Showing posts with label Kill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kill. Show all posts

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Ryan Edwards: I Didn"t Actually Kill Cats, I Just Wanted Attention!

After bragging about it all over social media, Ryan Edwards now claims that he does not kill cats.

Maci Bookout’s ex-boyfriend is currently being investigated by the Humane Educational Society, who have solid evidence to back up their belief that he is maliciously killing animals at his Tennessee home.

The organization obtained a search warrant, which allowed police and animal control to search and take photos of the property.  There, they found animal remains and cat food.

“If you have a cat problem, you don’t put food all over the place,” director of the Humane Educational Society, Bob Citrullo told local site,

“He’s saying he made it up and was just doing it to build hype … He didn’t think he’d get this much aggravation out of it,” Citrullo said.

The issue authorities are facing now is how to move forward, Citrullo explained, adding that the law is a little vague when it comes to protecting cats.

“It’s very specific on companion animals and livestock, but feral cats are falling in between [the laws],” Citrullo said.

Still, Edwards is not off the hook.

“I hope we can do something for all the issues he’s caused,” Citrullo added.

“We are putting a lot of effort into this.”

Earlier this month, Edwards bragged about his killing spree and his ability to keep those vandalizing cats from ruining his life.

Edwards loved the horrified comments from his followers, and made no apologies for his actions.

“When they start living under you [sic] house and having 100 babies that scratch your car and boat and piss on everything and get into your garbage let me know,” he wrote.

“Lol and you can go to jail for vandalizing people’s property and trespassing so I guess I’ll call the cops next time lol. Like you ppl are stupid.”

No, sir.  You are. You also might be a bit of a sociopath.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Dave Mirra: Did Biker Kill Himself Due to Drug Abuse?

Dave Mirra took his own life in February.

And, let’s face, we will never know why.

We can never fully comprehend what was going on inside the head of someone when he or she committed suicide.

To most people, this is a literally incomprehensible notion.

TMZ Sports, however, has obtained the medical examiner’s report from this tragic incident… and it may shed some light on what was going on with Mirra at the time of his death.

The report confirms that the 41-year-old shot himself in the head on February 4 with a .38 Smith & Wesson revolver.

But that isn’t new information.

Witnesses at the time told police Mirra had been hanging out at a friend’s house that afternoon when he walked out, went to his truck and was later found dead.

His friends went to find Mirra and and came across his corpse in his truck in the driveway, with the gun in his right hand.

Dave Mirra

But the medical examiner’s report did also include the following passage:

Per family, he had been recently suffering from depression and heavy drug abuse.

According to the toxicology report, however, it’s worth noting that Mirra did NOT have traces of drugs in his system at the time of his death.

He only had a small amount of alcohol in his bloodstream.

Following his shocking death, Mirra was diagnosed with CTE, a brain condition believed to be caused by repeated head trauma. It’s been linked to the suicides of many former NFL players who suffered concussions during their playing days.

The medical report also included a diagram of Mirra’s body, as it was covered with scars due to endless injuries he suffered over the years. There were four scars in the back of his head alone.

Mirra is survived by his wife and two daughters.

This is a photo of him and his wife:

Mirra, wife

We send them our ever-lasting condolences.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Joe Jonas Plays Shag, Marry, Kill With Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato & Gigi Hadid

Joe Jonas has some very famous exes.

We all know Jonas dated Gigi Hadid, because they just broke up last year.

Do you remember the relationship between Jonas and Demi Lovato?

How about the fact that Joe inspired Taylor Swift’s first breakup songs?

Yes it’s hard to imagine now, but there was a time when the Jonas Brothers were the absolute shiznit.

And Joe took full advantage by tossing his purity ring and gettin’ it on with some of the biggest female stars of the aughts.

But how does he feel about his all those famous exes these days?

Well, we got to find out when Andy Cohen subjected JoJo to a round of Plead the Fifth on last night’s Watch What Happens Live.

