Showing posts with label Girlfriend's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Girlfriend's. Show all posts

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Oscar De La Hoya Throws Baller Casino Party For Girlfriend"s Birthday

Oscar De La Hoya loves his girlfriend sooooo much … he rented out an entire bar and threw a kick-ass party for her birthday … and TMZ Sports has the vid!! Sources tell us the Golden Boy booked the White Horse in Pasadena last weekend for Anna…


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Jeremy Calvert on Girlfriend"s DUI: Who DOESN"T Drink and Drive?!

Jeremy Calvert … he sure is a character, that’s for sure.

Sometimes it’s fun, like when he absolutely destroyed Jenelle Evans for her pulling a gun on someone during a road rage incident and then getting mad when he expressed that maybe she should face some consequences for that.

Sometimes it’s not so fun, like when he got kind of racist when Leah Messer told him she was thinking about taking their daughter on vacation to Mexico.

But either way, Jeremy has opinions, lots of them, and he’s never afraid to share them.

And his opinions on his new girlfriend and her recent DUI … well, you’re really just going to have to see it to believe it.

See, Jeremy has been dating this girl, Desi Kibbler, for a little while now.

He just started posting about her on social media within the past few weeks, but when people started talking about it, she tweeted that “this has been going on longer than any of y’all know.”

She explained that they’d “kept it under wraps until we were ready,” but it seems like Desi’s more than just ready to reveal their relationship.

She’s been hinting that she’s ready to get married to Jeremy and to start having kids with him, which seems … premature, we’ll say.

It actually seems insane and like a big ol’ crazy red flag, but we’ll give her the benefit out the doubt at this point.

And hey, who knows, they might actually end up getting married and living happily ever after, right?

Anything is possible.

Anyway, that’s Desi, and she got a DUI last month in Ohio.

We heard about it after it happened, but the story got some traction again during Jeremy’s recent feud with Jenelle.

It started because Jeremy asked Teen Mom executive producer Morgan J. Freeman if Jenelle was going to face any consequences for her infamous road rage incident.

She didn’t appreciate it, and so she went off in a series of tweets directed at Jeremy, and in one of those, she asked “Shouldn’t you be worrying about that 22 year old you just bailed out for DUI?!"”

“Lmfao Hope Leah doesn’t have her kids ride with your new side piece.”

Desi responded, admitting that she did get a DUI, but adding that “I keep my mouth shut about you and your life because I don’t care, maybe you should do the same.”

But apparently that wasn’t enough of a rebuttal, because Jeremy and Desi both gave an interview to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup to share the whole story about Desi’s DUI.

For one, she actually got two DUIs. On the same night.

“I have never been in trouble before,” she begins, “and I’m far from a bad person and a trouble maker.”

“On April 11 I decided to go have a few drinks with a friend. We were there for a few hours and I didn’t consume more than three drinks in those few hours.”

She says that they left the bar around 1:00 AM “and I got pulled over because I hadn’t put my new registration sticker on my car.”

After she got pulled over, the police officer asked her to get out of the car for a sobriety check, and she obviously didn’t do too well.

“He said I was drunk and had me taken down to the police station where I sat and did paperwork for two hours,” she recalls.

“After everything was said and done, he released me and never mentioned I couldn’t go back and get my car. I figured I had sobered up enough to go get my car and go home.”

Spoiler: she had not.

Desi says that she didn’t know she wasn’t allowed to drive, since the cop didn’t say anything about it and didn’t do anything with her car.

After getting a ride from a friend to her car, she drove off, and then the very same cop “pulled up behind me when I was out of my car and said I was getting another DUI.”

“Him and another cop went through my car and found an ADHD pill in my car.”

You can’t make this stuff up.

Jeremy said that the pill was an Adderall, but they both said it wasn’t Desi’s, that it belonged to someone else because she gives lots of people lots of rides in her car.

“I will own up to having a few drinks and driving when I shouldn’t have,” she says, “but I will not own up to a pill that wasn’t mine.”

She ended up pleading no contest, and one of the DUI charges was dropped. She was found guilty for the other, she got a misdemeanor for the pill, and they dropped the whole thing about her expired tags.

Jeremy is standing by his girlfriend through it all, saying that “Desi doesn’t use drugs. She drinks, yeah clearly, but who doesn’t drink and drive once or twice?”

