Showing posts with label Presidential. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Presidential. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Beto O"Rourke Not Closing Door on 2020 Presidential Run

It sounds like Beto O’Rourke is noodling a run for The White House in 2020, because the Congressman is not shutting down rumors he may challenge Donald Trump for the Presidency.  We got Beto Friday strolling around Capitol Hill and asked him…


Sunday, October 21, 2018

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Control Baby"s Potential Presidential Hopes

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have an interesting decision to make — it has nothing to do with baby names, but it will decide whether their firstborn can be President … of the good ole U.S. of A. We did some digging and…


Saturday, October 6, 2018

Trump"s Presidential Alert Texts Have Safety Measures in Place, Says FEMA

Remember in January, when Hawaii residents received a terrifying text about an inbound ballistic missile with instructions to seek shelter immediately, but it turned out to be a false alarm? Well, don’t worry — that’s not going to happen with…


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Presidential Alert Sent to 225 Million Irritated Cell Phone Users

We don"t often think this, but…

…thank goodness for social media.

On Wednesday, October 3, the first-ever test of the national Presidential Alert system meant that about 225 million individuals received a message from the White House.

It read as follows:

THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.

Considering who lives in the White House these days, such a message sowed chaos, confusion, annoyance and fear across this great country.

But it also sowed some hilarious reactions on Twitter, many of which we"ve collected below…

1. Wait, What Was This?!?

Leading his cult

In the event of an actual emergency, the Presidential Alert will include information about the emergency and instructions for how to respond and stay safe. That’s the idea behind these messages.

2. Here is the Alert

Here is the alert

If only Trump’s admisitration was some kind of test, right? And not real life…

3. The Internet Reacts!

The internet reacts

4. U Up?

U up

5. Who Knew Trump was a Fan?

Who knew trump was a fan

6. I Did Not Ask for This

I did not ask for this

View Slideshow

Donald Trump Sends Americans First Nationwide Presidential Alert Text

Imagine President Trump sliding into your DMs — okay, now take a deep breath because it’s not THAT bad, but most likely you DID just get a text from him … and a dead serious one at that.  If you haven’t looked down at your phone…


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti Sounds Presidential Defending Sen. Ted Cruz

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is sounding more and more like a guy who is running for prez in 2020 after coming to Sen. Ted Cruz’s defense … and getting critical of President Trump. We got hizzoner at Avalon in Hollywood Tuesday night…


Monday, July 9, 2018

The Game Taps Kim Kardashian West for Presidential Run in 2020, For Real

Forget Kanye West running for president, The Game thinks Kim Kardashian West has a real shot at the White House, and it’s because she reaches a huge demographic Hillary Clinton does not. We got Game Sunday night outside Catch in WeHo, and…


The Game Taps Kim Kardashian West for Presidential Run in 2020, For Real

Forget Kanye West running for president, The Game thinks Kim Kardashian West has a real shot at the White House, and it’s because she reaches a huge demographic Hillary Clinton does not. We got Game Sunday night outside Catch in WeHo, and…


Friday, March 9, 2018

Akon Envisions 2020 Presidential Run with Mark Zuckerberg as VP

Akon can see himself in the White House … and he wants Mark Zuckerberg to help him beat President Trump in 2020. We got the singer at LAX Thursday and wanted to know how he would defeat Trump, hypothetically speaking. Our…


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Oprah"s No Presidential DNA Remark Doesn"t Mean She Won"t Run

There’s a lot of buzz Oprah Winfrey will definitely NOT run for President in 2020, based on a recent interview she did … but there’s one crucial fact everyone’s leaving out. Oprah told In Style she doesn’t “have the DNA” to run for the White House…


Oprah"s No Presidential DNA Remark Doesn"t Mean She Won"t Run

There’s a lot of buzz Oprah Winfrey will definitely NOT run for President in 2020, based on a recent interview she did … but there’s one crucial fact everyone’s leaving out. Oprah told In Style she doesn’t “have the DNA” to run for the White House…


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Donald Trump"s Presidential Physical: Needs to Lose 10 Pounds, Propecia Enthusiast

President Trump could stand to lose 10 to 15 pounds and he needs medication to control his cholesterol … this according to his physician. Dr. Ronnie Jackson went into greater detail Tuesday with Trump’s first presidential physical exam taken…


Friday, January 12, 2018

Donald Trump Gets First Presidential Physical

Donald Trump just shook the hand of a man who’s about to get to know him super intimately. The Prez showed up to Walter Reed Medical Center in Bethesda Friday for his first physical since taking office. Here’s the thing … Dr. Ronny Jackson is a…


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Oprah"s Got Presidential Experience Already ... From High School

Oprah Winfrey might not be a politician, but she’s got experience as president … and she even won the popular vote!!! No surprise here, but TMZ has learned Oprah was super active in student government and extracurricular activities at…


