Showing posts with label Remark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Remark. Show all posts

Monday, October 1, 2018

Kanye West Clarifies "Abolish" 13th Amendment Remark

Kanye West says he used the wrong word when he said he wanted to “abolish” the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery, and added … there’s a better way to change our Constitution.  Ye came into TMZ — as he promised he would — to explain…


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Emma Stone Accused of White Feminism for Oscars Remark

Sunday night’s Academy Awards were a hit, but they weren’t without their controversies. From Gary Oldman and Kobe Bryant’s Oscar wins to Ryan Seacrest’s presence on the red carpet, there was awkwardness for viewers and for stars.

One interesting moment came when Emma Stone made a political statement that didn’t go over very well.

She’s now being accused of “white feminism.”

Emma Stone won an Academy Award for La La Land, and this year she presented the category of Best Director.

To start things off, she spoke:

“It is the director whose indelible touch is reflected on every frame. It is the director who, shot by shot, scene by scene, day by day, works with every member of the crew to further the story.”

She continues to praise the job that a director does.

“And it is the vision of the director that takes an ordinary movie and turns it into a work of art.”

Then it came time to introduce the nominees.

“These four men and Greta Gerwig created their own masterpieces this year.”

Clearly, Emma Stone was trying to emphasize the fact that, with many skilled directors, the Academy somehow decided that 80% of the ones good enough to be nominees were men.

And perhaps she was trying to recreate Natalie Portman’s “all-male nominees” jab from the Golden Globes.

However, on a night when Jordan Peele was nominated for Get Out and Guillermo Del Toro was nominated for The Shape of Water, Emma Stone’s focus exclusively on gender did not go over well with some viewers.

And people shared their gripes on Twitter:

“Peak white feminism from Emma Stone. Pointing out that 4 of the nominees are men while ignoring that 2 of those men are minorities.”

“She minimized the incredible achievements of a Black man and a Mexican immigrant in the name of white feminism.”

“Ok emma stone being like ‘four male directors and greta gerwig’ or whatever tf she said is exactly what we mean by white feminism. Jordan Peele and Guillermo Del Toro are not white men that had everything easily handed to them and they don’t deserve to be classified as such.”

To be clear, what “white feminism” means is practicing a sort of feminism that focuses only on one’s own experiences, which means that activism is less helpful or even harmful to other individuals.

For example, someone whose push for feminism forgets about people of color, or the LGBT community, or the disabled, because that’s not part of their experience.

Not all white people who are feminists are white feminists and not all white feminists are white, though the term arose from white activists who ignored the experiences of black and brown women.

(This phenomenon exists in any human rights movement — men might push for racial equality from an exclusively male perspective; some advocates for LGBT rights might forget that there are LGBT people of color who experience the world differently)

Emma Stone seems like an especially likely target for this kind of critique, because she starred in La La Land which famously whitewashed the story of jazz.

She, a white woman, also played a Hawaiian woman in Aloha for reasons that the world still does not quite understand.

Emma Stone was thinking along lines of gender but forgetting that Jordan Peele and Guillermo Del Toro are men of color who also face numerous obstacles.

Considering that some Oscar voters outright refused to watch Get Out because they didn’t consider it to be a worthy film speaks volumes about how far Hollywood needs to go.

(Though Oscars voters are famously awful — whenever the notes made on their votes comes out anonymously, the world is reminded that there are a lot of terrible people making these decisions)

Whether or not Emma Stone is a white feminist or was just using her very limited time to address one of many problems is … unclear.

But it’s not a cruel accusation. Emma Watson has recently spoken about how being called that years ago helped to open her eyes to becoming a better intersectional feminist.

Fortunately, Best Director went to Guillermo Del Toro, a Mexican director, whose film about about a woman who bangs a fish man is sometimes affectionately referred to as “Grinding Nemo.”

He also won Best Picture.

And Jordan Peele then won Best Original Screenplay for Get Out.

It would be nice to see more women win, but it’s also nice to see men of color make historic wins. There are too few of each, and not for lack of talent or merit.


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Oprah"s No Presidential DNA Remark Doesn"t Mean She Won"t Run

There’s a lot of buzz Oprah Winfrey will definitely NOT run for President in 2020, based on a recent interview she did … but there’s one crucial fact everyone’s leaving out. Oprah told In Style she doesn’t “have the DNA” to run for the White House…


Oprah"s No Presidential DNA Remark Doesn"t Mean She Won"t Run

There’s a lot of buzz Oprah Winfrey will definitely NOT run for President in 2020, based on a recent interview she did … but there’s one crucial fact everyone’s leaving out. Oprah told In Style she doesn’t “have the DNA” to run for the White House…


Saturday, January 13, 2018

Pierre Garcon: I Forgive Trump For "Shithole" Remark

Pierre Garcon wasn’t the least bit surprised Donald Trump reportedly called Haiti a “shithole” … but says he’s willing to forgive the Prez.  Garcon — a Haitian-American NFL star — tells TMZ Sports he was upset when he first heard…


Friday, January 12, 2018

Donald Trump Plummets to New Low with "Sh-thole" Remark

For the 274th time in his Presidency, Donald Trump has sunk to a new low.

