Showing posts with label Household. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Household. Show all posts

Friday, July 6, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Who Was Evicted First? Who"s The New Head of Household?

It was the end of the line for one houseguest on Thursday’s episode of Big Brother, and the oddest thing about the hour was the lack of campaigning from either party. 

Maybe Sam Bledsoe knew that she was safe either way with her power, but Steve was sitting a little too pretty for my liking. Luckily for both nominees, their fellow houseguests were deliberating right up until the eviction ceremony. 

Seriously though, the Big Brother live feeds have been on fire the last few days with all of the backstabbings, and it’s only going to get crazier from here on out as the battle lines are drawn by the end of this hour. 

It’s bizarre, but CBS opted to make viewers sit through the obnoxious relationship that is Faysal and Haleigh instead of showing the back and forth. 

It’s Week Two, and we already have two showmances, with one of them about to become a love triangle. Bayliegh and Swaggy C (that name will never stop sounding ridiculous!) are paired off, and it seems Faysal and Haleigh are, too. 

There’s always trouble in paradise in the Big Brother house, and it seems that Kaitlyn is pissed about the latter pairing. The awkward thing about all of it is that she has a thing for Faysal but has been open about having someone back home. 

We thought with Kaitlyn being a life coach she would be able to get her $ hit together, but it seems that she’s losing that spark we noticed in her upon entering the house. 

Could it be that Big Brother took her crystals and oils off her when she entered the house? Should we get Spencer Pratt on the line to ask him if this is a common side effect to not having his crystals? 

In any case, the eviction rolled around, and it was always going to be a close call with the two alliances having a similar amount of players. 

Week 1 Votes:

  • Scottie votes to evict: Sam J

  • C votes to evict: Steve

  • Chris votes to evict: Sam

  • Bayleigh votes to evict: Sam 

  • Rachel votes to evict: Steve 

  • Kaycee votes to evict: Steve 

  • Faysal votes to evict: Sam 

  • Haleigh votes to evict: Sam 

  • Angela votes to evict: Steve 

  • Brett votes to evict: Steve 

  • Winston votes to evict: Steve 

  • Kaitlyn votes to evict: Steve 

  • Angie votes to evict: Sam

Steve Arienta was evicted by a vote of 7-6.

Yes, that means Sam got to keep her power to use another week because she successfully escaped the block. The most surprising thing about this eviction was that Kaitlyn turned her back on her alliance and pulled the shocked face when Steve was sent out the door. 

Swaggy and Bayliegh did not know where to look when their ally was sent out because it confirmed to them that there was someone working both sides of the house, and that’s problematic for them. 

All told, the HOH competition was high stakes because each side of the house vied for the power to nominate for eviction. 

The houseguests were tasked with sending a ball into the air to hit a building with a number on it. Whichever one had the highest number would be crowned HOH. 

Kaitlyn slid into victory, meaning that she will have to pick a side and stick with it before the numbers start to drop. 

Julie also revealed that Sam’s power meant that if someone is evicted, they would play a competition live to get back into the game. 

As always, we’ll keep you up to speed with the latest Big Brother Spoilers!

What did you think of the first eviction?

Were you surprised?

Hit the comments below. 

Big Brother continues Sunday on CBS. 


Thursday, September 21, 2017

"70s Pop Superstar Loses Finger in Household Accident

Let’s just say Tony Orlando will NOT be knocking three times on a ceiling anytime soon — not with his left hand, anyway. The ’70s pop star — who sang ‘Tie a Yellow Ribbon’ and “Knock Three Times” — sliced the tip of his middle finger clean off in…


Friday, July 14, 2017

Big Brother Spoilers: Head of Household and Target Revealed!

There was a lot riding on the latest Head of Household competition. Jessica had just lost Cody, and Alex did not want the dominant group to be in power again. 

With Christmas at the hospital, she was out of the running for the competition and Julie said she would not have been able to compete even if she wanted to. 

The endurance competitions are generally filled with drama because they push all of the houseguests to the brink as they try to hold on for as long as possible. 

With the wall raising back and forth, it was evident some of the houseguests were going to be nauseous. The first person out was Josh, and he was not impressed. 

He quickly started asking Paul about who the third vote could have been. Paul played dumb and acted piss, saying that someone in his alliance was going rogue. 

Mark fell from his podium during a break in the feeds, but it was clear the competition was not built for the bigger framed houseguests. Mark tried to grill Paul about the Ramses vote, but they could not come to a plausible conclusion about what happened. 

