Thursday, April 28, 2016

Justin Bieber: Comparing Himself to GOD on Instagram??

Justin Bieber has been considered rude, obnoxious, entitled and arrogant – which doesn’t make him all that different from most 22-year-olds.

Except that he has 66 million followers on Instagram.

And last night, he seemingly compared himself to God Almighty on the social media platform with the photo above.

“And on the 7th day,” he captioned the pic, which depicts him sleeping and cuddling with his dog.

Bieber is of course alluding to a quote from the Bible, which states that God created the earth in a week and rested on the seventh day.

“And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made,” reads the passage from the holy book.

Of course, his fans treat him like some sort of deity, so maybe he just believes – uh, Beliebs them?

A quick glance at the comments section reveals fans fawning all over the pop star.

“MY SWEET IDOL [plus 13 heart emojis]” 

“He’s perfection in every way!!!”

“I live for your shirtless selfies!”

“I’ll lick your armpit.”

So, obviously, he’s being encouraged.

We just hope he doesn’t continue down this road into the territory of the delusional Kanye West, who also once professed to being a god.

Justin does need his sleep, though. 

Last month, he canceled $ 2,000-a-pop meet-and-greets with fans, citing exhaustion and depression as the reasons.

Rest up, young human. Yes, HUMAN.