“Anyone over the age of 21 without an Uber service in their area goes to the bar and drives home.”

… No, Jeremy. No, that is not true.

You could pick a designated driver in your group of friends. You could arrange for someone to drop you off and come pick you up if you plan on drinking.

This is an extra crazy idea, but if you know you’re going to be in a situation where you have to drive, you could just not drink?

Finally, Jeremy talks about Desi in a more general sense, and it kind of sounds like he’s open to the idea of getting married, too.

“It’s way different with her than my past relationships,” he says. “I guess we’ll see what the future holds.”

However, he adds that “I don’t want Desi to be brought into the MTV bullsh-t. I don’t want her in that whirlwind of drama.”

Little late for that, bud.


Thursday, March 15, 2018

Nick Gordon"s Girlfriend"s Family Believes He"ll Kill Her, If She Stays

Nick Gordon’s latest arrest for domestic violence is setting off alarms for his girlfriend’s family members, who fear she’ll end up dead like his ex, Bobbi Kristina Brown. Sources connected to Laura Leal’s family tell TMZ … they are…


Monday, January 15, 2018

Scott Disick: Look at My Teenage Girlfriend"s Butt!

It’s been over six months since we first learned that Scott Disick and Sofia Richie are dating, but we still just can’t wrap our heads around it.

Maybe we just can’t get over the idea that Scott and Kourtney Kardashian are really over for good.

But probably it has more to do with the troubling age difference.

Scott is 34, and Sofia is 19.

Now, a 15-year age gap isn’t always such a thorny issue.

But when one of you wasn’t yet legal at the time the other was welcoming his third child, well … it’s a little icky.

But it’s legal, and Sofia’s a consenting adult, and hey, spending a lot of time with someone who’s not yet drinking age might be a wonderful thing for Scott’s liver.

All that said, a grown-ass father of three posting pics like this of a teenage girl will always be a smidge creepy.

As you can see, that’s Sofia in a bikini.

The photo isn’t as unsettling as the video Scott posted in which Sofia dances in her underwear to a song recorded by her father, Lionel Richie, but it’s still a little weird.

There have certainly been more random celebrity couples over the years, but we just assumed Scott and Sofia would indulge in a fling for a few weeks and be done with it.

Reminders like these that Scott and Sofia are in a legit relationship always freak us out a little.

Interestingly, Sofia is exactly half Kourtney’s age, which should make for some interesting conversations if these two are still together come Thanksgiving.

Yes, Scott and Kourtney are officially dunz-o, but they still have three kids together, which means each of them still has a vested interest in whom the other one dates.

But if Kourtney has a problem with Scott dating Sofia, she’s certainly not showing it.

She might just be happy that the father of her kids has brought his months-long globetrotting bender to a close.

Sometimes, it takes a child to get a guy to man up.

Of course, it’s usually his child, not a teenager he’s banging.


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Dallas McCarver: Read His Girlfriend"s Moving Tribute

Dallas McCarver is no longer with us.

The bodybuilder sadly and suddenly died on Monday evening after choking on food at home by himself in Florida.

He was only 26 years old at the time.

The nearly 300-pound weight lifter finished in eighth place at last year’s Mr. Olympia contest and had been on the phone with girlfriend Dana Brooke (a WWE Superstar) not long before his fatal accident.

“I love you,” McCarver said to Brooke to conclude their call. “Goodbye.”

There were no signs of foul play at the scene and no reason to think the man known as “Big Country” wanted to harm himself.

By every indication, this was just a terrible, freak accident.

In response to losing the love of her life, Brooke has taken to Instagram and shared a moving tribute to McCarver.

“So here it goes, I’ll try & be short– aug 22 the lord received another angel, who happens 2 be my LIFE,” Brooke wrote, adding:

“MY Dallas the one WHO ONLY UNDERSTOOD ME! I can speak on the behalf of his family– the love and support you all are showing for him & us is OVERWHELMING!!”

In March of this year, McCarver collapsed on stage at the 2017 Arnold Classic Australia, alarming fans to a significant degree.

But this incident did not appear to play any role in what happened on Monday.

“Dallas would always tell me “just keep swimming his little pengutimous (hippo mixed with penguin)” he would tell everyone the same — just keep swimming, keep moving through life and he will be your angel above!!” continued Brooke.