Jonas was surprisingly game to play Shag, Marry, Kill with three of his famous exes, but he seemed to struggle with answers.

The first one was easy:

“I’ll marry Demi,” Joe said. “She’s a friend.”

From there, it got a little tougher.

“Um, Shag Taylor, kill Dem—kill Gigi. There you go.” 

Jonas went on to shrug off his relationship with Taylor, saying, “We were children.”

Based on her song lyrics, we’re guessing she hasn’t been as quick to forget about it.

Joe Jonas Plays Shag, Marry, Kill With Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato & Gigi Hadid

Joe Jonas has some very famous exes.

We all know Jonas dated Gigi Hadid, because they just broke up last year.

Do you remember the relationship between Jonas and Demi Lovato?

How about the fact that Joe inspired Taylor Swift’s first breakup songs?

Yes it’s hard to imagine now, but there was a time when the Jonas Brothers were the absolute shiznit.

And Joe took full advantage by tossing his purity ring and gettin’ it on with some of the biggest female stars of the aughts.

But how does he feel about his all those famous exes these days?

Well, we got to find out when Andy Cohen subjected JoJo to a round of Plead the Fifth on last night’s Watch What Happens Live.

Jonas was surprisingly game to play Shag, Marry, Kill with three of his famous exes, but he seemed to struggle with answers.

The first one was easy:

“I’ll marry Demi,” Joe said. “She’s a friend.”

From there, it got a little tougher.

“Um, Shag Taylor, kill Dem—kill Gigi. There you go.” 

Jonas went on to shrug off his relationship with Taylor, saying, “We were children.”

Based on her song lyrics, we’re guessing she hasn’t been as quick to forget about it.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Khloe Kardashian"s Vagina Advice Could Actually Kill You

There are certain things for which one should never, ever refer to the Kardashians.

Advice on nether regions would fall under those “certain things.”

Khloe Kardashian thought she would dole out a few tips on keeping one’s vagina moisturized, according to Fishwrapper.

Kardashian praised vitamin E’s magical powers to “fight wrinkles, inflammation and redness” when applied to one’s face.  Ok, fine.

When taken orally, vitamin E  “can balance cholesterol levels, ease PMS symptoms, and improve muscle strength.”

I’m going to google that last part to verify, but again…fine.

Here were someone with a medical degree should have stepped in:

“No joke: Vitamin E may strengthen vaginal lining! Moisturize your labia and vagina with Vitamin E oil to combat dryness and soothe irritation.”

 Before you head to the pharmacy and ask where they keep the good stuff, please know that according to doctors, this is a horrible idea.

My knowledge of how a vagina works does not go beyond the simple fact that it is “a self-cleaning oven,” so I’ll let the professionals explain why it’s important to not take Kardashian’s advice.

San Francisco-based gynecologist Dr. Jennifer Gunter told the Daily Beast that women shouldn’t be putting anything like this near their hoo ha.

I would not recommend this nor is there any study that looks at this for healthy, premenopausal women,” Dr. Gunter explained. “If you are 32 and have a dry vagina, see your doctor and try a silicone-based lube.”

So what can vitamin E do?  Well, it can break down latex condoms, which could then lead to unintended pregnancy.

If you’re allergic to vitamin E and don’t test it on a patch of skin that is not your vagina first, you could experience a super painful and super uncomfortable reaction.

And, the Daily Beast points out, taking vitamin E in large does could “shorten your life span” (these studies are recent and new, but shouldn’t be ignored).

Instead of doling out beauty advice that borders on medical, Kardashian should leave these types of posts to the professionals.

Khloe Kardashian"s Vagina Advice Could Actually Kill You

There are certain things for which one should never, ever refer to the Kardashians.

Advice on nether regions would fall under those “certain things.”

Khloe Kardashian thought she would dole out a few tips on keeping one’s vagina moisturized, according to Fishwrapper.

Kardashian praised vitamin E’s magical powers to “fight wrinkles, inflammation and redness” when applied to one’s face.  Ok, fine.

