Showing posts with label Criticized. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Criticized. Show all posts

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Trace Cyrus Attacks Women Who Criticized Fiancee Photo on Insta

Trace Cyrus went wild on his female followers after some of them reported him to Instagram as a porn peddler, for posting a pic of his fiancee.
Miley‘s older brother posted a pic of Lauren Sanders with his hand on her neck, and some clearly took issue by contacting the social media...
Trace Cyrus Attacks Women Who Criticized Fiancee Photo on Insta

Sunday, September 30, 2018 from The Black Eyed Peas Criticized for Checking Phone During Concert is getting blasted for appearing so bored, he was checking his iPhone during a Black Eyed Peas concert. Will and Co. were performing at the Melbourne Cricket Ground Saturday in Australia — the main pre-game entertainment at the…


Monday, March 19, 2018

Jill Duggar: Criticized For Bringing Baby on Dangerous Trip!

If you follow her on social media, then you’re likely aware that Jill Duggar is often criticized for her parenting.

Sometimes the complaints are truly asinine, such as the time fans got up in arms because Jill put a tortilla on her baby’s head.

On many other occasions, however, the gripes were more legitimate, such as the time Jill was accused of endangering her children by allowing them to play near a freeway.

We guess the latest complaint falls somewhere in the middle – a bit more serious than “Mexican food as fashion accessory” but not quite as severe as “human Frogger.”

As you may recall, Jill and her husband Derick Dillard perform missionary work from time to time.

Or at least they did, until the allure of reality TV stardom lured them back home to Arkansas.

Now that Derick has been fired from Counting On and Jill has quit the show as a misguided gesture of solidarity, the Dillards have a lot more time on their hands.

Jill and Derick haven’t formally announced that they’re once again traveling abroad in hopes of winning converts, but fans noticed the couple appears in a recent photo posted by their church, which seems to suggest the Dillards are once again headed south of the border.

“Pray with us for our group heading to Guadalajara today,” reads the caption on the photo above.

The trip won’t be as long as Jill and Derick’s previous excursion, which lasted the better part of a year.

It was advertised on the Cross Church’s website as a weeklong trip, but there it seems some members of the congregation are planning to stay a bit longer.

“The week will be filled with street evangelism and building relationships to share the gospel as we help Vida Church continue reaching Guadalajara,” reads the ad.

Jill and Derick have been widely praised for their philanthropic efforts, but they’ve taken their fair share of criticism for their latest trip, as well.

For one thing, the Dillards are not licensed missionaries, a fact they received some harsh criticism for during their previous two travels.

Despite having plenty of time to do so, it does not seem that either Jill or Derick enrolled in a licensing course in the year since they returned to the States.

But the harshest complaints from fans had to do with Jill and Derick’s decision to bring their 8-month-old son Samuel on the trip.

(It does not appear that 2-year-old Samuel traveled with his parents.)

Guadalajara is commonly regarded as one of the most dangerous destinations in Mexico.

Just last month, the city was the scene of 23 murders over the course of 48 hours.

For obvious reasons, many are questioning the wisdom of the Dillards bringing their youngest son along, and some are likening it to Jill putting her son at risk for the Zika virus by remaining in afflicted areas while pregnant.

We guess the problem with criticizing the couple for every piece of ethnic cuisine they place on their son’s head is that they’re that much more likely to shrug it off when the world expresses a legitimate concern.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Ariana Madix Criticized By Fans For Defending "Predatory" Brother

If you watched last night’s episode of Vanderpump Rules, you may have been surprised and disappointed as several cast members engaged in the egregious practice of victim-shaming in an attempt bury some unsettling allegations.

What could have served as an edifying reminder that the lessons of the #MeToo era often force both men and women to confront uncomfortable truths was instead a painful lesson in how not to handle an accusation by a woman who has been mistreated.

The situation began innocently enough when Ariana Madix’s brother, Jeremy, asked castmate Billie Lee out on a date.

When Billie shared the news with friends Stassi Schroeder and Kristen Doute, she was shocked to learn that Jeremy’s been the subject of some unsettling accusations.