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Gayle King Says Oprah"s Not Convinced Yet on Presidential Run

Gayle King is doubling down … trying to clarify Stedman Graham’s comment about Oprah running for President, and throwing in her own 2 cents too. We got Gayle leaving CBS Tuesday in NYC, after she went on the air and offered a…


Gayle King Says Oprah"s Not Convinced Yet on Presidential Run

Gayle King is doubling down … trying to clarify Stedman Graham’s comment about Oprah running for President, and throwing in her own 2 cents too. We got Gayle leaving CBS Tuesday in NYC, after she went on the air and offered a…


Monday, January 8, 2018

Orrin Hatch Says He"d Like to Help Oprah in 2020 Presidential Run

Senator Orrin Hatch gave us a big surprise Monday … he said he’d like to sit down with Oprah and help her if she decides to run for President in 2020. We got the Utah Senator — who’s retiring this year — at Reagan National Airport in D.C., and…


TMZ Live: Oprah: 2020 Presidential Run?

ON TODAY’S SHOW Paris Hilton: Kim Kardashian Invited To The Wedding? Tiffany Trump: Yeah, My Dad Loves McDonald’s!  O.J. Simpson Threatens $ 100 Million Lawsuit  ‘Game Of Thrones’: Kit Harington Wasted In Bar 


Oprah Winfrey 2020: Golden Globes Speech Prompts Presidential Run Demands!

Sunday night’s Golden Globes award ceremony had a number of big moments, but the biggest by far was Oprah Winfrey’s incredible speech. People are still talking about it.

But some people — particularly on Twitter — are talking about more than just Oprah’s speech.

They’re talking about Oprah’s potential political career. They’re talking about Oprah 2020.

Oprah Winfrey, clad in a gorgeous black dress, accepted the prestigious Cecile B. DeMille award.

The speech that she delivered touched hearts and minds. Talking about the changes and milestones that she’s seen in her lifetime, and all of the positive change that still needs to happen, 

In that speech, she speaks up for so many marginalized people who have endured similar abuses to what so many women in Hollywood have undergone, but who aren’t in any position to speak up. 

Even with the #MeToo movement and now the #TimesUp movement, some people’s jobs or lives make it impossible for them to speak up without potentially condemning their children to lose everything.

You know what some would call everyday folks in those circumstances? Voters.

Twitter’s reaction to Oprah’s evocative speech was pretty intense, with one tweet reading:

“As I sit here in tears…I have never ever seen such a speech. @Oprah, my friend. Please run for President. This world needs more of THAT. WOW.”

That was a very popular sentiment. And it still is.

The idea of Oprah running for President isn’t new. After Trump’s alarming electoral victory in 2016, a number of Democrats started to wonder if the Left needed a billionaire celebrity of their own.

Oprah is a self-made billionaire who has touched the lives of millions. She’s intelligent, well-spoken, thoughtful, compassionate, and her positive contributions to society are well-known.

On the other hand, some wonder if Oprah’s lack of any governing experience should disqualify her from the position.

Prior to 2016, Presidential candidates were usually either former members of Congress or former Governors. People need to feel confident that their candidate knows what they’re doing.

Some question whether Trump’s disastrous Presidency is simply making people desperate for any alternative whom they believe could win, rather than for the best and most qualified person for the job.

Is Oprah the answer to our nation’s problems? Or just an inspirational name that some hope will bring in the right votes and bring an end to our long national nightmare in 2020?

Some criticisms of the idea are less about Oprah and more about … other political beliefs of there.

It’s been pointed out that Oprah becoming President would mean that Oprah would be the one ordering drone strikes.

For some people, the US’ ongoing drone warfare as a counterterrorism strategy is controversial.

For some, very validly, there’s concern about collateral damage. (Though still, fewer innocents die in drone strikes than would die if the US sent in soldiers to perform the same duties)

For others, however, there’s a general objection to some of the roles that a modern Presidency fulfills. Some of these people are anarchists, others merely pacifists.

And there are plenty of folks who would hate to see Oprah committing what they believe to be “atrocities.”

Some say that you can’t fix the problems of an evil billionaire celebrity with a good billionaire celebrity.

Under no circumstances would Oprah’s candidacy mean that the Democratic Party would be “sinking to the level” of the GOP.

Oprah worked herself from nothing and became a billionaire. Trump inherited his father’s riches and, with repeated failures, is worth less today than he would have made if he’d simply invested his inheritance.

But while Oprah is an incredible human being, is she the best choice?

Would an Oprah Presidency see cabinet positions filled by unqualified charlatans? Would Doctor Oz be Surgeon General? Would Doctor Phil be … whatever cabinet position is usually filled by walruses?

Let’s wait and see what sort of campaign Oprah would run before we rush to judgment in either direction, okay?
