Showing posts with label Evicted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evicted. Show all posts

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Chris Hansen Can"t "Catch" a Break ... Getting Evicted from NYC Apt.

Chris Hansen‘s appears to be having a rough time, at least financially — he’s getting booted from his home in Manhattan … TMZ has learned.
According to legal docs … the former host of “To Catch a Predator” last paid rent in August 2018, but...
Chris Hansen Can"t "Catch" a Break ... Getting Evicted from NYC Apt.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Who Was Evicted? Who Won HOH?

With less than three weeks of Big Brother Season 20 left, loyalties are beginning to waver as we approach finale night. 

We picked up with Haleigh continuing to worry about her fate in the game, and it was rubbing Tyler the wrong way. 

He maintained in the diary room that he wanted Haleigh sent out of the house, but that’s not what the house wanted. 

Meanwhile, JC’s paranoia over Angela’s relationship with Tyler continued to heighten, and things took a turn when he caught Angela rushing away from Tyler’s bed to imply she was not canoodling with her showmance. 

JC worried that this meant he had lost Tyler for good, and he took the news to Brett. That’s when Brett revealed that he did not feel like he was part of that alliance. 

He felt even worse when Scottie said that he learned in the jury house that he (Brett) was being used as a shield for Angela. 

JC continued to try and pull Brett towards his side of the house, and with some deal-making, it could actually happen. 

Brett has flown under the radar for much of the game and has won just one competition. He’s not a threat to anyone right now. 

And if Angela thought Tyler was going to defend her against people coming after her, she could not be more wrong. 

Even though Tyler shut down JC’s plan to put Kaycee and Angela on the block next week, Tyler revealed in the DR that he would not oppose to someone targeting Angela. 

He said that he would not save her because he entered the house to fight for $ 500,000 and that he was not willing to throw it away. 

But JC may soon find himself on the outs with Angela. The latter took to the DR and said that she was growing tired of his meddling and that she would target him if she was given the opportunity.

The final speeches were not all that: Scottie told everyone to suck it, and Tyler threw a towel at him. 

Haleigh channeled Shakespeare to plead her case, but did it work?

  • Brett votes to evict: Scottie

  • Kaycee votes to evict: Scottie 

  • Sam votes to evict: Scottie 

  • Angela votes to evict: Scottie 

  • JC votes to evict: Scottie

Scottie was evicted by a vote of 5-0. Yes, that’s another unanimous vote!

The HOH competition looked very easy. It involved the houseguests balancing a ball along a platform and guiding it into a hole. 

They had to do so three times.

Kaycee stepped up to the challenge and secured the win. She was one second ahead of Brett. 

Julie confirmed that the double eviction will air next Thursday. 

What are your thoughts on the latest eviction? 

Hit the comments below. 

Big Brother continues Sunday on CBS. 


Friday, August 3, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Who Got Evicted? Who Won HOH?

The latest episode of Big Brother kicked off with Rachel Swindler and Brett Robinson on the block for eviction.

Rachel was confident that she would be staying in the house. The reason?

Because her allies told her she was safe. While it would be normal to expect your allies to keep you safe, we need to remember that Rachel was on the block with her fellow ally. 

Rachel worried about being on the block next to Brett, while Tyler was in the HOH room pledging allegiance to Bayliegh. 

In the Diary Room, however, he was saying that he would keep Bayliegh keen until he managed to flush her Power App out of the game. 

Brett got to work on Tyler, saying that the men are becoming extinct in the house and that if the rumors about the all-female alliance are correct, the men could be next. 

Meanwhile, Scottie, Bayliegh Haleigh, Faysal, and Rockstar had a chat and confirmed to each other that Tyler was a vote for their side and that they would not be blindsided on Thursday night. 

Tyler turned to Brett to fill him in on Bayliegh’s power and what it could mean for the future of the game. Brett resolved to use the news to his advantage ahead of the eviction. 

Brett then got in the hammock with Haleigh and tried everything he could to get her vote. She lied, saying that she would be keeping him in the game. 

While that was going down, Faysal walked around the house and kept checking to make sure Brett and Haleigh were not kissing or something. 

It was ridiculous. He was acting as though he owned Haleigh and that she was going against him by speaking with another houseguest. 

Haleigh was open with Brett about there being no showmance between her and Faysal, so it’s going to be fun to see how that pans out. 

We then took a trip outside the house to watch Swaggy C make his way to Bayliegh’s family home to meet them for the first time. 