While Stassi encouraged Billie to make sure she sticks to public places during her date, Kristen derided the SUR busboy as “creepy.”

A flashback clip from Katie Maloney and Tom Schwartz’s wedding the previous summer supports Stassi’s claim that Jeremy behaved inappropriately.

The footage shows Jeremy wrapping Stassi up in an unwelcome hug while chastising her for giving him dirty looks and jokingly promising that he’ll stop hitting on her.

When Ariana learned of the allegations, she exacerbated the situation by behaving in an extremely hostile fashion toward Stassi and Kristen, and threatening them that they’re “going to a place that they will never f–king come back from.”

She then informed her boyfriend, Tom Sandoval, of the situation, and he proceeded to track the women down and scream at them, at one point threatening that they had “better f–king watch themselves.”

The reaction on Twitter was overwhelmingly negative, with many viewers pointing out the hypocrisy of self-proclaimed feminists Ariana and Lala Kent fuming with rage at two women who broached a difficult topic in an effort to protect another woman from harm:

“Perhaps you shouldn’t be on TV or violating women’s space. There’s film, idiot,” one viewer tweeted at Jeremy.

“Um, Ariana, your brother has a history of domestic abuse and violating restraining orders. ‘Creepy’ might be a kind adjective here,” wrote another.

That last tweet refers to the fact that Jeremy has been arrested multiple times on charges of domestic assault and violating a restraining order.

According to court records, an ex-girlfriend of Madix’s informed police that he beat her, forcibly undressed her, and threatened to kill her after they had broken up.

Jeremy, meanwhile, was by turns combative and dismissive in his response to the scandal.

Before the episode aired, he tweeted a GIF which seemed to make light of the allegations against him:

Later, he retweeted several of his own comments that seemed to be his way of responding to a previous round of criticism:

“I’m so content with the person i am I could give a fuck what you think about me,” a less-than-content-sounding Madix tweeted.

“So while I ride around in this RR and continue to work my ass off on some REAL CEO shit, be nice. Cause I’m nice to everyone.”

The most recent round of allegations against Madix were not especially severe, but the way the situation was handled was downright deplorable.

If women who come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct are subjected to bitter vitriol and violent threats from within their own social circle, then the progress of the past few months has truly been illusory.

As with the abuse that James Kennedy has inflicted on his female co-stars, this is not the stuff of amusing reality TV drama.

Vanderpump Rules is in danger of becoming a deeply problematic series, and only its stars have the ability to bring a stop to that steady deterioration.

There’s a fine line between a show that documents the intoxicated debauchery of some of WeHo’s most argumentative pretty people and a show that glorifies abusive and violent behavior for a young and impressionable audience.

Hopefully, if the show’s stars don’t realize something needs to be done, then the network will – and some much-needed retooling will take place.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to witness the shocking reaction to Jeremy’s behavior for yourself.


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Jessa Duggar Reveals Son"s Health Condition, Gets Criticized For Negligence

Jessa Duggar just can’t seem to catch a break lately.

It seems that ever since Jill Duggar’s husband, Derick Dillard, was fired from Counting On, the scrutiny of Jessa and her family has only intensified.

On social media, Jessa has remained as famous as ever amongst obsessive Duggar fans.

Unfortunately, these days, her interactions with her followers tend to be strangely hostile.

More often than not the negativity takes the form of critical comments about Jessa’s parenting.

In recent months, Jessa has been slammed by fans for everything from failing to properly homeschool her children to putting them in harm’s way by living to close to a highway.

Needless to say, followers have devoted a shocking amount ot time to combing through her social media posts in search of something to get angry about.

Sometimes, however, the outrage stems not from a minor background detail in a photo on Jessa’s Instagram, but from comments she’s made on her family’s popular reality show.

And it seems a minor revelation Jess made on this week’s episode has the Duggar faithful all whipped up into a frenzy. 

“When Henry was about three months old, he had what appeared to be ‘cradle cap,"” Jessa told the camera.

