Showing posts with label Dumb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dumb. Show all posts

Friday, August 12, 2016

Javi Marroquin SHADES Kailyn Lowry: Plastic Surgery Changed Her! Becky Hayter Romance is Dumb!

Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin may be on amicable terms regarding custody of their son, but there’s not a lot of love lost in other areas.

The Teen Mom 2 star, who recently returned from deployment and promptly moved out on his estranged wife, clearly has an axe to grind.

Her wild, questionable behavior during his stint in Qatar with the U.S. Air Force was how Kailyn destroyed their marriage, Javi believes.

Marroquin is going a lot further – and getting more personal – than that, too, calling out the mother of his child on a number of fronts.

Specifically, he’s not a fan of Kailyn Lowry’s butt lift, tummy tuck, liposuction of her neck or any of the other plastic surgery she’s had.

“I knew her surgery would change her,” he told Radar.

We’re guessing he doesn’t mean that positively, as in surgery gave her more booty-ful curves for him to fantasize about while overseas.

Javi is also not a fan of her cheating on him with women.

Whether there was actual cheating is unclear, of course, but rumors of Kailyn dating Becky Hayter ran rampant while he was deployed.

“That was dumb,” he said of the controversial romance.

“I didn’t really care about that. Not my image, it’s hers.”

Marroquin confirmed that he’s writing a tell-all book, and it’s pretty much Lowry’s fault because he felt she isn’t being truthful in hers.

“It’s actually a response to Kail’s new book coming out,” Marroquin said of his forthcoming memoir and Kailyn’s, titled Hustle & Heart.

“Except mine will be the truth and what she actually did that ended the marriage,” he adds, noting that he “found some of her rough drafts.”

“[I] wasn’t happy with what was being said.”

Typical of a duo that fought publicly on social media all year, rather than working it out with her personally, he got his own book deal!

You’ll have to wait for its release for some of the juiciest details – including up-front clarification on whether she really did cheat on him.

“I’m gonna keep my mouth shut until the time is right,” he said, promising that he will have the last word – and hinting at some #realtalk.

“What’s done in the night will show in the light,” he tweeted, “All of y’all that looked me in the face and didn’t say anything… Dead to me.”

Yeah. Someone sounds just a little bit bitter.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you’ll know that Marroquin was quick to point the finger at Lowry on Facetime, and Twitter, and so forth.

Clearly, they did not have a healthy relationship with regard to communication, and his being stationed abroad did not do them any favors.

Their reality show also complicated matters.

Rumors persisted that they actually split up months ago (hence Kailyn hooking up with Hayter), but had to keep a lid on it for Teen Mom 2.

Whatever happened, the slow-moving train wreck that is Javi and Kailyn’s breakup seems destined to get worse before it gets better.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Johnny Depp Hangs With Controversial Friend, Sports Dumb Haircut

Last week, it was widely reported that Johnny Depp was hiding out on his private island and planned to continue doing so until the controversy surrounding his ugly divorce from Amber Heard begins to subside.

So you can imagine our shock when Depp popped up in LA this week sporting a hipstery new ‘do and hanging with comic Doug Stanhope and noted Taylor Swift songbook interpreter Ryan Adams.

Depp’s return to LA isn’t even the most surprising thing about this photo.

Rather, it’s the fact that he’s hanging out with Stanhope, who’s been a magnet for bad press throughout Depp’s divorce, in part due to some remarkably asinine comments he made in a blog post that was later published on The Wrap.

As you may recall, the boozy, cultishly adored comic (whose age is unknown according to Wikipedia) was one of the many celebs who rushed to Depp’s defense in the days after Heard’s domestic violence accusations went public.

Stanhope took things a step further than the rest, accusing Heard of blackmail in a scathing takedown.

In a recent interview with Howard Stern, Stanhope clarified that he didn’t choose the headline “Johnny Depp is Being Blackmailed By Amber Heard – Here’s How I Know,” but that doesn’t change with the fact that it fit the article that followed just fine.

Several media outlets have described Stanhope as Depp’s “best friend,” a title that formerly belonged to the ghost of Hunter S. Thompson who’s been known to visit the actor while he’s in the throes of the morning D.T.s.

Tim Burton remains unable to transcend his “Morrissey-loving goth who gets to sit at the cool kids’ table” status.

Anyway, sources say Depp not only posed for photos but jumped on stage at the famous Comedy Store on Sunset Blvd., thus confirming that he has zero f–ks to give about negative press.

