Showing posts with label Cyrus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cyrus. Show all posts

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Trace Cyrus Attacks Women Who Criticized Fiancee Photo on Insta

Trace Cyrus went wild on his female followers after some of them reported him to Instagram as a porn peddler, for posting a pic of his fiancee.
Miley‘s older brother posted a pic of Lauren Sanders with his hand on her neck, and some clearly took issue by contacting the social media...
Trace Cyrus Attacks Women Who Criticized Fiancee Photo on Insta

Monday, November 12, 2018

Miley Cyrus Loses Home to Fire, Remains "Grateful for All I Have Left"

Miley Cyrus has penned an emotional post about the loss of something very close and personal:

Her home.

The singer alerted Instagram and Twitter followers last night that her house burned down in the massive wild fire that continues to consume significant areas of California.

“Completely devestated [sic] by the fires affecting my community,” the singer Tweeted on Sunday, explaining in more detail:

“I am one of the lucky ones. My animals and LOVE OF MY LIFE made it out safely & that’s all that matters right now. My house no longer stands but the memories shared with family & friends stand strong.”

It’s very safe to assume that Cyrus is referencing Liam Hemsworth when she writes the “LOVE OF MY LIFE.”

“I am grateful for all I have left. Sending so much love and gratitude to the firefighters and LA country Sheriff’s department!” she continued.

From there, as you can see below, Miley encouraged followers to donate to organizations that are helping folks stay safe during this very dangerous time:

“I love you more than ever , Miley,” the star concluded her post.

OVer 250,000 residents of California have been evacuated as a result of this ongoing disaster.

At last count, 31 people had died.

Other celebrities who have lost their homes, been forced to flee or just commented on the tragedy in general include Alyssa Milano, Gerard Butler, Kim Kardashian and Lady Gaga.

Tweeted the A Star is Born actress:

I am thinking so deeply for everyone who is suffering today from these abominable fires & grieving the loss of their homes or loved ones. I’m sitting here with many of you wondering if my home will burst into flames.

All we can do is pray together & for each other. God Bless You.

Kardashian, meanwhile, used the stage of Sunday’s People Choice Awards to speak on the devastation that has affected her, her siblings and so many others.

“It’s been a really rough week in our home in Calabasas, Hidden Hills, and for our neighbors in Thousand Oaks and Malibu,” Kim said, elaborating in emotional detail as follows:

“Our hearts are broken from the horrific shootings and for those who have lost their lives and homes, as well as the hundreds of thousands of us that have been evacuated from the devastating fires that are currently burning.”

Continued Kim:

“As horrible as this has been, it’s been amazing to see the resilient spirit of everyone involved, and the heroism of those risking their lives on the front lines.

“Action is necessary, so anything we can do to help, as simple as donating to the many organization that are collecting supplies, no form of help is too small.

“Our country is stronger when we come together and we cannot face devastation alone.

“We must continue to reach out and help each other during these trying times.”

Amen, right?

Over 200 people have been reporting missing as a result of these wild fires.

Tragically, as winds continue to gust and the blazes continue to spread, there doesn’t appear to really be an end in sight.

We wish nothing but the best to all those affected.


Miley Cyrus, Liam Hemsworth Lost their Malibu Home in California Wildfires

Miley Cyrus understandably says she’s devastated after becoming one of the thousands of Californians who lost their homes in the wildfires around the state. Miley says she, along with fiance Liam Hemsworth and their pets, escaped safely but the…


daily-celebrities: Miley Cyrus


Miley Cyrus


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Miley Cyrus, Wiz Khalifa and Mike Will Made-It Sued for Ripping Off "23"

Miley Cyrus and Wiz Khalifa did the signing and rapping on their hit song, “23 (J’s On My Feet)”  … but another artist recorded it first … according to her lawsuit. Ariella Asher says she released “J’s On My Feet (feat. Fleetwood)” back in…


Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Noah Cyrus and Lil Xan: It"s Over... and It"s Very Ugly!

