Showing posts with label Sign'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sign'. Show all posts

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Dad Makes Children Sign Detailed Dog Contract

They say that a dog is Man’s Best Man.

But only under certain conditions.

dog and contract

Isn’t that right, rjohnstone13?

A reddit user who goes by this name has shared a photo online of a contract he made his kids sign prior to the family bringing home a new four-legged friend.

It hits on all the important points, ensuring that the responsibility for the canine does not get forgotten about by the kids within days of him joining his new pack.

For instance:

The first couple points cover poop.

The next couple deal with the animal’s size and propensity to shed.

Then there’s the matter of scratching and the topic of baths and the vital point that a “dog is a dog.” All parties must agree to this.

Seriously, dogs are awesome. But they are not people.

Here. Click on the following photo to see the dog contract in full:

rjohnstone13 then went ahead and shared an update on social media, after his initial post went viral.

Turns out, the contract is two years old.

Two weeks after contract was signed, we got a three-year-old white fluffy mutt from a shelter that weighs 15 lbs., was already house trained and doesn’t shed or drool. We named him Kershaw (veto power not exercised).

It’s been two years, and the kids (now ages 12, 13 and 15) have been pretty good about doing everything.

Kershaw eats dry dog food from Trader Joe’s, and so far hasn’t created any indoor messes that have required the use of harmful cleaning chemicals.

Everyone (including dad) adores the dog, which has been a fantastic addition to (though not member of) our family.

And, of course, here’s a photo of Kershaw.


Isn’t he a cute little guy? We mean… little kid.

We mean dog. He’s a cute little dog.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Nick Cannon REFUSING to Sign Mariah Carey Divorce Papers: Why??

Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey are STILL married, everyone.

Technically, that is.

Even though Mariah became engaged to James Packer in January and sports a gargantuan 35-carat diamond engagement ring the business mogul gave her.

The scoop is that Mariah has been beseeching her ex Nick to sign off on the divorce papers, but he keeps stalling and won’t say why, reports TMZ.

It’s kind of odd, because Nick was the one who filed for divorce in 2014, but it seems he’s having a change of heart.

Sources have told the site that he really just doesn’t want to let Mariah go.

Everything’s been settled – including the property deal and custody arrangement for the couple’s kids – so all that’s missing is Nick’s John Hancock to make the divorce official.

Understandably, Mariah is frustrated and wants to move forward with her fiance, but sources say Nick is making that difficult.

Since the split, all has appeared amicable between the former flames.

When Mariah announced her engagement, Nick wished the couple well and even shared a hilarious meme poking fun at himself on Instagram.

Nick Cannon reacts to Mariah

In the caption, Nick wrote:

“Ha! This made me laugh out loud for real!!! HILARIOUS! #AllLove Congrats to @MariahCarey and James! May God Bless Your Future Union… #GreatPeople #GreatCouple”

Additionally, when the couple split, he vowed never to utter a bad word about his ex and mother of his children.

“I will never say anything negative about @MariahCarey. We are forever a family rooted in love,” he promised.

So why won’t he sign? Smells like something’s going on behind the scenes that hasn’t come out yet.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Florida Woman Sees Sign from God in Baby"s Poop

A woman in Florida would like to remind everyone that God is everywhere.

Sometimes, He speaks to us through famous spoiled brats in trees.

Other times, He sends us messages through the feces of our children.

According to one user on Facebook, that is. 

We don’t know her name, but we do know that she resides in the Sunshine State (shocking, right?) and she believes that the power of Jesus recently resided in her son’s dirty diaper.

Upon changing him, she noticed that his poop looks eerily like a cross and felt compelled to tell the Internet all about it.

“Sometimes in our busy, crazy, hectic lives, we forgot how wonderful God is,” the woman opened her post, adding:

“Today I feel as though he sent me a sign. Saying everything will be okay. I’m right here by your side.”

And just what was this miraculous sign?

“I went to change [my son’s] diaper and he pooped a cross,” she explained.

“It might not be the prettiest sign, but he put it where he knew I’d see it. In my babies diaper. Lol. Hard to miss what’s right in front of you.”

So we’re sorry. But now that piece of poop is right in front of YOU.

What do you think? Is this really a cross? It is really a sign from the Almighty?

“If you can, or want to, feel free to share the message. That God is with us. And he gives us signs to let us know that things will be OK,” she continued.

“We’re good most of the time, but God is good all the time. We are one in love yes. Amen.”

