Showing posts with label Thanks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thanks. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Miranda Lambert Officer Hubby is Off Foot Patrol ... Thanks to Media Attention

Miranda Lambert‘s police officer husband is learning the hard way — ya can’t marry someone famous without taking on their fame … and his 9-5 is exhibit A. 
Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ … Brendan McLoughlin — who normally patrols ...
Miranda Lambert Officer Hubby is Off Foot Patrol ... Thanks to Media Attention

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Travis Scott Thanks, St. Louis!!! (What? We"re in KC??)

Sorry, Travis Scott — something tells us you’re not in Kansas City anymore — which is info he coulda used before his Astroworld tour made a stop … in St. Louis! Oops.
The hilarious blunder went down Sunday night as he was wrapping up his gig at Sprint Center. The crowd w...
Travis Scott Thanks, St. Louis!!! (What? We"re in KC??)

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Norm Macdonald Says He"s Not Funny Anymore Thanks to PC Culture

Norm Macdonald says you won’t be offended at his comedy shows anymore .. but you also won’t laugh your ass off. Such is reality and it sucks. We got Norm Friday afternoon at LAX and asked if he’s walking on eggshells given his propensity…


Thursday, September 20, 2018

Kylie Jenner"s Cereal Will Never Go Milk-Less Again Thanks to Almond Breeze

Kylie Jenner is about to go from milk-less to milk overload thanks in part to her very public decree over how to drench her cereal. Jenner sparked the equivalent of a social media riot Tuesday when she tweeted, “last night I had cereal with milk for…


Friday, September 7, 2018

Burt Reynolds Lived Out Last Days at Longtime FL Home Thanks to Loving Landlord

Burt Reynolds was able to live out his final years at his longtime Florida estate thanks to a loving landlord who helped him out of a financial crisis. Here’s the backstory — Burt sold his home in 2015 to his friend and neighbor Charles…


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth: Closer Than Ever Thanks to Baby-Making Sex!

Even though Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth might never get married, they’re still together and they’re still engaged.

Sources say that the two are closer than ever.

And apparently a huge part of what has cemented their bond recently has been sex. A lot of it.

HollywoodLife reports that Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are inextricably linked.

“Miley and Liam have been enjoying each other more than ever these days,” the insider, who says that they are a close friend of Miley’s, reports.

“They’re in a very good place,” the source continues.

We should hope so — they’ve both grown as people, but they’re still in love with each other. And apparently that’s truer now than ever before.

“Miley says,” the insider dishes, that “they’ve never been more deeply in love than they are right now.”

Apparently there’s a secret to their new level of emotional intimacy: physical intimacy.

“They’ve been having a lot of hot baby making sex,” the source reveals.


The insider continues, saying: “that’s part of what’s really brought them closer than ever.”

If you’re excited at the idea of some babies in the near future, it doesn’t sound like they’re actually trying to literally make babies. It might just be an expression.

However, the source does share: “They’ve both agreed that they’re at the place in their lives that they’d actually be ready if she got pregnant.”

Here is Miley, all decked out as a sexy fertility symbol. But in real life, she’s apparently taking her time.

“They’re in no rush,” the source assures fans. “It’s not a case of needing it to happen right away.”

It sounds like either this person is telling us way too much about these two not taking normal precautions against pregnancy, or telling us way too much about how passionate these two are.

Either way … continue.

The insider shares that Miley and Liam feel that “Just making the commitment to each other and to their future has made such an impact.”

“It’s taken their sexual connection to a whole new level,” the source claims.

The insider gushes, saying that “Miley has never felt more loved and cherished by Liam than she does right now.”

“He’s always telling her that she’s the most beautiful girl in the world,” the source reports.

That’s adorable.

Apparently, Liam really likes to see her “without her make-up and just ‘au naturel."”

This is great to hear — and certainly a lot of their fans, who fancy Liam or Miley or both of them, don’t mind the thought of the two of them going at it.

Other fans, of course, dream of the day that these two pop out a baby or three.

But we like to take reports from undisclosed sources with a grain of salt.

Especially considering that you’d figure that if someone were really that close of a friend of Miley’s, they would not be blabbing to tabloids, right?

And “baby-making” is often a euphemism that should not always be taken at face value.

But still, we wish Miley and Liam well with … whatever they’re up to these days.


Thursday, July 26, 2018

Lil Wayne Thanks Kyle Shanahan For Naming Son After Him With Cool Gifts!!

