Showing posts with label Barely. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barely. Show all posts

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner: My Own Family Barely Speaks to Me

Though Caitlyn Jenner has come to realize that Trump is “the worst ever” for trans rights, she alienated a number of members of the transgender community with her support for him in 2016.

She also isolated herself from members of her own family. Tell-all books do not make for friendly family dinners.

Now, in a newly published interview, Cait discusses the distances from her children, and her regrets and mistakes as an activist.

kardashian body guess 46

In a lengthy and newly published interview with Broadly, Caitlyn

“I spend a lot of time by myself here in the house.”

We should note that the actual interview took place last autumn. Which was before Cait began to seem inseparable from rumored girlfriend Sophia Hutchins.

“I have a lot of children, but sometimes just because of circumstances, maintaining a close relationship with your kids is very tough.”

She has six children, including Kylie and Kendall. She also played a parental role with the Kardashian children, so one could argue that she has ten children.

“They all have lives. They’ve all moved on.”

Things between Cait and her erstwhile stepchildren have turned downright hostile.

And though she still has a relationship with some, like Kylie and Kendall, they’re adults doing their own things.

Cait waxes philosophical about existence and life itself.

“We’re just human beings; we’re going to be here for a very short time.”

Ultimately, she hopes to have strong relationships with her loved ones that last until the end of her life.

“We come and we go and at the end, when it’s all said and done, hopefully your family is going to be there.”

It only recently came to life that Caitlyn at one time considered suicide.

In this interview, Cait reveals that she had thought about her eventual death, and, long before she ever publicly came out as trans, had considered a stipulation in her will that she be buried in what society considers to be ‘women’s clothes.”

Now, that would no longer be a shock. But Cait does share what she expects — or at least, hopes for — when she, as a Christian, one day dies.

“I hope when I get up there to the pearly gates, God looks down and says, ‘You did a good damn job, you won the Games, raised wonderful children, and you know, you made a difference in the world. Yeah, come on in.’ That’s the way I want to go.”

The subject of Cait’s conflicts within the trans community — her interviewer herself was trans, and knows this struggle from the inside — absolutely comes up.

Cait does acknowledge that she made some mistakes after coming out.

“But I never did it maliciously. I just didn’t know, you know?”

She also admits that, particularly after the initial widespread support that she received after coming out, she was not prepared for the criticisms from trans people.

“And I really didn’t realize how critical the community was going to be.”

It’s appropriate that this interview is coming out now, just days after her major conflict with a trans advocate and model went public in a big way.

After Carmen Carrera spoke out about Cait on TMZ, Caitlyn texted her — which we know because Carmen revealed those texts in a now-deleted Instagram post.

Cait wrote to her, saying:

“Instead of putting negative things out in the press, about me, which hurts what I’m doing, you should be aware of what I’m actually doing. Call me and I’ll give you an update.”

Carmen’s reply was … not friendly.

“Although I’m happy someone has knocked some sense into you, please don’t forget about how I came to you with ideas of moving this movement outwards and you said you’d help but you never did.”

Carmen did make an offer for how they could make nice, but apparently did not receive a reply.

“If you’d like to have dinner to apologize and make it up to me, lets do it. Less talking, more doing.”

It was then Cait’s gal pal, Sophia Hutchins, who told Carmen that she had “burned a bridge” with Cait.

In addition to sharing those texts, Carmen wrote about how she met and offered support to Cait before Caitlyn’s big reveal as a trans woman.

“What I found was this lady’s ego is way too big for no reason and she’s the most selfish person I’ve ever met.”

That goes hand in hand with how many people view Cait. She may be marginalized as a trans woman, but she’s still rich white conservative woman who may have trouble empathizing with people whose lives are so very different from her own.

“She even told me to my face that she ‘wanted to be #1,’ whatever that means. Doing humanitarian work means you have to actually be a human.”


“Honestly, what does she actively do everyday for trans folks? And why does she take credit for what real activists are doing?”

Those are some solid questions. 

Carmen then calls Cait’s qualifications into account.

“Who even is she?.. A retired athletic hero turned background reality star, who is now stealing credit from the already disenfranchised trans community all for her own public benefit?”

