Showing posts with label Counts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Counts. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Daz Dillinger Arrested for Marijuana Possession, Facing 13 Felony Counts

Daz Dillinger got busted for allegedly having a bunch of weed in his Georgia home … and now he’s facing multiple felony charges. Tha Dogg Pound rapper was arrested Tuesday just before midnight at his place in Powder Springs — about 20 miles…


Friday, January 19, 2018

"Horror House" Parents Charged with 12 Counts of Torture, Better Be Imprisoned for Life

David and Louise Turpin – the California parents who reportedly confined, tortured and malnourished their 13 children – now face up to 94 years to life in prison, authorities announced on Thursday.

The couple was officially charged in court today with 12 counts of torture, following their arrest this week for committing allegedly heinous acts. 

As previously reported, the Turpins were discovered to have been keeping their kids captive for years, allegedly depriving them of food and keeping them chained to pieces of furniture for hours and hours at a time.

The kids ranged in age from two through 29.

A 17-year old daughter managed to escape and call the police, alerting them to the despicable conditions in which her siblings were being kept.

Bail has been set at $ 13 million for the Turpins in Riverside County, California.

Said Riverside County District Attorney Mike Hestrin on Thursday afternoon:

“All the victims were and are severely malnourished. The 29-year-old female victim weighs 82 pounds.”

The kids were immediately sent to the hospital upon being rescued by authorities and are receiving various types of treatment.

They are receiving antibiotics, vitamins and nutrients and psychologists will soon be brought in to evaluate the victims when their physical conditions improve.

Hestrin also said that the children would “sleep all day and be up all night,” confirming reports from neighbors who have said they witnessed the kids being marched all around the home during very strange hours.

According to Hestrin, “none of the victims were allowed to shower more than once a year.”

Many were found lying in piles of their own feces this week.

“This is severe physical and emotional abuse we’re talking about,” Hestrin said. “It breaks our hearts, but we’re professionals and have to seek justice.”

He noted that the 17-year old who broke free and dialed 911 had been plotting her escape for two years.

On Wednesday, investigators served search warrants to the home, spending approximately seven hours going through evidence, and walking out with several boxes, two safes and pieces of wood that appear to have been part of bed frames.

David’s mother, Betty, told reporters after her son’s arrest that David and his wife had so many kids because God wanted them to.

“I feel they were model Christians,” she told the Southern California News Group on Wednesday, adding:

“It’s hard to believe all of this. Over the years, the Lord knows what happened.”

Adds David Macher, a public defender assigned to David Turpin:

“What we would like the public to know is that our clients are presumed to be innocent, and that’s a very important presumption.”

When asked about the number of counts and the nature of the charges, Macher said:

“It’s going to be a challenge.”

Aside from suffering severe caloric malnutrition associated with muscle wasting, several of the kids have cognitive impairment and “neuropathy, which is nerve damage, as a result of this extreme and prolonged physical abuse,” Hestrin says.

What will happen now to the victims?

The Riverside County Department of Public Social Services is seeking court authorization to provide oversight and care for the 13 siblings “to the extent that’s necessary,” says Susan von Zabern, spokeswoman for the Riverside County Department of Public Social Services.

She added on Tuesday:

“At this point, we’ll be doing a full assessment with medical professionals to better understand needs of the adults as well as the children, and we’ll be prepared to provide supportive services as well as engage other agencies in assisting these individuals to be stable.”


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Adam Lind Facing FOUR Counts of Domestic Assault!

After her baby daddy Adam Lind’s latest arrest, Chelsea Houska wisely moved to limit his visitation with their daughter

And that makes even more sense when you here the details of the charges that he’s facing for his domestic assault.

All four of them.

As we mentioned, Adam Lind was arrested … again … and has some serious legal struggles ahead of him.

This time, it’s wasn’t for yet again testing positive for meth right before having a visitation for one of his kids.

It wasn’t even for another domestic assault, though it’s definitely related to his recent bout of alleged violence against a woman.

This last arrest was for violating a protective order.

How did he get a protective order — forbidding him from coming near or contacting baby mama Stasia Huber — in the first place?

Well, hear it in Stasia’s own words:

“While under the influence of drugs, alcohol, and steroids,” Stasia reveals in court documents. “he fractured my forearm.”