Lil Wayne just showed 49ers head coach Kyle Shanahan that flattery will get you everywhere … lacing the 49ers coach and his son with gifts after finding out the kid was named after him. Ex-NFL QB Phil Simms revealed a couple months ago that…


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney Thanks TMZ for Sparking Free Donated Tampons

Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney just learned that sometimes you gotta fight the good fight to get what you want — and in this case he (and his female staffers) got it … 500 boxes of tampons, and counting!!! We got the New York Congressman Tuesday at…


Friday, July 13, 2018

Drake"s New Song with Jay-Z, "Talk Up," is All Thanks to Drizzy"s Mom

Drake linked up with Jay-Z on his new album for a fire anthem, and the collab probably happened because of Drizzy’s mom … so says the guy who made the music.  We got Memphis-bred DJ Paul — who produced “Talk Up” on “Scorpion” — at LAX, and…


Drake"s New Song with Jay-Z, "Talk Up," is All Thanks to Drizzy"s Mom

Drake linked up with Jay-Z on his new album for a fire anthem, and the collab probably happened because of Drizzy’s mom … so says the guy who made the music.  We got Memphis-bred DJ Paul — who produced “Talk Up” on “Scorpion” — at LAX, and…


Friday, June 15, 2018

Conor McGregor Giddy In NYC, Thanks Fans For Their Support!

Conor McGregor’s quest to prove he’s nothing close to a violent beast continued outside of a swanky New York City restaurant Friday — when he smiled big for cameras and signed a TON of autographs for fans. The Irish superstar rocked a pink shirt,…


President Trump Says Alice Johnson Owes All Thanks to Kim Kardashian

President Trump just gave Kim Kardashian all the credit for Alice Johnson’s prison release. The Prez was giving an interview to “FOX & Friends” on the White House lawn Friday and was talking about meeting Kim and her quest…


Spanx Founder Sara Blakely Thanks Kardashians for Pimping Them Out

Kim Kardashian and the rest of the fam might have added a few million bucks to Spanx’s revenue, and its billionaire founder, Sara Blakely, couldn’t be more grateful. We got Sara at LAX and our guy wanted to know just how much value the…


Donald Trump Takes Credit for World Cup 2026, Thanks Bob Kraft

Donald Trump is patting himself on the back this morning — giving himself much of the credit for landing the 2026 World Cup in North America … and admitting he got advice from the man who owns the Patriots.  It was announced this week that…


Friday, June 8, 2018

Kate Upton: Officially Hotter than Everyone! Thanks, Maxim!

Modeling can be hard. Sometimes, you get swept off a rock during a topless photoshoot. But sometimes, you get the recognition that you’ve worked so hard to earn.

Kate Upton has secured the #1 spot on Maxim‘s legendary Hot 100 List.

In the immortal words of Kim Kardashian: “It’s what she deserves.” Seriously.

Kate Upton for Maxim Hot 100 List 2018

On Thursday, Maxim happily announced that they had reached this wise decision.

At the same time, they debuted the cover for the magazine’s 2018 July/August cover.

Upton is featured on the cover, front and center, right where she belongs.

The 25-year-old was, of course, interviewed within the pages of Maxim.

She’s proud of her achievement. She should be.

Within the pages of the publication, Upton says:

“You know, I work really hard on myself: on feeling good, working out, being strong.”

Good for her!

“Being number one on the Hot 100 is a little reward for all of the hard work.”

The enviable spot at the top of this list was filled last year by the ever-gorgeous Hailey Baldwin.

In 2016, Stella Maxwell wore that mantle.

At the height over her popularity, in 2015, Taylor Swift made that rank.

In a statement, Chief Operating Officer Robert Price spoke about how they reached this very correct decision.

“Our annual Hot 100 issue is about so much more than physical beauty, although this year’s nominees have that in spades.”

They sure do, if Upton is any indication.

“Now more than ever, we need to celebrate smart, powerful women who are breaking boundaries, shattering glass ceilings, and showing us what is possible.”

You might not think of her for that description, but you would be mistaken.

“None more so than our incredibly talented cover star, Kate Upton.”

He’s right!

When Upton speaks of strength, she’s not just talking about physically toning her limbs and her core.

She’s talking, one assumes, about personal strength of character. About bravery.

It takes unimaginable courage to step forward and make yourself a target by accusing a Guess cofounder of terrible sexual misconduct.

Trauma is difficult to discuss.

But Upton was able to detail her harrowing accusations and even refer to witnesses, some of whom made her feel safer at the time.

That takes, well, a lot of strength.

Though it was more than Kate Upton’s boobs that that put her on Maxim‘s cover, she is a model by trade.

She is jaw-droppingly gogreous. She is a professional whose career has put her through the wringer.

Every photo of her, whether it’s for an official shoot or just a quick selfie on Instagram, is captivatingly beautiful.

We’re glad to see that, unlike some publications that we could name, Maxim knows what they’re talking about when they settle on who’s the hottest.

Congratulations to Kate.

For that matter, congratulations to Justin Verlander, whom Kate Upton married late last year.

