Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner Gender Change -- I Still Sign My Name Bruce



0916-caitlyn-jenner-getty-01TMZ has now obtained the official documents Caitlyn Jenner filed to change her name and gender for legal purposes. 

In the docs, she says she wants a judge to sign off on her new name … Caitlyn Marie Jenner.

She also checks the box to change her gender from male to female. It’s interesting … she signed the documents “Bruce Jenner,” presumably because that’s her recognized legal name.


TMZ broke the story … Caitlyn says in her legal docs she wants medical and other info sealed from the public out of fear for her safety. She says in a declaration, “Although public support for my transition has been overwhelmingly supportive, I am also receiving unwelcome negative attention from private citizens, including threats of bodily harm.”

Caitlyn attached a physician’s declaration to the documents … but they were not released pending a decision on sealing them.