We know, right?

We didn’t think it was possible at this point, either.

But the President was meeting with members of the Senate and Congress on Thursday, discussing the topic of immigration, when he asked point blank:

Why do we want all these people from shithole countries coming here?

The nations to which he was referring, according to various accounts that have NOT been disputed by the White House, were Haiti, El Savador and other places in Africa,

Trump has never exactly been a fan of foreigners.

Or of people with a darker complexion than he possesses.

Or of anyone who doesn’t bow down and view him as the Messiah, but that’s neither here nor there at the moment.

In response to the uproar over Trump’s statement, administration spokesman Raj Shah did not deny the coarse description used by his boss.

Quite the opposite: he basically defended it.

“Certain Washington politicians choose to fight for foreign countries, but President Trump will always fight for the American people,” said Shah.

Moreover, a source inside the White House told CNN that staffers are practically giddy Trump referred to these countries as such awful places because they think it will play well with his “base” of voters.

Yes, this is where we are as a country.

No member of Republican leadership in the House or Senate has come out and condemned Trump for his comment.

The Commander-in-Chief, meanwhile, tried to lie about making this remark in a string of Twitter vomit and word salad on Friday morning.

“The language used by me at the DACA meeting was tough, but this was not the language used,” Trump explained, adding:

“What was really tough was the outlandish proposal made – a big setback for DACA!”

Trump went on to say the Democrats wanted to shutdown the government and therefore the military… even though the military does NOT shut down when the government does.

And he also wrote:

Reason I canceled my trip to London is that I am not a big fan of the Obama Administration having sold perhaps the best located and finest embassy in London for “peanuts,” only to build a new one in an off location for 1.2 billion dollars.

The Obama administration did not do this, however.

The George W. Bush administration did this.

But since when do such pesky things as “facts” matter, right?

On Thursday, a bipartisan group of senators announced they had reached an agreement on several immigration issues, including DACA and border security.

The President, though, doesn’t seem to be a fan of what they came up with because it’s not racist enough in his opinion.

In June of 2016, as first reported by The New York Times, Trump angrily decried how many immigrants from what he thought were less-desirable nations were still entering the country.

“Haiti had sent 15,000 people. They all have AIDS,” Trump allegedly complained at the time.

A few weeks ago, remember, Trump also said lots of very dumb stuff.

He says lots of dumb stuff all the time.

But this “shithole” insult may rank as his worst moment yet, considering how it encapsulates his racist side, his ignorant side and his ineffective side, in terms of Presidential leadership.

The African Union continental body told The Associated Press it was “frankly alarmed” by Trump’s comments.

“Given the historical reality of how many Africans arrived in the United States as slaves, this statement flies in the face of all accepted behavior and practice,” AU spokeswoman Ebba Kalondo said, adding:

“This is particularly surprising as the United States of America remains a global example of how migration gave birth to a nation built on strong values of diversity and opportunity.”

Then there was this, from United Nations human rights spokesman Rupert Colville:

“There is no other word one can use but ‘racist’…

“This isn’t just a story about vulgar language, it’s about opening the door to humanity’s worst side, about validating and encouraging racism and xenophobia.

“You cannot dismiss entire countries and continents as ‘sh*tholes’, whose entire populations, who are not white, are therefore not welcome.”

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.


Friday, June 23, 2017

Johnny Depp Condemned by White House for Donald Trump Assassination Remark

Johnny Depp’s assassination remark about President Trump will cost him dearly … in Hollywood … if the White House gets its way. Trump’s been silent about Depp saying, “When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?” — however, a…


Thursday, June 22, 2017

John Oliver Sued by Coal Mining Mogul Bob Murray Over "Geriatric Dr. Evil" Remark

John Oliver knew what was coming, and now he’s got it — a big fat lawsuit from the head of Murray Energy who apparently doesn’t enjoy being called a “geriatric Dr. Evil” … at least based on the docs. For nearly a half hour on his show, “Last…


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Ice Cube Will Take On Bill Maher Over "House N*****" Remark

Ice Cube isn’t about to let Bill Maher’s “house n****r” crack stop him from appearing on ‘Real Time’ … in fact, Cube’s ready to mix it up with Bill over the n-word. Bill’s n-word comment won’t go ignored either. Sources close to Cube tell us he…