“He had a way with making people laugh!! Dallas was an exceptional body builder, but I didn’t see him for that .. I saw him for HIM AND HIS HEART!!”

Here is how the WWE Superstar concluded her post:

He is the best individual I have ever met– my ying to my yang.. finished my sentences and knew what I was thinking before I’d say it!! We had it all figured out – new WWE superstar “Big country” & “country strong” mixed tag team!!! — you were my life , you are my life.

I still smell u and feel ur presence, NEVER LEAVE MY SIDE — like I have always asked; and u said NO NEVER Mrs. McCarver.

I had your back and I knew you had mine!! Your our angel– STAYED TUNED FOR A NONPROFIT I have started — and as well as a memorial service as details will be out soon!


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Survivor of Livestreamed Crash Speaks Out, Mourns Girlfriend"s Death

There is no part of this story that isn’t absolutely tragic.

Remember how an 18-year-old girl livestreamed herself appearing to lose control of her vehicle, resulting in the death of her own younger sister? There was a third person in the car who wasn’t initially identified in reports.

That third person, a girl named Manuela Seja, survived with a leg injury and is now speaking about the death of her girlfriend, Jacqueline Sanchez.

Obdulia Sanchez is 18 years old, and was driving her younger sister, Jacqueline, and Jacqueline’s girlfriend, Manuela Seja, back home to Stockton, California.

Obdulia Sanchez’s statements in the alleged recording of the incident are already pretty famous.

“I f-ing killed my sister, okay. I know I’m going to jail for life alright. I understand that. This is the last thing I wanted to happen — okay. Alright, I don’t f—ing care though — I’m-a hold it down.”

Understandably, she was and very likely is overwhelmed with feelings of grief and guilt.

(They may also end up being used against her in court)

Obdulia has been arrested on the suspicion that she was under the influence of alcohol or drugs, as well as for the accident and death itself.

Police are investigating the vehicle and looking into the livestream video, which could potentially be used as evidence.

Precisely what caused Obdulia to lose control and ultimately for the vehicle to flip are unclear.

Initial reports suggested that Obdulia had struck a curb and overcorrected, losing control at such a high speed.

It is also possible that a tire blew out.

While she obviously should not have been livestreaming while driving, it’s important that we wait to condemn her until we find out exactly what was going on.

Jacqueline Sanchez and Manuela Seja met on Instagram and became friends.

Over time, their friendship became romantic, and Jacqueline and Manuela dated for seven months before Jacqueline’s death.

Manuela lives in Fresno and Jacqueline lived in Stockton.

130 miles is a long distance for a teenage relationship, but young love is powerful.

The girls had made a commitment to see each other every weekend.

Obdulia was helping her younger sister by driving the girls so that they’d be able to hang out and see each other.

This time, they didn’t make it — the tragic crash happened in Los Banos.

Manuela remembers Jacqueline, who was supposed to celebrate her quinceanera on Sunday.

She’ll treasure those memories for the rest of her life.

A huge part of how she describes Jacqueline is her sense of humor.

“She wasn’t like everybody else. She was just funny and she would be funny. She didn’t even need to try.”

She has a box of treasured memories with her girlfriend — a gift that Jacqueline had made for her.

“I never thought this would happen.”

No one does, but especially not a 14-year-old who has probably had very little experience with death.

Like Jacqueline father said in his own statement, Manuela doesn’t seem to be angry with Obdulia.

“Honestly, I’m not mad at anybody and I don’t blame anybody.”

The fact that this girl who lost her girlfriend of seven months and was a witness isn’t blaming Obdulia makes us hope that investigators take a good, hard look at the evidence before they move things any further.

Obdulia’s excited utterance over her sister’s body is inflammatory, but not proof that it was genuinely her fault.

Manuela has some words of wisdom after the crash.

“It’s all affected by social media. That’s what life is now. And it’s going to advance more and more. That what it’s going to be about.”

It’s not clear if she’s talking about people recording for social media when they should be driving, or if she just means people talking about blame via social media.

Either way, Manuela is right.

A teen streamed her own death on Facebook Live late last year.

Just weeks ago, a woman livestreamed her own horrific death in a car accident in which she was the passenger.

