Thursday, July 28, 2016

Kim Kardashian is JUST Like Adele, Kanye Claims

All September issues require a major PR push, and what’s a more effective way of selling magazine copies than putting Kim Kardashian and Kanye West on your cover?

The brilliant minds behind Harper’s Bazaar did just that, letting the power couple do what they do best: Talk incessantly about themselves and each other.

And because selfies are to Kardashian and West what air and water are to the rest of humanity, their shoot (helmed by Karl Lagerfeld) stayed trued to a selfie theme.

When asked what their favorite pose is, Kim said she loves “a selfie in the mirror.”

West’s answer was a bit more descriptive.

“I love her nude selfies. Like, I love the ones from the side, the back ones, and the front,” West siad.

“I just love seeing her naked; I love nudity. And I love beautiful shapes. I feel like it’s almost a Renaissance thing, a painting, a modern version of a painting.

“I think it’s important for Kim to have her figure. To not show it would be like Adele not singing.”

I’m sure that Adele would love to learn that a world without Kim Kardashian selfies is like a world without the heavenly sound of Adele’s voice.  Because one is exactly like the other.

Quite frankly, I could do without selfies in general, let alone nude selfies.  I’d rather listen to “Hello” or even my least favorite Adele song, “Chasing Pavements” 1600 times in a row than see one more person make a duck face and post it to Instagram or Snapchat.

In case you missed it, Kardashian also went to great lengths to explain that the nude selfie that sparked a fight with Bette Midler is one that she’s damn proud of.

“I was about to get in the shower; I took a nude selfie, kept it in my phone for over a year,” Kardashian said.

“I just liked the picture, so I was like,’Let me put censor bars on it and post it.’ I don’t do things to be like, ‘This is powerful. I’m going to show you guys that this is my ‘message.”’ I’m not that type of person.

“I’m empowered by it, but I’m not doing it specifically to show power.”

Cool, but that photo doesn’t have the same effect as an Adele performance.  I just want that on the record.