That … isn’t the least accurate characterization of Caitlyn that we’ve seen.

“Be who you really are instead of who you think you need to be to gain more popularity. I will not let you take advantage of my people.”

Carmen’s very public post then ends with a jab at Cait and Sophia:

“Also, since you’re too much of a coward to communicate, please do not send your sidekick to handle your dirty work. She’s just as fake as you are. @hutchins_sophia”

We can all observe that Caitlyn has alienated herself from both many trans activists and other members of the LGBT+ community and from many members of her own family.

But it’s worth noting that her biggest fear for decades, that she would be rejected because she is a trans woman, did not come true.

Instead, people are wary of her for her political actions and statements and, in the case of her family, for what they perceive to be betrayals.

You don’t write a tell-all book without facing some personal consequences, folks.


Monday, May 14, 2018

Woman Arrested for Sending 65,000 Texts to Dude She Barely Knows

An Arizona woman named Jacqueline Ades has been arrested for breaking into the home of a man with whom she went on a single date last year.

This illegal act took place after she sent him approximately 65,000 texts over the course of several months, according to authorities, who have confirmed Ades would sometimes fire off as many as 500 texts in a single day.

And we know what you’re thinking:

What the what now?!?

We thought that stalker who thought Rihanna would willing sleep with him was a bit off his rocker.

The name of the man at the center of this text message flurry is unknown at the moment, but court documents state Ades met him on a dating website at some point last year.

The pair went out just one time.

According to a local ABC affiliate, the harassment began shortly after this outing.

The Paradise Valley Police Department reported that it had received four calls about Ades either entering the man’s residence or his place of business between July 2017 and this month.

In April, the man called 911 because he could see via surveillance video that Des was in his house. When police arrived the scene, she was taking a bath.

A butcher knife was later found in her car.

Ades was taken into custody and charged with felony trespass to a residence. Upon her release, she allegedly sent a text message to the man that read:

“Don’t ever try to leave me … I’ll kill you … I don’t wanna be a murderer.”

On May 4, police responded to a call from a business owned by the man because Ades was “acting irrationally and claiming to be the wife of the owner.”

She now faces felony charges of stalking and threatening and intimidating, as well as a misdemeanor count of harassment.

In an interview from an Arizona jail house late last week, Ades didn’t deny that she had been in constant, one-sided contact with the man.

“I felt like I met my soulmate and I thought we would just do what everybody else did and we would get married and everything would be fine,” Ades said.

Why did she send him so many messages?

“Loving him selflessly brought me his information,” she explained. “Because everybody just wants to take. But if you just give and you don’t stop giving, you will all of a sudden receive a lot.”

Why did she call him a “filty Jew” and reference “Hitler” and seemingly threaten his life on many occasions?

Ades often told reporters they had “negative energy” when they posed such questions, eventually adding:

“I have to share the message of love. Everybody has to love each other.”

Ades is scheduled to appear in court May 15. She is being held without bond.


Friday, April 6, 2018

Cardi B"s Outfit Barely Hides Pregnancy at Album Release Party

Cardi B and her wardrobe choices are inching closer to letting the cat out of the bag about her pregnancy. She showed up for her “Invasion of Privacy” album release party Thursday night in NYC rocking a very open jacket, albeit a loose fitting one…


Monday, February 5, 2018

Cardi B"s So Cold in Minneapolis She Can Barely Talk

Cardi B’s mouth is coming back to bite her in the ass … though it’s close to being frozen shut. We got the “Bodak Yellow” rapper Sunday night arriving at The Armory in Minneapolis and asked her about Super Bowl 52 (the Eagles won, btw)…


Monday, September 11, 2017

LSU"s Derrius Guice Nearly Flips ATV, Barely Escapes Disaster

Welcome to “What the HELL are are you doing?!” — starring LSU RB Derrius Guice … who nearly flipped an ATV trying to pull off a 4-wheeled trick and almost CRUSHED himself in the process.  If you didn’t know, Guice is an absolute stud (he…


