Showing posts with label Sounds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sounds. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti Sounds Presidential Defending Sen. Ted Cruz

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is sounding more and more like a guy who is running for prez in 2020 after coming to Sen. Ted Cruz’s defense … and getting critical of President Trump. We got hizzoner at Avalon in Hollywood Tuesday night…


Monday, January 22, 2018

Joel McHale, Aziz Ansari"s Date Sounds Consensual to Me

Joel McHale is a staunch supporter of the #MeToo movement, but has big issues with allegations like the one leveled against Aziz Ansari. We got Joel Sunday at the Sundance Film Festival when our photog asked about Aziz, who was a no-show Sunday…


Friday, January 12, 2018

Derick Dillard Sounds Off: All Women Should Be Allowed to Wear Pants!

The Duggar family is nothing if not resistant to change, but it appears that even the controversial Counting On clan is beginning to make minor concessions to the forces of social justice and women’s rights.

Of course, it’s important to note that when we say “minor concessions,” we’re talking very minor concessions.

Like, “women are allowed to wear pants” minor.

Yes, as you may have heard, the Duggar women wear pants now.

It all started with Jinger Duggar, who wore pants in an Instagram photo last year, thus sigling to her oppressed sisters that it was time to break free of their floor-length denim shackles and free the knees.

And to their credit, some of her siblings have followed suit.

These days, both Jessa and Jill Duggar wear pants on a regular basis.

In fact, Jill wore pants for a speaking engagement at a school this week!

A woman wearing pants in front of a children!

There was a time when the such a sight would have Michelle Duggar looking for the nearest fainting couch and Jim Bob attempting to beat the image out of his head with the family Bible.

These days, however, the Duggars are a lot more relaxed–chill, you might even say–about allowing women the basic human right to wear comfortable clothing.

Those who are familiar with the family’s belief system say that the reason Jinger, Jessa, and Jill are allowed to wear pants is because they’re married, and their husbands allow them to dress that way.

That’s been the accepted narrative for so long now that fans were a bit surprised to hear Jill’s husband, Derick Dillard, refute it today.

Of course, Derick only expressed these views after being called out as a patriarchal egomaniac on Twitter.

“Here’s your ‘oxymoron,’ Derick. It’s sad but true that well-behaved women rarely make history, but isn’t that what you want and teach the women who follow your cult?” wrote the user.

“No, I don’t believe or teach that…The Bible says nothing about wearing skirts or having a certain [hairstyle] to be saved,” Derick shot back.

So wait … the Duggar dress code isn’t a real thing?

Why didn’t anyone tell us this years ago?!

Oh, wait, they did and they totally confirmed that it’s a real thing.

Watch Counting On online for mor mixed messages from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, December 11, 2017

TMZ Live: Terry Crews: Sounds Off On Scandals

ON TODAY’S SHOW Mario Batali: Sexual Misconduct Allegations Taylor Swift & New Boyfriend Go Public Ellen DeGeneres: I’m Oprah’s New Neighbor! Hannibal Buress Arrested In Miami 


Friday, November 17, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar: Family Friend Sounds Off on Shotgun Wedding Rumors!

The news that Joy-Anna Duggar is pregnant with her first child drew a surprising reaction from fans of her famous family.

It seems not a month goes by without a Duggar pregnancy announcement, and usually the response from fans is universally congratulatory.

But the timing of Joy-Anna’s statement resulted in confusion from some Duggar obsessives and outright condemnation from others.

Here’s a recap:

Joy married Austin Forsyth in May.

Just three months later, she announced her pregnancy with an Instagram photo in which she appeared to be several months along.

The Duggars offered an official conception timeline to put to rest any rumors of premarital sex, which is strictly forbidden by their arch-conservative religious beliefs.

The family insisted that Joy got pregnant on one of the first nights of her honeymoon.

Fans were unconvinced, and rumors of Joy-Anna’s “shotgun wedding” began to circulate on social media.

The Duggars will likely never address the matter directly themselves, but a family friend spoke out about the rumors surrounding Joy-Anna during a recent “ask me anything” session on Reddit.

The friend chose to remain anonymous, but she appeared to be knowledgeable about a number of topics that the Duggars have not yet spoken about publicly.

Asked point blank if she believes Joy-Anna got pregnant before her wedding, the source responded simply that it’s “not likely.”

It’s important to note that elsewhere in the thread, the insider offered information and opinions that were not entirely favorable to the Duggars.

