Showing posts with label Pardons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pardons. Show all posts

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Donald Trump Pardons Boxer Jack Johnson, Thanks to Stallone!

Donald Trump announced he was posthumously pardoning the first black heavyweight champion Jack Johnson on Thursday … and it seems a lot of credit goes to Sylvester Stallone!! Johnson was convicted more than 100 years ago of violating the Mann Act…


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Donald Trump Pardons Turkey, Runs Afowl of the Internet

Every year in November, the President of the United States pardons a turkey.

But there"s never been a President of the United States quite like Donald Trump.

Therefore, Twitter had an understandable field day with photos of Trump at the pardoning ceremony, turning this annual tradition into a running joke, memorable meme style.

See what we mean below…

1. Sorry, Stovetop

Sorry stovetop

Try harder to be the BEST next year.

2. Yes, Trump is a Turkey

Yes trump is a turkey

But don’t pardon him!

3. Wait, You Want Me to Touch a Turkey?

Wait you want me to touch a turkey

Yeah, right. Bring me my towels!

4. Picture Him Making the Dr. Evil Laugh

Picture him making the dr evil laugh

That will make this one even funnier.

5. Maybe I’m Not Actually Pro-Elephant Hunting

Maybe im not actually pro elephant hunting

These guys are pretty cute.

6. Just Kill Me Now

Just kill me now

Get me out of this photo op, please.

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