Monday, July 23, 2018

Parents Teach Kids to Pole Dance, Defy Critics (And Decency)

You know what they say, right?

The family that pole dances together stays together.

This is what Jake Night and Lindsey Teall, residents of of St. Louis, believe, at least.

The couple has made headlines for the rather unusual workout routine it is teaching its kids.

What possible reason would a mother and a father have for raising a family full of stripping pole dancers?

It all goes back to how they met and it goes from there…

1. Their Past Served as Their Prologue


Jake and Lindsey met when both were working as exotic dancers. They have a love and a passion for this near-naked activity.

2. A Family of Five


The couple has decided to pass along this pastime to its kids: Aiden, 11, Lindsey’s son from her first marriage; and their two daughters, Alaura, 5, and 3-year-old Rosalyn.

3. Their Pole Position?


The parents have installment a stripper pole in their living room. We’d love to see how guests react to that, right?!?

4. Let’s Play, Kids!


Jake considers pole dancing a sport and told The Daily Mail: “We have dealt with a lot of negative comments, I can’t even count, thousands upon thousands upon thousands. We’ve heard some pretty horrific things, they were going to hunt us down and kill us and take our children. The naysayers, the haters and everybody like that just makes us, as parents, more protective of them.”

5. But Aren’t the Kids Just Strippers Now?


No, insists Lindsey: “”This is a legitimate sport. A lot of people, you just can’t change their opinion. We’re living our most authentic life, sometimes people don’t like that; they want you to be like everybody else… Pole dance is taking a new route, it’s evolving into a sport, into an art.”

6. A Sport?!?


There is such a thing out there as this: THE INTERNATIONAL POLE CONVENTION, also commonly known as PoleCon. Per its official website, this competition “celebrates the diversity of the pole dance/pole fitness community. Come to learn, share and grow with men and women of all shapes, sizes, ages, ethnicities and fitness levels then stay for the community. #poleconisforeveryone.”

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