“But I tried a lot of different washes, lotions, creams, and things like that, and then I started to figure it out that this was actually eczema and probably an allergy.”

She added that the problem is persistent, and that she and husband Ben Seewald are often forced to take action in order to stop Henry from making things worse:

“Henry has some pretty bad flare-ups on his head and in his neck creases and so we have to keep socks on his hands to keep him from scratching it,” Jessa added.

Apparently, a sizable percentage of the Counting On audience is made up of medical professionals, and many of them feel that Jessa is to blame for her son’s condition:

“I just saw the episode of Henry and his eczema allergy. I saw you eating eggs, and eggs can also be a huge flare up,” wrote one viewer on Mrs. Seewald’s Instagram page.

“My son has eczema too, we found out it’s a wheat, egg, and soy allergy,” wrote another.

“Cut gluten, dairy, and sugar,” advised a third, cautioning that scents and lotions Jessa is using might also be making the problem worse.

We’re sure most of these folks intended to be helpful, but the tone often comes off as a but smug and scolding – especially since Jessa already addressed these possible causes in Monday’s episode:

“I’m trying to address what’s irritating his stomach and trying to eliminate things from my diet to see what’s up,” she said on the show.

“I’ve cut out all inflammatory foods: gluten, dairy, corn, nuts. It’s just a matter of figuring out what it is.”

So there you have it, folks – Jessa seems to have access to the same medical information as the rest of us.

But we’re sure that won’t keep you from offering unsolicited advice.

Watch Counting On online to find more reasons to get on Jessa’s case!


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Kim Kardashian DESTROYS Twitter Account that Criticized Kanye West

You can say more or less whatever you like about Kim Kardashian — she’s built her brand off of “scandals” that would ruin other careers. But you don’t talk about her man, apparently.

When a Twitter account that regularly reports on Kanye’s fashion line made a claim about Yeezy, Kim Kardashian went off. She supports her husband’s brand and, when she’s not eating noodles while naked, often wears Yeezy apparel.

She put them on blast in public. And she may have made some calls to Twitter in private. Yikes.

A verified Twitter account that calls itself The Yeezy Mafia tweeted that Yeezy buyers were invited to an empty showroom.

The tweet then went on to claim that:

“There won’t be any apparel or accessories for SEASON 7 as Kanye West couldn’t do what he wanted to achieve with this collection.”

Given Kanye’s reputation as an eccentric man who does things in his own way, that wasn’t the least believable thing that people had heard.

Kim was clearly incensed, and took to Twitter, quoted the tweet, and wrote:

“How can a verified account represent Yeezy with false information. You do NOT work for Yeezy and NOT affiliated. How are you gonna believe an account that posts fake color ways.”

Her accusatory tweet, which quoted The Yeezy Mafia’s now-deleted tweet, was followed by three identical emojis depicting a face laughing to the point of tears.

Kim was not done, however. Not even close.

“Season 6 was genius,” she writes.

Opinions are subjective, with some people loving Yeezy and others finding both the shapes and color choices to be off-putting or strange.

Kim continues, writing: “All of my Japan looks are season 7 & will be online soon.”

You can see a selfie that she snapped below. A taste of what’s to come.

She then clarified what she thinks that The Yeezy Mafia meant to say:

“Yeezy does not play by fashion rules. The show room was strictly shoes & always intended for that.”


The Yeezy Mafia deleted their original tweet, but they didn’t stop their bowing and scraping with that.

After being called out by Kim Kardashian herself, they tweeted an explanation:

“Apologize for saying showroom was empty, it wasn’t, there was boots.”

They offered up an explanation of how, really, Kanye wasn’t being a prima donna about his line and that they had been entirely mistaken.

“But they were already there and already ordered at the Season 7 showroom in Milan a month ago.”

They then apologized again:

“We didn’t use the correct words so sorry for that.”

Remember, folks — Kim Kardashian is the woman who helped derail Taylor Swift’s reputation. Taylor has yet to fully recover from that.

Kim has zero chill when it comes to defending Kanye.