It’s all over for Noah Cyrus and Lil Xan.

The romance between these stars, that is.

But the accusations of infidelity being hurled back and forth? Those are just beginning.

The artists had only been together for a month or so, with Cyrus quick to correct some rumors about the now-failed romance upon alerting her 4.4 million Instagram followers that it has come to an end.

“first and foremost: this relationship was not set up by Columbia Records. to say that is [a] joke,” the 18-year old wrote late Monday, adding:

“it started when I got a DM from Diego [Lil Xan’s real name is Diego Leanos] and he asked me to hang out. the truth is I haven’t seen him in almost a week. every time we tried to hang out something always got in the way.”

So it sounds like the relationship didn’t work because of timing and scheduling issues, right?


Lil Xan, who sources claim is some kind of rapper, wrote yesterday that he was “probably cheated on,” while Cyrus even broke down in tears on her Story.

Noah later explained that she “noticed a hickey” on her boyfriend’s neck during a recent FaceTime call.


“he told me it was just a bruise,” she wrote. “i decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and ignored it.”

The actress continued:

“cheaters like to accuse their partners of cheating to make themselves feel less guilt.

“this isn’t the first time this has happened to me and now im being forced to deal with crazy accusations when im not even sure where all this came from.”

Cyrus went on explain that, in her view, she was there for Lil Xan “dark times.”

She added:

“when you felt alone and like no one was there for you, I was. if this was your way of breaking up with me and breaking my heart along with it, then you’ve succeeded.”

Damn. Poor Noah.

Where does Lil Xan fall on the issue of cheating?

On the opposite side of Cyrus, that’s for sure.

He shared a photo of Cyrus with her arms wrapped around another man and captioned the post:

“call me whatever but if you my girl you ain’t touching no dude like that sorry haha.”

In a video posted on his story, Lil Xan concluded:

“It just hurts, like, so f-cking bad. You think you know somebody, and then you just get used.”

The stars have since unfollowed each other on Instagram.

It really does appear to be over, folks.


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth: Closer Than Ever Thanks to Baby-Making Sex!

Even though Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth might never get married, they’re still together and they’re still engaged.

Sources say that the two are closer than ever.

And apparently a huge part of what has cemented their bond recently has been sex. A lot of it.

HollywoodLife reports that Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are inextricably linked.

“Miley and Liam have been enjoying each other more than ever these days,” the insider, who says that they are a close friend of Miley’s, reports.

“They’re in a very good place,” the source continues.

We should hope so — they’ve both grown as people, but they’re still in love with each other. And apparently that’s truer now than ever before.

“Miley says,” the insider dishes, that “they’ve never been more deeply in love than they are right now.”

Apparently there’s a secret to their new level of emotional intimacy: physical intimacy.

“They’ve been having a lot of hot baby making sex,” the source reveals.


The insider continues, saying: “that’s part of what’s really brought them closer than ever.”

If you’re excited at the idea of some babies in the near future, it doesn’t sound like they’re actually trying to literally make babies. It might just be an expression.

However, the source does share: “They’ve both agreed that they’re at the place in their lives that they’d actually be ready if she got pregnant.”

Here is Miley, all decked out as a sexy fertility symbol. But in real life, she’s apparently taking her time.

“They’re in no rush,” the source assures fans. “It’s not a case of needing it to happen right away.”

It sounds like either this person is telling us way too much about these two not taking normal precautions against pregnancy, or telling us way too much about how passionate these two are.

Either way … continue.

The insider shares that Miley and Liam feel that “Just making the commitment to each other and to their future has made such an impact.”

“It’s taken their sexual connection to a whole new level,” the source claims.

The insider gushes, saying that “Miley has never felt more loved and cherished by Liam than she does right now.”

“He’s always telling her that she’s the most beautiful girl in the world,” the source reports.