For instance, she confirmed that Jim Bob is a domineering force in his household and that women have few rights on the Duggar compound.

For the most part, however, she spoke about Counting On clan in glowing terms.

We supposed that’s not particularly surprising, considering she identified herself as a family friend.

So will these remarks put to rest the rumors that Joy-Anna conceived prior to saying “I do”?

Almost certainly not, particularly since fan theories regarding her date of conception are based on much more than Joy’s sizable baby bump and the timing of her announcement.

For one thing, Joy-Anna and Austin admitted to breaking her family’s courtship rules in an interview with Counting On producers.

Of course, given the draconian nature of those rules, that could mean many things.

The Duggars require chaperones on all dates involving non-married couples, and they even place time limits on hand-holding.

So while many consider Joy-Anna’s admission to be particularly damning, that’s not necessarily an indication of premarital sex.

There is one incriminating clue, however, that’s proven difficult for the Duggars to explain away.

Joy-Anna and Austin rescheduled their wedding from October of this year to May.

Many believe the date was pushed up five months to conceal the fact that Joy-Anna is expecting.

Thus far, her family has yet to offer a different explanation.

In all likelihood, the matter will never be settled to the satisfaction of the family’s most nosy fans.

But as long as Jim Bob and company openly engage in harsh moral judgement of others, fans will continue to look for signs of hypocrisy–and so far those signs have proven plentiful.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, November 13, 2017

Fighter KO"d During Conor McGregor Ref Incident Sounds Off

The guy who got KO’d in the cage right before Conor McGregor LOST HIS DAMN MIND feels pretty much how we all do about the situation … “You can’t f**kin’ jump out of a crowd in a sporting contest and do all that type of stuff,” John Redmond…


Monday, October 23, 2017

Paris Jackson Sings and Sounds Like Michael Jackson

Paris Jackson showed off some pretty impressive singing skills this weekend, and gotta say … we hear shades of Michael Jackson. MJ’s little girl shared the mic with singer Austin Brown at Soho House in WeHo … performing his song, “Smile.” …


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Kris Jenner Sounds BONKERS on Camera: Watch!

There"s so much to process in this clip. We"re talking about a show where only one or two things happen each season, basically.

But this preview takes you on a journey. And makes you cringe. There are monkey noises.

We"ve already shown you Kendall Jenner freaking out over Caitlyn"s memoir. Would it really be a Keeping Up With The Kardashians clip if it didn"t have some awkwardness, some affectionate racism, and at least one of them acting absolutely nuts?

Let"s go through it, because there"s a lot to unpack.

Okay, so Keeping Up With The Kardashians shows Kris hanging out with Corey Gamble, Kim, and Khloe Kardashian, while on vacation in Jamaica.

On its own, that"s a pretty run-of-the-mill rich people thing to do. You don"t have to be rich to go on vacation, to Jamaica or otherwise, but wealth is a requirement if you want to vacation like this family does.

Though … if you already live in a desert climate like California, it"s sort of odd that you"d go to yet another hot place to vacation, but whatever.

If the Kardashians made sense, no one would watch them anyway, right?

So even this short clip serves as a reminder that their taste in humor is . . . questionable at best.

So it"s not one of the "mon" jokes, but Kim"s "Jamaica No Problem" shirt has us smacking our damn heads.

Fun fact: it"s generally considered tasteless and even rude to parody the way that people speak, especially when you"re talking about a disenfranchised minority or culture.

Naturally, Khloe makes it worse by suggesting that she could wear a shirt that says "Jamaican Me Crazy." Get it? Because we all get it.

Even if it weren"t problematic, it would just be a bad joke. It"s a bad joke, Khloe.

We don"t expect for either of them to find out why their behavior makes others uncomfortable. They live in a bubble.

Kim then diverts attention to her favorite topic — Kim — by not-so-subtly kicking her leg into the air.

You"ll notice a teeny-tiny pink bug bite on her leg.

Don"t get us wrong, bug bites are no fun, but most people treat them with a topical antihistamine if at all. Apparently the Kardashians use, um, alternative medicine: water from a lagoon.

We"ll stick with actual medicines. No offense.

Kim then demands to know if Kris Jenner is acting as some sort of snake oil salesman and, instead of giving her mineral water to use, is giving her something way, way grosser and less sanitary.

She straight-up asks Kris if the water that she"s been giving her is her toilet water, as if that"s something that anyone but an absolute monster would give to their child.