When taken orally, vitamin E  “can balance cholesterol levels, ease PMS symptoms, and improve muscle strength.”

I’m going to google that last part to verify, but again…fine.

Here were someone with a medical degree should have stepped in:

“No joke: Vitamin E may strengthen vaginal lining! Moisturize your labia and vagina with Vitamin E oil to combat dryness and soothe irritation.”

 Before you head to the pharmacy and ask where they keep the good stuff, please know that according to doctors, this is a horrible idea.

My knowledge of how a vagina works does not go beyond the simple fact that it is “a self-cleaning oven,” so I’ll let the professionals explain why it’s important to not take Kardashian’s advice.

San Francisco-based gynecologist Dr. Jennifer Gunter told the Daily Beast that women shouldn’t be putting anything like this near their hoo ha.

I would not recommend this nor is there any study that looks at this for healthy, premenopausal women,” Dr. Gunter explained. “If you are 32 and have a dry vagina, see your doctor and try a silicone-based lube.”

So what can vitamin E do?  Well, it can break down latex condoms, which could then lead to unintended pregnancy.

If you’re allergic to vitamin E and don’t test it on a patch of skin that is not your vagina first, you could experience a super painful and super uncomfortable reaction.

And, the Daily Beast points out, taking vitamin E in large does could “shorten your life span” (these studies are recent and new, but shouldn’t be ignored).

Instead of doling out beauty advice that borders on medical, Kardashian should leave these types of posts to the professionals.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: Egor Tarabasov Strangled Me, Tried to KILL ME!

We’ve already heard rumors – thanks to a rant by the troubled star herself – that Lindsay Lohan is pregnant by her fiance Egor Tarabasov.

Now she’s upping the ante, accusing her Russian partner of violence and attempted murder (seriously).

Neighbors were reportedly jolted awake early Saturday morning by Lohan screamed from her balcony that Tarabasov strangled her, and was trying to kill her.

One neighbor captured the exchange between Lohan and Tarabasov, which was obtained by The Sun.

In the video, Lohan is seen in the corner of her balcony yelling to anyone who will listen.

“He just strangled me. He almost killed me,” Lohan claimed.

‘’Please please please. He just strangled me.”

“He almost killed me. Everybody will know,” Lohan continued, stating her address loud and clear to anyone in the street, in the hopes that someone would call the police.

“Get out of my house.’’

This went on for some time, and the video shows Tarabasov trying to reason with Lohan.

“Do it. I dare you again. You’re f*****g crazy. You sick f**k. You need help. It’s my house get out of my house,” Lohan shouted. 

“I’m done. I don’t love you anymore. You tried to kill me. You’re a f*****g psycho.  We are finished.’’

Tarabasov was inaudible, but Lohan was heard responding to his pleas.

“No Egor you’ve been strangling me constantly. You can’t strangle a woman constantly and beat the shit out of her and think it’s ok. Everybody saw you touch me.

“It’s filmed. Get out! Get out.” 

Authorities were called to the scene and had to break down the door of Lohan’s Knightsbridge home.  Once inside, the found that no one was home.

A spokeswoman confirmed:

“Police were called to an address in Knightsbridge, SW7 on Saturday, 23 July at 05:10 hours following a report of a woman in distress.”

“Officers attended and following concerns for the welfare of the occupants inside they forced entry into the address.

“There was no one inside but enquiries were made and the occupants were traced and found to be safe and well.”

This latest incident comes on the heels of Lohan blasting her fiance because he left her at home to party.

“I guess I was the same at 23…” Lohan wrote in a follow-up post.

“S—ty time-it changes at 26/27 @e2505t thanks for not coming home tonight.”

“Fame changes people.”

Indeed …

Friday, July 8, 2016

Micah Johnson Identified as Dallas Sniper, Says He Wanted to "Kill White People"

Micah X. Johnson has been identified as sniper responsible for last night’s heinous incident in Dallas.