It went well, and he could be calling them his family if he and Bayliegh can make it work outside the house. The family and Swaggy agreed that Tyler was the one to watch. 

At the live eviction, Rachel was positive in her approach when addressing her fellow houseguests, telling them to vote with their heart and that if she can benefit them, she will try her best. 

We wish we could say the same for Brett, but he went for the jugular. He said that Rachel was the ringleader of a female alliance that was intent on taking the men out of the house. 

He went on to expose Bayliegh’s power, but he made sure to say that it was for “next week.” 

These losers are going to think Rachel was lying all along when Bayliegh refuses to use it. 

  • RS votes to evict: Brett 

  • Angela votes to evict: Rachel 

  • Kaycee votes to evict: Rachel 

  • Scottie votes to evict: Brett 

  • Tyler votes to evict: Rachel 

  • Sam votes to evict: Rachel 

  • Faysal votes to evict: Brett 

  • JC votes to evict: Rachel 

  • Haleigh votes to evict: Brett

Rachel was evicted by a vote of 5-4!

Rachel stormed out of the house as soon as the vote was announced. She was blindsided. In her eviction interview with Julie, she struggled to keep it together. 

Angela’s eviction speech was especially surprising, calling Rachel out for acting crazy since Week 2. 

The HOH competition focused on GIFs the houseguests got to see in the house. Angela won the competition!

Before we left the house for the night, Julie said that the next twist would allow the houseguests to hack the game and that we will get more intel on it on Sunday. 

Well, that was a wild night!

What did you think of it?

Big Brother continues Sunday on CBS.


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Big Brother Spoilers: Who Is Getting Evicted?

It’s been a terrible few weeks for the Level Six alliance on Big Brother. 

The loss of Winston Hines dealt a big blow to the alliance two weeks ago, and they will be losing another ally on tonight’s eviction episode. 

We started the week off with Rachel Swindler and Brett Robinson still on the block after Tyler decided against using the veto on either of the nominees. 

Despite Tyler being aligned with them, he knew all about Bayliegh’s Power App that allows her to steal the identity of an HOH, and that was not a chance he was willing to take. 

He worried that Bayliegh would target him next week for eviction with her power. To be fair, she probably would go that route because she feels like she and Tyler are good friends in the house. 

The main issue with Rachel being on the block is that she’s become an emotional mess. It’s sad, but this is a social experiment, and she’s been someone who held it together well until this week. 

Bayliegh, Faysal, Haleigh, Scottie, and Rockstar want Brett gone, but with Bayliegh unable to vote, it’s likely that this vote is going to be super close. 

The reason?

Tyler, Angela, Kaycee, Sam, and JC are planning to send Rachel out the door to keep Brett in the game. JC wants to pin the vote on Scottie, so Bayliegh takes pity on him and sends Scottie out with her power. 

That means the vote will likely be 5-4 to evict Rachel. The positive for Tyler and his puppets is that it will rattle the Foutte alliance before the next HOH competition. 

The competition sounds like it’s going to be the “Before or After” one because the houseguests have been studying the days and timing of events. 

Okay, so Rachel is likely heading out the door Thursday night. 

What are your thoughts on this?

Hit the comments below. 


Friday, July 6, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Who Was Evicted First? Who"s The New Head of Household?

It was the end of the line for one houseguest on Thursday’s episode of Big Brother, and the oddest thing about the hour was the lack of campaigning from either party. 

Maybe Sam Bledsoe knew that she was safe either way with her power, but Steve was sitting a little too pretty for my liking. Luckily for both nominees, their fellow houseguests were deliberating right up until the eviction ceremony. 

Seriously though, the Big Brother live feeds have been on fire the last few days with all of the backstabbings, and it’s only going to get crazier from here on out as the battle lines are drawn by the end of this hour. 

It’s bizarre, but CBS opted to make viewers sit through the obnoxious relationship that is Faysal and Haleigh instead of showing the back and forth. 

It’s Week Two, and we already have two showmances, with one of them about to become a love triangle. Bayliegh and Swaggy C (that name will never stop sounding ridiculous!) are paired off, and it seems Faysal and Haleigh are, too. 

There’s always trouble in paradise in the Big Brother house, and it seems that Kaitlyn is pissed about the latter pairing. The awkward thing about all of it is that she has a thing for Faysal but has been open about having someone back home. 

We thought with Kaitlyn being a life coach she would be able to get her $ hit together, but it seems that she’s losing that spark we noticed in her upon entering the house. 

