Monday, April 11, 2016

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Barely Talked During Ski Vacation!

There are marriages you see as doomed, then there are those that you truly believe will go the distance.

I believe that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s union falls into the latter.  Despite reports that couple, who wed in 2014, are “heading for divorce,” K&K seem to be doing just fine.

Unless you’re a tabloid, in which case any off-handed remark can be misconstrued, and before you know it, Kim and Kanye are dividing up their assets.

Someone saw West and Kardashian interact publicly in Vail, and told Radar Online that they didn’t appear to “be affectionate at all,” adding that “not a lot of talking” went on.

West, however, was extremely pleasant

“Kanye was very kind to friends and paps,” and seemed to fine with talking to anyone who approached him.

“He was standing there like a proud dad when guys were taking pictures of North,” the eyewitness added.

The family stayed at high-end resort Solaris in the city center, and took advantage of their VIP status.

 “They were requesting three big refrigerators and they wanted family pictures at the residency with [their absent brother] Rob on there!” another source told the publication.

Still, the crew seemed grateful, calling the hotel’s gym and spa facilities ” a dream.”

Welp, seems like a good time was had by all.  Kardashian was probably on her phone while West was on toddler patrol, and Rob Kardashian was there in spirit.

As for a rift in the West marriage, yours truly thinks it’s a load of hullabaloo.