Kim continued to sing the praises of her husband’s fashion line, tweeting:


The next time that someone tries to spread rumors that Kim and Kanye are in a loveless marriage, point to how hard she pushes his fashion line. That alone is a sign of real love.

(We’re not saying that only a person who loves Kanye could praise his clothing — his line remains polarizing, but it has plenty of fans who aren’t part of Kanye’s family)

Kim looks great wearing anything — or wearing nothing at all. Plenty of folks would love to see her in their clothes, but she often chooses to wear her husband’s. That’s so sweet.

Twitter’s response was entertaining, with some expressing that they were amused that The Yeezy Mafia reversed their stance so quickly.

“Kim got y’all sweating?”

“S H O O K.”

Others scolded fellow tweeters for making fun of the account, writing:

“Y’all act like people don’t make mistakes give them a break they always supply us with the best leaks and news before anyone else thank you mafia.”

One thing is for certain: Kim Kardashian can get much more intense on social media than when she’s just asking fans if they also watch This Is Us.

Anyone who has Kanye in their Twitter crosshairs should keep that in mind.


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Dr. Drew: Criticized For Idiotic Jenelle Evans Comments

As usual, there was drama aplenty at the taping of the annual Teen Mom 2 reunion show last month.

And predictably, much of the turbulence centered around the Carolina Hurricane herself, Jenelle Evans.

But remarkably, it’s Jenelle that viewers are most pissed at after watching the special, but rather the reunion’s milquetoast host, Dr. Drew Pinksy.

Now, Drew is no stranger to saying dumb things on television.

At this point in his career, idiocy is pretty much his calling card.

But the good doctor’s latest slip-up is interesting in that it’s both boneheaded and imminenlty understandable.

Allow us to explain:

While speaking with Jenelle’s long-suffering mother, Barbara Evans, 

Predictably, the fan reaction on social media was not favorable:

“Dr. Drew is so bogus it’s sickening,” one viewer tweeted. “You don’t refer to abuse & controlling behavior as a good way to contain a woman. You’re supposed to be a professional. Act like one.”

“Dr. Drew saying she needs someone ‘to contain her’ is just twisted. She’s not a zoo animal,” commented another.

“Is ‘Dr’ Drew seriously implying that Barb is the bad guy here?? And David is only trying to protect and *contain*Jenelle???” asked a third.

Now, that was undeniably a poor choice of words on Pinksy’s part, and he should be chastised for saying what he said.

But for context, let’s review Jenelle’s behavior during the taping:

Things got off to a rocky start when the Evans-Easons went hard at the pre-party, and the night came to a premature end due to David Eason drunkenly stabbing baloons in the lobby.

During the taping itself, Jenelle caused a brawl backstage when she attacked the girlfriend of her ex, Nathan Griffith.

Evans was not arrested for the assault, but if she had been, it would’ve brought her one step closer to the 20-mugshot mark, a milestone that usually eludes even the most self-destructive celebrities.

So yeah, Jenelle could probably use some sort of stabilizing influence in her life.

But it doesn’t need to be a domineering man, and it’s certainly not David Eason, who only appears to be exacerbating the situation.

So Dr. Drew just added his name to the list of dumbass dudes attempting to “fix” Jenelle and only making the situation worse.

These days, it’s a mighty long list.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Jenelle’s wildly tumultuous past.


Friday, November 10, 2017

Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard: Criticized For PDA at Joy-Anna"s Wedding

Derick Dillard is making quite a name for himself these days.

Not satisfied to play second fiddle to his spouse like the other Duggar in-laws, Derick is currently in the process of rebranding himself as a right-wing firebrand with God on his side and an arsenal of hot takes at the ready.

Name an issue, and Derick’s got an opinion.

Not only that, it’ll be an opinion that’s sure to trigger the cuck-flakes into oblivion.

Transgender people?

A myth orchestrated by the lame-stream media or a pernicious threat to your children’s safety (depending on how pissed off Der is feeling that day).