Could it be that Big Brother took her crystals and oils off her when she entered the house? Should we get Spencer Pratt on the line to ask him if this is a common side effect to not having his crystals? 

In any case, the eviction rolled around, and it was always going to be a close call with the two alliances having a similar amount of players. 

Week 1 Votes:

  • Scottie votes to evict: Sam J

  • C votes to evict: Steve

  • Chris votes to evict: Sam

  • Bayleigh votes to evict: Sam 

  • Rachel votes to evict: Steve 

  • Kaycee votes to evict: Steve 

  • Faysal votes to evict: Sam 

  • Haleigh votes to evict: Sam 

  • Angela votes to evict: Steve 

  • Brett votes to evict: Steve 

  • Winston votes to evict: Steve 

  • Kaitlyn votes to evict: Steve 

  • Angie votes to evict: Sam

Steve Arienta was evicted by a vote of 7-6.

Yes, that means Sam got to keep her power to use another week because she successfully escaped the block. The most surprising thing about this eviction was that Kaitlyn turned her back on her alliance and pulled the shocked face when Steve was sent out the door. 

Swaggy and Bayliegh did not know where to look when their ally was sent out because it confirmed to them that there was someone working both sides of the house, and that’s problematic for them. 

All told, the HOH competition was high stakes because each side of the house vied for the power to nominate for eviction. 

The houseguests were tasked with sending a ball into the air to hit a building with a number on it. Whichever one had the highest number would be crowned HOH. 

Kaitlyn slid into victory, meaning that she will have to pick a side and stick with it before the numbers start to drop. 

Julie also revealed that Sam’s power meant that if someone is evicted, they would play a competition live to get back into the game. 

As always, we’ll keep you up to speed with the latest Big Brother Spoilers!

What did you think of the first eviction?

Were you surprised?

Hit the comments below. 

Big Brother continues Sunday on CBS. 


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Evicted 30-Year-Old Michael Rotondo Packing Up After Altercation with Dad

Michael Rotondo — the 30-year-old man who was taken to court by his mom and dad to get him booted out of their house — is packing up to leave … but it has not gone smoothly. Rotondo tells TMZ … he called the cops on his father in the midst of…


Thursday, May 24, 2018

30-Year-Old Evicted Son Michael Rotondo Gets Job Offer from CamSoda

Michael Rotondo’s parents suing to get him evicted from their home is opening the door for the 30-year-old to get a job, right alongside the likes of Farrah Abraham … TMZ has learned. The day after his family court battle made headlines ……


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Evicted 30-Year-Old Michael Rotondo Says His Parents Aren"t Good People

Michael Rotondo, the 30-year-old man whose mom and dad sued to get him booted from their home, claims he’ll gladly leave … eventually … but he definitely won’t forgive his folks. Rotondo was on “TMZ Live” talking about the court case he lost.…


Evicted 30-Year-Old Michael Rotondo Says His Parents Aren"t Good People

Michael Rotondo, the 30-year-old man whose mom and dad sued to get him booted from their home, claims he’ll gladly leave … eventually … but he definitely won’t forgive his folks. Rotondo was on “TMZ Live” talking about the court case he lost.…


Saturday, February 10, 2018

Celebrity Big Brother Recap: Who Was Evicted?

We think it’s fair to say that Celebrity Big Brother has brought the drama throughout its first week on the air. 

We’ve had Brandi Glanville causing trouble, Omarosa wailing to Ross Matthews about how she would never vote for Donald Trump again and a big twist that allowed the head of household to be overthrown. 

The first big event of the episode was the Power of Veto competition, and if you’ve been keeping up with our Big Brother spoilers, you will already know how that played out. 

Keshia, James, and Chuck were players by default. Mark and Ari were picked by random draw, and Keshia chose Shannon to help her try and keep the nominations the same. 

Omarosa was tasked with hosting the competition that found the houseguests spelling the biggest word. Shannon emerged as the winner, successfully spelling out “responsibilities.”

That means Shannon won the first two competitions of the season and needs to dial it back a little if she has any hope of making it much further. 

Proving to be a competition beast in week one can be detrimental to your place in the game. It’s a good thing Shannon is in that all-female alliance because they should all keep each other safe. 

James and Ari came in the last place in the competition, so they had to wear baby costumes for 48 hours. They came to play Big Baby, it seems. 

The nominations were kept the same, meaning James or Chuck would be going home. This meant James was the likely one to go, but there were some last-minute discussions that made everyone question the target. 

