Showing posts with label Christy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christy. Show all posts

Saturday, June 9, 2018

"Little Women: LA" Star Christy McGinity Gibel Raves About Vaginal Rejuvenation

“Little Women: LA” star Christy McGinity Gibel could hardly keep it together describing what things are like downstairs after her vaginal rejuvenation procedure … and ya can’t blame her!! We got Christy leaving PUMP in WeHo and she was…


Monday, December 4, 2017

"Little Women: LA" Star Christy Gibel Sues Doctors Over Alleged Botched Spinal Surgery

One of the stars of “Little Women: LA” is taking a bunch of doctors to court for a BIG payday … ‘cause she claims they screwed up her neck in surgery. Christy Gibel just sued some M.D.s from a surgery center in Beverly Hills called 90210 Surgery…


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

War Machine: MMA Fighter Sentenced to Life in Prison For Beating of Christy Mack

Back in January of 2014, the MMA fighter who goes by the name War Machine was arrested for brutally beating and sexually assaulting ex-girlfriend Christy Mack, as well as a male friend of hers named Corey Thomas.

Yesterday, the 35-year-old former UFC star (born Jonathan Koppenhaver) was sentenced to life in prison for the vicious assaults.

He will not be eligible until the year 2053, when he’ll be 71 years old.

Koppenhaver was found guilty on all 29 charges against him, including sexual assault and battery with a deadly weapon.

A well-known adult film star prior to being attacked, Mack underwent reconstructive surgery to repair the physical damage that resulted from Koppenhaver’s assault, but she says there’s no fixing the psychological trauma that she’s endured.

Mack delivered an emotional statement at Koppenhaver’s  sentencing hearing on Monday, telling the court that she’ll fear for her life if he’s ever released from prison.

“I do know when he gets out, he will kill me,” she said.

Koppenhaver attempted suicide back in October of 2015, leaving a note in which he appalling attempted to blame Mack for his predicament.

Though he told the court in a sentencing statement that he often wishes he’d succeeded in his efforts to take his own life, he also stated that he’s found religion and hopes to become a model inmate.

“I should have killed myself by now,” stated an emotional Koppenhaver.

“There’s no reason right now that I shouldn’t be in the dirt right now laying next to Aaron Hernandez. That’s 100 percent true,”

Koppenhaver went on to reveal that he believes he suffers from mental illness and is not entirely responsible for his actions:

“Not a day goes by that I don’t seriously regret all those things that I did. I was a very, very lost, very empty person,” he said in his statement.

“And to top it off, something’s not right with my head. Plain and simple. I’ve known that a long time and I’ve hated it. I’ve hated the way that I think. I’ve hated my impulses. “

He added:

“Half the time, I don’t know why I do some of the things I do. And some of the times I do things and I don’t even feel like I did them until it’s already done.”

Lawyers for Koppenhaver tell the press that he plans to the Nevada Supreme Court.


Monday, June 5, 2017

War Machine Gets Life Sentence for Beating of Ex-Girlfriend Christy Mack (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Former MMA fighter War Machine is going to prison for life, with possibility of parole, for the heinous 2014 beating of his ex-girlfriend. The judge said he will be eligible for parole after 36 years … when he is 71. As we reported … he was…


War Machine Gets Life Sentence for Beating of Ex-Girlfriend Christy Mack (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Former MMA fighter War Machine is going to prison for life, with possibility of parole, for the heinous 2014 beating of his ex-girlfriend. The judge said he will be eligible for parole after 36 years … when he is 71. As we reported … he was…


Monday, March 20, 2017

War Machine Convicted On 29 Counts in Christy Mack Beating, Hung Jury for Attempted Murder

Former MMA fighter War Machine dodged conviction for the attempted murder of his ex-gf Christy Mack — but was nailed on 29 other charges, including sexual assault and battery.  The jury came back deadlocked on 2 counts of attempted murder in…


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Christy Sheats: 911 Calls Released, Daughters Beg For Their Lives

Warning: What you are about to hear is pretty upsetting.

After 42-year-old Christy Sheats gunned down her daughters – Taylor, 22, and Madison, 17 – the 911 calls placed by both the girls and neighbors have been made public.

According to KHOU, Christy called a family meeting on June 24th.  

She and her husband, Jason had recently reconciled after a separation (she had moved out of the house for awhile), but according to family friend Madison Davey, they were fighting all the time.

That day, which also happened to be Jason"s birthday, was allegedly "tense" for the couple.  So when Christy called the family meeting, she hid her .38-calibur handgun (a family heirloom) in the couch, then pulled it out.

Madison made the first 911 call, and you could hear Jason pleading in the background.

“Please don’t point the gun at us … I beg you, please put it away,” he begged. “I’m sorry. I promise you, whatever you want … “

Jason then tried to push the girls out the front door, according to Davey, who spoke to him after the ordeal.

Madison was killed first as she tried to get out the front door.

Christy shot Taylor inside the home, but she managed to get outside.  Her mother followed her outside and shot her again.

At this point, a neighbor had called 911 and relayed the entire scene to the dispatcher.

"She"s coming back again. Oh!!! She shot her again. The female that was lying on the ground," the neighbor said, as police arrived and shot Christy.

"I can hear bullets.

"She [the shooter] is lying down… It doesn"t look like she"s moving anymore."

Witnesses also said that Christy yelled that she wanted Jason "to suffer."

Davey said that Jason had no idea Christy owned a gun, and that she told him that killing the girls was about "punishing" him.

According to Davey, Taylor had graduated Lone Star College, was going to marry her longterm boyfriend at the courthouse.

Madison was going to be a senior at the local high school.

A memorial will be held for both girls in Houston, and they will be buried in Alabama.