National anthem protests? Ha! Racism doesn’t exist in America, folks.

And Derick would know. His best friend met a black guy once.

D-Dill has clearly set his sights on becoming the Tomi Lahren of the evangelical set, and he’ll let nothing stop him from reaching his goal.

(Including the fact that he ain’t much for your fancy book learnin’.)

Of course, the man has a hard road ahead of him.

The “far-right fringe group mouthpiece” market is over-saturated these days, and Derick is not blonde and pretty, nor is he built like a former high school football player who developed an unfortunate addiction to fried cheese products in middle age.

So employment at Fox News is out of the question.

Sure, Derick has a decent social media following, but these days, you have to go the extra mile to really stand out, especially when you come from a clan the size of the Duggars.

Fortunately, Derick is willing to do what he has to do to set himself apart from the madding crowd of his wife’s family:

The above photo was taken at the recent wedding of Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth.

As you can see, it appears Derick and Jill decided to lip-lock at the exact second the shutter button clicked.

It’s their way of donning the proverbial red-and-white striped hat and sweater in the “Where’s Waldo” cartoon that is every Duggar family photo.

Fans took notice of the attention-grabbing stunt and were quick to call the Dillards out in the comments:

“Trust Jill and Derick to try and take over the scene. They couldn’t just blend in, they have to smooch,” wrote one Instagram user.

“It was the first thing I noticed! They can’t have one picture without them being the focus, not even at her sister’s wedding,” commented another.

Is it possible that the timing of the PDA was purely coincidental?

Could it be that Jill and Derick simply wanted their affection for one another to be a matter of public record?


But we agree with the commenters that “Derick is an attention-starved social climber” angle is more fun.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Jinger Duggar: Criticized For Weight Loss on Instagram!

If you follow the various members of the Duggar family on Instagram, you know there’s not much they can do that won’t ignite some sort of controversy.

The daughters of Jim Bob and Michelle aren’t permitted to use social media until after they’re engaged, so the amount of negativity they receive online must come as something of a rude awakening.

To be fair, there are many times when the trash-talk is well deserved, such as when Jill Duggar solicited donations from fans in order to fund her travels to Central America, even though she’s not a licensed missionary and comes from a wealthy family.

But there are just as many occasions in which the hate is complelely unwarranted.

Take the constant scrutiny of every photo that Jinger Duggar posts.

For every fan that applauds Jinger for wearing pants in open defiance of her parents’ archaic dress code, there are just as many body-shaming her or otherwise putting her down.

In recent months, many of the comments have surrounded the rumors that Jinger is pregnant with her first child.

With her latest photo, however, fans are obsessing over Jinger’s body for a very different reason.

Jinger posted the above photo of herself with husband Jeremy Vuolo earlier this week.

Fans immediately pounced on what they claimed is evidence of Jinger losing a dangerous amount of weight.

Frankly, we don’t see it at all, but fans were predictably ruthless in their admonitions.

One user aptly pointed out that if Jinger is rapidly losing weight, it may have something to do with the constant pregnancy talk she’s subjected to.

“Maybe the poor girl feels insecure about her weight since so many people say that she’s preggo,” the commenter wrote.

“How would you feel if people told you that [you looked pregnant] and you weren’t? You’d probably think, ‘Wow, am I so fat that people always see a baby bump? Maybe I need to lose some weight.’”

It’s a valid point.

Of course, this is the internet in 2017, so the valid point was ignored, and the angry mob proceeded with their outrage.

Don’t get us wrong, there’s a whole lot to dislike about the Duggar family.

But when young women are being told they look both too fat and too skinny in the space of a single week, it says more about our society than it does about their photos.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Saturday, July 8, 2017

Acrobat Plummets to Death Before Green Day Show, Band Criticized for Playing After

An acrobat fell 100 feet to his death during a performance before Green Day took the stage at a music fest in Spain … and the fatal moment was caught on video. The acrobat — Pedro Aunion Monroy from Brighton, UK — was high above the stage…


Monday, May 22, 2017

Duggar Girls" Molestation Lawsuit Criticized By City Officials: Cash Grab Alert!!