Police Chief David Brown confirmed this news at a press conference today, saying Johnson was the man who killed five police officers and wounded seven others in the deadliest attack on a police force since 9/11.

Johnson was a a 25-year-old who served six years in the Army Reserve.

He was killed early Friday when authorities deployed a robot to blow up an explosive device in the parking garage where the Johnson was taking cover.

This put an end to a horrific incident.

Just a few hours earlier, thousands of people had gathered at a protest in connection to a pair of recent deaths; those of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.

Sterling was killed by police in Louisiana on Tuesday, while Castile was killed by police a day later in Minnesota.

Both men were African-American and both lost their lives to white officers, sparking a new round of outrage over across the country over the way black citizens are treated white members of the police force.

Learn more about the shooting in Dallas via this news report:

Said Brown at his press conference, discussing Johnson in more disturbing detail:

“The suspect said he was upset at white people. The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.

“The suspect said he was upset about Black Lives Matter. He said he was upset about the recent police shootings.”

Johnson allegedly opened fire Thursday evening on what had been a peaceful demonstration; demonstrators were sent running for their lives as a result.

Police eventually cornered Johnson in a parking garage and attempted to negotiate with him before sending in the robot bomb to protect more officers from harm.

According to Brown, Johnson told officers at the scene that he had acted alone.

Still, Brown says there may have been other assailants.

He has not divulged any further details about them or about why he believes they exist.

The following collage, meanwhile, appeared on the Facebook page of Johnson’s sister, Nicole Johnson, today.

She shared numerous times on her account to express disbelief over her brother’s reported role in the tragedy.

“I keep saying its not true…my eyes hurt from crying. Y him???” Nicole wrote in a post. “And why was he downtown smh”

Johnson’s own social media accounts, meanwhile,  reveal he was a member of several Black Panther organizations, including The New Black Panther Party Houston Chapter.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Christy Sheats: Why Did The Texas Mom Kill Her Two Daughters?

What happened on June 24th has left three dead, and several looking for answers.

“It was a family argument that turned into a shooting,” Fort Bend County Sheriff Troy Nehls told the Houston Chronicle, unable to elaborate.

“We’re still trying to put the pieces together.”

Christy Sheats of Katy, Texas shot her daughters -Taylor, 22, and Madison, 17 – before police arrived.

“The armed shooter was also in the street and, after refusing to drop her weapon, was shot and killed by a Fulshear officer.”

Madison died on the scene, and Taylor later died after being rushed to Texas Medical Center.

The three women were celebrating their dad, Jason’s birthday.  He and Christy had recently gotten back together after separating, according to KTRK-TV.

According to the Associated Press, Christy called a family meeting in their living room. 

“During that meeting, Christy Sheats held up a gun and shot both girls,” the sheriff’s office said.

Jason reportedly told Christy “Don’t do this. They’re our kids,” before running to a neighbor for help, one witness told KPRC.

Madison and Taylor ran outside as their mother shot them.  Christy went inside, reloaded her gun, and continued to shoot Taylor, who body she stood over when police arrived.

The Associated Press reports that police had been called to the Sheats’ home 14 times since 2012.  While some of the calls were “related to alarm issues,” details on others couldn’t be released for legal reasons.

However, the Sheriff’s office did tell people that some of those calls had to do with Christy suffering a “mental crisis.”

Friends are shocked by what Christy did.

“This woman loved her children. That was her life purpose. That was her pride. That was her joy,” Catherine Knowles told Time.

“Christy wasn’t crazy. I don’t know what could have made her snap. To do this, it’s insanity. The whole thing.

“She loved God. She loved her kids. I don’t get it. I don’t get it at all.”

Christy’s Facebook page is filled with photos from concerts, as well as passionate beliefs over gun control.

“It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away,” she wrote in March,“but that’s exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns.”

In September, Christy gushed about her two girls on Daughters Day.