Is he a modern day pirate with swagger to spare, or a wet-brained, tone deaf star who’s blissfully unaware that he’s in the midst of a potentially career-ending controversy.

You be the judge.

All we really be sure of at this point is that Johnny may have pulled off the nigh-impossible by beating out Ryan for the Dumbest Hipster Haircut in the Photo award.

A prestigious honor.

Johnny Depp Hangs With Controversial Friend, Sports Dumb Haircut

Last week, it was widely reported that Johnny Depp was hiding out on his private island and planned to continue doing so until the controversy surrounding his ugly divorce from Amber Heard begins to subside.

So you can imagine our shock when Depp popped up in LA this week sporting a hipstery new ‘do and hanging with comic Doug Stanhope and noted Taylor Swift songbook interpreter Ryan Adams.

Depp’s return to LA isn’t even the most surprising thing about this photo.

Rather, it’s the fact that he’s hanging out with Stanhope, who’s been a magnet for bad press throughout Depp’s divorce, in part due to some remarkably asinine comments he made in a blog post that was later published on The Wrap.

As you may recall, the boozy, cultishly adored comic (whose age is unknown according to Wikipedia) was one of the many celebs who rushed to Depp’s defense in the days after Heard’s domestic violence accusations went public.

Stanhope took things a step further than the rest, accusing Heard of blackmail in a scathing takedown.

In a recent interview with Howard Stern, Stanhope clarified that he didn’t choose the headline “Johnny Depp is Being Blackmailed By Amber Heard – Here’s How I Know,” but that doesn’t change with the fact that it fit the article that followed just fine.

Several media outlets have described Stanhope as Depp’s “best friend,” a title that formerly belonged to the ghost of Hunter S. Thompson who’s been known to visit the actor while he’s in the throes of the morning D.T.s.

Tim Burton remains unable to transcend his “Morrissey-loving goth who gets to sit at the cool kids’ table” status.

Anyway, sources say Depp not only posed for photos but jumped on stage at the famous Comedy Store on Sunset Blvd., thus confirming that he has zero f–ks to give about negative press.

Is he a modern day pirate with swagger to spare, or a wet-brained, tone deaf star who’s blissfully unaware that he’s in the midst of a potentially career-ending controversy.

You be the judge.

All we really be sure of at this point is that Johnny may have pulled off the nigh-impossible by beating out Ryan for the Dumbest Hipster Haircut in the Photo award.

A prestigious honor.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Khloe Kardashian: My Twitter War With Amber Rose Was SO Dumb

There are several moments in all our lives when we look back on the things we did.  Some were super, and some were enough to ask us WTF we were thinking.

The latter happened to Khloe Kardashian on the March 2nd episode of Kocktails with Khloe.  

Guest star Lisa Rinna was asked about her tiff with The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills co-star, Yolanda Foster.

"I heard that you and Yolanda got into a little bitter Twitter war," Khloe mentioned, to which Rinna agreed.

"I"m not proud of…I"m not somebody who does a Twitter was.  What is a Twitter war, right?" she joked.

"I"m a 52-year-old woman.  I have no business having a Twitter war!"

Rinna asked Kardashian if she fancied her a Twitter war every now and then.

"Have you ever gotten in any?" Rinna asked.  "I think you have.  I feel like you have."

Kardashian was all "I"m sure because I"m a tough broad," before she realized that she had!

"Wait, no.  Duh!  I got into a huge Twitter war," Kardashian suddenly remembered.

 "It was me and Amber Rose.  I totally forgot about that.  It was wild."

Adorable bartender with the tight shirt as Kardashian if the war of wards is "worth it in the end."

Not really, the reality star admitted.

"You feel stupid.  You"re like really? I"m arguing in 140 characters?  I don"t think so.  You just feel dumb," Kardashian explained of the 2015 incident.

"What set you off?" Rinna asked.

"Amber said something about Kylie and Tyga.  And so I felt protective over Kylie," Kardashian recalled.

"I care more when it"s about a family member than when it"s about myself.  I"ve heard it all, I can take it.  And Kylie was 17 at the time," she said

 She remembered Rose asking "why the teenager was dating a twenty-something-year-old," and Kardashian had no real defense because Rose had a point, which she admitted on last night"s show.

Things are fine between the two women these days.

"I haven"t seen her, but Amber and I are cool now. This is, like  water under the bridge," Kardashian said.