That alone would be a nightmare and, quite frankly, enough for us to be just fine with the idea of Lind spending a solid chunk of time in prison, but Stasia Huber continues:

“… Locked me in the house saying I couldn’t leave, smashed my phone …”

Terrifying. She’s describing being imprisoned and cut off, unable to flee his alleged violence and also unable to call for help.

“And once he realized what he had done, he broke down crying and took me to the ER.”

A lot of abusers display remorse; it doesn’t mean that they’re going to change. And it doesn’t undo their unforgivable actions.

So, what do those horrible deeds look like in official, legal terms?

RadarOnline got a hold of some court documents. After Adam Lind was arrested on November 2nd, he was charged with:

For the first count: “He did attempt to cause bodily injury to another and had the actual ability to cause the injury.”

For the second count: “Did recklessly cause bodily injury to another.”

For the third count: “Attempting by physical menace or credible threat to put another in fear of imminent bodily harm, with or without the actual ability to harm the other person.”

And for the fourth count, he was charged with intentionally causing bodily harm to another.

Quite frankly, we’re surprised that none of those charges includes kidnapping or false imprisonment or something along those lines.

(It’s always possible that the charges could be amended, we’re sure)

Considering the allegations against Lind, the charges, the fact that he apparently violated Stasia’s protective order, and the timeline — that he got busted for meth as recently as April … well, he’s in a whole heap of trouble.

Adam Lind was released from jail. Maybe this time, he’ll pay attention to Stasia Huber’s protective order.

All of this is fodder to reduce or outright end visitations. Quite frankly, a man who does the things of which Adam Lind is accused does not need to be around children, no matter how much he may love them in his moments of sobriety.

Chelsea Houska is really one of the better mothers in the Teen Mom franchise. By all appearances, Aubree would be better served by spending zero time with a ‘roided out meth-head.

Honestly, Adam Lind’s arrest record isn’t colorful — it’s chilling. Visitation and custody topics could be moot, depending upon what the court thinks of his behavior.

He has a plea hearing on Thursday, and his jury trial begins on January 18th. We’ll keep you updated.


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Ex-"Y&R" Actor Corey Sligh Indicted on 2 Felony Counts of Child Molestation

Actor Corey Sligh has been indicted by a federal grand jury on 2 felony counts of child molestation … TMZ has learned. The grand jury handed down the indictment against the former extra on “The Young and the Restless.” His…


Monday, March 20, 2017

War Machine Convicted On 29 Counts in Christy Mack Beating, Hung Jury for Attempted Murder

Former MMA fighter War Machine dodged conviction for the attempted murder of his ex-gf Christy Mack — but was nailed on 29 other charges, including sexual assault and battery.  The jury came back deadlocked on 2 counts of attempted murder in…


Friday, March 18, 2016

Selena Gomez: It"s Not the Size of Your Instagram That Counts!

What’s the difference between Selena Gomez and Kim Kardashian?

What about between Selena Gomez and Kendall Jenner?

The answer may be obvious, but Gomez has gone ahead and emphasized it with her response to her latest social media accomplishment.

Earlier this week, the singer proved that her popularity is not connected to ex-boyfriend Justin Bieber, shooting past Taylor Swift and becoming the most followed person on all of Instagram.

If you’ll recall, Kardashian and Jenner celebrated various Instagram follower milestones of their own over the past year with semi-naked pictures because that’s pretty much how they garnered so many fans in the first place.

But not Selena.

She always keep her clothing on and, as evidenced by her reaction to this exciting news, she also keeps her head screwed on very straight.

“Yo just know that I’m fully aware having the ‘most’ of anything isn’t what’s important,” Gomez Tweeted, adding by way of explanation:

“It’s how you use your platform. [Not] how big it is.”

How perfectly awesome of a response is that?!?

Gomez has become the first celebrity to reach 70 million followers and she’s done it by remaining fully dressed at all times. What a crazy concept, right?!?

Swift, Bieber, Kardashian and Beyonce are not very far behind, but we’re rooting for Selena to hold on to this distinction for as long as she can.

We love her selfies. We love the photos of her and her famous friends. And, most of all, we love her attitude.