Friday, July 7, 2017

Big Brother Spoilers: Who Is The New Head of Household?

With a shocking Big Brother blindside out of the way, the houseguests settled in for the latest Head of Household competition. 

There was a lot riding on the competition because of the division in the lead up to Jillian’s shock eviction. 

Jessica and Cody got confirmation that their alliance was over, so their only hope was that Jessica would win. 

Unfortunately for them, Paul won the competition, and he is very closely associated with their former allies, so it would be silly for him to not to get one of the big targets out of the game. 

As of this morning, Paul’s plan is to nominate Matt and Raven to backdoor Jessica or Cody if the opportunity presents itself. 

It’s not the silliest decision, but what if Ramses or someone else not in the alliance wins and keeps the nominations the same? 

It would mean getting rid of one of his own numbers, and it would likely turn the rest of the alliance against him. His best bet would be to put up Alex with one person from his side. 

Alex has proven she’s a competition beast, so taking herself off would not ruffle as many feathers. 

The twists thus far have successfully divided the house, and that’s precisely the type of game of Big Brother we at home want to watch. 

It should be interesting to watch Cody and Jessica try to become friends with Paul again. Ultimately, Paul needs to build relationships that will keep him safe when his immunity runs out. 

He has a solid team going right now, but he needs to figure out whether he wants to extend the olive branch to Josh before he moves over to Jessica and Cody. 

We will likely get more clarity on Paul’s decision later today, and there will be a lot of drama when the nominations occur. 

What do you think of Paul being the new Head of Household?

Sound off below!