Khloe kardashian my twitter war with amber rose was so dumb

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Lindsay Lohan Attempts to Endorse Hillary Clinton, Ends Up Sounding Dumb

Every so often, Lindsay Lohan decides to wade into the weird world of politics.

It’s not like she’s the first washed-up, orange, delusional relic from the early 2000s to do so, so you’d think she’d fit right in. Sadly Lindsay’s idiocy is such that she stands out in even the dumbest of crowds:

Linds posted the photo on the right on her Instagram page earlier this week, and it seems she can really relate to…Hillary Clinton’s testimony during the Benghazi hearings?

Check out Lindsay’s batsh-t, hashtag-happy string of rambling nonsense that accompanied the pic.

“I couldn’t understand you more. #lindsaylohan2020 #imthegirlinschoolthatwasfriendswitheveryone #nomatterwhat you can only judge a book by its cover (look at the blurred lines) all, together, could, be, done. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that can change at the blink of an eye. Be patient. It’s a virtue.”

Um…right on. Feel the burn…in your nose from all the cocaine you did before you wrote that.

As we said, this isn’t the first time that Lindsay picked up an eight-ball from Sean Penn’s dealer and was suddenly filled with the desire to change the world.

However, this might be the first time that Lindsay didn’t just align herself with whatever candidate can score the best booger sugar.

In 2014, Lohan endorsed a known cocaine smuggler in his campaign to become president of Brazil.

Last year, she gave a public shout-out to Pablo Escobar – the notorious Colombian drug lord who basically supplied the US with all of its coke in the ’80s and early ’90s.

We’re not sure why Linds chose Hillary to support in this year’s race for the White House. Maybe she heard “Clinton” and “blow” in the same sentence and got confused.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Kylie Jenner Posts Christmas Waist Training Selfie, Continues to Cash In on Dumb Trend

If you’re one of Kylie Jenner’s 40 million Instagram followers, you know that the 18-year-old selfie queen loves waist training.

Or rather, she loves cashing in on the idiotic waist training trend by convincing all of her followers that that’s the secret to her and her sisters’ Jessica Rabbit-like physiques.

Sadly, all of the Kardashians have posted waist training photos, so we’re not surprised to see Khloe and Kourtney joining Kylie in the cynical enterprise of shilling useless and possibly dangerous waist training products.

We don’t even blame the girls. All of the Kardashians and their hangers-on have endorsed some kind of crappy product at one point or another, but Kylie is proving to be more marketable (and more shameless) than any of her sisters.

In addition to Kylie’s many waist training selfies, she’s jumped on board with products so ridiculous that even Kris Jenner must’ve been like, “You serious?”

We’ve had entire posts devoted Kylie’s flat stomach secrets (Apparently it’s some expensive tea and, not, ya know – being 18.) 

We’ve seen Kylie sell lip kits to her impressionable young fans, who probably believed a $ 29 box of makeup could serve as a substitute for tens of thousands of dollars of professionally-administered fillers.

Now, we have Kylie and her sisters decked out in Christmas waist trainers, because ’tis the season to take advantage of your young, impressionable fans.

We’re not begrudging Kylie the chance to cash in on her fame, but can’t she does she have to resort to BS-ing the young people who made her famous?

Friday, November 20, 2015

Jenny McCarthy: Still Talking About Charlie Sheen, Still Sounding Dumb

Yesterday, Jenny McCarthy slammed Charlie Sheen for failing to publicly reveal that he’s HIV positive several years ago when he was first diagnosed.

Lots of women are pissed that Sheen never told them about his condition, but that’s because he put them at risk by having sex with them with no prior warning of the risks involved.

McCarthy simply played Sheen’s girlfriend on a few episodes of Two and a Half Men, and while that show has been known to cause physical illness, it’s only because of the atrocious writing.

McCarthy never had sex with Sheen (as far as we know), so she was never in danger of contracting HIV from him. 

That’s why it’s beyond annoying that she’s still going off about how angry she is that she worked with an HIV patient without her knowledge.

Rather than apologizing for her initial remarks, McCarthy went on a Twitter rant last night and inadvertently proved that she’s as dumb about HIV as she is about the non-existent link between autism and vaccines:

“The point I raised about Charlie Sheen on my Sirius radio show, had nothing to do with whether or not I think he put me at risk. I simply took issue with the double standard in the industry.

