Showing posts with label Poll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poll. Show all posts

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Subway Fail: No One Votes in Saddest Twitter Poll

This is either a huge embarrassment or the most unexpected marketing scheme that we"ve seen in a while.

So, the Twitter account for Subway restaurants in Canada tweeted out a pair of polls.

Everybody loves to vote in polls, and people on the internet tend to have strong opinions about anything. Movies, rebooted children"s cartoons, politics, and yes, fast food.

Somehow — and this has stumped quite a few people — this social media account, with 135,000 followers, managed to get zero votes on both polls.

People like to make fun of Subway, even though their food is delicious (it is; maybe you"re just ordering the wrong things). Possibly because their most famous spokesperson turned out to be a monster.

But is their popularity really hurting so badly that no one even noticed a pair of polls untilt he results — 0 votes in all categories — had been posted?

Or is this a new and strangely genius social media marketing scheme?

Take a look:

1. First came the Bread Bae poll

Subway poll sad 01

Though the obvious correct answer is 9-Grain Honey Oat, the poll somehow garnered ZERO responses. From 135,000 followers.

2. They tried it again, this time with greek ingredients

Subway poll sad 02

Since feta is bad and tomatoes are inedible, the obvious answer was tzatziki. And yet, again, they garnered no votes.

3. Followers took notice

Subway poll sad 03

This person appears to have been attempting to … neg … Subway?

4. Others wondered how it could be possible

Subway poll sad 04

We’ll notice that their social media engagement is fine.

5. This person tried to "vote" in a reply

Subway poll sad 05

A reply after the fact is not the same as a vote. For examples, see Brexit and the 2016 American election.

6. While some tried to troll, others showered Subway with compliments

Subway poll sad 06

People who don’t vote SHOULD be shamed.

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Friday, May 4, 2018

Donald Trump Thanks Kanye West for Doubling His African-American Poll Numbers

Donald Trump just shouted out Kanye West during his speech at the NRA Convention … for giving him a boost in the polls with black people. The Prez thanked Kanye in front of the huge audience in Dallas, telling them the rapper must have some power…


Friday, September 15, 2017

Trump GOP Poll, The Prez Can"t Fail!!

The GOP has sent out a survey … actually more like a report card for Donald Trump, but it’s rigged so the Prez can’t fail. Check it out. It’s called the Official Approval Poll and it’s sent by the official GOP website. Here’s the big question: If…


Trump GOP Poll, The Prez Can"t Fail!!

The GOP has sent out a survey … actually more like a report card for Donald Trump, but it’s rigged so the Prez can’t fail. Check it out. It’s called the Official Approval Poll and it’s sent by the official GOP website. Here’s the big question: If…


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Taylor Swift: #1 Most Hated Celebrity, According to Recent Poll!

To say it’s been a rough few weeks for Taylor Swift’s public image would be putting it mildly.

The fact that the singer recently endured what’s been described as “Taylor Swift’s hell week” is a good indication of just how bad things have gotten.

The fact that the “Taylor Swift Is Over Party” was recently trending on Twitter is another one.

But she can recover from all this, right?

After all, this is the woman who gave the world such infectious hits as “Shake It Off.”

Unfortunately, she also gave us “Bad Blood” and about a dozen other roman a clef take downs of her fellow celebs.

Yes, Taylor’s most faithful Swifties will never abandon her, and she’ll likely shatter more sales records with her next album.

But in the wake of seriously ugly feuds with Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry and Calvin Harris, it seems unlikely that Swift will ever recover the “endearingly awkward girl next door” image that her team worked so hard to create.

There have even been reports of Taylor’s famous “Squad” turning against her in the wake of some seriously diva-like behavior.

Now the nail in the coffin has come in the form of a Star magazine poll that named Taylor the number one most hated celebrity in the world.

Yes, Ms. Swift beat out the likes of Kim (#2), Katy (#12), Shia LaBeouf (#25), and even Bill Cosby (#13).

Obviously, Star’s readership is being more than a little unfair here, and it’s not like the tabloid has the greatest reputation to begin with.

Still, taking the top spot in their annual poll has gotta sting.

Gwyneth Paltrow was voted most hated in 2009, and she’s still talking about it.

In fairness, she’s pissed that she somehow beat out Chris Brown.

Can’t blame her for that.

Monday, April 4, 2016

The Walking Dead Poll: Who Did Negan Kill?

It finally happened on The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 16.

Following weeks and weeks of hype and anticipation, we finally met Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan.

We also met the villain’s trusty barbed wire-covered baseball bat, Lucille, and we watched as Negan delivered a menacing speech to Rick and his many other captured foes.

They had been ignoring the “new world order.”

They had killed Negan’s men.

And now someone had to pay.

But who?

For nearly the entirety of The Walking Dead Season 6, viewers had been anticipating a significant death on the finale.

Loyal comic book readers were aware that Negan murders Glenn in the graphic novel series on which The Walking Dead was based, so many assumed he would be the character to bite the dust.

And maybe he was.

When you watch The Waking Dead online or on television, all you see if Negan taking swing after swing with Lucille, telling his unnamed victim that he or she is initially taking the beating “like a champ.”

Creator Robert Kirkman, meanwhile, simply says that someone is, indeed, dead… and that this someone is a “beloved character.”

Does that narrow down the field for you?

Can you believe we need to wait until Season 7 to learn the victim’s identity?!?

Until then, all we can do is take our best guess. So go ahead and do so below:


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Jessa and Ben Seewald Announce Baby Gender ... Poll!

Jessa (Duggar) Seewald and husband Ben really want you to get hyped about their pregnancy, so they’ve come out with a baby gender poll!

Seriously, can you even HANDLE the excitement?!

The topic of Jessa’s baby gender has been a hot one – at least on the family’s website – and the stakes should only rise given this new twist:

Fans can guess the gender of their new addition!

There are options to select boy or girl, obviously, as well as twins, which will surely have Duggar fans wondering if the Seewalds are having twins.

Moreover, the poll lets fans vote for twin boys, twin girls and twins (boy and girl), so if you think they’re in for double trouble, you can get specific.

“We haven’t told whether our baby is a boy or a girl, but we are in the middle of choosing a baby name,” Jessa says in the accompanying video.

“Put in your top pick for a boy name and a girl name, and who knows,” says the pregnant 22-year-old Arkansan. “We may choose yours.”

She may indeed. Just like she may forgive Josh Duggar someday for the fact that he got their show canceled and cut off their gravy train.

Much has been made of the fact that no one cares about her pregnancy in relation to older sister Jill’s, and how Josh is to blame for that.

Clearly, he’s dinged the family’s reputation beyond repair, but Jessa and Ben seem happy and blissfully in love with one another at least.

Who cares how many votes they get in their poll or whether TLC cameras film their every move. It’s all about faith and family … right?