Thursday, July 28, 2016

Dad Makes Children Sign Detailed Dog Contract

They say that a dog is Man’s Best Man.

But only under certain conditions.

dog and contract

Isn’t that right, rjohnstone13?

A reddit user who goes by this name has shared a photo online of a contract he made his kids sign prior to the family bringing home a new four-legged friend.

It hits on all the important points, ensuring that the responsibility for the canine does not get forgotten about by the kids within days of him joining his new pack.

For instance:

The first couple points cover poop.

The next couple deal with the animal’s size and propensity to shed.

Then there’s the matter of scratching and the topic of baths and the vital point that a “dog is a dog.” All parties must agree to this.

Seriously, dogs are awesome. But they are not people.

Here. Click on the following photo to see the dog contract in full:

rjohnstone13 then went ahead and shared an update on social media, after his initial post went viral.

Turns out, the contract is two years old.

Two weeks after contract was signed, we got a three-year-old white fluffy mutt from a shelter that weighs 15 lbs., was already house trained and doesn’t shed or drool. We named him Kershaw (veto power not exercised).

It’s been two years, and the kids (now ages 12, 13 and 15) have been pretty good about doing everything.

Kershaw eats dry dog food from Trader Joe’s, and so far hasn’t created any indoor messes that have required the use of harmful cleaning chemicals.

Everyone (including dad) adores the dog, which has been a fantastic addition to (though not member of) our family.

And, of course, here’s a photo of Kershaw.


Isn’t he a cute little guy? We mean… little kid.

We mean dog. He’s a cute little dog.