“Every actress (and actor for that matter) must disclose hundreds of personal health matters before ever being allowed to set foot on a film set.

“Yet an actor who interacts physically with dozens of actresses in intimate scenes, is not required to disclose that he has HIV?

“I am very aware that HIV is not spread through kissing, but I also believe that if an actress has to disclose all of her business before kissing a male costar, the actor should be required to disclose something as major as an HIV infection too.

“His disclosures in his personal life are none of my business, and are for him to reconcile with the people he interacted with privately. I am not one of them.”

No. Just no. We literally don’t know where to begin with this argument.

For one thing, McCarthy literally said, “Ick…it’s scary!” on her Sirius show when talking about Sheen’s HIV, which sounds an awful lot like someone who thought they were at risk of contracting the illness.

But more importantly, the reason that actors and actresses are required to disclose a condition like a cold sore and not HIV is because oral herpes can be transmitted through kissing, whereas HIV cannot.

If she and Charlie were making a porn together, he would be obligated to inform her that he has HIV.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why dozens of porn stars have ample reason to be pissed at Charlie Sheen, while Jenny McCarthy does not. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Bristol Palin Sounds Off on Starbucks Cup Controversy, Continues to Be Dumb

Bristol Palin has a blog, and she frequently uses it to say really dumb things about the big topics of the day. For once, however, we have to agree with her on something – the controversy surrounding Starbucks’ holiday cups is an incredibly stupid waste of time.

When she starts in on why she feels that way, however, Bristol really lets her dumbass flag fly:

“The mainstream media and the Left love their outrage machine where they claim the world is ending because any number of tiny people have expressed hurt feelings on social media.

“So now, they’re taking a tiny fraction of people’s response and attributing it to all conservative Christians.

“Do not buy in to the media hype surrounding this story!!  It is just another attempt by the LEFT to make Christians look stupid.”

Yes, Bristol believes the controversy is dumb, not because it has millions of people stressing over the lack of decor on a freakin’ paper cup, but because it’s part of a conspiracy perpetrated by the supervillains who run the media that’s designed to make Christians look foolish.

Like we said, Bristol says a lot of dumb things, but she’s at her best when she straps on her most stylish tin foil hat and spouts off about the various ways in which Michelle Obama helped fake the moon landing. 

Not only is Bristol digging way too deep to find answers on this one, she’s totally missing the truth of the situation that’s staring her right in the face:

Obviously, the real winners here are the folks at Dunkin Donuts and the topless mermaids who are one step closer to shutting down the insidious chain that’s been using their likeness without permission for years!

We’re through the looking glass here, people.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Jessa Duggar Reports: I"m Still Pregnant! Tabloids Are Dumb!

Over the weekend, Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald celebrated their first wedding anniversary, but the festivities didn’t go quite as they’d planned.

You see, Jessa’s due date was November 1 (the same day she and Ben tied the knot), but the big day has come and gone and Jessa is still knocked up. In case that wasn’t clear, she decided to post some photographic evidence on Instagram:

Apparently, Jessa was in a Wal-Mart (natch) when she spotted an amusing tabloid cover.

She posted the pic above along with the following caption:

“Cracking up over this one! Ben and I were surprised to find out that #BabySeewald was already born last week! I must say, it was certainly a relief for me to find out that all that labor and delivery work is already behind me.  

“Oh, and A+ on the cover picture. I never imagined I’d get my pre-baby body back so soon! Haha! We both had a good laugh over this!”

Well, at least Jessa has a sense of humor about the situation. Of course, she can call out the tabloids all she wants, but that won’t stop the rumor mill from churning.

In addition to claiming that she already gave birth, Life & Style claims Jessa was “terrified” of giving birth at home without the support of her sister Jill, who’s currently serving as a missionary in Central America.

We guess think it’s safe to assume L&S is full of BS on this one.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Donald Trump: I Win So Much I Shortened This Dumb Debate!

Donald Trump is so good at negotiating, according to Donald Trump, that he personally trimmed a 3.5-hour GOP debate down to just two last night.

Suck it, CNBC!

During his closing remarks at Wednesday"s Republican rumble in Boulder, Colo., Don lamented that America doesn"t win anymore. Like at anything.

Well, if Trump"s surprisingly resilient presidential campaign loves to remind us of anything (besides its own admittedly robust poll numbers), it"s this:

Trump"s mere existence will make us winners again because the White House, Congress and entire political system, frankly, are all losers right now.