“Happy Daughter’s Day to my two amazing, sweet, kind, beautiful, intelligent girls,” the 42-year wrote.

“I love and treasure you both more than you could ever possibly know.”

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

George Zimmerman Sells Gun Used to Kill Trayvon Martin for Disgustingly Large Sum

Last week, it was widely reported that murderous professional Internet troll and sentient colon polyp George Zimmerman planned to auction off the gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin.

In a description he posted on the United Gun Group’s website, Zimmerman described the weapon as a “piece of American history” because that’s a normal way to view the gun used to kill a teenager – if, of course, you were born to bring evil into the world, a la Viggo the Carpathian from Ghostbusters II.

Zimmerman opened the bidding at $ 5,000.

Proving that there’s still some good in the world, the auction quickly became so overwhelmed with fake bids that the UGG’s website crashed.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough to halt the sale of the weapon, as the site continued to host the auction, just with a complex email verification process in place of its usual login.

It’s partially because of the increased security that we don’t know exactly how much the gun sold for, but TMZ is reporting that the auction netted Zimmerman a nauseating $ 120,000.

And what will he use the money for?

Well, if you know anything about Zimmerman, you won’t be surprised to learn that he’s donating the proceeds to legal groups that fight against the Black Lives Matter movement and anti-Hillary Clinton Super PACs.

Clearly a man with no politically- or racially-charged axe to grind whatsoever.

And for those who don’t know much about Zimmerman, we recommend you take a gander at what he’s been up to in the years since his controversial murder trial.

Highlights include hitting his girlfriend with a wine bottle and initiating more unecessary gunplay because we imagine if you could see the world through George Zimmerman’s eyes, it would look like a first-person shooter game.

There are rumors that a famous figure (some say Kendrick Lamar) purchased the gun just to destroy it.

We’d like to believe that, but it seems too good to be true.

We hate to sound cynical, but sometimes in life, evil simply triumphs over good.

Case in point – George Zimmerman walks the streets as a free man.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

George Zimmerman to Auction Off Gun Used to Kill Trayvon Martin

In the midst of this divisive election season, it’s important to focus on the things that all reasonable human beings can agree on.

For instance, we all know George Zimmerman is a sentient post-Chipotle dump, and he provided us with further evidence today.

The 32-year-old vigilante was acquitted of murdering 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in 2013 and has engaged in several criminal acts in the years since.

Sadly, given his long history of violence it wasn’t all that shocking when Zimmerman hit his girlfriend with a wine bottle or engaged in gunplay with another motorist during a road rage incident last year.

However, Zimmerman is committed to showing the world that he’s a real competitor for the title of Worst Piece of Sh-t on the Planet, so he does things like tweet photos of Martin’s dead body – and auction off the gun he used to kill the boy.

Yes, Zimmerman announced today that he will be selling the weapon that ended Martin’s life – which he describes as a “piece of American history” – to the highest bidder.

“The firearm for sale is the firearm that was used to defend my life and end the brutal attack from Trayvon Martin,” wrote Zimmerman in a social media post.

He added that the proceeds will be donated to organizations that oppose Hillary Clinton, the Black Lives Matter movement, and Angela Corey, the State Attorney who investigated Martin’s death.

“I am proud to announce that a portion of the proceeds will be used to: fight BLM violence against Law Enforcement officers, ensure the demise of Angela Correy’s [sic] persecution career and Hillary Clinton’s anti-firearm rhetoric,” Zimmerman wrote.

Though he stops just short of making specific threats, Zimmerman’s auction announcement reads a violent, paranoid tirade against his enemies.

At one point he complains of being personally victimized by “B. Hussein Obama.”

Asked during an interview with a Florida radio station about how he expects critics to react, Zimmerman responded:

“They’re not going to be bidding on it, so I couldn’t care less about them. I’m a free American. I can do what I like with my possessions.”

And as free Americans, we’d like to exercise our right to remind the world that you’re a talking mound of excrement.

