Friday, July 1, 2016

Demi Lovato: Topless on New Single Cover!

Demi Lovato thought she’d be dead by now.

Thank heaven and earth that she is not.

This is the cover for her new single, “Body Say.”

What would your body say if you saw this?

We don’t even need to answer that question, because it’s obvious: Demi is basically the definition of sexy these days if you ask us.

Why? Because if nothing else, Lovato is authentic.

Hot, for damn sure, and moderately talented, yes. But you always know that Demi she speaks from the heart, and that sets her apart.

Demi has been open and honest about her struggles with cutting, self-esteem, eating disorders, substance abuse and so on down the line.

By being so imperfect, she is practically perfect.

What other celebrity can publicly lament what is wrong with the world today in such a way that shines a beacon of light upon it simultaneously?

Even when she does annoying things like quitting and returning to Twitter within 24 hours, you can chalk it up to her being a real human.

She’s her own person, trolls/haters be damned.

Typically, topless photos are ideal if the topless subject faces the camera, showing off their face and potentially other attributes as well.

Again, though. We’ll forgive her. She’s human.