Showing posts with label Parents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parents. Show all posts

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Friday, January 18, 2019

R. Kelly Former Manager Surrenders ... For Allegedly Terrorizing Alleged Victim"s Parents

One of R. Kelly‘s former managers has surrendered to authorities on charges he made terroristic threats against a family of one of the singer’s alleged victims.

As TMZ first reported, Joycelyn Savage‘s father told us James Mason called him in May 2018, and threatened,...
R. Kelly Former Manager Surrenders ... For Allegedly Terrorizing Alleged Victim"s Parents

Friday, January 11, 2019

Missing 13-Year-Old Girl Found Alive!!! 3 Months After Kidnapping, Parents" Murders

Breaking News

A 13-year-old girl who went missing 3 months ago after her parents were murdered was miraculously found alive … and her captor is now in police custody.
Jayme Closs was found in the rural town of Gordon, Wisconsin (population 645) after escaping from a cabin and pleading ...
Missing 13-Year-Old Girl Found Alive!!! 3 Months After Kidnapping, Parents" Murders

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Tyrese Judge Allows Daughter to Play Soccer ... After Parents Squabble

Tyrese‘s daughter is now allowed to bend it like Beckham, after a judge ordered that she can.
Tyrese and ex-wife Norma Gibson were in a fight over whether 11-year-old Shayla can enroll in her school’s soccer program.
Tyrese had refused, saying her grades weren’t up...
Tyrese Judge Allows Daughter to Play Soccer ... After Parents Squabble

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Avicii Parents to Inherit His $25M Fortune

Avicii‘s entire fortune will go to his parents — who stand to inherit upwards of $ 25 million after his suicide.
Legal docs in his native Sweden reveal … because the DJ was single at the time of his death and he left no will … his mom and dad — Anki Liden and Klas...
Avicii Parents to Inherit His $25M Fortune

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Friday, December 7, 2018

Aaron Rodgers Making Peace with Parents After Nasty Public Feud

Breaking News

require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
Aaron Rodgers Making Peace with Parents After Nasty Public Feud

Aaron Rodgers Making Peace with Parents After Nasty Public Feud

Breaking News

require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
Aaron Rodgers Making Peace with Parents After Nasty Public Feud

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Aaron Rodgers Making Peace with Parents After Nasty Public Feud

Breaking News

require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
Aaron Rodgers Making Peace with Parents After Nasty Public Feud

Friday, October 26, 2018

Lonely Pizza Party Kid"s Parents Insist Viral Fame Wasn"t Planned

The parents who threw a party for their kid but no one came say they never meant for their sad photo to go viral … and we’re inclined to believe ‘em.  Sil Mazzini, the mom of 6-year-old Teddy, whose pizza party went bust over the weekend,…


Monday, August 13, 2018

Tessa Blanchard Calls Parents After Winning Impact Knockouts Title

Here’s a really cool moment caught on video … Impact wrestling star Tessa Blanchard FaceTimed her parents seconds after winning the Knockouts Championship — and we’ve got the footage.  It all went down on Sunday at the Impact Wrestling…


Monday, July 23, 2018

Parents Teach Kids to Pole Dance, Defy Critics (And Decency)

You know what they say, right?

The family that pole dances together stays together.

This is what Jake Night and Lindsey Teall, residents of of St. Louis, believe, at least.

The couple has made headlines for the rather unusual workout routine it is teaching its kids.

What possible reason would a mother and a father have for raising a family full of stripping pole dancers?

It all goes back to how they met and it goes from there…

1. Their Past Served as Their Prologue


Jake and Lindsey met when both were working as exotic dancers. They have a love and a passion for this near-naked activity.

2. A Family of Five


The couple has decided to pass along this pastime to its kids: Aiden, 11, Lindsey’s son from her first marriage; and their two daughters, Alaura, 5, and 3-year-old Rosalyn.

3. Their Pole Position?


The parents have installment a stripper pole in their living room. We’d love to see how guests react to that, right?!?

4. Let’s Play, Kids!


Jake considers pole dancing a sport and told The Daily Mail: “We have dealt with a lot of negative comments, I can’t even count, thousands upon thousands upon thousands. We’ve heard some pretty horrific things, they were going to hunt us down and kill us and take our children. The naysayers, the haters and everybody like that just makes us, as parents, more protective of them.”

5. But Aren’t the Kids Just Strippers Now?


No, insists Lindsey: “”This is a legitimate sport. A lot of people, you just can’t change their opinion. We’re living our most authentic life, sometimes people don’t like that; they want you to be like everybody else… Pole dance is taking a new route, it’s evolving into a sport, into an art.”

6. A Sport?!?


There is such a thing out there as this: THE INTERNATIONAL POLE CONVENTION, also commonly known as PoleCon. Per its official website, this competition “celebrates the diversity of the pole dance/pole fitness community. Come to learn, share and grow with men and women of all shapes, sizes, ages, ethnicities and fitness levels then stay for the community. #poleconisforeveryone.”