He WILL get what he wants, the Art of the Deal author says, pointing to none other than this specific event, which he apparently threatened to boycott.

Trump says he and Ben Carson almost ditched the CNBC event because the last two GOP debates ran over three hours, which they did not like.

Donald said he negotiated with network execs to bring the time down to two hours – at a great loss of ad revenue to CNBC – because he"s Trump.

Those are the skills that can "make America great again" … or at least spare us from another hour in which Mike Huckabee will speak at least once.

Debate moderator John Harwood countered that the debate was supposed to run just two hours from the beginning, but we"re not sure we buy that.

Almost immediately following the previous GOP debate, the Trump and Carson campaigns began openly griping about the three-plus-hour durations.

There were numerous media reports of the two men – first and second in every GOP poll – threatening to walk if the event length wasn"t shortened.

When and why CNBC made the call and what went on behind closed doors, we can"t say, but it"s likely Trump wielded some influence, directly or indirectly.

So Trump isn"t completely talking out of his arse here; whether it makes him Commander in Chief material is another story, and a subjective topic.

Donald trump i win so much i shortened this dumb debate

Friday, September 25, 2015

Khloe Kardashian Waist Trains Again, Continues to Be Dumb

For some reason, the entire Kardashian family has jumped on board with the moronic trend known as “waist training,” and no one has embraced the organ-squishing idiocy more than Khloe.

Khloe’s waist training photos are all over her Instagram page, and her latest might be the most cringe-inducing yet.

Yes, Khloe’s waist is squeezed to cartoonishly tiny size in this pic, and we hope she got it on the first take, because there’s no way she’s able to breathe in that thing.

“Who doesn’t love a good waist trainer/bathroom selfie,” Khloe wrote in the caption, before launching into the usual endorsement for the company that makes those medieval torture devices that the Kard girls seem to enjoy so much.

In case you were unaware, waist training is not only total BS from a biological standpoint, it’s also potentially harmful, and the Kardashian-Jenner sisters have repeatedly ignored pleas to stop encouraging their fans to engage in such nonsense.

We suppose this isn’t as bad as Kylie Jenner’s waist training pics, as Khloe doesn’t quite as many young, impressionable fans, but she’s still endorsing a product that’s a waste of money at best, a lawsuit waiting to happen at worst.

With over 32 million Instagram followers, Khloe has an incredible platform to support and encourage her fans or bring attention to important issues.

Instead, she cashes in on one of the dumbest fitness trends in recent memory. What a waist. (Sorry.)

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Jermaine Dupri -- Tebow to the Cowboys?? So So Dumb.



Jermaine Dupri is a HUGE fan of the Dallas Cowboys. 

He’s NOT a huge fan of Tim Tebow

So, when our guy asked how Jermaine felt about the possibility of the Cowboys bringing Tim to  the squad … JD wasn’t havin’ it. 

Poor Tebow … 

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Monday, September 21, 2015

23 Dumb Tweets That Have Actually Been Sent

As has been well-documented, celebrities often Tweet dumb things.

But they aren"t alone!

Below, we"ve collected a series of the dumbest, most confounding, most asinine Twitter messages that have ever been sent. We"re not seeing the people who sent these Tweets are stupid.

But… well… they likely aren"t any brain surgeons in the group either:

1. Such a Nice Sentiment

Such a nice sentiment

Such a hilariously misguided notion of the meaning behind a certain September holiday.

2. Who is Robin Williams?

Who is robin williams

That would be Robin Thicke. Need we rundown all the ways in which he is different from Robin Williams?

3. Not Funny

Not funny

We accept that this person may have been kidding. But is a digusting sense of humor any better than sheer, insane ignorance?

4. Keep Your Sex Life Private Please!

Keep your sex life private please

Also, learn how to spell “cologne.”

5. His Heart is in the Right Place

His heart is in the right place

But he’ll never be able to find the body part to which he’s referring here.

6. Lend Them Your Car?

Lend them your car

We mean, they probably will need a few rides in the future.

View Slideshow

Saturday, September 12, 2015

RedFoo -- "Drake Curse" on Serena Williams Just Dumb Superstition (VIDEO)



RedFoo was pretty awesome Friday night … pooh-poohing people who believe Drake‘s presence at the U.S. Open is why Serena lost.

The LMFAO singer really broke it down outside the Saddle Ranch on the Sunset Strip.

Thoughtful and compelling.

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