Thursday, July 28, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: Smoking While Pregnant?!?

Lindsay Lohan appeared to be making some progress this week.

Over the weekend, the often-troubled actress returned to making headlines for all the wrong reasons, getting into a very public fight with her fiance, Egor Tarabasov.

The world was made aware of their argument because Lohan went on an Instagram rant in which she accused Tarabasov of cheating on her with a Russian hooker.

Soon afterward, video surfaced of Lindsay and Tarabasov engaged in a screaming match outside their London apartment, one that included Lindsay yelling the following:

“Please please please. He just strangled me…He almost killed me…

“Do it. I dare you again. You’re f*****g crazy. You sick f**k. You need help. It’s my house get out of my house.”

From there, Lohan told the public to butt out of her private business, despite Lohan clearly being the one who made it public.

But then the turnaround! Then the sign of maturity!

Lohan actually apologized for her actions, writing on social media on Tuesday:

“I am taking time for myself with good friends. I am sorry that I’ve exposed certain private matters recently. I was acting out of fear and sadness… We all make mistakes.”

Fair enough, right?


The actress was spotted in a pink-and-white floral bikini while aboard a luxury yacht in Italy yesterday, soaking up the sun with friends and stirring a brand new controversy:

Witnesses say she was smoking a cigarette.

And just why is this a big deal?

Because Lohan is pregnant!

Michael Lohan confirmed this pregnancy himself, and he’s actually on good terms with his daughter these days. There’s no reason not to believe him.

If this really is the case, the following People Magazine report is very disturbing.

The online version of this publication just wrote the following, regarding Lohan on the aforementioned yacht:

Lohan was also spotted smoking cigarettes on several occasions, and walking around with a pack of cigarettes and a lighter in her hand.

Lohan first sparked talk about a rumored pregnancy after she Tweeted an image of herself wearing a phony baby bump from her 2009 movie Labor Pains and captioned it with “I’m pregnant!”

The Tweet has since been deleted.

But questions remain.

Lohan’s father, then told People on Wednesday that his daughter confirmed her pregnancy news to him via text message earlier this week.

“She texted me and said [she was pregnant],” he said. “I’m going to believe what she says.”

And if this is the case, hey, more power to Lohan. We wish her luck.

And we beg her to put down the cigarettes.