Whether technology plays a role in distracting drivers or not, streaming means that there can be dozens or millions of witnesses to someone’s death.

Sometimes without any warning whatsoever.

Very likely the only thing that will put an end to livestreamed vehicular deaths will be when autonomous cars dominate the roadways, making them much safer for everyone involved.

But until almost every car is driving itself, it looks like we’re going to see another decade or so of people recording their own deaths.


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Cristiano Ronaldo Fesses Up: My Hot Girlfriend"s Pregnant!

It’s been kinda obvious for awhile, but now we know for sure – Cristiano Ronaldo’s hot model girlfriend is preggers!! The soccer superstar confirmed the news in an interview with El Mundo Tuesday … when he was asked if he was happy about…


Saturday, June 10, 2017

Ice Cube Says Bill Maher"s N-Word May Have Something to do with Black Girlfriends (VIDEO)

Ice Cube took Bill Maher to task on “Real Time” by letting him know it was wrong to use the n-word, and then suggesting Maher may have felt he had a pass because he’s had black girlfriends. Cube wanted to know why Maher thought it was cool to use…


Ice Cube Says Bill Maher"s N-Word May Have Something to do with Black Girlfriends (VIDEO)

Ice Cube took Bill Maher to task on “Real Time” by letting him know it was wrong to use the n-word, and then suggesting Maher may have felt he had a pass because he’s had black girlfriends. Cube wanted to know why Maher thought it was cool to use…


Friday, February 17, 2017

It Still Works!: See This Paraplegic Man and His Girlfriend"s AMAZING Pregnancy Reveal!

Feel like you need a little bit of light in your life?

Like you just need a moment to focus on something happy instead of the nasty, smelly garbage fire that is our world today?

Then look no further than this incredible little pregnancy announcement:

That’s Amanda Diesen and Todd Krieg, a very happy couple — and they’re extra happy now that they’re expecting their first child!

The message, that cheeky little “It still works!”, came about because Todd was paralyzed from the chest down after a dirt bike accident a few years ago, and they didn’t think they’d be able to have children without medical intervention.

“We thought we’d need to look into devices or doctor visits or maybe even IVF,” Amanda explained in an interview with People. “We definitely didn’t think it would be able to happen naturally!”

She continued the explanation with “It’s totally different for anyone with a spinal cord injury. Todd does not feel it when stuff is going on, but is occasionally able to reach climax.”

These two crazy kids met in 2015 when Todd visited a paralysis center in California. Amanda worked there as a recovery specialist, and for her, it was love at first sight.

“I was first drawn to Todd’s good looks!” she recalled. “I thought he was a total babe.”

“I’m also drawn to his sense of humor, and ability to put on a happy face despite the struggles and huge life-changing event he has endured.”

Amazing, right? But Amanda isn’t done with her sweet words yet, not by a long shot.

“I think that loving someone in Todd’s situation takes a bit more patience and a servant heart,” she said, but if you truly love someone it won’t be any different than if he were up and walking.”

“Of course, it’s tough on me sometimes, not being able to stand up and get a hug from the person I love most, or to be able to walk around in public holding hands or go running on the beach together.”

“But honestly, the love that Todd and I have for each other is something I wouldn’t trade for the world.”

She explained that Todd is “in physical and mental pain every single day” because of his paralysis, and that sometimes it bothers him that she’s able to do things around the house more easily than he can.

But, she says, “Love is sacrifice and selflessness, and I’m thankful Todd has shown me that.”

And just when you think this story couldn’t get any more adorable, Amanda revealed that Todd proposed to her during their pregnancy announcement photo shoot.

And on Valentine’s Day, they discovered that they’re having a little boy.

Best wishes to this precious couple!


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Doug Stanhope: Comedian Criticized For Response to Girlfriend"s Coma

Doug Stanhope is one of those comedians that you either “get” or you don’t.

To describe Stanhope’s humor as dark would be like describing Schindler’s List as a mild bummer.

His standup routines make the gnarliest segments on Tosh.0 look like a family-friendly tight five from Jeff Dunham, and he’s a firm believer that there’s no situation too bleak to laugh about.

Stanhope has mined real-life incidents like his own mother’s self-administered euthanasia for laughs, and the amazing thing is – he pulls it off.

