Friday, July 7, 2017

Big Brother Recap: An Exciting Blindside

We’ve been wondering all week long now who would be making their exit from the Big Brother house after Cody blindsided both Paul and Christmas. 

Thankfully, we picked up moments after Wednesday’s episode left off and it was an exciting episode. Christmas immediately called Cody out for not sticking to his word. 

Cody was upset because his big plan backfired, and he found himself on the outs with his allies. Even Jessica was shocked because Cody kept his plan a secret. 

This did not sit well with her because she had Paul and Christmas yelling at her about keeping them in the dark. Jessica tried to turn the tables, saying Paul lied to them about the three-week immunity. 

His response that he kept the secret to find out who was looking out for him made sense. If he did not have that pendant, he would have likely been heading home. 

Matt, Raven, and Elena pulled Paul aside to let him know they had no idea what was going on, and they collectively agreed to evict Jillian and keep Christmas. 

Jessica appeared in the room and said that Christmas was now going to be targeting her, so it would not be beneficial to her game to keep the strong competitor in the game. 

Paul then worked on Josh and Kevin for their votes. As expected, Josh wanted to stick with Paul, but he stressed in the DR that he was looking out for himself. 

Kevin was on the fence because he felt like Cody protected him. Jason was in the same boat because Cody did not put him up, so he felt he owed Cody the vote. 

Alex and Ramses revealed their intention to send Christmas packing because they were in an alliance with Jillian. Jillian seemed to sit around the house for much of the week, thinking she had the votes. 

Even after breaking her foot, Christmas was still campaigning and had her friends doing the same for her. 

At the live vote, Christmas called Cody and Jessica out, branding them liars and the whole house looked shocked to the core. 

When it was revealed that Jillian was evicted by a vote of 8-4, she looked like she was going to burst into tears. She thought it was going to be a tie and that Cody was going to break it. 

Yeah, because that always happens in Big Brother. 

When Jillian exited the house, Jessica raged at Christmas for calling her out in front of the house, but we cut to a commercial break.

The houseguests then competed in a Candy Crush inspired HOH competition. 

If you want to find out who won, keep up to speed with our Big Brother Spoilers

What do you think of all the crazy developments?

Sound off below!