Yes, there are stories of people using … ugh … urine to treat wounds, especially on the beach, but it"s usually not a good idea and in some cases can lead to infections.

Turns out that modern medicine usually knows better than old wives tales. Who knew?

Last but not least: the monkey nonsense.

You have to wonder a couple of things — the first being if this show has just desperate for storyline. Countless hours are always left on the editing room floor — though not literally, since everything"s digital — but somehow this nonsense made it in?

But the other thing that you have to wonder if what the hell Kris Jenner herself was thinking? Like, this would be fine if she were entertaining her grandchildren.

She isn"t, though. She"s around a bunch of grown-ass adults and she knows that she"s on camera. Has she just given up? You"ll have to watch it for yourself to decide that.

Kris jenner sounds bonkers on camera watch

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Justin Bieber Sounds Like Kanye, Demands Silence from Paparazzi (VIDEO + PHOTOS)

Justin Bieber’s got more than a little Kanye West in him, and it was blatantly obvious when he hit a West Hollywood club. Bieber pulled up outside Delilah Saturday night, and immediately reminded the paparazzi about his new rule — no yelling at…


Sunday, November 20, 2016

Mike Pence on Hamilton: That"s What Freedom Sounds Like!

It doesn’t seem possible, but this weekend, America is loving Hamilton just a little bit more than it already did.

And that’s because, on Friday night, Hamilton told Vice President-elect and notoriously terrible human being Mike Pence.

They expressed their fears that he wouldn’t protect all the people in this country, but they expressed those concerns with respect and kindness.

Donald Trump, Pence’s bestie, was deeply offended, and he called for an apology, but Pence himself? He was pretty cool with it.

Pence went on Fox News Sunday, and towards the end of the interview he was asked about the Hamilton fiasco.

He said that he and his family “really enjoyed” the show, and that it was an “incredible production,” and that it was “a real joy to be there.”

With tickets sold out for pretty much the rest of eternity, yeah, we imagine it’s be a joy to be there.

Then, as hilarious yet embarrassing as it is, Pence said that he did hear some boos as he took his seat, but “I nudged my kids and reminded them that’s what freedom sounds like.”

He said that he did hear the speech, and “I wasn’t offended by what was said.”

He added that “I’ll leave to others whether that was the appropriate venue to say it.”

Pence went on to give a mini-speech, in which he said “I know this is a very disappointing time for people that did not see their candidate win in this national election.”

“I just want to assure people that what President-elect Donald Trump said on election night, he absolutely meant from the bottom of his heart.”

“He is preparing to be the president of all of the people of the United States of America, and to watch him bringing together people of diverse views, bringing together people that differed with him strongly, seeing him talk to leaders around the world …”

“I just want to reassure every American that in the days head, I’m very confident,” he said.

“They’re going to see President-elect Donald Trump be a president for all of the people, and we embrace that principle and we’re going to work hard to make that principle every day that we serve.”

Nobody wanted to hear all that nonsense, so he was asked if he wanted to hear an apology from the Hamilton cast and crew.

“As I said, I would leave that to others whether that was the appropriate venue for that,” he answered.

So all this sounds pretty coached, right? Or at least like he coached himself to play it cool.

If theatre-goers booing at him was “what freedom sounds like,” then wouldn’t the actual speech also be what freedom sounds like?

Why not just stick with that instead of the whole “I’m not going to say that it hurt my feelings, but if other people think it was really mean of them, then that’s cool” bit?

But hey, at least he said that he wasn’t offended, right? And he very willingly admitted that Hamilton is an absolutely amazing show.

It’s more than what Donald Trump did.

Yesterday, after the news of what happened began circulating, Trump tweeted “Our wonderful future V.P. Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing. This should not happen!”

“The Theater must always be a safe and special place,” he wrote. “The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man, Mike Pence. Apologize!”

He must have really been torn up about it all, because this morning at 6:22 AM, he tweeted “The cast and producers of Hamilton, which I hear is highly overrated, should immediately apologize to Mike Pence for this terrible behavior.”

“Highly overrated”?

Oh, Donald, everybody knows you’re a fool, but this is a little much, don’t you think?

Electoral college, come get your boys. They’re not doing so hot.


Friday, November 18, 2016

Disney"s "Moana" -- Italy Changes Name ... That Sounds Like Porn to Us!!