That’s adorable.

Apparently, Liam really likes to see her “without her make-up and just ‘au naturel."”

This is great to hear — and certainly a lot of their fans, who fancy Liam or Miley or both of them, don’t mind the thought of the two of them going at it.

Other fans, of course, dream of the day that these two pop out a baby or three.

But we like to take reports from undisclosed sources with a grain of salt.

Especially considering that you’d figure that if someone were really that close of a friend of Miley’s, they would not be blabbing to tabloids, right?

And “baby-making” is often a euphemism that should not always be taken at face value.

But still, we wish Miley and Liam well with … whatever they’re up to these days.


Friday, August 10, 2018

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth Chumming It Up at Lunch

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth found a great way to beat the heat, and the silly rumors they’re splitting up … they broke bread together. Miley and Liam were spotted together Thursday on a lunch date at Aeirloom Bakery in Toluca Lake.…


Monday, August 6, 2018

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth: We Might NEVER Get Married!

After rumors have been swirling that Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth have broken up again, a source has come forward to set the record straight.

They know that these rumors will persist because Miley and Liam have been engaged for what feels like decades. But they’re still together.

But if you’re eager for them to tie the knot, you might not want to hold your breath.

TMZ reports that sources close to Miley and Liam say that getting married isn’t a huge priority for the couple.

The two of them are engaged, sure, but they think of marriage as a formality that they don’t really need.

For most intents and purposes, the two of them live and act like a married couple already. 

What really matters to them is that they love each other, that they’re happy, and that they each continue to delight in the other’s company.

They don’t need a special document to tell them that they’re the real deal.

So why, some might ask, are they engaged? They even renewed their previously canceled engagement back in 2016.

According to the sources who spoke to TMZ, that was a formal sign of their commitment to each other.

But that’s about as formal and symbolic as they plan to get, at least for the time being.

Engagements are usually just indicators that you’re planning to tie the knot, but Miley and Liam are fine with it as an endgame — and don’t see it as a countdown clock to something more.

They have each other. They don’t feel a need for anything more than that.

TMZ acknowledges that this might sound odd to a Gen X crowd or older, but Miley and Liam don’t feel a need to put a bow on their relationship by getting married.

“They’re both super chill and grounded,” one source reports.

That same insider goes on to say that “They’re perfect for each other.”

That certainly seems to be the case! These two have been doing their on-again, off-again dance for the better part of a decade.

No matter what, their bond seems unbreakable and very genuine.

Obviously, Miley and Liam aren’t ruling out marriage. They could totally tie the knot one day.

But it doesn’t sound like they’re being spurred on by the knowledge that their continued engagement without a wedding or at least a wedding date continues to fuel breakup rumors.

Apparently, they hear these reports — and just laugh them off.

That sounds very healthy. We’ve all read some wild misinformation that floats around out there.

But we shouldn’t see their lack of movement towards the altar as an indicator of any relationship issues. These two just have nothing to prove.

Miley and Liam don’t really owe anyone an explanation about how they live their lives, but it’s good to have one.

Fewer people are having children — because of a number of factors, from economic realities to the liberating realization that they simply don’t have to.

A lot of people only end up marrying their partners to get on someone’s better insurance plan or to do their taxes together or so that they can have hospital visitation rights in case of an emergency.

While Miley and Liam don’t face the economic hardships that force many Millennials to avoid expensive life milestones, they also aren’t beholden to cultural norms that shoved past generations to the altar.

Good for them for living their lives and their love on their terms.


Sunday, August 5, 2018

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth In No Rush to Get Married

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are amused by persistent rumors they’re splitting up because they haven’t tied the knot … ‘cause going to the altar isn’t important and, in fact, it may never happen. It may sound strange if you’re older than 35, but…


Thursday, July 26, 2018

Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus: Broken Up AGAIN?!

Earlier this month, we heard that Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth were basically broken up. It was a nightmare for fans of the couple, but then they were shown back together and everything was okay.

