Showing posts with label HUNG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HUNG. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

"My 600-lb Life" Star LB Bonner Hung Up on 911 Before Suicide, Mom Called Too

LB Bonner called 911 before he shot himself, but the operator couldn’t help him out because she couldn’t hear him … according to the audio. The former “My 600-lb Life” star can be heard trying to give his location on the call — obtained by TMZ…


Monday, August 13, 2018

Thomas Markle: I Actually Hung Up on Prince Harry!

Like so many people who have followed Thomas Markle’s reign of terror in the media, Meghan Markle has been driven to tears by her idiot dad’s cruel comments.

Now, Daddy Dearest has given yet another embarrassing interview. He claims that this interview will be his last.

In it, he says that Prince Harry gave him a hard time right after his heart attack — and that Thomas then hung up on his son-in-law.

In a new interview with The Daily Mail, 74-year-old Thomas Markle says that his relationship with Prince Harry went downhill after his photo scandal in May.

“Harry told me that I should never go to the press,” Thomas says of an early conversation. “That it would end in tears.”

Thomas describes the advice that Harry gave him about the entertainment news media: “He said, “They will eat you alive.””

Unlike Harry, Thomas had not spent his entire life as one of the most famous people on the planet. He was not prepared to deal with people who need to make headlines and to sell photographs.

“He was right,” Thomas admits.

Back in May, it came to light that Thomas had been posing for paparazzi photos in exchange for a little money — in an effort to improve his image.

When Harry first called to ask him if it was true, he admits that he lied by denying it. After further details came to light, though, he admitted it.

Thomas says that Harry told him: “If you had listened to me this would never have happened.”


“Maybe it would be better for you guys if I was dead,” Thomas recalls having said to his son-in-law. “Then you could pretend to be sad.”

“Then,” Thomas reveals. “I hung up.”

As you may recall, there were adorable paparazzi photos of Thomas.

Some featured him reading a book about Great Britain.

Others featured him getting fitted for a suit.

These were, it turned out, staged.

Thomas had apparently become obsessed with his coverage in the media, and concerned about a paparazzi photo that featured him holding a can of beer.

You know what’s really odd?

For months, Thomas Markle, just like a couple of Meghan’s horrible siblings, has done nothing but make her newly wedded life more stressful by constantly blabbing to any microphone he can find.

But Good Morning Britain read this new, “final” interview with Thomas and the hosts all seemed to feel sorry for the man.

They lamented that Harry and Meghan haven’t visited Meghan’s family, and that Prince Charles didn’t personally call Thomas after walking Meghan down the aisle in his stead.

In the view of those hosts, the Markle’s are “more real,” and the bad behavior that the world has witnessed is a consequence of the royal family not giving them enough support.

In real life, however, individuals are usually responsible for their own misbehavior.

Thomas Markle trashes his daughter at every turn and comes across as a drama queen.

His constant blabbing makes it impossible for Meghan to trust him enough to contact him, and then he whines about not having heard from her.

Meghan Markle’s vile sister Samantha Grant may be the intentionally hurtful and cruel one, but Thomas’ endless stream of nonsense is every bit as harmful to Meghan, no matter his intentions.

If this really does end up being his final interview, well, maybe he really does intend to be a better father from now on.

But even if he keeps his word, it could be a very long time before Meghan or Prince Harry are willing or able to trust him.


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

William Hung Says "American Idol" Without Bad Auditions Is a Bad Idea

“American Idol” producers are making a HUGE mistake by cutting bad auditions from the new version of the show … so says the king of bad auditions, William Hung! We spoke to Hung shortly after news dropped of the new format … to go with the…


Monday, August 21, 2017

"American Idol" Alum William Hung Brings Down The House in Arizona

“American Idol” alum William Hung can still pack a full house, which is exactly what happened on Saturday night at a bar in Arizona. Will — who went viral for his attempt at Ricky Martin’s “She Bangs” on ‘A.I.’ in 2004 — played at the Third…


Sunday, May 14, 2017

William Hung Backs Kelly Clarkson and Jennifer Hudson, They Didn"t Betray "American Idol" (VIDEO)

William Hung doesn’t think Jennifer Hudson and Kelly Clarkson betrayed “American Idol” by joining its arch rival, “The Voice” … and even has a (long shot) plan B for producers. Hung, who’s a professional public speaker now, tells us he doesn’t…


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

New White House Fence Jumper Hung from Her Shoelaces

The latest White House fence jumper was caught as she was hanging from the top of the fence by her shoelaces. TMZ has obtained the incident report, which details the movements of the 38-year-old woman. It says she went back and forth, staring at the…


Monday, March 20, 2017

War Machine Convicted On 29 Counts in Christy Mack Beating, Hung Jury for Attempted Murder

Former MMA fighter War Machine dodged conviction for the attempted murder of his ex-gf Christy Mack — but was nailed on 29 other charges, including sexual assault and battery.  The jury came back deadlocked on 2 counts of attempted murder in…


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Josh McDermitt Can"t Say Why He Hung Out With "Stranger Things" Kids (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Josh McDermitt can neither confirm nor deny whether he’ll be in season 2 of “Stranger Things” … but does have a funny way of explaining his run-in with the kid stars. We got the ‘Walking Dead’ actor Tuesday at LAX, where our camera guy grilled…


Saturday, August 6, 2016

Jeremy Bieber: Man, My Son is Hung!

Jeremy Bieber has once again used the Internet to gush over the size of his son’s penis.

Back in October of last year, photos of Justin Bieber naked while on vacation in Bora Bora surfaced online.

And while it was to be expected that female Internet users would salivate over snapshots of their hero’s unit, it definitely came as a surprise when Bieber’s dad joined in the satisfied chorus.

“@justinbieber what do you feed that thing. #proud daddy,” Jeremy Bieber actually Tweeted at the time.

Pretty much everyone responded to this sentiment in same way:


Fast forward a few months and new pictures of Justin Bieber naked have emerged.

And we mean Justin Bieber naked.

The singer is not wearing a shred of clothing in the pictures, which were snapped while Justin was out and about in Hawaii with rumored new lover Sahara Ray.

They were then published by The New York Daily News, although social media users almost seem bored at this point by Bieber’s penis.

Consider their reactions to it:

The same can’t be said of Mr. Bieber, however.

On Saturday, Jeremy Bieber Tweeted “My boy,” along with a cactus emoji.

Most people have interpreted the cactus icon, with its one long branch in between two smaller ones, to represent a man’s genitals.

A number of these same people were disgusted by the implication, telling Jeremy to delete the message.

Which he eventually did.

But then Jeremy Bieber tweeted directly to his son the following photo, which depicts Toronto’s famously tall CN Tower.

Along with the name Justin Bieber, Jeremy included a smiley face emoticon.

What the heck is wrong with this guy?!?

Considering Jeremy Bieber was once accused of throwing a dog off a balcony, we guess the answer is:

A lot. There’s a lot wrong with this guy.

It sort of explains why Justin Bieber can occasionally act like a douchebag, doesn’t it?

Here’s a look, meanwhile, at a collection of famous men who can reportedly compete with Justin in the junk area.

Each is packing a serious penis.