Eviction One Votes:

  • Brandi Glanville votes to evict: Chuck

  • Ariadna Guiterrez votes to evict: Chuck

  • Omarosa votes to evict: James

  • Ross Mathews votes to evict: Chuck

  • Metta World Peace votes to evict: Chuck

  • Marissa Jaret Winokur votes to evict: Chuck

  • Shannon Elizabeth votes to evict: Chuck

  • Mark McGrath votes to evict: Chuck

By a vote of 7-1, Chuck was the first houseguest evicted from Celebrity Big Brother!

He was furious, but it was a last-minute blindside that will likely come back to haunt some of the players. 

Omarosa voting to evict James seemed like a strategic move to cause some unrest in the all-female alliance. It seems a bit early to be doing that, but we all knew she would be causing as much trouble as possible. 

The power is back up for grabs, and we cannot wait to see who has been crowned the next HOH. The results and should be announced today at some point. 

What do you think of the results?

Hit the comments below. 

Big Brother continues Sunday on CBS. 


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Amber Portwood: I"m Not Getting Evicted! Our Landlord Sucks!

Amber Portwood was on the verge of getting booted out of her rented home, and the Teen Mom: OG cast member says it"s all a misunderstanding.

One that resulted in her name being slandered.

Portwood took to the Internet along with her fiance, Matt Baier, to set the record on reports that Amber is being evicted for unpaid rent.

According to Amber, she not only never did anything wrong, but she"s settled the beef, and is pissed that the owner trashed her in public.

Kisby Enterprises filed court documents looking to remove Amber and Matt from the premises, claiming they owed $ 2,640 in back payments.

There was also alleged damage they did to the place. 

Amber and Matt Blair claim in the video below that they never missed a single payment throughout the time they"ve lived in the home.

Moreover, they put down an impressive $ 32,200 up front.

Apparently the engaged couple had a point, because Kisby Enterprises TMZ there has been an "unfortunate misunderstanding" over it.

Long story short: Amber and Matt are staying put.

The management company intends to withdraw the eviction filing, it says, though Amber and Matt are taking only limited solace in that.

Damage has been done to their reputations, they say, which may sound hard to believe given Matt"s reputation prior to this, but so be it.

As for Amber"s theory on why trigger-happy Kisby attempted to push the couple out, or was so quick to judge the two without merit?

See below, but we bet you can guess …

Amber portwood and matt baier were not getting evicted our landl

Monday, February 13, 2017

Amber Portwood: Sued & EVICTED For Failure to Pay Rent?!

In the past, Teen Mom fans have applauded Amber Portwood’s success story, citing it as evidence that anyone can change, and there’s no such thing as a hopeless case.

Now, however, it seems that the fan favorite has hit another rough patch, and viewers are beginning to wonder if her home life is really as stable as it seems.

Last month Portwood was sued for leaving her former rental home in a state of disarray and failing to pay rent for the last two months that she lived there.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Amber is facing eviction, for repeating the same irresponsible behaviors in her new home.

Court documents obtained by the site indicate that the landlord of Portwood and her fiance, Matt Baier, has begun eviction proceedings due to the couple’s repeated failure to pay rent.

“The Plaintiff complains of the defendant and says that on June 3, 2016 the Plaintiff rented to the Defendant at a rent of $ 2,200 per month,” the court filing reads.

“On February 8th 2017 said tenancy expired by the terms thereof for the reason late/unpaid rent, alterations to property without owner’s approval, excessive damage to property.”

An eviction hearing has been scheduled in Lawrence Township Small Claims Court on March 9.

It’s puzzling that Amber would fail to pat $ 2,200 in rent, considering recently released information about the Teen Mom stars’ salaries revealed that she’s doing quite well for herself.

The latest reports about her financial difficulties and erratic behavior have many fans concerned that Portwood is back on drugs.

Both she and Baier struggled with substance abuse over the years, but are reportedly clean and sober these days.

Of course, it’s difficult to imagine that two clean and sober parents with six figures in the bank could find themselves getting sued for failure to pay their modest rent twice within the span of a few months.

It seems likely that Amber is keeping something not only from fans, but from Teen Mom: OG producers as well.

Amber’s recent storylines on the show have mostly centered around her successful efforts to rebuild her life.

While some fans have expressed concerns over her engagement to Baier, for the most part, she seems to have turned things around from the days when she was imprisoned for assault.

So the news that she may be struggling to keep a roof over her head is surprising, to say the least.

