Showing posts with label Partners. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Partners. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Farrah Abraham: The Other Teen Mom Stars Have Way More Sex Partners Than Me!

In case you missed it, Farrah Abraham is upset with her Teen Mom cast-mates, producers, editors, MTV … pretty much everyone lately.

Having already gone off on MTV for what she describes as fake-firing her and committing hate crimes, she’s now going after her co-stars.

To hear her tell it, MTV is mad about her involvement in the adult entertainment world and she’s being sex-shamed … slut-shamed … whatever.

Just for the record, whatever you think of it, Farrah becoming a cam girl and masturbating via live stream was indeed a thing that happened.

Afterward, her producer, Morgan J. Freeman, demanded that she stop partaking in such adult opportunities (again, according to Abraham).

Farrah wasn’t having that.

“I responded, ‘Who the f–k are you to tell me these are my only choices in life?’” Abraham said, casting herself as a victim of exploitation.

MTV has harassed her and capitalized off her sexually, she dubiously claimed, later adding (slightly less dubiously that) she is singled out.

As Farrah sees it, her infamous sex tape, personal line of sex toy products, and recent live stream for masturbatory purposes are harmless.

She’s just out there making a living, after all … while other famous faces of the franchise f–k people on their own time for the sake of it:

Jenelle Evans, Kailyn Lowry, Maci Bookout, Briana DeJesus and Amber Portwood have had multiple sex partners and no one says s–t!

Okay, except in the case of Jenelle. And Kailyn.

Whatever. “I’m the only one with less sexual partners, children, and leading a positive lifestyle with growing businesses,” she insisted.

It is true, amazingly, that among the cast of Teen Mom: OG and Teen Mom 2, she’s alone as a mom of one. The sex partner claim though?

It’s certainly possible, if a little unlikely, that Farrah has only been with Simon Saran, her most serious boyfriend of the past eight years.

(Excluding the rough, vile, on-camera intercourse she had with James Deen and tried to pass off as a leaked sex tape, that is).

Farrah has not played the field like some of her co-stars, but claiming they all have more sex partners is a strong statement.

First of all, it’s hard to establish the truth of that statement. Second of all, a lot of those partners were long-term relationships.

Third of all … none of them pleasured themselves live for a company called CamSoda while men pleasured themselves to her.

Just saying.

Her first adult film, Farrah Superstar: Backdoor Teen Mom, was followed by her line of adult toys, as well as an erotic book series.

Farrah also has a lingerie line in the works, because who doesn’t want to associate Abraham with every possible sexual scenario. 

This rubs some people at the network the wrong way, which she then describes as producers “sex-shaming” her, whatever that means.

Abraham also claimed she got fired by MTV, then did a complete 180 after the network denied she was fired or had breached her contract.

It’s hard to know what to think these days.

All we know is that the new season of Teen Mom: OG is officially underway, she is on it, and thank goodness for that.


Saturday, November 18, 2017

Farrah Abraham"s Porn Partners Hawking Vids for $1, Black Friday Only!

Farrah Abraham’s ass is going bargain basement, as in $ 1, for the biggest shopping day of the year.  Farrah made 2 live appearances on the porn site, CamSoda, this year. She delivered on the first, but pissed off fans the second time when she…


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

A-Rod & Mark Cuban: Best "Shark Tank" Partners Ever, Says Gronk Bro

They’re not just money partners, Alex Rodriguez and Mark Cuban have been actively mentoring Chris Gronkowski ever since making a deal for his Shaker Cup Company on “Shark Tank.” Chris — supported by Rob Gronkowski and the rest of his musclebound…


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Michael Jackson Estate Gets Victory, Ex-Biz Partners Have to Beat It

Michael Jackson’s former business partners tried to get a multi-million dollar slice of the pie after MJ’s death, but a judge just told them to kick rocks … TMZ has learned. Three of the 4 plaintiffs claim they had a meeting with Michael in a…


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Lil Eazy-E says Knowingly Exposing Partners to HIV Should Remain a Felony! (VIDEO)

Lil Eazy-E is ripping California lawmakers for even thinking about lowering the penalty for knowingly exposing a sex partner to HIV, because doing so could give unscrupulous people a license to kill. Lil Eazy, whose father died from AIDS…


Monday, October 17, 2016

Lindsay Lohan -- Sealing the Deal ... We"re Biz Partners Who Happen to Kiss (PHOTO)

 Lindsay Lohan keeps calling him just a business partner/dear friend, but photos say otherwise. LiLo was swapping spit over the weekend with Greek restaurateur Dennis Papageorgiou at Bouzoukia nightclub in Athens. He’s the money…


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Scott Disick: Hooking Chris Brown Up With Teenage Sex Partners?!