Monday, April 4, 2016

The Walking Dead Poll: Who Did Negan Kill?

It finally happened on The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 16.

Following weeks and weeks of hype and anticipation, we finally met Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan.

We also met the villain’s trusty barbed wire-covered baseball bat, Lucille, and we watched as Negan delivered a menacing speech to Rick and his many other captured foes.

They had been ignoring the “new world order.”

They had killed Negan’s men.

And now someone had to pay.

But who?

For nearly the entirety of The Walking Dead Season 6, viewers had been anticipating a significant death on the finale.

Loyal comic book readers were aware that Negan murders Glenn in the graphic novel series on which The Walking Dead was based, so many assumed he would be the character to bite the dust.

And maybe he was.

When you watch The Waking Dead online or on television, all you see if Negan taking swing after swing with Lucille, telling his unnamed victim that he or she is initially taking the beating “like a champ.”

Creator Robert Kirkman, meanwhile, simply says that someone is, indeed, dead… and that this someone is a “beloved character.”

Does that narrow down the field for you?

Can you believe we need to wait until Season 7 to learn the victim’s identity?!?

Until then, all we can do is take our best guess. So go ahead and do so below:


Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Azealia Banks to Iggy Azalea: Kill Yourself!

The feud between Iggy Azalea and Azealia Banks has been heating up in recent weeks, which is really not surprising, as at this point, neither of them is relevant for anything other than social media beefs.

These two have been at each other’s throats ever since Azealia (somewhat hilariously) referred to Iggy as “Satan in the form of mayonnaise” and accused her of appropriating black culture without making any effort to understand the challenges faced by African-Americans.

Things picked up earlier this month, when Banks issued a death threat to Iggy on social media, shortly before deleting her Twitter account entirely (much to the chagrin of lovers of online drama).

We didn’t think it was possible, but this feud got even darker today.

It all started during a recent radio interview, when Iggy admitted to contemplating suicide due to the amount of hate she’s received online.

“Sometimes I’d drive through the canyons to get to my horses, and I’d think, what if I just kept driving off the canyon?” she told LA DJ J Cruz last week.

Most who heard her comments felt at least a little bit bad for Iggy…but not Azealia:

“YAAS slavemaster,” Banks commented on an article about the interview. “Drive that slave truck right off the canyon!!”

Yikes. Azealia’s not known for her sensitivity, but telling a person who’s publicly admitted to being suicidal that she should kill herself is really a new low. 

Friday, February 19, 2016

Harper Lee Dies; To Kill a Mockingbird Author Was 89

Harper Lee – the author best known for the iconic 1960 novel To Kill a Mockingbird – has passed away at the age of 89.

A county coroner confirmed today that Lee passed away at an assisted living facility in Monroeville – the small Alabama town that she called home throughout most of her life.

In addition to winning the Pulitzer Prize and serving as the basis of a classic film, To Kill a Mockingbird has become a perennial favorite in both classrooms and bookstores.

Astonishingly, 56 years after its publication, the book still sells over one million copies every year.

The book’s themes of racial injustice and the importance of aiding the oppressed have helped it remain continuously relevant – and widely beloved – throughout several generations.

Lee was a lifelong friend of author Truman Capote (the character of Dill in Mockingbird is based on a young Capote) and she assisted him in researching his famous “non-fiction novel” In Cold Blood.

Despite spending much of her life avoiding the spotlight, Lee made headlines last year with the news that a sequel to Mockingbird entitled Go Set a Watchman would be released several decades after it was penned.

The controversial novel became an instant bestseller.

Lee never married or had children, but she was fiercely beloved by the people of Monroeville – the tiny town that helped inspire one of the great literary works of the 20th Century.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Denise Richards: Charlie Sheen Threatened to Kill My Kids!

Back in November, the world learned that Charlie Sheen has been diagnosed with HIV.

Obviously, it’s not our place to tell anyone how they should react to such devastating news, but most people would be inclined to take stock of their lives, reevaluate their priorities, and focus on what’s really important.