Watch Teen Mom online to relive the bumpy road that brought Amber to this point.


Monday, December 19, 2016

Joe Mixon Evicted from Oklahoma Apartment ... Get Out, Deadbeat!

More trouble for Oklahoma football star Joe Mixon — who was evicted from his campus-area apartment after falling behind on the rent … TMZ Sports has learned.


Monday, October 31, 2016

NBA"s Joe Johnson -- Being Evicted In Miami ... You Burned Us On Rent!

NBA star Joe Johnson — who’s made nearly $ 200 MILLION in the NBA — is being evicted from his lavish Miami condo … after building owners claim he stiffed them on rent for months!  TMZ Sports has obtained court docs filed in Miami in which…


Friday, August 5, 2016

Big Brother Recap: Did the Evicted Houseguest Have A Return Ticket?

That was one crazy hour of Big Brother!

We picked up in the aftermath of Da’vonne being named the replacement nominee. 

She immediately went to grill Paul about what was going on in the house, but he gave her a poor excuse for being on the block. 

He tried to imply that if anyone else was up, they’d be overreacting and he trusted Da’vonne not to do that. 

Sounds more like a threat. Right?

Da’vonne then walked in on Paulie and Bridgette conspiring against her, so she figured the plan out. 

Da’vonne chatted with Natalie, Zakiyah and Michelle, who all confirmed Da’vonne would be staying.

Just next door, the rest of the house were talking targets for the double eviction. 

Da’vonne barged in to see what they were talking about and James made a mistake by saying the double eviction targets would be Victor and Bridgette. 

How could Bridgette be a target if she was already meant to be out by that point?

Everyone else in the room couldn’t have looked more guilty even if they tried. 

Nicole looked like she was laughing. I can’t really blame Nicole. Da’vonne made it clear she was gunning for her. 

Da’vonne then went in to get the truth from James, but he and Natalie continued to lie to her face. 

You can understand why they’re getting rid of her. If the rest of the house is, they would stick out like a sore thumb if they didn’t.

At the eviction ceremony, Da’vonne was evicted by a vote of 6-2.

She only hugged Zakiyah and James on the way out the door, but she whispered to Victor that he was a target. 

It was then revealed that Da’vonne had a one way ticket and would become the first member of the jury house. 

The HOH competition got underway. It was endurance, but anyone could really win it. 

Who do you want to win?

Hit the comments below!

Friday, July 1, 2016

Big Brother Recap: Who Was Evicted?

Was that one of the best blindsides in Big Brother history?

The Eight Pack alliance continued to chat about getting rid of Jozea, but Jozea and his alliance were so sure that they had the majority in the house. 

BB18 Julie

Jozea made a random claim that Paulie was the road kill champion, but this was probably made up to further sway the rest of the house to send the Calafiore brother packing. 

Nicole was less than impressed when she found out about Bridgette spying on the HOH crew. Her anger was further fueled when Zakiyah informed her that Bridgette said that Nicole’s her enemy. 

Nicole has not done a thing to Bridgette, so the fact that she’s targeting her so openly proves that these newbies are playing a horrible game. 

James tried to lighten the mood up a bit in the house and played a prank on Natalie. He replaced her face cream with mayo, but she never noticed. 

Bronte used it after and the reaction on her face was hilarious. Natalie and Bronte got revenge on him, but the three of them were just laughing by the end of it. 

Victor and Paul pressured Jozea into speaking with Nicole in the event of a tie. Jozea did not want to talk to her, but he knew he had to. 

Nicole knew what he was up to, but she played along with it. Jozea even tried crying to her. Say what you want about Nicole, but she can play this game better than anyone else in that house. 

A last minute argument almost made the Spy Girls vote Jozea out. Jozea got so jealous when James and the Spy Girls were chatting and James ushered him out of the room. 

Clearly Jozea wants to be part of every single house meeting. It’s not like he invites everyone to his, so there’s that. Why bother inviting him if he’s the Messiah of Big Brother?

Jozea and his alliance members were shocked to the core when he was evicted. It really shook his alliance members who were so sure that Paulie was leaving. 

The Eight Pack just sat with no expression on their faces. Well played!

At his interview, Jozea went back on a lot of the stuff he said in the game and even thought that Natalie voted to evict him, so if he gets back in the game you can expect him to target her. 

Julie let him in on the news about the potential of going back into the game in three weeks. He was ecstatic. 

This is all part of the latest twist and the winner will go back in the house in a special Friday airing on July 22. 

