Friday, April 29, 2016

Jill Duggar on Baby Israel: The Kid"s Got an Attitude!

Jill Duggar has long been viewed as one of the more quiet, serious-minded Duggar siblings.

She was the first Duggar daughter to get married and start a family, and she’s spent much of the past year performing missionary work in El Salvador with her husband and 1-year-old son, Israel.

Everything seems to be going exactly according to plan – but if anyone knows that life is full of unexpected challenges, it’s Jill.

The 24-year-old has had to make a lot of adjustments in recent months, what with becoming a mom, moving to a new country, and coping with the fallout from the Josh Duggar sex scandals, but we rarely hear her complain.

So perhaps it’s not surprising when Jill feels the need to issue the mildest gripe about her rapidly-changing life:

“He has started developing a little more of an attitude recently to try to tell us when he doesn’t like certain things,” Jill recently Us Weekly when asked about her son.

Then, as if trying to dial back her comments, she added, “For the most part, as long as he is entertained, he stays happy…He has a very sweet personality.”

If you’re thinking that it’s a bit early for Jill to be complaining about her son’s “attitude,” you’re absolutely right.

Israel just turned one earlier this month, and we don’t know how much time you’ve spent with infants, but they’re generally not the most even-keeled lot.

Don’t get us wrong, Jill seems to be enjoying motherhood, and we’re sure her love for her son runs deep, but it was a bit of an odd comment to make in a public forum, and Jill seemed to realize it, as she compensated by heaping on the praise:

“He has such a cute big smile with slight dimples (from Daddy!) and big baby teeth. He melts our hearts,” she told the tabloid.

“It’s hard to tell who he will be most like as a kid, but as far as a baby, I’d say he is a lot like both of us, since from what I hear we were both pretty good babies.”

Yes, yes…an entire family of good babies, that’s it. All is well in Duggar Land!

We can’t help but wonder if a change came over Jill’s face as she switched back into PR mode.

Watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online for more of Jill maintaining a perma-grin as she copes with the challenges of raising her fist child.