Monday, June 5, 2017

Senator Al Franken Cancels Bill Maher Appearance After N-Word Remark

Bill Maher is out one big guest for his next live show on HBO this Friday – Senator Al Franken just canceled his appearance. Franken announced Monday he won’t be appearing alongside Maher for Friday’s episode. A spokesperson for Franken said…


No Bill Maher Tour Dates Canceled After N-Word Remark (PHOTO)

Bill Maher has dodged the bullet that annihilated Kathy Griffin — NONE of his upcoming tour dates have been canceled … despite his use of the n-word on HBO. Bill’s smack in the middle of a comedy tour, with a ton of Summer tour…


Saturday, April 1, 2017

Candace Cameron Bure: Feuding with Drag Queen Over Homophobic Remark?!

The idea of Candace Cameron Bure getting schooled by a drag queen is absolutely delightful, right?

And even though we’re sharing this news on April Fool’s Day, it’s definitely real.

It just goes to show you that sometimes the world is an OK place where good things happen. And let’s be honest, we need that right now.

This whole mess started because of that photo of Candace above, the one in which she’s wearing the “Not Today, Satan” shirt.

The phrase has been around for a while, but it’s recently gotten a boost in popularity thanks to Bianca Del Rio, legendary drag queen and winner of season six of RuPaul’s Drag Race.

Bianca used it as a catchphrase on the show, and these days it’s heavily associated with her, so much so that she’s currently on tour — the Not Today Satan tour.

So when Bianca saw that Candace was wearing the shirt, she reposted it, along with the caption “IF ONLY THIS HOMOPHOBIC REPUBLICAN KNEW………”

And that’s when the feud really kicked off.

Bianca is, of course, referring to Candace’s controversial views. While she’s never been as openly homophobic as her brother, Kirk Cameron, she’s definitely rubbed people the wrong way plenty of times.

For instance, Candace famously defended that Oregon bakery’s decision to refuse to provide service to a gay couple, remember that?

She also holds a lot of the same beliefs as the Duggar family, so … you know what that means.

Hint: it means nothing good.

So it’s understandable that Bianca would be a little rattled by Candace wearing this shirt, right?

But it turns out that Candace was rattled herself by Bianca’s reaction.

She left a comment for her saying as much, asking “Why do you have to be so nasty to me?”

“You don’t know me or my heart,” Candace wrote. “I’m not homophobic and always sad when people think otherwise. Loving Jesus doesn’t mean I hate gay people or anyone.”

“You sent a bunch of hateful people to my page writing horrible things. I hope next time you’ll spread love and kindness, even when you disagree with people.”

She finished with “Sending you love and wishing you all the best.”

Bianca reposted her response as well, along with the hashtags “Live Your Life,” “Love Jesus,” and “Republican Pride.”

Are you sensing sarcasm? Because it seems like she’s being a little sarcastic here.

And so this is how we’re now living in a world in which Candace Cameron is in the middle of a nasty feud with a drag queen.



Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Amy Schumer Slams Chris Harrison For Allegedly Sexist Remark

The Bachelor is not a show one generally looks to for progressive feminist values, but apparently comedian and admitted reality TV junkie Amy Schumer thought host Chris Harrison’s comments on last night’s episode were insensitive and misogynistic, even by the not-so-lofty standards of a show on which a bunch of women compete for the attention of one dude.

The moment that pissed Amy off came during Harrison’s interview with former contestant Jubilee Sharpe, who was dismissed from the show in week five.

Sharpe spoke about her tragic backstory (she was adopted by an American family after her parents were killed in Haiti when she was young), and her appreciation for the fact that Bachelor Ben Higgins didn’t see her “complicated past” as a “huge obstacle.”

Harrison replied:

“I know you can’t control how complicated you are. You might be complicated, and I know you stir the pot sometimes, but I hope you realize you’re a pretty special woman, and I really appreciate you coming here and opening up the way you did.”

Seems innocent enough, but apparently Harrison’s use of the word “complicated” to describe Sharpe struck Schumer as offensive.

“There is nothing wrong with ‘complicated’ women Chris Harrison,” Schumer tweeted. “You treated it like something she should fight. A women shouldn’t try to…be less complicated so as to hopefully attract a man.

“And she shouldn’t find value in herself just because a dude liked her…She is smart and strong and a sergeant in the military. She lost her entire family and you say she must fight off being complicated.” 

Many have gotten Amy’s back, others have accused her of making a mountain out of a mole hill and being a bit too eager to add her voice to the ever-louder chorus of outraged social media users.

We won’t sound off one way one another, but suffice it to say, the situation is…complicated. Sorry.

Watch The Bachelor online at TV Fanatic for your daily dose of 1950s values on a 2016 reality show.