This is a man who could “go there” on any taboo topic under the sun and his cultishly loyal fan base would follow him into the depths of human experience with complete faith in his ability to point out the glints of humor.

Unfortunately, a recent near-tragedy brought Stanhope attention from outsiders who are now being exposed to the comedian’s jet-black brand of humor for the first time – and not surprisingly, some folks are finding his jokes don’t quite turn their crank.

The story goes: last Sunday night, Stanhope’s longtime girlfriend Amy “Bingo” Bingaman was preparing for her 40th birthday party when she suffered a cocaine-induced seizure and cracked her head open on a cement step after falling backwards.

She was rushed to a Bisbee, Arizona hospital, and Stanhope was under the impression that she would require a few stitches and be back later that evening.

Upon learning that she had been helicoptered to nearby Tucson in a coma, Stanhope reportedly quipped, “Just when you thought Bingo couldn’t make this party any more about her, she pulled it off.”

(Like we said, bleak stuff.)

Stanhope cryptically confirmed the news of Bingo’s medical emergency on Twitter, informing his fans:

“BTW, Inappropriate jokes as welcome as hopes,prayers, wishes. And I will put her in my death pool on trade round just to prove no hypocrisy.”

And with that, he was off:

Stanhope also took time to respond to fans who offered support or inappropriate humor.

And, of course, he didn’t do so in the way you would expect from a grieving celeb:

During an appearance on friend Joe Rogan’s podcast, he offered more details about Bingo’s condition (It seems she very nearly required surgery to have part of her skull removed.), and opened up about the hours following her grim diagnosis.

Basically, Stanhope and his friends coped by doing the remainder of Bingo’s blow, singing karaoke and hanging with Marilyn Manson.

Stanhope is friends with Johnny Depp, and the party eventually wound up at one of the actor’s homes in LA.

It would have all the makings of an amazing weekend, were it not for the comatose girlfriend part.

On social media and comment boards across the Internet, there’s been much gasping and pearl-clutching in response to Stanhope’s running commentary on Twitter.

The above and below tweets in particular seemed to draw a lot of ire.

Thankfully, in a miracle worthy of Lazarus or Lamar Odom, Bingo has now awoken from her coma and is able to communicate with family and friends.

Stanhope offered the following updates on Twitter over the weekend:

“Dunno if you’d call her first poop in 6 days “progress” but her father described it as “an event.” Send more mops!”

“‘Bingaman spoke in/ Claaass today’ Got some words & opened her eyes a few times on her own. Long way to go but all far more hopeful today.”


Even if his humor doesn’t do it for you, you’ve gotta admit that the man has a preternatural talent for finding the laughs in desperately sad situations.

Or maybe you don’t.

We doubt he cares much either way.


Monday, July 11, 2016

Boyfriend Dares to Eat Girlfriend"s Pizza, Barely Lives to Tell About It

When will men learn?

As previously reported, they will still cancel booty calls at the very last minute.

And, as depicted below, they will still take what is rightfully the property of their girlfriend, failing to understand the larger issue at play when dressed down over their actions.

Allow us to set the following scene:

A man and a woman are eating at Subway. 

Instead of selecting one of the man footlong sandwiches on the menu, the woman chose to eat some pizza at the fast food chain instead.

She apparently asked if her boyfriend wanted anything and he said no.

However, after getting up from the table at one point and then returning, the woman noticed that her man had taken many bites out of her pizza.

And she was FAR from pleased over the incident.

In a nearly two-minute long video, the man recorded his girlfriend going off on him over his dastardly act, as she tried to explain to him that this wasn’t about pizza.

It was about respect.

At one point, the woman turns to a couple police officers behind her to plead her case.

At another, she throws some Fritos and a bottle of water at her man.

“I don’t want to share anything that I’m digesting. I want my own sh-t,” she says.

After her boyfriend shared the videotaped fight on Twitter and it went viral, the woman offered up her own explanation for why she sort of lost her mind.

“You plotted on getting my food when you knew I was hungry,” she accused, adding:

“All I’m asking is that you just be honest… and I will happily get you your own slice of pizza.”

Here is the woman’s full defense of her actions:

So there you have it, fellas.

It’s about honesty and respect and not scheming to swipe anything from your supposed loved one.

It’s also about not getting pizza when you’re at Subway, but that’s just our opinion on this contentious situation.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Kardashians: Rob Proposes To ALL His Girlfriends, Engagement Won"t Last!