Of all the odd friendships in Hollywood, the bromance between Scott Disick and Chris Brown ranks among the most random, and it might be the very douchiest.

Sources say Disick and Brown are “sober buddies,” meaning that they go clubbing together, but remind one another to stay away from booze.

But just because they’re not hammered, that doesn’t mean these two aren’t out in the world acting like the frattiest of frat bros on a nightly basis.

And just like regular frat bros, Chris and Scott are eternally on the hunt for women who are too young to know better.

Sometimes they assist one another in this never-ending search, such as when Scott recently hooked Chris up with an 18-year-old Aussie named Indy Clinton:

Indy recently spent some time in Los Angeles, and it seems she enjoyed the full tourist experience by meeting several celebrities and banging one of them.

Indy took to her Facebook page this week to brag about having sex with Breezy, adding that the encounter was arranged by none other than the Douche Lord himself:

“Chris Brown f**ked me last night,” she wrote in a status update. “It was like he was dancing on top of me like magic mike sorry still dying Br keeping it real.”

When a friend pointed out that her description makes it sound like the whole thing sound a bit painful, Indy added:

“Legit legit legit still sore but smiling.”

Indy then linked to an article about Disick being spotted with a “mystery blonde” presumably her, and added that “Scott set up” her tryst with Brown.

When a friend suggested she do it with Disick too, Indy balked:

“Noo he f**ks a girl every night… he’s prob a walking sti [Sexually Transmitted Infection].”

So at least she has…standards?

We’re not sure what she has exactly, but at least it’s not whatever Disick is spreading.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Charlie Sheen: Facing JAIL TIME For Lying to Sex Partners About HIV?

It’s been five months since we first learned that Charlie Sheen is HIV positive, and despite initial reports that the actor planned to adopt a quieter lifestyle and make his health his top priority, Sheen seems to be embroiled in more drama than ever.

Earlier this month, a judge granted ex-girlfriend Brett Rossi a restraining order against the actor.

Shortly thereafter, the LAPD launched an investigation of Sheen that was believed to be related to threats of violence he had allegedly made against Rossi.

Now, the National Enquirer is claiming that the investigation actually stems from a different – and potentially more serious – criminal complaint against Sheen.

According to the tabloid, police are looking into the possibility that Sheen committed a felony by having unprotected sex without telling his partners that he’s HIV positive.

The California penal code states that it’s a crime punishable by prison time to engage in “unprotected sexual activity when the infected person knows at the time of the unprotected sex that he or she is infected with HIV.” 

“If you could prove that he knowingly had HIV and he was having unprotected sex at the time he knew it, that certainly is a crime,” famed investigator Bo Dietl tells the Enquirer.

Yikes. We also assumed Charlie Sheen would end up in prison at some point, but we didn’t think it would be for something quite so heinous.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Charlie Sheen: Sex Partners Forced to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements?

When Charlie Sheen confirmed that he’s HIV positive this week, many wondered how the high-profile actor managed to keep his condition a secret for four years.

Now, we know that (according to Sheen’s exes) the answer lies in a combination of deception, intimidation and legally-binding promises of discretion.

Former Sheen “goddesses” Natalie Kenly and Bree Olson say they were never told about his diagnosis.

Ex-wives Denise Richards and Brooke Mueller were kept quiet through threats that Sheen would expose secrets about them or fight them for custody of their children.

But what about the countless one-stands that Sheen racked up in the years since he contracted his illness?

Well, according to a 2012 Playboy interview unearthed by Radar Online Sheen took extreme precautions before allowing newcomers into his home:

“We take phones and purses at my house, and people have to sign sh-t,” Sheen told the men’s mag. “I’m not living in the Pentagon, but I’ve been burned enough to have to take precautions.

“It’s either that or choose a different type of woman or party guest, because you never know. Sometimes the right choice seems great at the moment, but then suddenly it’s as if somebody detonated a suicide bomb.”

Yes, it seems that Sheen’s female “party guests” were forced to sign non-disclosure agreements as far back as 2012.

That interview was published just a few months after Sheen found out about his diagnosis, and it’s clear that the actor had no intention of changing his lifestyle, but left nothing to chance when it came to concealing his condition from the public.