Chuckles, of course, is having none of that.

No, according to those closest to him, Sheen has continued to bang hookers and, well…generally act like Charlie Sheen.

The latest report of jaw-droppingly WTF?! behavior comes from Sheen’s second wife, Denise Richards, who recently filed suit against the actor claiming that he kicked her and the couple’s two daughters out of their home and verbally harassing them.

According to legal documents obtained by TMZ, Richards claims Sheen promised that if she and the kids moved into a house next to his, they could live their rent-free for life.

Richards says she was reluctant to move into the home due to Sheen’s violent history, but he convinced her, claiming that he wished to “repair his relationship” with his children in the wake of his HIV diagnosis.

Not surprisingly, the situation turned sour fast.

Richards says Sheen first threatened to evict them around Christmas of 2013, at which time he also told the kids he planned to give all their presents to the homeless.

Shortly thereafter, Richards allegedly overheard Sheen calling 10-year-old Lola a “pig whore” and yelling, “I’m going to kill you, and I’m going to kill your mom.”

Richards’ suit contains screenshots capturing some truly shocking text message conversations between Sheen and his daughters:

“Have a merry Xmas with your loser f–k slut mom…your dad is a rock star genius…your mom is a puss wart,” reads one text to Sheen’s eldest daughter.

Bizarrely, Sheen even attacks Richards’ acting skills in the texts, at one point writing, “Bitch couldn’t act hot in a fire or wet in a pool.”

“And why would you say that you want my mother to eat pork and die?” reads one text sent from Lola to her father.

Lawyers for Sheen maintain that Richards was the actual author of the messages.

Richards is seeking $ 1.2 million for the purchase of a new home.

Sheen’s attorneys have stated that they believe the actress is simply attempting to extort their client.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Snooki Declares Love For Husband, Also Wants To Kill Him

Love lifts us up where we belong.

After popping out a few kids, getting hitched and weathering the Ashley Madison scandal, Snooki and Jionni LaValle have made it to their one-year anniversary.


To celebrate, Snooki wrote a heartfelt message LaValle via Instagram:

“Happy one year anniversary to this amazing man I call my husband,” Snooki wrote.

“This time last year we were getting ready to exchange vows and promise ourselves to each other for eternity…I can still say a year later I’m still madly In with you and more!”

I didn’t bat an eyelash at this next part, maybe because I grew up in the Northeast, where fighting with your better half every day is the norm.  

“You’re my best friend and my soulmate and even though I want to fight you half the time because you get on my nerves (and vice Versa I’m sure), I wouldn’t want to kill or be annoyed by another other man but you,” Snooki declared.

Fishwrapper was concerned, though.  

They feared the message revealed a “super toxic relationship” where the better part of every day is spent getting on each other’s nerves.  Does this a healthy adult relationship make, they ask?  

It’s fine.  What is concerning is finding out your spouse’s email was one of thousands registered on a site that encourages extramarital affairs.

“LOVE YOU forever and let’s make it to 50 years and beyond together!” Snooki declared.  “I wanna grow old with you and piss you off everyday.”


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Yes, Jeb Bush Would Kill Baby Hitler

Your move, Donald Trump.

In an interview with The Huffington Post, Trump"s favorite political punching bag, fellow Republican Presidential nominee Jeb Bush, admitted that he would play the role of murderer in a very specific, extremely hypothetical situation.

Yes, the brother of George W. Bush would kill Adolf Hitler before the former German dictator ever came into power.

The New York Times Magazine originally posed this unusual, historical question to its readers in late October, receiving some fairly even results in the end.

At the time 42 percent said yes, 30 said no and 28 said they weren’t sure what they were do in this circumstance.

But Bush – who has struggled to connects with votes; who has had trouble looking like he even cares about the election; and who is more awkward on stage than Kim Kardashian is wearing clothes – says in this video that he doesn"t really see any other choice in the matter.