As reported last week, four Duggar sisters are suing their hometown over the release of documents pertaining to the Josh Duggar molestation case.

Now, the Arkansas town is firing back.

Jill (Duggar) Dillard, Jessa (Duggar) Seewald, Jinger (Duggar) Vuolo and Joy-Anna Duggar all filed a lawsuit against the city of Springdale.

The Duggar girls are suing the police and city officials and In Touch Weekly magazine, as well, in regard to the release of this information.

According to the lawsuit, the Counting On stars claim that the city was wrong to release official documents that contained their statements.

Jinger, Joy-Anna, Jill and Jessa spoke to police back in 2006, when they were minors, about Josh molesting them years before that.

By releasing these docs to In Touch, which published the details, the four girls say the defendants exposed them on a global scale.

The City of Springdale sees this differently, however.

“The claims and allegations in this lawsuit are without merit and are false,” the statement reads in part, disputing the girl’s central point.

“[The lawsuit] claims that that the release of a heavily redacted police report pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act Request was somehow unlawful.”

“We are confident that the Federal Court will take the time to carefully hear the facts and arguments in this matter.”

“It is unfortunate that now, at this late date, the Plaintiffs have chosen to file a misguided lawsuit,” said the city in its response.

Springdale lamented the case being brought “against dedicated public servants and seeking damages from public tax dollars.”

Implicit here is the accusation that the Duggars are doing this two years after the scandal broke as a money-making endeavor.

The Duggar girls counter that they’re only taking legal action now in order to help prevent other child victims from such “reckless reporting.”

“This case is solely about protecting children who are victims of abuse,” Jill, Jessa, Jinger and Joy-Anna Duggar said in their statement.

“Revealing juvenile identities under these circumstances is unacceptable, and it’s against the law,” the four siblings added.

By suing, they hope that “media and custodians of public records who let these children down must be held accountable.”

“This case has vast implications for all our children. We hope that by bringing this case to the public’s attention, all children will be protected.”

They do have a point in one important sense:

While the police documents released were redacted to remove the victims’ names and other identifying information, as the city claims.

However, enough information was left in the documents that it was obvious that the victims in the case were Josh’s four younger sisters.

What’s the point of redacting anything then?

If the goal is to protect minors, but officials willingly disseminate information that fails to achieve this, there should be consequences.

This may well depend on whether they met that reasonable threshold. Jill tweeted a link to a story about the lawsuit, along with a message.

“We hope our lawsuit will send a clear message that releasing the names of juveniles is never OK,” the eldest of the four wrote.


Monday, January 30, 2017

Leah Messer: Once Again Criticized for Bad Parenting

Leah Messer just can’t catch a break.

No matter what she does, no matter how far she comes in life, she continues to receive criticism like there’s no tomorrow.

And sure, sometimes she’s deserved it.

Who could forget all those times on Teen Mom 2 when her daughters were crying because she hadn’t fed them breakfast and they were hungry?

Or what about that time that she legit nodded off while holding a baby?

But sometimes, Leah does her best, and it’s still not good enough for her haters.

This is one of those times.

Over the weekend, Leah took her girls to a cheerleading competition. One of the twins, Aleeah (also known as Gracie), was in the competition, and Leah proudly shared some photos of her.

And that, according to many people, was the wrong thing to do.

People took issue with Aleeah’s costume as well as the amount of makeup she was wearing.

“I don’t understand the need to dress our children so sexy and provocatively and put makeup on them and make them look older,” one commenter wrote. “Let them be little let them be children. Let them be innocent!!!”

Another commanded Leah to “Cover those babies up!!! Too much skin!!!”

One person complained that “It’s pretty sick how parents dont let their kids be kids!”

Another asked “Can someone here explain the need for makeup and crop tops/mini shirts on a child?? Umm how does this ad to the sport??”

And one more really got out of line, writing that “These are babies that don’t need makeup or even wear cheer clothes like these. I can bet everything I have (and dear god I hope I’m wrong) that she’s going to be 16 and pregnant too. Ugh.”

