Showing posts with label Plummets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plummets. Show all posts

Friday, September 7, 2018

Elon Musk Smokes a Blunt With Joe Rogan; Tesla Stock Plummets 9 Percent

And you thought that car he launched into space was high. Zing!

As you may already know, Elon Musk has endured quite a drubbing from the press in recent weeks.

It all started with an emotional New York Times interview in which the Tesla and Space-X CEO tearfully carried on about the pain of spending his 47th birthday alone.

From there, things got quickly became even more bizarre, as Musk was involved in a public feud with Azealia Banks that saw the rapper issuing allegations of drug use and erratic behavior.

(Banks later apologized for the accusations.)

Combine those PR debacles with Musk’s tweets about a plan to take his publicly-traded company private in what would have been the biggest buyout in history, and it’s not hard to see why Tesla stock isn’t exactly soaring at the moment.

Elon Smokes

Presumably, in an effort to begin the lengthy process of rebuilding his public image as wells as shareholders’ trust, Musk decided to make an appearance Joe Rogan’s podcast, which is like Oprah for people who experiment with DMT and spend a lot of time talking about their gains.

In all seriousness, Rogan’s podcast is one of the most popular on the planet, and no outlet that features thoughtful discussion of dense topics in a 3-4 hour format reaches a larger audience.

So it could have been a smart move for Musk, had he not decided to take the host — a proud advocate of the therapeutic and recreational benefits of mind-altering substances — up on his offer to spark a blunt and sip a little whiskey.

Now, even in the most conservative circles, attitudes toward cannabis use have never been more relaxed.

Prohibition of pot is glacially coming to an end, and all over the country, people are walking in on their college-aged kids or elderly parents smoking a joint and responding by calmly encouraging them to pass that.

But Musk’s case is a bit different than most.

The decision to light up with Rogan comes on the heels of accusations that Musk made the decision to take his company private (at $ 420 a share, tee-hee) while tripping on acid.

So we suppose it’s understandable that some of Tesla’s more traditional shareholders weren’t thrilled to see the company’s CEO burning one down in front of an audience of millions.

In fact, the price of Tesla shares has plummeted an astonishing 9 percent in the past 24 hours, with experts chalking the drop up to Musk’s latest behavior.

Tesla stock is now down 40 percent from the company’s 52-week … high (sorry).

Frankly, we don’t see what all the fuss is about.

Folks who were worried that Musk is on drugs should have had their minds put at ease by the fact that this man clearly has no experience smoking blunts.


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

"AGT" Trapeze Artist Plummets During Blindfold Trick Over Fire

An “America’s Got Talent” husband and wife duo felt the burn … when their blindfolded trapeze trick — over open flames — came to a shocking end. Mary and Tyce were flying through their act on Tuesday night’s broadcast, pulling off some amazing…


AGT Stunt Goes Horribly Wrong, Woman Nearly Plummets to Death

In a word? YIKES!

In a few more words? The video above is not for the faint of heart.

On America"s Got Talent last night, Mary and Tyce, a husband and wife trapeze team, initially caused the jaws of all the judges to drop as they performed gravity-defying tricks high above the stage… which was on fire throughout their act.

Yes, fire.

But then Mary dropped from the sky and a collective gasp went over the entire venue, with all in attendance fearing the worst.

Tyce, it should be noted, is legally blind in his right eye due to a progressive eye disease.

For the couple"s climactic big trick, he blindfolded himself as he hung upside down and prepared to catch his flipping wife.

But Mary slipped out of his hands and plummeted to the stage.

It was here, naturally, when the show went to commercial, leaving viewers in mortal suspense until it returned — to the look of horror on Mary"s mother"s face in the crowd as she held the couple"s two-year old in her arms.

Thankfully, Mary was okay (unbeknownst to fans until later, she and her husband had placed a thick mat across the ground), bounding up eventually with a triumphant look on her face.

And also some bruises on her head.

"We would like to try the trick one more time," Mary even said.

"No! It"s fine!" Mel B screamed immediately. "It"s fine."

Guest judge Ken Jeong then explained that, even though things didn"t go flawlessly, it was clear how skilled the artists really are.

"This is not America"s Got Perfection, it"s America"s Got Talent!" the actor said. "Nobody can do this. I mean, it"s OK!"