Disney’s new animated film “Moana” isn’t fit for kids in Italy … or at least the title isn’t because it’s synonymous with hardcore porn. The flick will be released in Italy under the name “Oceania” … allegedly to avoid confusion with Moana Pozzi…


Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Gabby Douglas Updates Fans On Health (And It Sounds Painful)

Fans wanted to know why Gabby Douglas missed Sunday’s VMAs, where her four teammates presented Beyonce with a Moon Man for Best Female Video.

It turns out that Douglas is battling a mouth infection that landed her back in the hospital Sunday, her rep told People.

“Gabby is back in the hospital tonight being treated for a seriously infected past mouth injury.  She continues to have deep swelling and adverse reactions to medication.”  

Last night, Douglas was feeling well enough to let fans know that she’s on the road to recovery, but it’s been a bit of a painful journey.

“Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that I’m doing ok” Douglas wrote on Instagram alongside a picture of herself in a dentist’s chair.

Gabby Douglas Dentist Chair

“I had a complication from a prior injury that caused a cyst to grow on a bone in my mouth.

“Got it removed and feeling much better now!

“Thanks for all your concerns and prayers  and HUGE thank you to the doctors that have taken care of me these last four days! #ontheroadtorecovery #butIstillgottagetthesewisdomteethout”

Douglas’ teammates – Aly Raisman, Simone Biles, Madison Kocian and Laurie Hernandez – missed their girl, but knew it was best for her to stay home (and good thing, too, since she had to be hospitalized again).

Gabby Douglas Bedridden

“I think she’s feeling a little better, but she’s staying home as a precaution,” Biles told People on the red carpet Sunday night.

“We’re sad she couldn’t be here to enjoy this with us. We miss her!”

Hernandez told Entertainment Tonight that though the growth needed to be closely watched, Douglas is going to pull through.

“It’s a little bit swollen, but we hope she can get better soon because we wish she could be here with us,” she said.

Get well soon, Gabby!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Jonathan Cheban Brags About Kim Kardashian, Sounds Like a Tool

The Daily Mail seems to find this guy interesting.

The rest of us find him irritating and self-important.

Jonathan Cheban, the self-proclaimed “best friend” of Kim Kardashian, was invited to speak on a panel at Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, which features people working in the fields of advertising, creative communications and the like.

Since his 4 minute appearance on the UK’s Celebrity Big Brother, Cheban has found a tiny bit of fame across the pond, though he once told co-star Gemma Collins that he didn’t need CBB for his career.

“It’s not that, I’m huge here,” Cheban told her.

“We’re [Keeping Up With The Kardashians] on in 180 countries!”

Fast-forward to June 22nd, and Collins has been reunited with Cheban.  The two friends were part of a panel that included social media dude The Fat Jewish (who happened to be wearing shorts with photos of Kim Kardashian’s cry face).

“Does she cry a lot?” fellow panelist Katie Hopkins asked Cheban of his bestie.

“No, no,” he insisted.

“But she has the best crying face. I think she was in tears there [while filming in Bora Bora] because she had lost an earring.”

It’s true.  Kardashian’s ex-husband, Kris Humphries threw her into the water, and this happened:

When asked how he keeps his friendship with Kardashian so strong, Cheban explained that theirs is a “very competitive industry.

“We all started at the same place eight or nine years ago and people are envious of us. They want to break up our friendship.”

Sage words, Cheebs.

“‘How do you do it?” Hopkins asked.

“I don’t know,” he answered. “I think God just blessed me.”

At dinner later, Cheban was seated next to Martha Stewart, who had no idea who he was or why he was famous.

“do you know this guy?? He says he is well known,” Stewart tweeted.

“Better photo of Jonathan who is very famous bff of the Kardashians. Who knew!” she wrote a minute later.

Meanwhile, Bragasaurus Rex bitched about losing his suitcase on social media.

“I was planning to wear my new Yeezys that no-one else in the world has except me but they are in the suitcase,” he said.

“Thank God I have all of my jewellery and my bling. I always have these in my hand luggage, I’m not putting these babies in my suitcase.

“This is always with me, all the Cartier stuff.”

In the words of Kourtney Kardashian: Jonathan, there are people dying.

Jonathan Cheban Brags About Kim Kardashian, Sounds Like a Tool

The Daily Mail seems to find this guy interesting.

The rest of us find him irritating and self-important.