There are so many issues with these kinds of comments … where do we even begin?

One, we shouldn’t have to explain how wrong it is to suggest that a seven-year-old girl is going to end up pregnant at 16.

Two, Aleeah has to wear that much makeup because she’s on a stage in front of a big crowd with bright lights on her. If she didn’t wear heavy makeup, no one in the audience would be able to see her face.

It’s not like Leah is letting her kid go to school in that makeup, unlike some other Teen Moms.

Three, the kids have to wear a certain kind of clothing to be able to move freely, right? They’re just cheerleading, it’s not like they’re modeling bikinis like You-Know-Who’s kid.

Four, if Leah and the rest of these girls’ mothers are fine with this, then isn’t that what’s important?

Leah’s been working hard to become a good, stable parent, and it’s nice to see her doing things like this with her children.

Let’s not make this a negative thing, OK?


Monday, November 21, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Parenting Criticized For INSANE Reason!

Teen Mom 2 fans are often critical of Jenelle Evans, and with good reason.

Jenelle is a strong contender for worst mom in the history of reality television.

(Of course, a case could be made for her fellow Teen Mom alum Farrah Abraham, but that’s a conversation for another time.)

Jenelle has been arrested more times than you can count on two hands.

She has an outrageous temper that’s spurred her to violence on numerous occasions.

She lost custody of her first son as a result of her rampant substance abuse and frequent run-ins with the law. 

To make matters worse, she frequently antagonizes her own mother, who raises the boy, thus ensuring that he’ll grow up thoroughly traumatized as a result of being surrounded by constant hostility.

But because she makes for such an easy target, fans sometimes unload on Jenelle even when she really hasn’t done anything that bad.

For example, you may remember the thankfully short-lived Jenelle flotation device controversy from last April, during which the reality star was slammed for putting what many fans believed to be an improper life vest on her youngest son, Kaiser, while he was riding in a boat.

(It turned out that the device was, in fact, Coast Guard-approved.)

Anyway, a similar scenario is playing itself out on Jenelle’s Instagram today, thanks to this seemingly innocuous photo that Evans posted online:

As you can see, it’s Kaiser again, and this time he’s simply sitting at a table, eating some corn on the cob.

Surely, there’s nothing about that that people can find fault with, right?

Ha! This must be your first day on the Internet.

The concern trolls came out in force to argue that Jenelle should have her kids taken away for failing to feed them from a plate.

Yes, the fact that Kaiser appears to be eating from a tray and not fine china is enough to get these people all riled up. 

Thankfully, Jenelle has yet to dignify the criticism with a response, but her fans (Yes, there are people who are actually fans of Jenelle Evans.) have been taking care of the clap-back for her.

Of course, the best approach to these situations is always to refuse to feed the trolls.

Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done, especially for someone like Jenelle.

That fiery temper we mentioned earlier?

It doesn’t always manifest itself in assaulting her exes’ girlfriends.

Jenelle is a reality star who loves social media drama, which means she’ll probably be elected president some time around 2044.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to prepare for her administration.


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Doug Stanhope: Comedian Criticized For Response to Girlfriend"s Coma

Doug Stanhope is one of those comedians that you either “get” or you don’t.

To describe Stanhope’s humor as dark would be like describing Schindler’s List as a mild bummer.

His standup routines make the gnarliest segments on Tosh.0 look like a family-friendly tight five from Jeff Dunham, and he’s a firm believer that there’s no situation too bleak to laugh about.

Stanhope has mined real-life incidents like his own mother’s self-administered euthanasia for laughs, and the amazing thing is – he pulls it off.

This is a man who could “go there” on any taboo topic under the sun and his cultishly loyal fan base would follow him into the depths of human experience with complete faith in his ability to point out the glints of humor.

Unfortunately, a recent near-tragedy brought Stanhope attention from outsiders who are now being exposed to the comedian’s jet-black brand of humor for the first time – and not surprisingly, some folks are finding his jokes don’t quite turn their crank.