Look: If you think you see signs from God in unusual places and if you take this as inspiration that He’s watching out for you and this helps you get by in life in any way at all… awesome.

More power to you. Carry on, by all means.

Faith is a magical and mystical concept and who are we to judge what someone believes in his or her heart?

Except maybe when it comes to thinking that God is talking to you through your child’s poop.

Go ahead and share that on Facebook if you want. Just expect a bit of mockery if you do so.

Especially when other Florida women don’t exactly help your whole sanity defense. To wit:

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Kylie Jenner: KISSING Ty Dolla Sign After Tyga Breakup??

Now that Kylie Jenner has finally ditched Tyga, a new claim reports she’s already moved on to another rapper we’ve never heard of.

And he’s way too old for her and his name begins with “Ty,” too.

Guess the girl’s got a TYpe? (Sorry. Why are puns so hard to resist?)

Anyhoo, this new rapper is called Ty Dolla Sign (or $ ign, depending on where you’re reading it), and at age 31, he’s even older (and if this report is true, creepier) than Tyga.

Kylie was caught canoodling with Ty Dolla Thursday night at the NYLON Young Hollywood event, where she was also partying with Scott Disick, according to MediaTakeOut.

A source tells the site the rapper was seen with his arm around the teenager and kissing her neck.

“No one is supposed to know because Ty has a girlfriend,” claims the source, who the site calls a “top snitch.”

“But he and Kylie have been low key seeing each other for a while,” continued the source. “I don’t think he and Kylie have been together for at least a couple of weeks.”

Well, that last sentence didn’t make any sense but we’ll just assume they mean the Kylie and Ty have been a thing for two weeks.

“They were in the VIP area where no cameras were allowed,” added the source.


This story has not been widely reported, probably because MTO is not necessarily regarded as the most accurate of sources.

They do, however, insist that “This is NOT rumor, it’s 100% FACTS in here.”

But, hey, it’s gossip, so we’ll let you decide if you believe it.

Tyga has not commented on this report, but he did tell paparazzi yesterday that he still loves Kylie, and always will.

Kylie Jenner: KISSING Ty Dolla Sign After Tyga Breakup??

Now that Kylie Jenner has finally ditched Tyga, a new claim reports she’s already moved on to another rapper we’ve never heard of.

And he’s way too old for her and his name begins with “Ty,” too.

Guess the girl’s got a TYpe? (Sorry. Why are puns so hard to resist?)

Anyhoo, this new rapper is called Ty Dolla Sign (or $ ign, depending on where you’re reading it), and at age 31, he’s even older (and if this report is true, creepier) than Tyga.

Kylie was caught canoodling with Ty Dolla Thursday night at the NYLON Young Hollywood event, where she was also partying with Scott Disick, according to MediaTakeOut.

A source tells the site the rapper was seen with his arm around the teenager and kissing her neck.

“No one is supposed to know because Ty has a girlfriend,” claims the source, who the site calls a “top snitch.”

“But he and Kylie have been low key seeing each other for a while,” continued the source. “I don’t think he and Kylie have been together for at least a couple of weeks.”

Well, that last sentence didn’t make any sense but we’ll just assume they mean the Kylie and Ty have been a thing for two weeks.

“They were in the VIP area where no cameras were allowed,” added the source.


This story has not been widely reported, probably because MTO is not necessarily regarded as the most accurate of sources.

They do, however, insist that “This is NOT rumor, it’s 100% FACTS in here.”

But, hey, it’s gossip, so we’ll let you decide if you believe it.

Tyga has not commented on this report, but he did tell paparazzi yesterday that he still loves Kylie, and always will.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Selena Gomez Crumples Up "Marry Justin" Sign

Selena Gomez appears to be sending mixed signals when it comes to her feelings for Justin Bieber.

Either that… or websites such as this one continue reading far too much into every little gesture the singer makes.

For instance, Gomez debuted a new track on the first night of her Revival Tour in Las Vegas on May 6.

It was titled "Feel Me" and it made a reference to someone Selena said she never "cheated" on and never "lied" to and someone who she gave "time and space" to and who, seemingly, she wanted to get back together with.

So… Bieber, right?

Clearly, no?

There have been endless rumblings of late that these two are getting back together again.

But then Gomez performed on Sunday night at the Save Mart Center in Fresno, California and someone in the crowd held up a "Marry Justin Please" sign.

It would have been easy enough for Selena to ignore. 

But that wasn"t enough for her.