Christy sheats 911 calls released daughters beg for their lives

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Christy Sheats: Texas Mom Murdered Daughters To "Punish" Their Father

New details have emerged regarding the shooting of two young ladies from Katy, Texas.

Madison and Taylor Sheats were gunned down by their mother, Christy Sheats following a “family meeting,” according to neighbors.

Family friend Madison Davey told ABC-13 that Christy, 42, “was out to kill that day” when she called a family meeting in their living room.  It also happened to be her husband, Jason’s birthday.

The couple were separated, but had recently reconciled. That day, however, the atmosphere inside the Sheats home was tense, and the girls got caught in the middle.

“He was the best dad ever,” Davey said of Jason.

“I would hang out with him and he loved being around us,” Davey recalled.

Davey spoke to Jason about what happened, and he recalled that he begged his wife not to shoot their kids.

“Just shoot yourself,” he said.  “Make it easy on all of us, just shoot yourself.”

Christy refused, according to Davey, telling him “No, that’s not what this is about, this is about punishing you.”

Christy opened fire on her daughters, who ran out the front door with their dad.  

Madison, 17, collapsed before she could leave the property, and while Taylor, 22, managed to make it as far as the street.

When police arrived, they found Christy over Taylor’s body, which she shot again after reloading back in the house.  

When she refused to surrender, officers fatally shot her.

“I always knew something would happen, but I never thought she would do this,” Davey said.

“Christy was toxic for the family. She was mentally unstable.”

Now Davey is helping with funeral preparations for the girls, who will be laid to rest in Alabama this week.

“They were so funny — for sisters, you would think they would fight, but no.

“They loved each other a lot and were always laughing.”

The gun Christy used was a .38-calibur handgun, reportedly passed down from her great-grandfather as a way to “protect her family.”

No official reports have been published yet on any mental issues Christy suffered.

Christy Sheats: Why Did The Texas Mom Kill Her Two Daughters?

What happened on June 24th has left three dead, and several looking for answers.

“It was a family argument that turned into a shooting,” Fort Bend County Sheriff Troy Nehls told the Houston Chronicle, unable to elaborate.

“We’re still trying to put the pieces together.”

Christy Sheats of Katy, Texas shot her daughters -Taylor, 22, and Madison, 17 – before police arrived.

“The armed shooter was also in the street and, after refusing to drop her weapon, was shot and killed by a Fulshear officer.”

Madison died on the scene, and Taylor later died after being rushed to Texas Medical Center.

The three women were celebrating their dad, Jason’s birthday.  He and Christy had recently gotten back together after separating, according to KTRK-TV.

According to the Associated Press, Christy called a family meeting in their living room. 

“During that meeting, Christy Sheats held up a gun and shot both girls,” the sheriff’s office said.

Jason reportedly told Christy “Don’t do this. They’re our kids,” before running to a neighbor for help, one witness told KPRC.

Madison and Taylor ran outside as their mother shot them.  Christy went inside, reloaded her gun, and continued to shoot Taylor, who body she stood over when police arrived.

The Associated Press reports that police had been called to the Sheats’ home 14 times since 2012.  While some of the calls were “related to alarm issues,” details on others couldn’t be released for legal reasons.

However, the Sheriff’s office did tell people that some of those calls had to do with Christy suffering a “mental crisis.”

Friends are shocked by what Christy did.

“This woman loved her children. That was her life purpose. That was her pride. That was her joy,” Catherine Knowles told Time.

“Christy wasn’t crazy. I don’t know what could have made her snap. To do this, it’s insanity. The whole thing.

“She loved God. She loved her kids. I don’t get it. I don’t get it at all.”

Christy’s Facebook page is filled with photos from concerts, as well as passionate beliefs over gun control.

“It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away,” she wrote in March,“but that’s exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns.”

In September, Christy gushed about her two girls on Daughters Day.

“Happy Daughter’s Day to my two amazing, sweet, kind, beautiful, intelligent girls,” the 42-year wrote.

“I love and treasure you both more than you could ever possibly know.”

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Christy Mack to Release Domestic Violence-Themed Emojis

Christy Mack is about to take the emoji world by unexpected storm.

Over the past several weeks, numerous celebrities have come out with their own line of these animated text message icons.

There are now Steph Curry emojis and Justin Bieber emojis.

There are also Amber Rose emojis and Kim Kardashian emojis.

But Mack has come up with something truly unique among this crowd.

Back in August of 2014, Mack made very unfortunate headlines when she accused her then-boyfriend, an MMA fighter who went by the nickname War Machine, of domestic violence.

Mack shared a handful of truly disturbing photos at the time, writing that she broke 18 bones in total at the hands of her violent lover.

She also wrote that War Machine sawed off a lot of her hair with a “dull knife.”

Here is a look at one of those photos posted by Mack:

beaten Mack

War Machine was eventually arrested for the alleged beating and attempted suicide in prison.

It’s a troubling story for many reasons, but Mack is now trying to give it a positive spin.

As reported by TMZ, Mack has launched an emoji line based on the aforementioned images of her assault.

“The decision to include a few emojis with a black eye, bruising, and so on is a way of bringing attention through shock value,” Mack explains of this unusual decision

“I’m willing to risk some people using them in a negative way to get the point across.”

Christy Mack emjoi

The “MackMoji” will be made available to the public on Thursday … with a portion of the proceeds going to the Break the Silence Against Domestic Violence foundation.

So Mack isn’t just talking a good game here.

She’s trying to take important action.

“So many are afraid to speak out, often times because they’re scared their partner will see history of their cry for help,” Mack adds.

“This simple emoticon could save a life. I want everyone to know they’re not alone.”

Christy Mack emjoi 3

We applaud Mack for turning a tragic situation into a possible positive for others in her position.

We can’t imagine having gone through an ordeal such as this.

Christy Mack emjoi 2