Somewhere in the mountains, Kim Kardashian is rolling her eyes and she scrolls through Blac Chyna’s Instagram feed.  Over and over and OVER again.

Rob Kardashian popped the question to Chyna on April 5th with a 7-carat diamond ring, and the engagement is very real to everyone except Rob’s family.

While Kris Jenner knew about her son’s plans, she took the rest of the family (Kim, Kourtney, Khloe, Kendall and Kylie) on a ski vacation to prepare them.  

The crew hasn’t exactly welcomed Chyna with open arms; she was not present at Rob’s Nobu Malibu birthday celebrations on March 19th.

“Blac did not want to come,” a source told Radar Online after the gathering.  “She doesn’t care to befriend any of them and that is why Rob loves her.”  

Welp, this will make holiday get-togethers a challenge, seeing as Rob locked it down.

His sisters, however, call bullshit, claiming that Rob is a “serial proposer,” according to TMZ.  He’s allegedly asked past girlfriends, including Adrienne Bailon and Rita Ora, to marry him, so the family finds it hard to believe that this engagement will stick.

Sources told the site that Rob is pretty resentful of his family for not accepting Chyna, which will only worsen if the two end up getting married.

Chyna’s rep told People that the star is “ecstatic” about becoming .Angela Kardashian.

The proposal took place at Chyna’s house, but the couple had to delay their own celebration because “Chyna had to work right after, she was working last night [at Ace of Diamonds],” says the rep, adding that there will be “an official engagement party.”

As recently as this morning, there has still been no word from the Kardashians on the engagement.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Ariana Grande Reveals Crush on Jim Carrey the Day After His Girlfriend"s Suicide: Awkward or Okay?

On Tuesday, Jim Carrey"s on-again, off-again girlfriend Cathriona White committed suicide. The Irish-born makeup artist was just 30 years old.

Yesterday, Ariana Grande sat for an interview with Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan and…revealed that Carrey is her number one celebrity crush.

We"re sure she didn"t mean for her comment to be in poor taste, but given Ariana"s history of embarrassing gaffes (and the fact that celebs virtually always get a chance to screen their interview questions in advance), you"d think she would"ve given a less cringe-inducing answer.

On the bright side, rumors of Ariana dating Justin Bieber started circulating last month, so she certainly could"ve picked a worse Canadian to crush on.

Ariana grande reveals crush on jim carrey the day after his girl

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Robin Williams" Daughter Says She"s "Heartbroken" Over Jim Carrey"s Late Girlfriend"s Passing & Raises Awareness About Suicide Prevention

Such sad news.

After the news broke on Tuesday, that Jim Carrey‘s on-again/off-again girlfriend Cathriona White, passed away from a suspected suicide, Robin Williams‘ daughter Zelda took to Twitter to share her grief over Miz White’s death and to raise awareness about suicide prevention.

Related: Jim Carrey Releases A Statement On Girlfriend’s Reported Suicide

She posted:

How tragic.

If you were curious why the brunette beauty brought up Pieta House,it’s because the organization is a suicide prevention center based in Ireland — where the late makeup artist was born.

On Monday, the 28-year-old was found dead from an intentional drug overdose and it was reported that a note had also been found.

In case you forgot, the icon’s daughter has her own complicated history with suicide, as it was revealed back in August 2014 that her father killed himself after struggling with his Parkinson’s diagnosis and depression.

In fact, the Truman Show actor’s lady love previously showed her support for the 26-year-old on the social media site following the Oscar winner’s passing.

She marked this particular tweet from Zelda’s account:

What a sad situation all around.

Regardless, our thoughts are with those effected by this tragic loss — especially Cathriona’s friends and family.

[Image via Brian To/Instagram/WENN.]

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Jim Carrey Releases An Official Statement On Girlfriend"s Reported Suicide

Jim Carrey released the following statement on his on-and-off girlfriend’s tragic death:

“I am shocked and deeply saddened by the passing of my sweet Cathriona. She was a truly kind and delicate Irish flower, too sensitive for this soil, to whom loving and being loved was all that sparkled. My heart goes out to her family and friends and to everyone who loved and cared about her. We have all been hit with a lightning bolt.”

[Image via AKM-GSI.]