Added Simon Cowell, with everyone still trying to gather themselves after witnessing what had transpired in front of them:

"I don"t think there"s ever been a singer on any of our competitions who"s been note-perfect. It doesn"t make them not amazing, it makes them human…

"Although the consequences of this are slightly worse than falling off-key, whereas you nearly broke your neck. And the fact that you"re nearly blind makes this incredible."

It"s true. On both accounts.

Check out the frightening video above and find out whether Mary and Tyce were advanced to the next round.

Americas got talent stunt goes horribly wrong trapeze artist nea

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Blac Chyna Club Appearance Fee Plummets Without the Kardashians

Blac Chyna’s value has plummeted at clubs across America, and the reason is simple — her wagon has been unhitched from the Kardashians.  BC’s turning 30 next week, and we’re told she’s spread the word to promoters she’s available for club…


Friday, January 12, 2018

Donald Trump Plummets to New Low with "Sh-thole" Remark

For the 274th time in his Presidency, Donald Trump has sunk to a new low.

We know, right?

We didn’t think it was possible at this point, either.

But the President was meeting with members of the Senate and Congress on Thursday, discussing the topic of immigration, when he asked point blank:

Why do we want all these people from shithole countries coming here?

The nations to which he was referring, according to various accounts that have NOT been disputed by the White House, were Haiti, El Savador and other places in Africa,

Trump has never exactly been a fan of foreigners.

Or of people with a darker complexion than he possesses.

Or of anyone who doesn’t bow down and view him as the Messiah, but that’s neither here nor there at the moment.

In response to the uproar over Trump’s statement, administration spokesman Raj Shah did not deny the coarse description used by his boss.

Quite the opposite: he basically defended it.

“Certain Washington politicians choose to fight for foreign countries, but President Trump will always fight for the American people,” said Shah.

Moreover, a source inside the White House told CNN that staffers are practically giddy Trump referred to these countries as such awful places because they think it will play well with his “base” of voters.

Yes, this is where we are as a country.

No member of Republican leadership in the House or Senate has come out and condemned Trump for his comment.

The Commander-in-Chief, meanwhile, tried to lie about making this remark in a string of Twitter vomit and word salad on Friday morning.

“The language used by me at the DACA meeting was tough, but this was not the language used,” Trump explained, adding:

“What was really tough was the outlandish proposal made – a big setback for DACA!”

Trump went on to say the Democrats wanted to shutdown the government and therefore the military… even though the military does NOT shut down when the government does.

And he also wrote:

Reason I canceled my trip to London is that I am not a big fan of the Obama Administration having sold perhaps the best located and finest embassy in London for “peanuts,” only to build a new one in an off location for 1.2 billion dollars.

The Obama administration did not do this, however.

The George W. Bush administration did this.

But since when do such pesky things as “facts” matter, right?

On Thursday, a bipartisan group of senators announced they had reached an agreement on several immigration issues, including DACA and border security.

The President, though, doesn’t seem to be a fan of what they came up with because it’s not racist enough in his opinion.

In June of 2016, as first reported by The New York Times, Trump angrily decried how many immigrants from what he thought were less-desirable nations were still entering the country.

“Haiti had sent 15,000 people. They all have AIDS,” Trump allegedly complained at the time.

A few weeks ago, remember, Trump also said lots of very dumb stuff.

He says lots of dumb stuff all the time.

But this “shithole” insult may rank as his worst moment yet, considering how it encapsulates his racist side, his ignorant side and his ineffective side, in terms of Presidential leadership.

The African Union continental body told The Associated Press it was “frankly alarmed” by Trump’s comments.

“Given the historical reality of how many Africans arrived in the United States as slaves, this statement flies in the face of all accepted behavior and practice,” AU spokeswoman Ebba Kalondo said, adding:

“This is particularly surprising as the United States of America remains a global example of how migration gave birth to a nation built on strong values of diversity and opportunity.”

Then there was this, from United Nations human rights spokesman Rupert Colville:

“There is no other word one can use but ‘racist’…

“This isn’t just a story about vulgar language, it’s about opening the door to humanity’s worst side, about validating and encouraging racism and xenophobia.

“You cannot dismiss entire countries and continents as ‘sh*tholes’, whose entire populations, who are not white, are therefore not welcome.”

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.


Saturday, July 8, 2017

Acrobat Plummets to Death Before Green Day Show, Band Criticized for Playing After

An acrobat fell 100 feet to his death during a performance before Green Day took the stage at a music fest in Spain … and the fatal moment was caught on video. The acrobat — Pedro Aunion Monroy from Brighton, UK — was high above the stage…