Now, it’s reportedly so bad that Miley has moved out of their Malibu mansion and is spending time with her parents.

Is the engagement off … again?

Oh no!

RadarOnline reports that Miley and Liam are on the rocks to the point where they’ve broken up in all but name.

In fact, they say that Miley has left the Malibu mansion that Liam owns.

“Miley said she needed some space,” the insider explains.

She is reportedly spending time with her family, and it’s apparently not just to catch up with them.

The source says: “She and Liam aren’t on the best terms.”

It turns out that the alleged conflict between Miley and Liam boils down to something fairly mundane — a disagreement that drives countless couples apart.

“Liam wants to get married and have kids,” the insider reveals. “While Miley just isn’t quite ready yet.”

Well, Miley is 25. That would have been a fine age to become a parent in, like, 1990. These days, most people who aren’t huge celebrities can’t afford to start a family at 25.

Miley doesn’t have that budgetary constraint.

But it sounds like she’s not prepared to abandon her freedom and joy to spend the next 20 years devoted to parenting. Not yet, anyway.

Liam, however, is 28. That’s not much older than 25, but it’s not an unusual age for someone to catch baby fever.

Seeing his brother, Chris Hemsworth, be an adorable parent to his own children may have prompted this itch that Liam is so eager to scratch.

“He’s thinking of giving her an ultimatum,” the source says.

If having children is really more important to him than being in relationship, that might make sense.

However, the insider expresses doubts, saying: “But their friends don’t think that Miley will cave.”

It sounds like things have gotten really strained between them.

“They’ve been hanging by a thread for months,” the source announces.

“Now,” the insider says. “They’re as good as broken up.”

More like as bad as broken up, as far as fans of the couple are concerned.

“and there will be no wedding.”

Of course, we heard similar reports earlier this month.

Miley and Liam addressed the breakup rumors by making sure that fans knew that they’re still together.

Breakup rumors about these two are easy to believe.

After all, they’ve been together — off and on — since 2010. They got engaged in 2013, then broke it off … only to reunite in 2016.

Their relationship has lasted longer than plenty of marriages, but fans wouldn’t be surprised to hear them call it quits again.

But we hope that this is some sort of misunderstanding.

Maybe Miley is just visiting her family for, you know, normal family-visiting reasons.

And maybe Liam and Miley will work through any disagreements about when to start popping out heirs to their combined fortune. Plenty of couples do.

With any luck, Miley or Liam or both will address these reports with another Instagram video of the two of them hanging out.

Keep your fingers crossed!


Friday, July 6, 2018

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth: Basically Broken Up!

Miley Cyrus once sang that it was all about The Climb.

However, according to a sad new report, she and Liam Hemsworth are on a descent.

Miley Cyrus once asked Who Owns My Heart?

And now, for the first time in ages, the answer isn’t clear.

Miley Cyrus once rode a wrecking ball while being totally naked.

And now her romance is allegedly wrecked while many men with balls likely prepare to woo her and hope she gets naked with them soon.

Which is all a roundabout way of saying that Cyrus has supposedly split from her long-time fiance.

The last we had heard about these stars, they had actually gotten married in a secret ceremony

But an anonymous insider says the exact opposite to Radar Online, alleging that there’s actually been tension between the singer and the actor for a long time now.

And said tension has finally boiled over.

“They’ve been hanging by a thread for months,” this source tells this website. “Now they’re as good as broken up and there will be no wedding.”

It’s unclear exactly what has caused these celebrities to go their separate ways.

Liam and Miley have been famously tight-lipped about their romance for years, making it difficult to discern crazy rumors about them from accurate reports.

In this case, Radar writes that Miley has left the Malibu home she was sharing with Liam and that she’s no longer wearing an engagement ring.

“Miley’s been spending a lot more time at her parents’ house,” says a source. “She needs time to herself.”

