Showing posts with label Acrobat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Acrobat. Show all posts

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Cirque du Soleil Acrobat Falls to His Death After Aerial Stunt Goes Wrong

A cast member of the traveling Cirque du Soleil suffered a fatal fall this weekend, dying at a hospital after an aerial stunt went terribly wrong … and video of the incident has just surfaced. The acrobat, Yann Arnaud, was performing during a live…


Saturday, July 8, 2017

Acrobat Plummets to Death Before Green Day Show, Band Criticized for Playing After

An acrobat fell 100 feet to his death during a performance before Green Day took the stage at a music fest in Spain … and the fatal moment was caught on video. The acrobat — Pedro Aunion Monroy from Brighton, UK — was high above the stage…