As you can see in the video below, Gomez asks for the sign… crumples it up… and then tosses it down on the stage.

Well, okay then, huh?!? 

It certainly seems as if Selena is trying to send a message here, doesn"t it?

Check out the footage for yourself and let us know in the Comments section below: Do you think Justin and Selena will end up together? Do you want them to?

Do you think she wants them to?!?

Selena gomez crumples up marry justin sign

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Poses Alongside "Fidel" Sign, Raies Internet Ire

As previously reported, Khloe Kardashian and her sisters have touched down in Cuba.

She, Kourtney, Kim and good friend Malika Haqq are spending time in the country as part of an upcoming episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians…

… and it didn’t take Khloe long to stir up some major controversy while there.

Khloe just shared a photo on her Instagram page of herself posing underneath a sign that reads “Fidel.”

This, of course, is a reference to Fidel Castro, the former dictator of Cuba and the man largely responsible for the United States not doing business with that nation for many decades.

In the photo, Kardashian is donning a form-fitting dress with a silver scarf wrapped around her shoulders.

She has topped off the outfit with a wide-brim Panama-style hat and is striking a somewhat seductive pose.

But most Internet users are not finding anything appealing about Khloe’s attempt to turn a Fidel Castro quote and montage into an artistic Instagram post.

“It’s one thing to go to another country to attend and support a fashion show,” wrote one Twitter follows.

“But another to exploit their people and post this atrocious picture with the name of the man who tortured and killed thousands of people and continues to do so.”

Another then asked:

“If I went to North Korea and posed in a picture supporting their leader and people starving people would just be offended, right?”

Yes, we’d think so.

Khloe, Kim and company have also spoken out many times in the Armenian genocide, causing another critic to call them out for being hypocrites.

“Wow… before you take a picture glorifying Fidel how about you get informed … Fidel is just like the dictators in Armenia that killed so many Armenians,” @sutrera0612 wrote.

And @aariddannee chimed in with:

“You and your sister talk about the Armenian genocide and want to bring awareness to it, yet you do something like this. With all the money you have, you should invest a little and educate yourself.”

Khloe is not the first American celebrity to raise the ire of the Web by posing inappropriately abroad.

Remember when Justin Bieber both posed at Anne Frank and also wondered whether she would have been a Belieber?

What do you think of Khloe standing by this sign?

Much ado about nothing? Or she sucks a whole lot?

Friday, March 4, 2016

Scott Disick to Girls: Sign This NDA, Then We Can Party

Those who choose to hang with the Lord must adhere to certain rules.

If you’re down in Mexico this week, look out for Scott Disick, who is reportedly staying at Joe Francis’ home, Casa Aramara in Puerta Vallarta. 

And if you want to party with Disick after da clubs close down, then you’ll have to sign some paperwork. 

According to Page Six, Disick (who completed his latest rehab stint last November) has been seen partying with girls down in Puerto Vallarta, and “hanging with wild college kids on spring break.”

Classic Lord, taking full advantage of spring break.

Wait!  There’s a catch for the university youths looking to Instagram/Tweet/Write a tell-all about their nights with the Lord.  

Anyone choosing to hang out with Disick on a one-on-one basis must first sign a non-disclosure agreement, and check their phones at the door.

Beyond those doors, however, awaits a slightly pathetic Disick.

“All he talks about is the custody” issue with his three kids – Mason, Penelope and Reign, a source told the column.

“He’s Mr. Doom and Gloom.”

TMZ reports that Kourtney Kardashian has allowed Disick visitation rights, so long as he remains sober, but witnesses in Mexico saw him in SB mode, drinking cocktails and beers.


Monday, January 4, 2016

Kim Kardashian Makes Jonathan Cheban Sign Gag Order Ahead of Celebrity Big Brother

Someone’s ready to spread his fame wings.

After years of trying to make his on-camera persona a thing, Jonathan Cheban must be enjoying the lime light as he does press ahead of Celebrity Big Brother.

Cheban, who started his career in PR and counts himself as one of Kim Kardashian’s best friends, is the latest American to be cast in the reality series.

Appearing on London morning show Lorraine today, Cheban said that Kardashian “trusts him like a brother,” and called her “the sweetest girl in the entire world.”

This must please Kardashian, who reportedly made Cheban sign a gag order before filming started. 

“Kim has made him sign a gagging order saying what he can and can’t talk about,” a source told the UK’s Daily Star.