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Mama June So Thin She Can Barely Keep Her Pants On (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Mama June’s size 4 jeans — she claims — were already falling off her slimmed-down frame Monday in Midtown NYC. June says she’s lost about 300 lbs and undergone several painful plastic surgeries … and in this video it looks like just walking is…


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Chuck Berry 911 Call ... "He"s Barely Breathing" (AUDIO)

Chuck Berry was barely breathing when he was found unresponsive in his home Saturday and the 911 caller began immediate efforts to save his life … but it was too late. In the emergency call — obtained by TMZ — a man is heard…


Thursday, March 9, 2017

"Harry Potter" Actor Jim Tavaré Barely Survives Broken Neck in Car Crash (PHOTO)

Jim Tavaré — best known for playing Tom the Innkeeper in “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” — is in ICU after suffering a broken neck and punctured lung in a nasty car accident. The 54-year-old actor and comedian also broke 15 ribs…


"Harry Potter" Actor Jim Tavaré Barely Survives Broken Neck in Car Crash (PHOTO)

Jim Tavaré — best known for playing Tom the Innkeeper in “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” — is in ICU after suffering a broken neck and punctured lung in a nasty car accident. The 54-year-old actor and comedian also broke 15 ribs…


Monday, July 11, 2016

Boyfriend Dares to Eat Girlfriend"s Pizza, Barely Lives to Tell About It

When will men learn?

As previously reported, they will still cancel booty calls at the very last minute.

And, as depicted below, they will still take what is rightfully the property of their girlfriend, failing to understand the larger issue at play when dressed down over their actions.

Allow us to set the following scene:

A man and a woman are eating at Subway. 

Instead of selecting one of the man footlong sandwiches on the menu, the woman chose to eat some pizza at the fast food chain instead.

She apparently asked if her boyfriend wanted anything and he said no.

However, after getting up from the table at one point and then returning, the woman noticed that her man had taken many bites out of her pizza.

And she was FAR from pleased over the incident.

In a nearly two-minute long video, the man recorded his girlfriend going off on him over his dastardly act, as she tried to explain to him that this wasn’t about pizza.

It was about respect.

At one point, the woman turns to a couple police officers behind her to plead her case.

At another, she throws some Fritos and a bottle of water at her man.

“I don’t want to share anything that I’m digesting. I want my own sh-t,” she says.

After her boyfriend shared the videotaped fight on Twitter and it went viral, the woman offered up her own explanation for why she sort of lost her mind.

“You plotted on getting my food when you knew I was hungry,” she accused, adding:

“All I’m asking is that you just be honest… and I will happily get you your own slice of pizza.”

Here is the woman’s full defense of her actions:

So there you have it, fellas.

It’s about honesty and respect and not scheming to swipe anything from your supposed loved one.

It’s also about not getting pizza when you’re at Subway, but that’s just our opinion on this contentious situation.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Barely Talked During Ski Vacation!

There are marriages you see as doomed, then there are those that you truly believe will go the distance.

I believe that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s union falls into the latter.  Despite reports that couple, who wed in 2014, are “heading for divorce,” K&K seem to be doing just fine.

Unless you’re a tabloid, in which case any off-handed remark can be misconstrued, and before you know it, Kim and Kanye are dividing up their assets.

Someone saw West and Kardashian interact publicly in Vail, and told Radar Online that they didn’t appear to “be affectionate at all,” adding that “not a lot of talking” went on.

West, however, was extremely pleasant

“Kanye was very kind to friends and paps,” and seemed to fine with talking to anyone who approached him.

“He was standing there like a proud dad when guys were taking pictures of North,” the eyewitness added.

The family stayed at high-end resort Solaris in the city center, and took advantage of their VIP status.

 “They were requesting three big refrigerators and they wanted family pictures at the residency with [their absent brother] Rob on there!” another source told the publication.

Still, the crew seemed grateful, calling the hotel’s gym and spa facilities ” a dream.”

Welp, seems like a good time was had by all.  Kardashian was probably on her phone while West was on toddler patrol, and Rob Kardashian was there in spirit.

As for a rift in the West marriage, yours truly thinks it’s a load of hullabaloo.