“Hell yeah, I would!” the former Florida governor says. “You gotta step up, man.”

Granted, Bush acknowledges how history can be changed via a single action (forgetting the name of the "Michael Fox" movie franchise that proved this conundrum)… but, come on.

“It could have a dangerous effect on everything else, but I’d do it – I mean, Hitler,” Bush said, citing the name of world"s most mass murderer as all the explanation he needs.

To some, it may seem like an easy question.

Who would NOT kill Hitler before he could wipe out millions of Jewish people?

But then there likely would not be World War II. And who knows how history would be affected by removing such a significant historical event?

Do you agree with Jeb Bush? Given the opportunity, would you end baby Hitler"s life, no matter how adorable the future dictator may have been as a child?

Jeb bush would totally kill baby hitler

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Maksim Chmerkovskiy: I"d Like to Kill Hope Solo!

Back in 2011, Hope Solo competed on Dancing With the Stars along with fan-favorite Maksim Chmerkovskiy as her coach and partner.

The duo performed respectably, finishing in fourth place, but their working relationship is remembered as one of the most volatile in the history of the show.

Rehearsal footage showed Chmerkovskiy getting rough with Solo during rehearsals, and neither of them had anything good to say about the other after their time on the show was through.

Just when it seemed that they had quietly gone their separate ways, Solo dropped a bombshell in her memoir, claiming that Chmerkovskiy slapped her during one of their final rehearsals together.

Maksim swears that incident never happened, but Hope still sticks to her story three years later.

So we suppose it’s not surprising that Maks didn’t have a lot of kind things to say about the former USWNT goalie in a recent podcast interview:

“She’s just a sh-tty person,” Maksim says. “You can have a sh-tty life growing up, but if you’re a bad person, there’s no excuse for that.”

The remark was made during a game of “F-ck, Marry, Kill” and not surprisingly, Chmerkovskiy stated, “I would definitely kill Hope Solo” (hypothetically, of course).

Jeez. Tell what you really think Maks!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Ronda Rousey: If Anyone Calls Me Fat I"ll Kill Them

UFC’s star female fighter Ronda Rousey is opening up about her body and her feelings about Hollywood’s unrealistic expectations for women’s bodies.

The 28-year-old told the New York Times that if the opportunity arises to “represent that body type of women that isn’t represented so much in media, then [she’d] be happy to do that.”

Luckily, she might have the chance to do so!

Ronda has an upcoming role alongside A-list celebrity Mark Wahlberg in director Peter Berg’s newest flick, Mile 22.  The film is slated to be released next year.

Rousey is getting serious about her new venture into Hollywood.  She has been taking acting lessons to prepare for her role.

And although she wants to break the mold for what is means to be feminine, she is working with a stylist to transition into a look more fit for Hollywood.  Wait.  Isn’t she trying to avoid the Hollywood look?

Still, Ronda claims she is serious about changing the standards of beauty in the celebrity world.  For instance, she mentioned that she arrived for an ad campaign photo shoot “purposely way heavier … because somebody said something really rude to me.”

Is her plan working?  Despite that she was “heavier,” the campaign was a success: “the campaign ended up being amazing, even though I was heavier just to make a point.”

The former Olympic medalist said her ideal weight is about 148 pounds, which gives her a normal and healthy balance of abs and breasts because, as she states, “you can’t have both.”

Rousey has showed off her body in male-centric magazines such as Maxim and Sports Illustrated.  She claims the experience posing for the mags was a “really effective way to change the societal standard women are held to.”

She added, “When women say that going on publications directed at men is somehow demeaning, I don’t think that’s true.”

Later in her NYT interview she stated that today is a conflicting era for women.”

“Women are doing so amazingly and taking over the athletic world,” she noted.  “We’re also in a time where … how can I really put it? That women without any skills that freeload are being glorified.

“That’s something I was raised not to be — that you’re supposed to contribute to the world, not consume from it.”