Thursday, March 8, 2018

Jessa Duggar Reveals Son"s Health Condition, Gets Criticized For Negligence

Jessa Duggar just can’t seem to catch a break lately.

It seems that ever since Jill Duggar’s husband, Derick Dillard, was fired from Counting On, the scrutiny of Jessa and her family has only intensified.

On social media, Jessa has remained as famous as ever amongst obsessive Duggar fans.

Unfortunately, these days, her interactions with her followers tend to be strangely hostile.

More often than not the negativity takes the form of critical comments about Jessa’s parenting.

In recent months, Jessa has been slammed by fans for everything from failing to properly homeschool her children to putting them in harm’s way by living to close to a highway.

Needless to say, followers have devoted a shocking amount ot time to combing through her social media posts in search of something to get angry about.

Sometimes, however, the outrage stems not from a minor background detail in a photo on Jessa’s Instagram, but from comments she’s made on her family’s popular reality show.

And it seems a minor revelation Jess made on this week’s episode has the Duggar faithful all whipped up into a frenzy. 

“When Henry was about three months old, he had what appeared to be ‘cradle cap,"” Jessa told the camera.

“But I tried a lot of different washes, lotions, creams, and things like that, and then I started to figure it out that this was actually eczema and probably an allergy.”

She added that the problem is persistent, and that she and husband Ben Seewald are often forced to take action in order to stop Henry from making things worse:

“Henry has some pretty bad flare-ups on his head and in his neck creases and so we have to keep socks on his hands to keep him from scratching it,” Jessa added.

Apparently, a sizable percentage of the Counting On audience is made up of medical professionals, and many of them feel that Jessa is to blame for her son’s condition:

“I just saw the episode of Henry and his eczema allergy. I saw you eating eggs, and eggs can also be a huge flare up,” wrote one viewer on Mrs. Seewald’s Instagram page.

“My son has eczema too, we found out it’s a wheat, egg, and soy allergy,” wrote another.

“Cut gluten, dairy, and sugar,” advised a third, cautioning that scents and lotions Jessa is using might also be making the problem worse.

We’re sure most of these folks intended to be helpful, but the tone often comes off as a but smug and scolding – especially since Jessa already addressed these possible causes in Monday’s episode:

“I’m trying to address what’s irritating his stomach and trying to eliminate things from my diet to see what’s up,” she said on the show.

“I’ve cut out all inflammatory foods: gluten, dairy, corn, nuts. It’s just a matter of figuring out what it is.”

So there you have it, folks – Jessa seems to have access to the same medical information as the rest of us.

But we’re sure that won’t keep you from offering unsolicited advice.

Watch Counting On online to find more reasons to get on Jessa’s case!