Cyrus and Hemsworth have been engaged for what feels like a decade.

They met way back in 2009 on the set of the movie The Last Song and then dated for a couple years.

But then they broke up, like a million times, only to get together in early 2016.

They’ve quietly been going strong ever since, only occasionally showing affection for each other in public, but also avoiding any sort of scandal or controversy.

So… what the heck has gone wrong? Why is the relationship now over?

Radar claims that Cyrus has grown tired of wedding planning and years for more independence.

“She’s accomplished a lot in her life, but there’s still a lot she wants to do – and Miley doesn’t want to have to answer to anybody, least of all a husband,” this insider sort of hilariously says.

Yes, Miley has been known to march to the beat of her own proverbial drum.

But it’s been pretty clear for a very long time that Hemsworth is cool with that.

What else may have therefore driven the pair apart?

Liam’s desire to settle down and have a family, Radar finally claims.

“Liam’s over it,” a source concludes. “He wants kids and doesn’t want to keep putting it off…

“It’s ultimatum time for Liam. And pals aren’t betting on Miley making the commitment he wants!”


Friday, June 22, 2018

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth: Finally Married in a Secret Ceremony?

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are one of Hollywood’s youngest couples, despite having been engaged for what feels like a thousand years.

Though the world has seen Miley’s racy Valentine’s messages to Liam, they’ve been known to keep the public in the dark when it comes to their relationship.

But a new report says that Miley and Liam have finally, finally gotten married.

An insider tells Life & Style that Miley and Liam finally got married.

The report claims that, after so many years of being on-again, off-again engaged, “they’ve actually done the deed!”

By which they mean that Miley and Liam have tied the knot.

Even the source acknowledges that there have been multiple false alarms regarding these two and their nuptials, saying: “for real this time!”

Hey, plenty of celebrity couples have premature wedding announcements in tabloids. Few have as many as Miley and Liam.

Anyway, this report also contains some details.

“Miley and Liam recently had a secret wedding,” the insider says.

The source goes on to report that the location was “at her Malibu mansion.”

In fact, apparently the at-home wedding was so down-to-earth and relaxed that they were almost able to keep it under wraps.

“Neighbors had no clue it was a wedding,” the insider gloats.

The report goes on to offer descriptions of how chill the entire affair was.

“Kids were running around everywhere,” the source describes. “It was a hippie-style wedding.”

Well, we would expect nothing less.

As for Miley’s outfit, the insider says that “she wore a white, flowey dress.”

That sounds so beautiful.

The event was casual to the extreme. The insider goes on to say: “and all her animals were roaming around, it was crazy!”

It sounds like it.

“The food,” the source says. “Was vegetarian and organic.”

We remember that Miley quit weed because she feared she would die, which is very silly, but clearly she still retains her passion for other plants.

Well, nobody goes to weddings for the food.

The insider describes the ceremony. 

Miley’s parents, Billy Ray and Trish, were both reportedly there. So were her four siblings.

So was Liam’s family, including brother’s Liam Hemsworth and Luke Hemsworth.

Miley apparently sang “Islands In The Stream,” her godmother Dolly Parton’s song. Her friend Wayne Cone of The Flaming Lips is also said to have performed.

As for Miley and Liam’s vows, the insider says: “They expressed their love, how they’re each other’s best friend and want to grow old together.”


“There wasn’t a dry eye in the house,” the source reports.

As for the couple’s alleged plans now that they are reportedly married, the insider says that they have something in mind.

“It’s been Miley’s dream,” the source says. “To have a baby.”

Don’t start knitting baby blankets for the wee baby Miliam just yet, however.

We have to note that there’s no confirmation of any of this.

We would love to hear that this couple has reached this milestone in their engagement and in their relationship, but we’ve heard so many reports about these two tying the knot.

We’re a little leery until we get confirmation that these two really have joined in happily wedded bliss.

It’s okay with us if they take their time.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus
