This brutal video of Florida police repeatedly punching a 14-year-old girl pinned to the ground during her arrest is triggering controversy. You see the cop landing left hooks to the teen’s rib cage, as he tries to arrest her during a physical…
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Monday, May 28, 2018
Georges St-Pierre Commissions Big Ass Painting From Teenage Artist
What do you give a UFC legend who just whooped Michael Bisping’s ass? A HUGE painting that took 40 hours to finish. 18-year-old Shane Birenbaum — a big GSP fan who’s from Canada — happened to run into St-Pierre while on vacay in Florida. GSP and…
Georges St-Pierre Commissions Big Ass Painting From Teenage Artist
What do you give a UFC legend who just whooped Michael Bisping’s ass? A HUGE painting that took 40 hours to finish. 18-year-old Shane Birenbaum — a big GSP fan who’s from Canada — happened to run into St-Pierre while on vacay in Florida. GSP and…
Friday, May 11, 2018
David Labrava, Sons of Anarchy Star, Mourns Teenage Son
On Thursday evening, David Labrava shared the worst news any parent can imagine with his fans:
The actor’s teenage son has committed suicide.
Best known for his role as the quiet and tough character of Happy Lowman on FX’s Sons of Anarchy, Labrava wrote the following on Facebook as confirmation:
“Never in a million tears would I think I would be posting this.
This is my boy Tycho. He took his life a couple of days ago at 16 years old. He suffered from a depression we couldnt see because he was a happy young kid.
“Communicate with your loved ones, there might not be any signs. Cherish them. I am broken.”
The caption was included along with the photo above.
It is not known at this time just how young Tycho killed himself, but that isn’t really the issue at this moment, of course.
We simply can’t fathom what Labrava and his family are going through right now.
Hired as a technical advisor on Sons of Anarchy, Labrava had been with the show since its premiere in 2008.
He actually co-wrote a Season 4 episode and also penned a best-selling book titled “Becoming A Son.”
Moreover, the actor wrote, produced, directed and starred in a first feature film titled “Street Level;” and also writes a column for Hot Rod Magazine.
He has set up a GoFundMe page in honor of 16-year old Tycho.
“On May 5th, 2018 Tycho Spelis Chiusano decided to end his life. He was 16 years old. He quietly suffered from depression for years and didn’t know how to ask for help,” reads the page.

The website continues:
An amazing and beautiful soul, Tycho was extremely intelligent, athletic, loyal, and a sensitive friend. He was full of life, constantly smiling, and had a knack for making others laugh.
Tycho loved his family and friends. This is how we will forever remember him! Never FORGET: Always be kind and have compassion for others.
Never spread rumors and learn to communicate with each other.
Tycho’s last wish was ‘give all of my money to a depression and bipolar organization’ …so, that’s exactly where it’s going!
Please join us in our fight to raise awareness of the signs of depression! We need to honor our friends because we never know what’s hiding behind someone’s smile.
100% of your donations will join Tycho’s and go to a depression and bipolar organization.
Labrava’s son is pictured above with two of Labrava’s Sons of Anarchy co-stars, Kim Coates and Theo Rossi.
We send our condolences to all who knew Tycho well.
May he rest in peace.
If you or someone you know is considering suicide, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Jared Fogle Wants Judge Removed Because She Has Teenage Daughters
Jared Fogle wants the judge in his child porn case recused, because he thinks she’s prejudiced against him since she has teenage daughters. Fogle filed legal docs seeking to have Judge Tanya Walton Pratt booted because the case partially involves a…
Monday, January 15, 2018
Scott Disick: Look at My Teenage Girlfriend"s Butt!
It’s been over six months since we first learned that Scott Disick and Sofia Richie are dating, but we still just can’t wrap our heads around it.
Maybe we just can’t get over the idea that Scott and Kourtney Kardashian are really over for good.
But probably it has more to do with the troubling age difference.
Scott is 34, and Sofia is 19.
Now, a 15-year age gap isn’t always such a thorny issue.
But when one of you wasn’t yet legal at the time the other was welcoming his third child, well … it’s a little icky.
But it’s legal, and Sofia’s a consenting adult, and hey, spending a lot of time with someone who’s not yet drinking age might be a wonderful thing for Scott’s liver.
All that said, a grown-ass father of three posting pics like this of a teenage girl will always be a smidge creepy.
As you can see, that’s Sofia in a bikini.
The photo isn’t as unsettling as the video Scott posted in which Sofia dances in her underwear to a song recorded by her father, Lionel Richie, but it’s still a little weird.
There have certainly been more random celebrity couples over the years, but we just assumed Scott and Sofia would indulge in a fling for a few weeks and be done with it.
Reminders like these that Scott and Sofia are in a legit relationship always freak us out a little.
Interestingly, Sofia is exactly half Kourtney’s age, which should make for some interesting conversations if these two are still together come Thanksgiving.
Yes, Scott and Kourtney are officially dunz-o, but they still have three kids together, which means each of them still has a vested interest in whom the other one dates.
But if Kourtney has a problem with Scott dating Sofia, she’s certainly not showing it.
She might just be happy that the father of her kids has brought his months-long globetrotting bender to a close.
Sometimes, it takes a child to get a guy to man up.
Of course, it’s usually his child, not a teenager he’s banging.
Friday, July 28, 2017
Jenelle Evans: I Was a Teenage Sex Addict!
As you may have heard by now, Jenelle Evans has published a memoir, and in keeping with her image as the most reckless and rebellious member of the Teen Mom cast, Evans has loaded the book with revelations that seem intended to shock.
The problem with the book is that it mostly consists of entries culled from a diary Jenelle kept as a teenager.
Now, teenage diaries aren’t typically known as repositories for level-headed contemplation of life’s great mysteries, and Jenelle being Jenelle, her journal is far more dramatic than most.
As a result, the 25-year-old is already back-tracking on some of the wilder claims made in her memoir.
In the book, Jenelle opened up about suicidal thoughts she suffered as a teen.
This week, she revealed that she never actually contemplated taking her own life.
Also in the book, Jenelle wrote about her pill popping habit.
It turns out she was referring to one occasion in which she swallowed several decongestants in hopes of achieveing a hallucinatory state.
A very dangerous thing to do, and certainly something that could’ve had serious repercussions, but not the sort of thing that comes to mind when one hears the phrase “pill-popping habit.”
“From ages 14-17 I was addicted to sex,” reads a journal entry from the memoir Read Between The Lines: Diary of a Teenage Mom.
“I didn’t care who it was with or if it was unprotected until I got pregnant at 17.”
It seems Jenelle briefly believed she was experiencing some sort of extreme evolutionary imperative, and the universe was simply insisting that she pass on her crazy-ass genes.
In the book, she writes that the constant need for sex subsided after she gave birth to her first son.
Now, she doubts that she was ever addicted to sex at all, and believes she was probably just starved for affection.
“I don’t think I was really addicted to sex,” she said this week.
“I think I was addicted to love. I would do anything to keep a guy with me, so I used sex as a manipulative tool. I gave them what they wanted to get them to stay with me. I wasn’t a sex addict so much as a love junkie.”
Yet again, it seems like she could have left out some of the hyperbole, but in all likelihood, her hand was forced by a publisher looking for melodrama.
Jenelle has endured numerous hardships in her young life, and we in no way intend to dismiss her addictions and possible mental illnesses.
But perhaps publishing unedited excerpts from the teenage diary of a woman who’s prone to slanderous comments, exaggeration, and flat-out lying wasn’t the smartest move.
Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more from Jenelle’s wild past.
Monday, June 5, 2017
Ariel Winter: Stimulating Teenage Boys, Interest in Animal Rights With Latest Pic
Ariel Winter is a talented actress, a well-spoken young woman, and she always looks good.
This time, she’s using her stunning looks for a great cause.
She captioned the photo:
“Put on your bunny ears to show you are #ForeverAgainstAnimalTesting.”
Her hands are the bunny ears, you see.
And bunnies are so often the victims in animal testing.
It wasn’t just an empty hashtag, however, because she made her cause clear.
“Sign the petition to ban animal testing in cosmetics globally! Link in bio.”
Before you freak out, you should know that this doesn’t seem to be a PETA thing.
Because yeah, not all organizations that sound like they’re for good causes are necessarily on the level. Unfortunately.
This seems to be real, and that’s no surprise — Ariel Winter is a smart young woman.
Animal testing is an age-old and often cruel practice.
What’s a cheap and easy way to find out if your new cosmetics cause chemical burns or blindness?
Easy — you just slap them on a bunny’s face and see what happens.
Now think about how many cosmetic products are on the shelves, and how many furry friends have suffered for so many of them.
We’re glad that Ariel Winter is using her platform to bring attention to this good cause.
Actually, you know what?
We’re glad that she’s using her boobs to do it. We said it.
Ariel Winter’s breasts received so much unwanted attention, even when she was a minor, that she had breast-reduction surgery.
It would have been more than understandable if she’d just covered herself in a sheet and hidden behind closed doors.
Instead, it looks like she’s comfortable with her body, and she’s flaunting her body in stellar photos.
Now she’s taking that a step further, and using her sex appeal — the thing that was used against her — to make the world a better place.
Ariel Winter has always been well-spoken, and it looks like she’s living her best life.
We’re just glad that she’s working for more than just her own happiness, you know?
She’s such a gift.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Pacman Jones Car Crash Apology Rejected By Teenage JROTC Cadet
The man on the other end of the Pacman Jones car crash is an 18-year-old high school student — a JROTC cadet — who says the NFL star tried to apologize after the crash … but he won’t accept it. Pacman exploded on Kylar Ruege after an…
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Teenage Chicken Nugget Lover Sets All-Time Twitter Record, Sticks It to Ellen
You really want to break the Internet, Kim Kardashian?
You need not remove any layers of clothing to do so.
As Carter Wilkerson can attest, you simply need to ask a question of Wendy’s via social media.
Back on April 5, this 16-year old from Nevada sent a seemingly simple and harmless Tweet. He thought it would be a fun joke for his friends.
Yo, Wendy’s, Carter inquired. How many re-Tweets for a year of free chicken nuggets?
To Carter’s surprise, the restaurant’s official Twitter account (which has become famous for being awesome and hilarious) actually responded, telling Wilkerson he needed 18 million.
“Consider it done,” Carter wrote back, prior to telling his followers: “HELP ME PLEASE. A MAN NEEDS HIS NUGGS.”
It was all meant to be in good fun… but one should never underestimate the power of Twitter.

Or of chicken nuggets, we guess.
Wilkerson’s Tweet was picked up by one person… and then another person…
… and then it spread like a fire in the wild and when the above message surpassed 3.43 million re-Tweets, Wendy’s said Carter could go ahead and have his free nuggets for a year.
Yes, the post has fallen far short of the 18 million Tweets Wendy’s had initially agreed upon.
As of this morning, however, it had become the MOST RE-TWEETED MESSAGE OF ALL-TIME.
So the chain figured this accomplishment was notable enough for Carter to receive his year’s supply of free food, and also for the company to donate $ 100,000 in his name to the Dave Thomas Foundation For Adoption.
“You’ve more than earned our respect … and the nuggets,” Kurt Kane, chief concept and marketing officer for The Wendy’s Company, said in a statement.
The previous re-Tweet record belonged to this Ellen DeGeneres-anchor selfie, which Bradley Cooper snapped in 2014 when the comedian hosted that year’s Academy Awards.
Over the past few weeks, as it looked more and more likely that Carter would take the talk show host down, she and Cooper did all they could to hold on to their top spot.
They even recorded the following Public Service Announcement:
Alas, even Ellen could not slow down the young man now known as The Nugget Kid.
In an interview with The New York Times yesterday, when he was 3,600 re-Tweets behind DeGeneres, Wilkerson said he was preparing for AP examples, going over college applications and getting ready to take his girlfriend to the prom.
He didn’t expect to become a viral sensation.
But he doesn’t mind the newfound status, either.
“I think they’re all pretty jealous,” Carter said of his classmates. “Who doesn’t want to be the Nugget Kid?”
Now with over 100,000 followers, Carter is trying to use his Internet fame for good.
He encourages followers to donate to Pinocchio’s Moms on the Run, a Reno organization that supports women with breast cancer.
And he also wrote the following back in January, in case anyone thought this was some calculate marketing move by Wendy’s:

“It’s super important to enjoy it while it lasts, because it won’t last forever,” Carter tells The Times, adding with honesty:
“It’d be pretty cool to put on my college applications that I’m the No. 1 retweeted tweet of all time.”
And now he can do so!
All without saying anything remotely dumb or controversial, which is more than the following stars can claim:
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Tyson Gay Loses Teenage Daughter to Gun Violence
Veteran Olympic sprinter Tyson Gay has lost his 15-year old daughter.
According to various news source, Trinity Gay was shot and killed early this morning in Kentucky.
Police have confirmed that Trinity was shot in the neck during a shootout between two cars in a Lexington restaurant parking lot around 4 a.m.
Authorities say that the young woman was not in either car when the shooting took place; but she was hit nonetheless and then taken to a nearby hospital where she was pronounced dead within an hour.
Gay caught a flight to Kentucky as quickly as he could, telling a local news station in the process:
“She didn’t make it. She was just here last week for fall break … I have no idea what happened.”
Police have not made any arrests. They are reportedly seeking two persons of interest.
Trinity Gay was a sprinter at Lafayette High in Lexington, finishing fourth in the 100 meters and fifth in the 200 meters at the state Class 3A high school track meet in May.
She also ran on a 4×200 relay team that finished in fourth place.
Tyson Gay also ran at Lafayette and still holds the state record in the 100 meters.
Kentucky High School Athletic Association commissioner Julian Tackett Tweeted in response to this tragedy that he was stunned by the death of Trinity.
“Shocked to hear of death of Trinity Gay. A life of such potential cut so tragically short. Sympathies to Tyson and entire family,” he wrote.
Tyson Gay has competed in the past three Summer Olympics.
He was part of a unit that won a silver medal in the 4×100-meter relay at the 2012 London Games, although that medal was ultimately stripped after Gay tested positive for steroids in 2013.
Gay’s 100 meters personal best of 9.69 seconds is the American record in that event and it makes him tied for second fastest athlete ever in the 100 meters, after Usain Bolt.
The athlete’s 200 meters time of 19.58 makes him the sixth fastest athlete in that race.
We cannot imagine the pain he is going through right now and we send his family our condolences.
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Michelle Money Admits to Teenage Pregnancy, Adoption Decision
Michelle Money has come out with a very personal confession.
The former Bachelor contestant and Bachelor in Paradise star revealed in an interview with skincare brand PMD that she got accidentally pregnant as a teenager.
“I’ve been known for being very real and upfront, but there’s a big part of what makes me me that I’ve never shared before,” Money says in the segment, adding:
“When I was 15 years old I got pregnant.”
Money didn’t get into specifics regarding the identity of the father or anything, but she did take us through her thought process at the time.
“You go through all of the options in your head of how to deal with this,” she said, eventually revealing what she chose to do:
“The decision to place this baby for adoption was not an easy one, but it was the right one. The day came, my water broke. It was bittersweet. It was just very bittersweet.
“Just the process of labor and the process of delivering and feeling love that I’ve never felt before. It rocked me.”
We really can’t imagine being in that difficult position.
In video of the interview, Money shares footage of herself soon after she became a mother, with the clip depicting her holding the newborn in her arms while sitting on a hospital bed.
“When the moment came for me to say goodbye and hand him over to the social worker … it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done,” Money said.
Things didn’t get easier for the Utah native, either.
“I was really consumed with trying to prove myself to everyone and caring a lot about what people thought of me. I lost myself in that for a long time really trying to overcompensate from this mistake that I made,” she says.
“It’s taken a lot for me to get here.
“It doesn’t happen overnight where you get to where you can feel so confident in the decisions you’ve made in life and the trials that you’ve gone through.”
Money is best known for competing for the heart of Brad Womack on The Bachelor in 2011.
She has also appeared on Bachelor Pad (2011) and Bachelor in Paradise (2014) and is currently starring on Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars.
“My wish for every woman is for them to be able to look at themselves in the mirror and love every challenge, every trial, every heartache that they’ve experienced in their life and still feel beautiful,” she says, concluding:
“That, to me, is true beauty.”
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Scott Disick: Hooking Chris Brown Up With Teenage Sex Partners?!
Of all the odd friendships in Hollywood, the bromance between Scott Disick and Chris Brown ranks among the most random, and it might be the very douchiest.
Sources say Disick and Brown are “sober buddies,” meaning that they go clubbing together, but remind one another to stay away from booze.
But just because they’re not hammered, that doesn’t mean these two aren’t out in the world acting like the frattiest of frat bros on a nightly basis.
And just like regular frat bros, Chris and Scott are eternally on the hunt for women who are too young to know better.
Sometimes they assist one another in this never-ending search, such as when Scott recently hooked Chris up with an 18-year-old Aussie named Indy Clinton:
Indy recently spent some time in Los Angeles, and it seems she enjoyed the full tourist experience by meeting several celebrities and banging one of them.
Indy took to her Facebook page this week to brag about having sex with Breezy, adding that the encounter was arranged by none other than the Douche Lord himself:
“Chris Brown f**ked me last night,” she wrote in a status update. “It was like he was dancing on top of me like magic mike sorry still dying Br keeping it real.”
When a friend pointed out that her description makes it sound like the whole thing sound a bit painful, Indy added:
“Legit legit legit still sore but smiling.”
Indy then linked to an article about Disick being spotted with a “mystery blonde” presumably her, and added that “Scott set up” her tryst with Brown.
When a friend suggested she do it with Disick too, Indy balked:
“Noo he f**ks a girl every night… he’s prob a walking sti [Sexually Transmitted Infection].”
So at least she has…standards?
We’re not sure what she has exactly, but at least it’s not whatever Disick is spreading.
Monday, April 25, 2016
Jim Bob Duggar Accused of Publicly Mocking Teenage Son
If you watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online, you know that little has changed with regard to the Duggar families’ strict rules regarding courtship.
Which may be why so many fans were surprised by Jim Bob’s comments in a video birthday message to his son Jason:
“I can’t believe you’re 16 and never been kissed,” Jim Bob remarks with a laugh in the clip above.
It’s a relatively harmless joke, but coming from Jim Bob, it’s downright confusing, a fact that many fans pointed out in the comments on YouTube.
The Duggars’ courtship rules are so severe that the family doesn’t even permit kissing until their kids are engaged, so Jim Bob riffing on his son for his lack of dating experience is baffling – and even a bit infuriating.
The Duggars have deleted all of the comments on Jason’s birthday video, but for some reason they didn’t disable comments on the clip.
So at this point, there’s only one post below the video, but it’s a doozy:
“Well, seeing how everybody got their comments deleted, I’d like to have mine deleted to,” viewer Morgan Connelly begins.
“Jim Bob — the only thing that flies out of your mouth first thing is ‘oh my goodness, my sweet son hasn’t been kissed yet when my courting rules are SO strict, and I constantly flaunt my sexuality around my kids by grinding on mini golf courts, and reminding my kids that they aren’t allowed to even hold hands until they’re engaged!
“‘But don’t worry — my sexuality isn’t to fear. That’s why Michelle wears condoms and my firstborn turned out to be a saint!"” Oh WAIT — he didn’t. “
Yes, Morgan even went there with the Josh Duggar sex scandals burn.
Pretty fair, considering the context.
We’re not saying that Josh’s horrendous misdeeds are the result of his parents’ mixed messages with regard to sex, but after everything that’s happened, one would expect the family to be a bit more progressive with the way they talk about sex with their kids.
It seems that in Duggar Land, the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online for more confusing attempts at humor from the Duggars.
Jim Bob Duggar Accused of Publicly Mocking Teenage Son
If you watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online, you know that little has changed with regard to the Duggar families’ strict rules regarding courtship.
Which may be why so many fans were surprised by Jim Bob’s comments in a video birthday message to his son Jason:
“I can’t believe you’re 16 and never been kissed,” Jim Bob remarks with a laugh in the clip above.
It’s a relatively harmless joke, but coming from Jim Bob, it’s downright confusing, a fact that many fans pointed out in the comments on YouTube.
The Duggars’ courtship rules are so severe that the family doesn’t even permit kissing until their kids are engaged, so Jim Bob riffing on his son for his lack of dating experience is baffling – and even a bit infuriating.
The Duggars have deleted all of the comments on Jason’s birthday video, but for some reason they didn’t disable comments on the clip.
So at this point, there’s only one post below the video, but it’s a doozy:
“Well, seeing how everybody got their comments deleted, I’d like to have mine deleted to,” viewer Morgan Connelly begins.
“Jim Bob — the only thing that flies out of your mouth first thing is ‘oh my goodness, my sweet son hasn’t been kissed yet when my courting rules are SO strict, and I constantly flaunt my sexuality around my kids by grinding on mini golf courts, and reminding my kids that they aren’t allowed to even hold hands until they’re engaged!
“‘But don’t worry — my sexuality isn’t to fear. That’s why Michelle wears condoms and my firstborn turned out to be a saint!"” Oh WAIT — he didn’t. “
Yes, Morgan even went there with the Josh Duggar sex scandals burn.
Pretty fair, considering the context.
We’re not saying that Josh’s horrendous misdeeds are the result of his parents’ mixed messages with regard to sex, but after everything that’s happened, one would expect the family to be a bit more progressive with the way they talk about sex with their kids.
It seems that in Duggar Land, the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online for more confusing attempts at humor from the Duggars.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Jade Roper Reveals Teenage Rape: Read Her Message
Jade Roper has taken to Instagram in order to open up about the most personal and harrowing of experiences:
She was raped as a teenager.
The former reality star – who advanced to the final four on The Bachelor last year and who then appeared on Bachelor in Paradise – wrote Monday night that she was inspired to come forward after watching Lady Gaga’s performance at the 2016 Oscars.
In the telecast’s most moving moment, the artist sang “Til It Happens to You” while surrounded by victims of sexual assault.
“I’ve been trying for hours to think of what to say here, typing and back spacing,” Roper started her social media post by writing.
She then found the courage.
“To be honest, I’m terrified. Yet, this is something I felt was put on my heart to write and to share and after all these years allow myself to be free of something I felt had to hide.
“Lady GaGa’s performance was powerful and really moved me…Hopefully sharing my story can help others as much as it is helping me heal. Much love.”
Roper, who got married to Tanner Tolbert in a ceremony that aired on ABC this past Valentine’s Day, proceeded to offer a few details.
“I was raped just shy of my 17th birthday. My high school years were very hard for me, I had a lot of problems at home; and the way I tried to be normal and forget about my life was to party with my friends.”
She continued:
“It has been a long road to healing for me. There’s still a long way to go. I am not chained to this experience, it doesn’t have to control my life. I am unafraid of the feedback anymore.
“This happened to me and it matters. I matter. And I am worthy of love.”
Yes, you are, Jade.
