Monday, December 14, 2015

Kylie Jenner Posts Christmas Waist Training Selfie, Continues to Cash In on Dumb Trend

If you’re one of Kylie Jenner’s 40 million Instagram followers, you know that the 18-year-old selfie queen loves waist training.

Or rather, she loves cashing in on the idiotic waist training trend by convincing all of her followers that that’s the secret to her and her sisters’ Jessica Rabbit-like physiques.

Sadly, all of the Kardashians have posted waist training photos, so we’re not surprised to see Khloe and Kourtney joining Kylie in the cynical enterprise of shilling useless and possibly dangerous waist training products.

We don’t even blame the girls. All of the Kardashians and their hangers-on have endorsed some kind of crappy product at one point or another, but Kylie is proving to be more marketable (and more shameless) than any of her sisters.

In addition to Kylie’s many waist training selfies, she’s jumped on board with products so ridiculous that even Kris Jenner must’ve been like, “You serious?”

We’ve had entire posts devoted Kylie’s flat stomach secrets (Apparently it’s some expensive tea and, not, ya know – being 18.) 

We’ve seen Kylie sell lip kits to her impressionable young fans, who probably believed a $ 29 box of makeup could serve as a substitute for tens of thousands of dollars of professionally-administered fillers.

Now, we have Kylie and her sisters decked out in Christmas waist trainers, because ’tis the season to take advantage of your young, impressionable fans.

We’re not begrudging Kylie the chance to cash in on her fame, but can’t she does she have to resort to BS-ing the young people who made her famous?