re a girl next door!"”

“They really capture that innocence in the women. There was nothing ever skanky about the photos, I never felt like I was posing in a way that would make my mom disown me.”

Yes, nudity in Playboy may be coming to an end, but you can take heart in the fact that Jenny McCarthy will probably never stop talking about her pubic hair…if that’s your thing.