Jonathan Cheban, the self-proclaimed “best friend” of Kim Kardashian, was invited to speak on a panel at Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, which features people working in the fields of advertising, creative communications and the like.

Since his 4 minute appearance on the UK’s Celebrity Big Brother, Cheban has found a tiny bit of fame across the pond, though he once told co-star Gemma Collins that he didn’t need CBB for his career.

“It’s not that, I’m huge here,” Cheban told her.

“We’re [Keeping Up With The Kardashians] on in 180 countries!”

Fast-forward to June 22nd, and Collins has been reunited with Cheban.  The two friends were part of a panel that included social media dude The Fat Jewish (who happened to be wearing shorts with photos of Kim Kardashian’s cry face).

“Does she cry a lot?” fellow panelist Katie Hopkins asked Cheban of his bestie.

“No, no,” he insisted.

“But she has the best crying face. I think she was in tears there [while filming in Bora Bora] because she had lost an earring.”

It’s true.  Kardashian’s ex-husband, Kris Humphries threw her into the water, and this happened:

When asked how he keeps his friendship with Kardashian so strong, Cheban explained that theirs is a “very competitive industry.

“We all started at the same place eight or nine years ago and people are envious of us. They want to break up our friendship.”

Sage words, Cheebs.

“‘How do you do it?” Hopkins asked.

“I don’t know,” he answered. “I think God just blessed me.”

At dinner later, Cheban was seated next to Martha Stewart, who had no idea who he was or why he was famous.

“do you know this guy?? He says he is well known,” Stewart tweeted.

“Better photo of Jonathan who is very famous bff of the Kardashians. Who knew!” she wrote a minute later.

Meanwhile, Bragasaurus Rex bitched about losing his suitcase on social media.

“I was planning to wear my new Yeezys that no-one else in the world has except me but they are in the suitcase,” he said.

“Thank God I have all of my jewellery and my bling. I always have these in my hand luggage, I’m not putting these babies in my suitcase.

“This is always with me, all the Cartier stuff.”

In the words of Kourtney Kardashian: Jonathan, there are people dying.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Bristol Palin Sounds Off on Starbucks Cup Controversy, Continues to Be Dumb

Bristol Palin has a blog, and she frequently uses it to say really dumb things about the big topics of the day. For once, however, we have to agree with her on something – the controversy surrounding Starbucks’ holiday cups is an incredibly stupid waste of time.

When she starts in on why she feels that way, however, Bristol really lets her dumbass flag fly:

“The mainstream media and the Left love their outrage machine where they claim the world is ending because any number of tiny people have expressed hurt feelings on social media.

“So now, they’re taking a tiny fraction of people’s response and attributing it to all conservative Christians.

“Do not buy in to the media hype surrounding this story!!  It is just another attempt by the LEFT to make Christians look stupid.”

Yes, Bristol believes the controversy is dumb, not because it has millions of people stressing over the lack of decor on a freakin’ paper cup, but because it’s part of a conspiracy perpetrated by the supervillains who run the media that’s designed to make Christians look foolish.

Like we said, Bristol says a lot of dumb things, but she’s at her best when she straps on her most stylish tin foil hat and spouts off about the various ways in which Michelle Obama helped fake the moon landing. 

Not only is Bristol digging way too deep to find answers on this one, she’s totally missing the truth of the situation that’s staring her right in the face:

Obviously, the real winners here are the folks at Dunkin Donuts and the topless mermaids who are one step closer to shutting down the insidious chain that’s been using their likeness without permission for years!

We’re through the looking glass here, people.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Honey Boo Boo"s Back — With A Music Video?! Check Out Her New Song Movin" Up That"s As Bad As It Sounds!

We can’t believe it either!

Honey Boo Boo is back in the news doing exactly what we’d expect her to do — trying to get attention!

After Boo Boo’s show was cancelled about a year ago, the former pageant queen is looking to gain some fame back and what better way than recording her first song — Movin’ Up — and releasing a video!

Video: Taylor Swift & HAIM Perform Hot In Herre With Nelly!

Not only that, but she got Mama June, Sugar Bear, and her sister Lauryn Shannon to help out along with singer and songwriter Adam Barta.

The cringeworthy song boasts the obnoxious yet unfortunately catchy lyrics:

“Honey Boo Boo Bop.
Do The Honey Boo Boo Bop.”

Still don’t believe us how bad it is? Ch-ch-check it out yourself (below) but don’t say we didn’t warn you!

[Image via Instagram.]