Being the hottest of the hot has to be great. Being married to the hottest of the hot doesn’t sound too shabby, either. For extremely obvious reasons.


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Alice Marie Johnson Thanks "War Angel" Kim Kardashian

She"s been a sex tape star, a fashion maven and an Instagram model.

But Kim Kardashian now has a new title:


It"s not one we ever thought would be bestowed on her and it"s not one we"re using facetiously.

On Wednesday afternoon, President Donald Trump commuted the setence of Alice Marie Johnson, a 63-year old from Alabama who was jailed for life back in 1997 due to a first-time drug offense.

Kardashian learned of this punishment in October and has since dedicated a significant amount of time to helping free Johnson from jail.

She even met President Trump at the White House last week in order to talk about Johnson and prison reform.

This is a real issue and Kardashian just produced a real result: Johnson is a free woman.

Talking to reporters after leaving prison for the first time in over two decades yesterday, Johnson said tthe following:

“I feel like my life is starting over again."

She later referred to Kim not just as her "angel," but as her "war angel," adding:

"She has truly been relentless in her fight for me… this is not a publicity thing for her. She has never stopped fighting for me. She"s an incredible woman, an amazing woman."

Johnson also details in the video below how Kardashian was actually the person who told her she was about to go free, a stunning development for someone who thought her life was over forever.

"BEST NEWS EVER," Kim Tweeted after learning Johnson would be released from jail, later adding:

I’m so grateful to President Trump, Jared Kushner and to everyone who has showed compassion and contributed countless hours to this important moment for Ms. Alice Marie Johnson.

Her commutation and forthcoming release is inspirational and gives hope to so many others who are also deserving of a second chance.

I hope to continue this important work by working together with organizations who have been fighting this fight for much longer than I have and deserve the recognition.

Says a very emotional Johnson below, having been reunited with her family

"I will not waste this second chance in life."


Alice marie johnson thanks war angel kim kardashian

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Donald Trump Pardons Boxer Jack Johnson, Thanks to Stallone!

Donald Trump announced he was posthumously pardoning the first black heavyweight champion Jack Johnson on Thursday … and it seems a lot of credit goes to Sylvester Stallone!! Johnson was convicted more than 100 years ago of violating the Mann Act…


Sunday, May 6, 2018

Jeremy Roloff Details Daughter"s Scary Doctor Visit, Gives Thanks

Jeremy Roloff and Audrey Roloff just recently returned from a trip to Hawaii.

As you might imagine, the vacation was filled with beautiful sunsets, walks on the beach, quality time with their daughter and even a bit of midriff revealed by Audrey.

By multiple social media accounts, it sounds like the Little People, Big World stars had a great time.

With the exception of what sort of scary evening, that is.

Late Friday, Jeremy took to Instagram and shared the image above.

It’s a gorgeous snapshot that features himself, his wife and their precious baby, who is about eight months old.

But Jeremy frightened followers by detailing one incident during the vacation in which Ember Jean had to be rushed to the doctor’s office.

“Our trip is almost over, and what a trip it’s been!” Jeremy wrote to open his caption to this photo.

He then turned a little more serious:

“Last night however, Ember came down with a random fever. It escalated high enough to take her in and get checked out – Audrey and I both took note that it was the nicest clinic.

“They said she appears to be fine, and must be fighting some virus and to keep her hydrated. So we did, and she appears to be on the up and up.”


Thank goodness this was no big deal in the end.

All parents of little kids can relate to the horrible, helpless feeling of a young one not feeling well and not comprehending what is going on.

Just as his wife so often does, Jeremy went on to cite his faith and compare his situation in this case with that of Jesus Christ back in the day.

How so? Well…

“Man, now I know what it feels like when your child comes down with something – out of love you want to trade places with them,” Jeremy added, concluding as follows:

“It makes me thank Jesus, because that’s exactly what he did. Trades places with us – only death is far more eternal than a fever.”

Yes it is; far more eternal.

Jeremy and Audrey starred in last week’s new episode of Little People, Big World, which chronicled the latter’s labor and delivery.

The stars have been extremely candid about parenthood, detailing the ups, the downs and everything in between over the past several months.

We very much appreciate their honesty throughout this major life change.

And we’re so very relieved that Ember is doing okay. She really is SUCH a cutie, don’t you think?

Give her a big hug from us at The Hollywood Gossip, okay, guys? Thanks!


Friday, May 4, 2018

Donald Trump Thanks Kanye West for Doubling His African-American Poll Numbers

Donald Trump just shouted out Kanye West during his speech at the NRA Convention … for giving him a boost in the polls with black people. The Prez thanked Kanye in front of the huge audience in Dallas, telling them the rapper must have some power…
