Friday, July 1, 2016

Big Brother Recap: Who Was Evicted?

Was that one of the best blindsides in Big Brother history?

The Eight Pack alliance continued to chat about getting rid of Jozea, but Jozea and his alliance were so sure that they had the majority in the house. 

BB18 Julie

Jozea made a random claim that Paulie was the road kill champion, but this was probably made up to further sway the rest of the house to send the Calafiore brother packing. 

Nicole was less than impressed when she found out about Bridgette spying on the HOH crew. Her anger was further fueled when Zakiyah informed her that Bridgette said that Nicole’s her enemy. 

Nicole has not done a thing to Bridgette, so the fact that she’s targeting her so openly proves that these newbies are playing a horrible game. 

James tried to lighten the mood up a bit in the house and played a prank on Natalie. He replaced her face cream with mayo, but she never noticed. 

Bronte used it after and the reaction on her face was hilarious. Natalie and Bronte got revenge on him, but the three of them were just laughing by the end of it. 

Victor and Paul pressured Jozea into speaking with Nicole in the event of a tie. Jozea did not want to talk to her, but he knew he had to. 

Nicole knew what he was up to, but she played along with it. Jozea even tried crying to her. Say what you want about Nicole, but she can play this game better than anyone else in that house. 

A last minute argument almost made the Spy Girls vote Jozea out. Jozea got so jealous when James and the Spy Girls were chatting and James ushered him out of the room. 

Clearly Jozea wants to be part of every single house meeting. It’s not like he invites everyone to his, so there’s that. Why bother inviting him if he’s the Messiah of Big Brother?

Jozea and his alliance members were shocked to the core when he was evicted. It really shook his alliance members who were so sure that Paulie was leaving. 

The Eight Pack just sat with no expression on their faces. Well played!

At his interview, Jozea went back on a lot of the stuff he said in the game and even thought that Natalie voted to evict him, so if he gets back in the game you can expect him to target her. 

Julie let him in on the news about the potential of going back into the game in three weeks. He was ecstatic. 

This is all part of the latest twist and the winner will go back in the house in a special Friday airing on July 22. 

The drama continued to mount as the houseguests went to play in the latest HOH competition.

They were in their teams and had to move berries over an obstacle and whichever team wins gets to decide the new HOH. Julie said goodnight to the houseguests just as Natalie was disqualified. 

That didn’t take too long!

Who do you want to win the HOH? Who will be evicted next?

Hit the comments below!