Roper concluded as follows:
The Lady Gaga performance gave me the courage to speak about my story, a story that’s been trapped inside me for over 12 years. I hope that sharing my experience will help girls and women know that they are not alone.
And that you have to voice things in order for things to change. And always always always: You matter.
Friday, December 11, 2015
Lady Gaga Opens Up About Teenage Rape
Lady Gaga has once again opened up about something very personal.
Several weeks after discussing her long-time battle with depression, the artist got candid in regard to her own experience with rape as a teenager.
The admission took place during a TimesTalks session for the documentary The Hunting Ground in New York City.
“I didn’t tell anyone for I think seven years,” Gaga told the panel of women, explaining:
“I didn’t know how to think about it. I didn’t know how to accept it. I didn’t know how not to blame myself, or think it was my fault. It was something that really changed my life. It changed who I was completely.”
Gaga, who was nominated this week for a Golden Globe Award due to her role in American Horror Story: Hotel, went on to say the awful experience changed her body.
“When you go through a trauma like that, it doesn’t just have the immediate physical ramifications on you,” she said.
“For many people it has almost like trauma.
“When you re-experience it throughout the years after it, it can trigger patterns in your body of physical distress, so a lot of people suffer from not only mental and emotional pain, but also physical pain of being abused, raped, or traumatized in some type of way.”
Because she dressed in “provocative” fashion, Gaga said it took her awhile to realize she did not bring the act upon herself.
But she at least now acknowledges that the only person to blame is her attacker.
“I’m here because when I look out onto the sea of beautiful young faces that I get to sing and dance for, I see a lot of people who have secrets that are killing them,” she told the audience in NYC.
“We don’t want you to keep your pain inside and let it rot like an old apple on your counter, you know? Just get rid of all that trash. Let’s get rid of it together.”
Amen, Lady Gaga.
NOTE: You can watch American Horror Story online to see just how incredible Lady Gaga also is an actress.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Kim Zolciak Posts Bikini Selfie With Teenage Daughters, Quickly Deletes It
If you follow her on Instagram, you know that Kim Zolciak posts bikini selfies on a pretty regular basis.
In the past, her pics have been heavily criticized, mainly because Zolciak is terrible at Photoshop. However, her latest Instagram post has come under fire for a totally different reason:
That’s a photo of Kim with her two eldest daughters: Brielle, 18, and Ariana, 14 (!!!!).
Kim posted the pic last night with a caption reading, “It’s in the genes baby.”
Yeah, needless to say, the commenters had a field day with this one.
Not only is it weird to post racy pics of your teenage daughters, it’s sort of obnoxious to boast that they owe their looks to the DNA you passed along.
It’s particularly weird in this case, as Zolciak’s many plastic surgeries are well-documented, so it’s sort of ironic for her to boast about her flawless genes on social media.
Like we said, the Kim’s online followers really went off, with one even going so far as to say, “Most people were posting today for veterans, honoring them for their service and sacrifice. Leave it to you to post bikini pics!”
Not surprisingly, Kim quietly deleted the pic shortly after it was posted.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Ryan Reynolds Tries To Learn About Teenage Girls In THIS Adorable New Deadpool Pic!
Superheroes can save the world, but even they are no match for the complex minds of teenage girls!
It seems that Deadpool is definitely struggling in that department, because Ryan Reynolds is turning to one author for advice — adolescent expert Judy Blume!
The actor posted a precious pic to Twitter on Thursday of himself and Brianna Hildebrand, who plays Negasonic Teenage Warhead in the upcoming film, in full costume while he peruses the pages of the writer’s novel Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret.
He captioned the silly shot:
Ch-ch-check it out (below)!
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) September 10, 2015
So clearly, Ryan knows that if he needs to kick butt alongside NTW, he’s definitely going to need to understand what’s going on in her head.
That must be complicated enough, considering she’s a mutant. But throw in a generational gap and that in itself is going to take serious superpowers.
Luckily for him, Judy just gets it, you know?
[Image via Josiah True/WENN.]