Of course, an NDA is not enough to prevent these women from suing Sheen for putting them at risk, and many legal experts believe that the 50-year-old will eventually face criminal charges for failing to disclose his illness to his sex partners.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Charlie Sheen STILL Not Telling Sex Partners He"s HIV Positive?!

Earlier today, Charlie Sheen revealed his HIV diagnosis to the world in an interview with Matt Lauer.

Needless to say, the announcement came as quite a shock to many, including Charlie’s kids, and some of his former sex partners, who say they entered into relations with the actor without being informed of his condition.

Sheen says part of the reason he went public with his diagnosis is that he was fed up with being forced to shell out hush money to exes who threatened to tell the media.

However, it now seems that at least some of Charlie’s former flames were right to be angry, as he reportedly endangered their health by not telling them that he was HIV positive prior to engaging in sexual relations.

First, ex-girlfriend Bree Olson revealed that Sheen never told her about his illness. 

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Sheen had sex with two women in the past month without informing of them of the potential risk involved.

“One person claims that Charlie had sex with them just last week,” says a source who reportedly works for an LA attorney who’s soon to file suit against Sheen. “He didn’t tell them he was HIV positive.”

“And a second individual claims they had sex with Charlie three weeks ago. All of these people say they were not notified by Charlie about his HIV status and now they want settlements.”

The 50-year-old’s problems may soon go beyond the many civil cases that have been filed, as Sheen could face criminal charges for failing to disclose his diagnosis to various sex partners. 

“If an alleged victim comes forward claiming Charlie Sheen had unprotected sex with them, without notifying that person about his HIV status, it will be completely and fully investigated,” says the source.

“The victim doesn’t need to contract HIV for prosecution to take place. These cases are taken very, very seriously and any alleged victim’s identity will be protected.”

Sounds like there could be some tough times ahead for the Sheenius.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Charlie Sheen: HIV Diagnosis Results in Lawsuits From Former Partners?

As we reported earlier, several sources have confirmed that Charlie Sheen will reveal his HIV diagnosis during an interview with Matt Lauer Tuesday morning.

Insiders claim that Sheen has known about his condition for over a year but went to great lengths to keep it a secret, even from those closest to him.

According to TMZ, the actor recently decided to share the news of his struggle with a group of close friends, at least one of whom apparently took the information to a media outlet.

Shortly thereafter, several former sex partners reportedly contacted Sheen and informed the 50-year-old that they intended to sue him for putting their health at risk by failing to disclose his diagnosis.

The website claims that Sheen settled several cases out of court (some as recently as late last month), but the never-ending legal entanglements threatened to make it impossible for him to keep his diagnosis a secret.

Being forced to pay the plaintiffs extra in order to get them to sign non-disclosure agreements was apparently becoming a major financial burden for Sheen, and sources say that he’s decided that it would simply be easier to go public with his condition.

Sheen is usually active on social media, but has been radio silent for the past three weeks.

We’ll have updates on his condition as more information becomes available.

24 Stars Whose Partners Have Porked Someone Else

As previously documented, many celebrities have cheated on their husbands, wives, girlfriends or boyfriends.

But did you know that just as many celebrities have been cheated ON?

We know, right? Who would do this to such talented, pretty people?!?

We don"t always know the identity of the partners who screwed them over, but here"s a look at a number of stars whose significant others chose to screw someone else…

1. Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer aniston body

Did Brad Pitt do the deed with Angelina Jolie while married to Jennifer Aniston? We may never know. But he clearly fell for Jolie while filming Mr. and Mrs. Smith and an emotional affair of such magnitude most definitely counts.

2. Kim Kardashian

Kim kardashian look at my lips

Ray J didn’t just film himself sticking it to Kim Kardashian on camera. He once admitted to cheating on Kim on her birthday.

3. Sara Evans

Sara evans picture

Sara Evans was pretty adamant that husband Craig Schelske cheated on her… drank excessively… was verbally and emotionally abusive… and watched pornography in their home. So much so that she dropped out of Dancing with the Stars to deal with the situation.

4. Shania Twain

Shania twain cat suit

Shania Twain’s husband didn’t merely cheat on her. He cheated on her with new (now EX_ best friend Marie-Anne Thiebaud.

5. Britney Spears

Britney spears snake

In 2014, Britney Spears’ then-boyfriend David Lucado caught red-handed (red-lipped?) on video kissing another woman.

6. Halle Berry

Halle berry smiles

In 2003, Halle Berry split from her then-husband, Eric Benét, after he confessed to cheating on her. She has been married three times.

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