Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Snoop -- STOP DOGGIN" MIKE VICK ... "He Did His Time, Get Over It"


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0930-snoop-dogg-michael-vick-gettyPeople need to back the hell off of Mike Vick — and stop giving him hell for his dogfighting past — so says his good friend Snoop Dogg … who says, “What y’all gonna do hold it over his head forever?”

Snoop is a HUGE Pittsburgh Steelers fan — and was asked by Complex Sports how he felt about Vick taking over the team, considering the controversy that still surrounds his 2007 dogfighting conviction. 

Snoop’s response was pretty strong … 

“I love Vick. Before he got to the Steelers. I loved him when he caught the case, [and] after he caught the case. Mistakes are made to be made. I mean, he did his time. What y’all gonna do hold it over his head forever?”

He continued, “It’s over with. He’s been punished, he’s been banned from the league, he came back, he’s on the good foot, he ain’t been around dogs, he ain’t do nothing like that.”

“He’s been about the positivity and that’s what’s wrong with people. We always judge people about what we did as opposed to what we’re doing. I love him to death whether he’s a Steeler or not. He’s a friend of mine.”

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