View Slideshow

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

"Coward" Deputy Sued by Stoneman Douglas High School Parents & Students

The Broward County Sheriff’s Deputy who bolted from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School as a gunman sprayed the building with bullets has just been sued by a group of parents and students … claiming the deputy’s inaction caused the carnage. …


"Coward" Deputy Sued by Stoneman Douglas High School Parents & Students

The Broward County Sheriff’s Deputy who bolted from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School as a gunman sprayed the building with bullets has just been sued by a group of parents and students … claiming the deputy’s inaction caused the carnage. …


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Tom Brady Has Hilarious Temper Tantrum In a Round Of Golf With His Parents

Tom Brady’s epic meltdowns aren’t just limited to the football field … ‘cause dude even snaps on the links — in rounds of golf with his folks!! TB12 hit the course with his mom, dad and niece on Monday in what shoulda been a fun family time ……


Tom Brady Has Hilarious Temper Tantrum In a Round Of Golf With His Parents

Tom Brady’s epic meltdowns aren’t just limited to the football field … ‘cause dude even snaps on the links — in rounds of golf with his folks!! TB12 hit the course with his mom, dad and niece on Monday in what shoulda been a fun family time ……


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Saquon Barkley, I Just Bought My Parents a House!!!

Christmas came WAY early for Saquon Barkley’s parents — the NY Giants rookie just dropped more than $ 400,000 on a brand new crib in Pennsylvania for Mom and Dad!!! “Something I promised my parents, ever since I was a young kid,” the former Penn…


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Evicted 30-Year-Old Michael Rotondo Says His Parents Aren"t Good People

Michael Rotondo, the 30-year-old man whose mom and dad sued to get him booted from their home, claims he’ll gladly leave … eventually … but he definitely won’t forgive his folks. Rotondo was on “TMZ Live” talking about the court case he lost.…


Evicted 30-Year-Old Michael Rotondo Says His Parents Aren"t Good People

Michael Rotondo, the 30-year-old man whose mom and dad sued to get him booted from their home, claims he’ll gladly leave … eventually … but he definitely won’t forgive his folks. Rotondo was on “TMZ Live” talking about the court case he lost.…


Judge Has to Order 30-Year-Old Man to Move Out of His Parents" House

A 30-year-old has lost his court battle against his parents after a judge ruled that he does, in fact, have to move out of their house.

This story is wild, but actually a bit more serious than people might first believe.

We"ve included a video from the courthouse, but that only tells part of the story.


The video that we have included gives only some highlights of the case.

The full back-and-forth between State Supreme Court Justice Donald Greenwood and Michael Rotondo lasted approximately a half hour.

Though the judge ordered that Rotondo would have to move out, he also ordered that Adult Protective Services investigate the situation.

To a degree, perhaps Judge Greenwood was simply doing his due diligence in a case involving family members at home.

But it is clear to anyone watching this case that something is … not right.

It began when Rotondo"s parents offered to help him to find an apartment and even offered him money, giving him over $ 1,000 … which he then used on "expenses" without moving.

Following that, they stopped paying for his phone and … well, they ended up in court.

Rotondo 01

Since first being reported, the Rotondo story has been picked up by New York Post, Fox News, the BBC, and The Late Late Show with James Corden.

Greenwood praised Rotondo"s legal research after Rotondo pointed to a prior case in which it was determined that a family member had the right to six months between being served with an eviction and actually being required to leave.

This period of time is designed so that someone can make enough money to secure new housing. There are all sorts of eviction laws to cover many situations.

Greenwood patiently explained to Rotondo that there is an appellate court case that establishes that, in short, the case that Rotondo cited does not apply to his particular family situation.

Rotondo referred to the judge"s ruling as "outrageous."

Judge Greenwood referred to Rotondo"s demand that he be allowed to remain as being similarly "outrageous."

Rotondo 02

Though the judge urged Rotondo to speak to his parents, Mark and Christina, and reach an amicable arrangement, Rotondo refused.

After the court ruling, Rotondo spoke to the press who had gathered.

Rotondo says that there have not been any "incidents" between him and his parents. In fact, he says that they effectively do not speak with each other.

He says that they do not provide him with food or with laundry, but that they do provide him with a residence.

He describes getting food in the kitchen as being similar to a buffet line, and that he waits for his parents to vacate the room before cooking his own meals.

When asked what he does to support himself, Rotondo says that he has a business, but refused to identify it, instead saying:

"My business is my business."

After speaking to the press, he returned to his parents" house. He plans to attempt to appeal the ruling.

Rotondo 03

Here is why this is serious.

Rotondo has a son, of whom he does not have custody.

From our understanding, it looks like he has attempted to sue for custody on the grounds that not having custody is discrimination against him, as a "poor person."

It seems that he fears that accepting money from his parents and having his own residence, while normally things that would make a person seem like a more viable parent, would undercut his bid for custody.

If your parents are just handing you over $ 1,000, it"s kind of hard to argue that you"re impoverished.

Another cause for worry is that Rotondo has a 2009 arrest for allegedly stalking a woman at her home.

Rotondo 04

Many have speculated that Rotondo may have certain unresolved … issues.

But obviously, he is in no way representative of most people who live at home.

With two decades of wage stagnation while rent and housing prices continue to climb, it is increasingly difficult for even employed adults to find housing.

Though a lot of media attention to the Rotondo case has likely been due to older generations finding amusement at the idea of a man so accustomed to being pampered that he"d rather go to court than move out, there"s more going on here.

And, again, there are plenty of young adults who would love nothing more than to move out … and would be happy to, if they started making a living wage.

We hope that Rotondo"s story has a happy ending. Perhaps APS will be able to assist Rotondo by connecting him to whichever resources he needs.

Judge has to order 30 year old man to move out of his parents ho