Raven was third out and did not take it well. She wanted this to be her chance to prove to her allies that she was a worthy competitor. Kevin and Ramses fell right after one another. 

Matt, Jessica, and Dominique were next off, leaving Elena, Jason, and Alex in the running for the win. Jason made a deal with the two women to keep him safe. 

He dropped out of the competition, leaving Elena and Alex to duke it out for the win. Elena made a deal to protect herself and dropped out of the competition. 

Alex won Head of Household!

This is an interesting change in power from previous weeks, and she’s becoming a fan-favorite force in the house, so we’re all for her rise to power. 

She has already said she would put Jessica up to keep the house happy, but she is not ruling out a backdoor option. Christmas is high on her list. 

We don’t quite know why, but we’re sure it will make for an exciting week ahead. 

Also, she wants to put Dominique up with Jessica, so that’s sure to make some waves for her. 

A wise move for her would be to work with Paul for the time being because she does not have the numbers. 

As always, we’ll keep you up to speed with the latest developments as they occur. 

What do you think of the latest developments?

Sound off below!


Friday, July 7, 2017

Big Brother Spoilers: Who Is The New Head of Household?

With a shocking Big Brother blindside out of the way, the houseguests settled in for the latest Head of Household competition. 

There was a lot riding on the competition because of the division in the lead up to Jillian’s shock eviction. 

Jessica and Cody got confirmation that their alliance was over, so their only hope was that Jessica would win. 

Unfortunately for them, Paul won the competition, and he is very closely associated with their former allies, so it would be silly for him to not to get one of the big targets out of the game. 

As of this morning, Paul’s plan is to nominate Matt and Raven to backdoor Jessica or Cody if the opportunity presents itself. 

It’s not the silliest decision, but what if Ramses or someone else not in the alliance wins and keeps the nominations the same? 

It would mean getting rid of one of his own numbers, and it would likely turn the rest of the alliance against him. His best bet would be to put up Alex with one person from his side. 

Alex has proven she’s a competition beast, so taking herself off would not ruffle as many feathers. 

The twists thus far have successfully divided the house, and that’s precisely the type of game of Big Brother we at home want to watch. 

It should be interesting to watch Cody and Jessica try to become friends with Paul again. Ultimately, Paul needs to build relationships that will keep him safe when his immunity runs out. 

He has a solid team going right now, but he needs to figure out whether he wants to extend the olive branch to Josh before he moves over to Jessica and Cody. 

We will likely get more clarity on Paul’s decision later today, and there will be a lot of drama when the nominations occur. 

What do you think of Paul being the new Head of Household?

Sound off below!


Friday, July 1, 2016

Big Brother Spoilers: Who Is Head Of Household?

Last night’s episode of Big Brother ended just as the HOH competition was getting underway, so we didn’t have any idea who was going to emerge victorious. 

Paulie won the HOH. 

Big Brother HOH Comp #2

This was obviously a bitter pill to swallow for Victor and Paul, who were pretty vocal about getting Paulie out of the house.

James revealed to his alliance members that he threw the competition so that there was no way that Paul, or Bronte could become HOH. 

He noted that he doesn’t like to throw competitions, but he had to do it to ensure the Eight Pack make it out of next week unscathed. 

Paulie is not part of the Eight Pack right now and he’s probably a little bit miffed with Nicole for putting him up for eviction, but would he really return the favor and send her to the block?

Nicole was all over him last night because she obviously knew she could go up as a pawn. It’s not like she wouldn’t deserve it. 

Paulie confided in Zakiya about his plans going forward and he made it clear that he would be targeting Victor for eviction. 

He wants that whole side of the house gone for conspiring to take him out. Rightfully so!

This could end up ruining Paulie’s game, so expect Cody to have some tips for him in his HOH letter. It wouldn’t be all that surprising if Cody tells him to put Nicole up. 

If Paulie goes full steam ahead with trying to get Victor and the Spy Girls out, then there’s a good chance they will target him again. 

Paulie was a little annoyed when he learned that Frank notified Victor prior to the eviction that Jozea was getting blindsided. 

We didn’t know that while watching the episode last night and Victor still looked shocked, so he obviously kept Jozea in the dark about it all. 

Considering Jozea could be back in the game in a few weeks, expect him to be out for blood!

Big Brother continues on Sunday at 8/7C on CBS. 

We’ll keep you updated on the next nominations and road kill winner. 

It’s going to be an interesting week in the Big Brother house!