The drama continued to mount as the houseguests went to play in the latest HOH competition.

They were in their teams and had to move berries over an obstacle and whichever team wins gets to decide the new HOH. Julie said goodnight to the houseguests just as Natalie was disqualified. 

That didn’t take too long!

Who do you want to win the HOH? Who will be evicted next?

Hit the comments below!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Amber Portwood: Matt Baier EVICTED for Bailing on Rent!

And the hits just keep on coming.

Over the past few weeks, we’ve learned that Amber Portwood’s fiance Matt Baier has a surprise total of eight children with six different women AND owes them all thousands of dollars in child support.

Now, we discover that the deadbeat dad was evicted from his home in Massachusetts just before he moved to Indiana to be with Amber.

And why did the landlord kick him out? You guessed it – because he didn’t pay the rent.

In September of 2014, the South Winds Apartments in Fall River slapped Baier with a notice to vacate the premises for failure to pay two months’ rent, according to court documents obtained by Radar Online.

He ignored the warning and was scheduled to appear in a court hearing on the matter. Naturally, he blew it off and was ordered to pay the management company $ 1,515.79 in a default judgment. 

And surprise, surprise! That’s just about the same time he moved into Amber’s home in Indianapolis.

How convenient.

And here’s a weird-n-creepy twist. It seems that Baier tried to nab himself a different Teen Mom earlier that year.

He had tweeted Farrah Abraham multiple times, telling her she was beautiful and even asking her out on a date. Farrah ignored him, and he began tweeting obsessively about Jenelle Evans.

Eventually, he moved on to Amber, and she was the sucker that fell for the guy. 

To the naked eye, it would seem as though he figured a Teen Mom would make an excellent meal ticket.

Baier’s ex-fiance and baby mama #6, Kelli Maguire Nunn, described him as “a good conman.” We also know he’s an ex-con with an extensive rap sheet.

Amber has defended her fiance numerous times, but come on. It doesn’t take a genius to see that this guy is the WORST.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Tyga Getting EVICTED! Landlord Wants Him OUT!

Look out, Kylie Jenner. A homeless person may be seeking shelter on your doorstep any day now, and when we say homeless person, we mean your BOYFRIEND.

That’s right, Tyga’s landlord is reportedly trying to evict the rapper from the Hollywood Hills home he currently rents for $ 17,000 a month.

Although we don’t know the specific reason the landlord wants him out, Gossip Cop confirmed that Tyga was served with an unlawful detainer notice last week, a legal action a landlord can take if the tenant broke the terms of the lease.

Sadly, this doesn’t come as a complete shock.

Earlier this month we reported that Tyga is totally broke and owed $ 88,469 in back rent plus more than $ 35,000 in interest for failing to pay his landlord while living in a rental in Tarzana, Calif.

“According to the documents filed in Los Angeles County, T-Raww was flat broke at the time of his 2010 filing – he listed his assets at between $ 0 and $ 50,000,” Radar Online reported.

“His liabilities, on the other hand, were listed at between $ 100,000 and $ 500,000.”

Maybe Tyga should start asking for loans from Mark Zuckerberg. Of course, he’s got to get in line behind Kylie’s brother-in-law Kanye West.

So it seems all this time Tyga’s just been pretending to be a baller, giving his girlfriend a $ 320,000 car and partying like a rock star. 

It’s just simple math, Ty. Don’t spend money you don’t have. The logic is staggering.

We wonder if Tyga will try to mooch off his rich girlfriend, who owns a $ 2.7 million mansion in Calabasas.

But that would kinda cramp his style when he wants to cheat and gallivant about with her lookalike.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Farrah Abraham: Evicted, BOOED on Celebrity Big Brother!

Farrah Abraham has been evicted from the UK"s Celebrity Big Brother, bringing an end to a surprisingly long, entertaining run this summer.

She went out with a bang, at least, and a chorus of boos.

The UK audience"s reaction when she left the premises and entered the studio right outside the door to the Big Brother house? Hilarious.

If you missed Farrah exposing her awfulness to an entire new continent over the past few weeks, perhaps the boos weren"t a huge shock.

After all, the 23-year-old Backdoor Teen Mom …

You get the gist. When she wasn"t declaring herself better than Kim Kardashian, she was causing one conflict after another in the house.

Of course, if you"re watching Big Brother or its Celebrity counterpart, the unhinged villain is a big part of what makes you tune in, right?

Exactly. So boo away, but do it with admiration.

Farrah abraham evicted booed on celebrity big brother