The story goes: last Sunday night, Stanhope’s longtime girlfriend Amy “Bingo” Bingaman was preparing for her 40th birthday party when she suffered a cocaine-induced seizure and cracked her head open on a cement step after falling backwards.

She was rushed to a Bisbee, Arizona hospital, and Stanhope was under the impression that she would require a few stitches and be back later that evening.

Upon learning that she had been helicoptered to nearby Tucson in a coma, Stanhope reportedly quipped, “Just when you thought Bingo couldn’t make this party any more about her, she pulled it off.”

(Like we said, bleak stuff.)

Stanhope cryptically confirmed the news of Bingo’s medical emergency on Twitter, informing his fans:

“BTW, Inappropriate jokes as welcome as hopes,prayers, wishes. And I will put her in my death pool on trade round just to prove no hypocrisy.”

And with that, he was off:

Stanhope also took time to respond to fans who offered support or inappropriate humor.

And, of course, he didn’t do so in the way you would expect from a grieving celeb:

During an appearance on friend Joe Rogan’s podcast, he offered more details about Bingo’s condition (It seems she very nearly required surgery to have part of her skull removed.), and opened up about the hours following her grim diagnosis.

Basically, Stanhope and his friends coped by doing the remainder of Bingo’s blow, singing karaoke and hanging with Marilyn Manson.

Stanhope is friends with Johnny Depp, and the party eventually wound up at one of the actor’s homes in LA.

It would have all the makings of an amazing weekend, were it not for the comatose girlfriend part.

On social media and comment boards across the Internet, there’s been much gasping and pearl-clutching in response to Stanhope’s running commentary on Twitter.

The above and below tweets in particular seemed to draw a lot of ire.

Thankfully, in a miracle worthy of Lazarus or Lamar Odom, Bingo has now awoken from her coma and is able to communicate with family and friends.

Stanhope offered the following updates on Twitter over the weekend:

“Dunno if you’d call her first poop in 6 days “progress” but her father described it as “an event.” Send more mops!”

“‘Bingaman spoke in/ Claaass today’ Got some words & opened her eyes a few times on her own. Long way to go but all far more hopeful today.”


Even if his humor doesn’t do it for you, you’ve gotta admit that the man has a preternatural talent for finding the laughs in desperately sad situations.

Or maybe you don’t.

We doubt he cares much either way.


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Leah Messer Criticized For Negligent Parenting, Bad Grammar

Leah Messer is on vacation at the moment, but as she’s currently learning the hard way, there’s no vacation from social media drama.

As you can see, she took her daughters with her, so you’d think we’d get a brief reprieve from claims that Leah is a negligent mom.

But no, the concern-trolling is real when it comes to Leah, and the angry moms come out of the woodwork pretty much every time she posts.

The pic above drew jeers and condemnation from some of her Instragram followers not because of the content, but because of the time it was posted.

Leah captioned the pic:

“Before bed, I couldn’t help but share! #MyFamily #AAA #summer2016 I love them so much!!”

Seems innocent enough, but the pic was posted at about 1 am California time (Leah and her kids are in Garden Grove at the moment) and many fans interpreted the caption to mean that Leah and her daughters posed for the pic at that time.

Others harkened back to the time that Leah rushed her kids off to school without breakfast, and suggested that if she didn’t stay up so late, perhaps she wouldn’t find it so difficult to wake up in the morning.

Sigh. Wisely, Leah has chosen not to respond.

Sadly, sometimes even if you don’t feed the trolls, they still multiply.

Around the same time last night, Leah also posted the photo above, along with a caption reading:

“A bond that will never be broke! A mother & her daughters!”

Leah’s questionable grammar prompted replies such as:

“You’re an inspiration but please learn English… your bond will never be broken not broke.”

“Try ‘a bond that will never be BROKEN’ moron”

We won’t even bother to point out that both of those sentences contain grammatical or punctuation errors.

But we will say you really need to chill, Internet commenters of the world.

You’re making us defend Leah Messer, and that’s just not cool.