“Kanye, North West, Saint West and Caitlyn Jenner and strictly off bounds.  “However, Kim’s ex Kris Humphries is fair game. 

“Cheban has got plenty of gossip and he is bound to be TV gold,” the source added.

Once the ink dried, Kardashian tweeted her support his big break, so to speak.

“OMGGGG I can’t believe @JonathanCheban is doing celeb Big Brother UK. I’m dying to see this! He’s going to be hysterical!!!!”

Cheban has known the Kardashian for nine or so years,

“We’ve been through a lot of people we can’t trust but we’re like family so it’s like trusting your brother, your sister,” he told the British host.

“I’ve been around in LA and Hollywood for a long time and I just happened to sit next to Kim at a birthday dinner by accident… we got on instantly.”

The new season of Celebrity Big Brother airs tomorrow, January 5th.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Charlie Sheen: Sex Partners Forced to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements?

When Charlie Sheen confirmed that he’s HIV positive this week, many wondered how the high-profile actor managed to keep his condition a secret for four years.

Now, we know that (according to Sheen’s exes) the answer lies in a combination of deception, intimidation and legally-binding promises of discretion.

Former Sheen “goddesses” Natalie Kenly and Bree Olson say they were never told about his diagnosis.

Ex-wives Denise Richards and Brooke Mueller were kept quiet through threats that Sheen would expose secrets about them or fight them for custody of their children.

But what about the countless one-stands that Sheen racked up in the years since he contracted his illness?

Well, according to a 2012 Playboy interview unearthed by Radar Online Sheen took extreme precautions before allowing newcomers into his home:

“We take phones and purses at my house, and people have to sign sh-t,” Sheen told the men’s mag. “I’m not living in the Pentagon, but I’ve been burned enough to have to take precautions.

“It’s either that or choose a different type of woman or party guest, because you never know. Sometimes the right choice seems great at the moment, but then suddenly it’s as if somebody detonated a suicide bomb.”

Yes, it seems that Sheen’s female “party guests” were forced to sign non-disclosure agreements as far back as 2012.

That interview was published just a few months after Sheen found out about his diagnosis, and it’s clear that the actor had no intention of changing his lifestyle, but left nothing to chance when it came to concealing his condition from the public.

Of course, an NDA is not enough to prevent these women from suing Sheen for putting them at risk, and many legal experts believe that the 50-year-old will eventually face criminal charges for failing to disclose his illness to his sex partners.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Amy Schumer Hangs "Vacant" Sign from Her Vagina

Amy Schumer is single at the moment.

How do we know this for certain? Because the comedian has told us so, in the most Amy Schumer way possible.

The Trainwreck star accepted the Charlie Chaplin Brittania Award for Excellence in Comedy at the BAFTA Britannia Awards on Friday and made X-rated remarks about her dating life in the process.

Asked if she’s seeing anyone, for example, Schumer replied as follows:

“No. My vagina remains vacant.”

She then said the entrance fee is “at least five dollars,” which is a pretty outstanding deal, really.

Schumer has sort of made it her thing to say outlandish things while accepting trophies.

At the Glamour UK Women of the Year ceremony this summer, she joked that she may weigh 160 pounds, but she can still “catch a dick” any time she wants.

Then again, we doubt she was really joking.

At the Peabody Awards in late May, meanwhile, Schumer made out with Tina Fey in stage. It was hot!

In this case, Schumer went on to joke about the 1971 film Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, telling the audience:

“Watching the movie inspired my boyfriend at the time to take a trip up my chocolate river.”

This was followed by a long pause and then the quip:

“You guys don’t have anal over the pond?”

Man. Amy Schumer is the best. Here are many other reasons why we say this:

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner Gender Change -- I Still Sign My Name Bruce



0916-caitlyn-jenner-getty-01TMZ has now obtained the official documents Caitlyn Jenner filed to change her name and gender for legal purposes. 

In the docs, she says she wants a judge to sign off on her new name … Caitlyn Marie Jenner.

She also checks the box to change her gender from male to female. It’s interesting … she signed the documents “Bruce Jenner,” presumably because that’s her recognized legal name.


TMZ broke the story … Caitlyn says in her legal docs she wants medical and other info sealed from the public out of fear for her safety. She says in a declaration, “Although public support for my transition has been overwhelmingly supportive, I am also receiving unwelcome negative attention from private citizens, including threats of bodily harm.”

Caitlyn attached a physician’s declaration to the documents … but they were not released pending a decision on sealing them.
